469 lines
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469 lines
17 KiB
* This file is part of Composer.
* (c) Nils Adermann <naderman@naderman.de>
* Jordi Boggiano <j.boggiano@seld.be>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Composer;
use Composer\Config\JsonConfigSource;
use Composer\Json\JsonFile;
use Composer\IO\IOInterface;
use Composer\Package\Archiver;
use Composer\Repository\RepositoryManager;
use Composer\Repository\RepositoryInterface;
use Composer\Util\ProcessExecutor;
use Composer\Util\RemoteFilesystem;
use Composer\Util\Filesystem;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Formatter\OutputFormatterStyle;
use Composer\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher;
use Composer\Autoload\AutoloadGenerator;
use Composer\Package\Version\VersionParser;
* Creates a configured instance of composer.
* @author Ryan Weaver <ryan@knplabs.com>
* @author Jordi Boggiano <j.boggiano@seld.be>
* @author Igor Wiedler <igor@wiedler.ch>
* @author Nils Adermann <naderman@naderman.de>
class Factory
* @return string
protected static function getHomeDir()
$home = getenv('COMPOSER_HOME');
if (!$home) {
if (!getenv('APPDATA')) {
throw new \RuntimeException('The APPDATA or COMPOSER_HOME environment variable must be set for composer to run correctly');
$home = strtr(getenv('APPDATA'), '\\', '/') . '/Composer';
} else {
if (!getenv('HOME')) {
throw new \RuntimeException('The HOME or COMPOSER_HOME environment variable must be set for composer to run correctly');
$home = rtrim(getenv('HOME'), '/') . '/.composer';
return $home;
* @return string
protected static function getCacheDir($home)
$cacheDir = getenv('COMPOSER_CACHE_DIR');
if (!$cacheDir) {
if ($cacheDir = getenv('LOCALAPPDATA')) {
$cacheDir .= '/Composer';
} else {
$cacheDir = $home . '/cache';
$cacheDir = strtr($cacheDir, '\\', '/');
} else {
$cacheDir = $home.'/cache';
return $cacheDir;
* @return Config
public static function createConfig(IOInterface $io = null)
// determine home and cache dirs
$home = self::getHomeDir();
$cacheDir = self::getCacheDir($home);
// Protect directory against web access. Since HOME could be
// the www-data's user home and be web-accessible it is a
// potential security risk
foreach (array($home, $cacheDir) as $dir) {
if (!file_exists($dir . '/.htaccess')) {
if (!is_dir($dir)) {
@mkdir($dir, 0777, true);
@file_put_contents($dir . '/.htaccess', 'Deny from all');
$config = new Config();
// add dirs to the config
$config->merge(array('config' => array('home' => $home, 'cache-dir' => $cacheDir)));
// load global config
$file = new JsonFile($home.'/config.json');
if ($file->exists()) {
if ($io && $io->isDebug()) {
$io->write('Loading config file ' . $file->getPath());
$config->setConfigSource(new JsonConfigSource($file));
// load global auth file
$file = new JsonFile($config->get('home').'/auth.json');
if ($file->exists()) {
if ($io && $io->isDebug()) {
$io->write('Loading config file ' . $file->getPath());
$config->merge(array('config' => $file->read()));
$config->setAuthConfigSource(new JsonConfigSource($file, true));
return $config;
public static function getComposerFile()
return trim(getenv('COMPOSER')) ?: './composer.json';
public static function createAdditionalStyles()
return array(
'highlight' => new OutputFormatterStyle('red'),
'warning' => new OutputFormatterStyle('black', 'yellow'),
public static function createDefaultRepositories(IOInterface $io = null, Config $config = null, RepositoryManager $rm = null)
$repos = array();
if (!$config) {
$config = static::createConfig($io);
if (!$rm) {
if (!$io) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('This function requires either an IOInterface or a RepositoryManager');
$factory = new static;
$rm = $factory->createRepositoryManager($io, $config);
foreach ($config->getRepositories() as $index => $repo) {
if (!is_array($repo)) {
throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Repository '.$index.' ('.json_encode($repo).') should be an array, '.gettype($repo).' given');
if (!isset($repo['type'])) {
throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Repository '.$index.' ('.json_encode($repo).') must have a type defined');
$name = is_int($index) && isset($repo['url']) ? preg_replace('{^https?://}i', '', $repo['url']) : $index;
