147 lines
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147 lines
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* This file is part of Composer.
* (c) Nils Adermann <naderman@naderman.de>
* Jordi Boggiano <j.boggiano@seld.be>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Composer\Test\Package\Version;
use Composer\Package\Version\VersionParser;
use Composer\Package\LinkConstraint\MultiConstraint;
use Composer\Package\LinkConstraint\VersionConstraint;
class VersionParserTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
* @dataProvider successfulNormalizedVersions
public function testNormalizeSucceeds($input, $expected)
$parser = new VersionParser;
$this->assertEquals($expected, $parser->normalize($input));
public function successfulNormalizedVersions()
return array(
'none' => array('1.0.0', ''),
'none' => array('', ''),
'parses state' => array('1.0.0RC1dev', ''),
'CI parsing' => array('1.0.0-rC15-dev', ''),
'delimiters' => array('1.0.0.RC.15-dev', ''),
'forces w.x.y.z' => array('1.0-dev', ''),
'forces w.x.y.z' => array('0', ''),
'parses long' => array('10.4.13-beta', ''),
'strips leading v' => array('v1.0.0', '1.0.0'),
'strips leading v' => array('v20100102', '20100102'),
'parses dates y-m' => array('2010.01', '2010-01'),
'parses dates w/ .' => array('2010.01.02', '2010-01-02'),
'parses dates w/ -' => array('2010-01-02', '2010-01-02'),
'parses numbers' => array('2010-01-02.5', '2010-01-02-5'),
'parses datetime' => array('20100102-203040', '20100102-203040'),
'parses dt+number' => array('20100102203040-10', '20100102203040-10'),
'parses dt+patch' => array('20100102-203040-p1', '20100102-203040-patch1'),
* @dataProvider failingNormalizedVersions
* @expectedException UnexpectedValueException
public function testNormalizeFails($input)
$parser = new VersionParser;
public function failingNormalizedVersions()
return array(
'empty ' => array(''),
'invalid chars' => array('a'),
'invalid type' => array('1.0.0-meh'),
'too many bits' => array(''),
* @dataProvider simpleConstraints
public function testParseConstraintsSimple($input, $expected)
$parser = new VersionParser;
$this->assertEquals((string) $expected, (string) $parser->parseConstraints($input));
public function simpleConstraints()
return array(
'greater than' => array('>1.0.0', new VersionConstraint('>', '')),
'lesser than' => array('<', new VersionConstraint('<', '')),
'less/eq than' => array('<=1.2.3', new VersionConstraint('<=', '')),
'great/eq than' => array('>=1.2.3', new VersionConstraint('>=', '')),
'equals' => array('=1.2.3', new VersionConstraint('=', '')),
'double equals' => array('==1.2.3', new VersionConstraint('=', '')),
'no op means eq' => array('1.2.3', new VersionConstraint('=', '')),
'completes version' => array('=1.0', new VersionConstraint('=', '')),
'accepts spaces' => array('>= 1.2.3', new VersionConstraint('>=', '')),
* @dataProvider wildcardConstraints
public function testParseConstraintsWildcard($input, $min, $max)
$parser = new VersionParser;
$expected = new MultiConstraint(array($min, $max));
$this->assertEquals((string) $expected, (string) $parser->parseConstraints($input));
public function wildcardConstraints()
return array(
array('2.*', new VersionConstraint('>=', ''), new VersionConstraint('<', '')),
array('20.*', new VersionConstraint('>=', ''), new VersionConstraint('<', '')),
array('2.0.*', new VersionConstraint('>=', ''), new VersionConstraint('<', '')),
array('2.2.*', new VersionConstraint('>=', ''), new VersionConstraint('<', '')),
array('2.10.*', new VersionConstraint('>=', ''), new VersionConstraint('<', '')),
array('2.1.3.*', new VersionConstraint('>=', ''), new VersionConstraint('<', '')),
public function testParseConstraintsMulti()
$parser = new VersionParser;
$first = new VersionConstraint('>', '');
$second = new VersionConstraint('<=', '');
$multi = new MultiConstraint(array($first, $second));
$this->assertEquals((string) $multi, (string) $parser->parseConstraints('>2.0,<=3.0'));
* @dataProvider failingConstraints
* @expectedException UnexpectedValueException
public function testParseConstraintsFails($input)
$parser = new VersionParser;
public function failingConstraints()
return array(
'empty ' => array(''),
'invalid version' => array('1.0.0-meh'),