while (isset($repos[$name])) {
$name .= '2';
$repos[$name] = $rm->createRepository($repo['type'], $repo);
return $repos;
* Creates a Composer instance
* @param IOInterface $io IO instance
* @param array|string|null $localConfig either a configuration array or a filename to read from, if null it will
* read from the default filename
* @param bool $disablePlugins Whether plugins should not be loaded
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException
* @throws \UnexpectedValueException
* @return Composer
public function createComposer(IOInterface $io, $localConfig = null, $disablePlugins = false)
// load Composer configuration
if (null === $localConfig) {
$localConfig = static::getComposerFile();
if (is_string($localConfig)) {
$composerFile = $localConfig;
$file = new JsonFile($localConfig, new RemoteFilesystem($io));
if (!$file->exists()) {
if ($localConfig === './composer.json' || $localConfig === 'composer.json') {
$message = 'Composer could not find a composer.json file in '.getcwd();
} else {
$message = 'Composer could not find the config file: '.$localConfig;
$instructions = 'To initialize a project, please create a composer.json file as described in the http://getcomposer.org/ "Getting Started" section';
throw new \InvalidArgumentException($message.PHP_EOL.$instructions);
$localConfig = $file->read();
// Load config and override with local config/auth config
$config = static::createConfig($io);
if (isset($composerFile)) {
if ($io && $io->isDebug()) {
$io->write('Loading config file ' . $composerFile);
$localAuthFile = new JsonFile(dirname(realpath($composerFile)) . '/auth.json');
if ($localAuthFile->exists()) {
if ($io && $io->isDebug()) {
$io->write('Loading config file ' . $localAuthFile->getPath());
$config->merge(array('config' => $localAuthFile->read()));
$config->setAuthConfigSource(new JsonConfigSource($localAuthFile, true));
// load auth configs into the IO instance
$vendorDir = $config->get('vendor-dir');
$binDir = $config->get('bin-dir');
// setup process timeout
ProcessExecutor::setTimeout((int) $config->get('process-timeout'));
// initialize composer
$composer = new Composer();
// initialize event dispatcher
$dispatcher = new EventDispatcher($composer, $io);
// initialize repository manager
$rm = $this->createRepositoryManager($io, $config, $dispatcher);
// load local repository
$this->addLocalRepository($rm, $vendorDir);
// load package
$parser = new VersionParser;
$loader = new Package\Loader\RootPackageLoader($rm, $config, $parser, new ProcessExecutor($io));
$package = $loader->load($localConfig);
// initialize installation manager
$im = $this->createInstallationManager();
// Composer composition
// initialize download manager
$dm = $this->createDownloadManager($io, $config, $dispatcher);
// initialize autoload generator
$generator = new AutoloadGenerator($dispatcher, $io);
// add installers to the manager
$this->createDefaultInstallers($im, $composer, $io);
$globalRepository = $this->createGlobalRepository($config, $vendorDir);
$pm = $this->createPluginManager($composer, $io, $globalRepository);
if (!$disablePlugins) {
// purge packages if they have been deleted on the filesystem
$this->purgePackages($rm, $im);
// init locker if possible
if (isset($composerFile)) {
$lockFile = "json" === pathinfo($composerFile, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)
? substr($composerFile, 0, -4).'lock'
: $composerFile . '.lock';
$locker = new Package\Locker($io, new JsonFile($lockFile, new RemoteFilesystem($io, $config)), $rm, $im, md5_file($composerFile));
return $composer;
* @param IOInterface $io
* @param Config $config
* @param EventDispatcher $eventDispatcher
* @return Repository\RepositoryManager
protected function createRepositoryManager(IOInterface $io, Config $config, EventDispatcher $eventDispatcher = null)
$rm = new RepositoryManager($io, $config, $eventDispatcher);
$rm->setRepositoryClass('composer', 'Composer\Repository\ComposerRepository');
$rm->setRepositoryClass('vcs', 'Composer\Repository\VcsRepository');
$rm->setRepositoryClass('package', 'Composer\Repository\PackageRepository');
$rm->setRepositoryClass('pear', 'Composer\Repository\PearRepository');
$rm->setRepositoryClass('git', 'Composer\Repository\VcsRepository');
$rm->setRepositoryClass('svn', 'Composer\Repository\VcsRepository');
$rm->setRepositoryClass('perforce', 'Composer\Repository\VcsRepository');
$rm->setRepositoryClass('hg', 'Composer\Repository\VcsRepository');
$rm->setRepositoryClass('artifact', 'Composer\Repository\ArtifactRepository');
return $rm;
* @param Repository\RepositoryManager $rm
* @param string $vendorDir
protected function addLocalRepository(RepositoryManager $rm, $vendorDir)
$rm->setLocalRepository(new Repository\InstalledFilesystemRepository(new JsonFile($vendorDir.'/composer/installed.json')));
* @param Config $config
* @param string $vendorDir
protected function createGlobalRepository(Config $config, $vendorDir)
if ($config->get('home') == $vendorDir) {
return null;
$path = $config->get('home').'/vendor/composer/installed.json';
if (!file_exists($path)) {
return null;
return new Repository\InstalledFilesystemRepository(new JsonFile($path));
* @param IO\IOInterface $io
* @param Config $config
* @param EventDispatcher $eventDispatcher
* @return Downloader\DownloadManager
public function createDownloadManager(IOInterface $io, Config $config, EventDispatcher $eventDispatcher = null)
$cache = null;
if ($config->get('cache-files-ttl') > 0) {
$cache = new Cache($io, $config->get('cache-files-dir'), 'a-z0-9_./');
$dm = new Downloader\DownloadManager($io);
switch ($config->get('preferred-install')) {
case 'dist':
case 'source':
case 'auto':
// noop
$dm->setDownloader('git', new Downloader\GitDownloader($io, $config));
$dm->setDownloader('svn', new Downloader\SvnDownloader($io, $config));
$dm->setDownloader('hg', new Downloader\HgDownloader($io, $config));
$dm->setDownloader('perforce', new Downloader\PerforceDownloader($io, $config));
$dm->setDownloader('zip', new Downloader\ZipDownloader($io, $config, $eventDispatcher, $cache));
$dm->setDownloader('rar', new Downloader\RarDownloader($io, $config, $eventDispatcher, $cache));
$dm->setDownloader('tar', new Downloader\TarDownloader($io, $config, $eventDispatcher, $cache));
$dm->setDownloader('gzip', new Downloader\GzipDownloader($io, $config, $eventDispatcher, $cache));
$dm->setDownloader('phar', new Downloader\PharDownloader($io, $config, $eventDispatcher, $cache));
$dm->setDownloader('file', new Downloader\FileDownloader($io, $config, $eventDispatcher, $cache));
return $dm;
* @param Config $config The configuration
* @param Downloader\DownloadManager $dm Manager use to download sources
* @return Archiver\ArchiveManager
public function createArchiveManager(Config $config, Downloader\DownloadManager $dm = null)
if (null === $dm) {
$io = new IO\NullIO();
$dm = $this->createDownloadManager($io, $config);
$am = new Archiver\ArchiveManager($dm);
$am->addArchiver(new Archiver\PharArchiver);
return $am;
* @return Plugin\PluginManager
protected function createPluginManager(Composer $composer, IOInterface $io, RepositoryInterface $globalRepository = null)
return new Plugin\PluginManager($composer, $io, $globalRepository);
* @return Installer\InstallationManager
protected function createInstallationManager()
return new Installer\InstallationManager();
* @param Installer\InstallationManager $im
* @param Composer $composer
* @param IO\IOInterface $io
protected function createDefaultInstallers(Installer\InstallationManager $im, Composer $composer, IOInterface $io)
$im->addInstaller(new Installer\LibraryInstaller($io, $composer, null));
$im->addInstaller(new Installer\PearInstaller($io, $composer, 'pear-library'));
$im->addInstaller(new Installer\PluginInstaller($io, $composer));
$im->addInstaller(new Installer\MetapackageInstaller($io));
* @param Repository\RepositoryManager $rm
* @param Installer\InstallationManager $im
protected function purgePackages(Repository\RepositoryManager $rm, Installer\InstallationManager $im)
$repo = $rm->getLocalRepository();
foreach ($repo->getPackages() as $package) {
if (!$im->isPackageInstalled($repo, $package)) {
* @param IOInterface $io IO instance
* @param mixed $config either a configuration array or a filename to read from, if null it will read from
* the default filename
* @param bool $disablePlugins Whether plugins should not be loaded
* @return Composer
public static function create(IOInterface $io, $config = null, $disablePlugins = false)
$factory = new static();
return $factory->createComposer($io, $config, $disablePlugins);