829 lines
26 KiB
829 lines
26 KiB
* This file is part of Composer.
* (c) Nils Adermann <naderman@naderman.de>
* Jordi Boggiano <j.boggiano@seld.be>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Composer\DependencyResolver;
use Composer\Filter\PlatformRequirementFilter\IgnoreListPlatformRequirementFilter;
use Composer\Filter\PlatformRequirementFilter\PlatformRequirementFilterFactory;
use Composer\Filter\PlatformRequirementFilter\PlatformRequirementFilterInterface;
use Composer\IO\IOInterface;
use Composer\Package\BasePackage;
* @author Nils Adermann <naderman@naderman.de>
class Solver
const BRANCH_LEVEL = 1;
/** @var PolicyInterface */
protected $policy;
/** @var Pool */
protected $pool;
/** @var RuleSet */
protected $rules;
/** @var RuleWatchGraph */
protected $watchGraph;
/** @var Decisions */
protected $decisions;
/** @var BasePackage[] */
protected $fixedMap;
/** @var int */
protected $propagateIndex;
/** @var mixed[] */
protected $branches = array();
/** @var Problem[] */
protected $problems = array();
/** @var array<Rule[]> */
protected $learnedPool = array();
/** @var array<string, int> */
protected $learnedWhy = array();
/** @var bool */
public $testFlagLearnedPositiveLiteral = false;
/** @var IOInterface */
protected $io;
public function __construct(PolicyInterface $policy, Pool $pool, IOInterface $io)
$this->io = $io;
$this->policy = $policy;
$this->pool = $pool;
* @return int
public function getRuleSetSize(): int
return \count($this->rules);
* @return Pool
public function getPool(): Pool
return $this->pool;
// aka solver_makeruledecisions
* @return void
private function makeAssertionRuleDecisions(): void
$decisionStart = \count($this->decisions) - 1;
$rulesCount = \count($this->rules);
for ($ruleIndex = 0; $ruleIndex < $rulesCount; $ruleIndex++) {
$rule = $this->rules->ruleById[$ruleIndex];
if (!$rule->isAssertion() || $rule->isDisabled()) {
$literals = $rule->getLiterals();
$literal = $literals[0];
if (!$this->decisions->decided($literal)) {
$this->decisions->decide($literal, 1, $rule);
if ($this->decisions->satisfy($literal)) {
// found a conflict
if (RuleSet::TYPE_LEARNED === $rule->getType()) {
$conflict = $this->decisions->decisionRule($literal);
if ($conflict && RuleSet::TYPE_PACKAGE === $conflict->getType()) {
$problem = new Problem();
$this->problems[] = $problem;
// conflict with another root require/fixed package
$problem = new Problem();
// push all of our rules (can only be root require/fixed package rules)
// asserting this literal on the problem stack
foreach ($this->rules->getIteratorFor(RuleSet::TYPE_REQUEST) as $assertRule) {
if ($assertRule->isDisabled() || !$assertRule->isAssertion()) {
$assertRuleLiterals = $assertRule->getLiterals();
$assertRuleLiteral = $assertRuleLiterals[0];
if (abs($literal) !== abs($assertRuleLiteral)) {
$this->problems[] = $problem;
$ruleIndex = -1;
* @return void
protected function setupFixedMap(Request $request): void
$this->fixedMap = array();
foreach ($request->getFixedPackages() as $package) {
$this->fixedMap[$package->id] = $package;
* @return void
protected function checkForRootRequireProblems(Request $request, PlatformRequirementFilterInterface $platformRequirementFilter): void
foreach ($request->getRequires() as $packageName => $constraint) {
if ($platformRequirementFilter->isIgnored($packageName)) {
} elseif ($platformRequirementFilter instanceof IgnoreListPlatformRequirementFilter) {
$constraint = $platformRequirementFilter->filterConstraint($packageName, $constraint);
if (!$this->pool->whatProvides($packageName, $constraint)) {
$problem = new Problem();
$problem->addRule(new GenericRule(array(), Rule::RULE_ROOT_REQUIRE, array('packageName' => $packageName, 'constraint' => $constraint)));
$this->problems[] = $problem;
* @return LockTransaction
public function solve(Request $request, PlatformRequirementFilterInterface $platformRequirementFilter = null): LockTransaction
$platformRequirementFilter = $platformRequirementFilter ?: PlatformRequirementFilterFactory::ignoreNothing();
$this->io->writeError('Generating rules', true, IOInterface::DEBUG);
$ruleSetGenerator = new RuleSetGenerator($this->policy, $this->pool);
$this->rules = $ruleSetGenerator->getRulesFor($request, $platformRequirementFilter);
$this->checkForRootRequireProblems($request, $platformRequirementFilter);
$this->decisions = new Decisions($this->pool);
$this->watchGraph = new RuleWatchGraph;
foreach ($this->rules as $rule) {
$this->watchGraph->insert(new RuleWatchNode($rule));
/* make decisions based on root require/fix assertions */
$this->io->writeError('Resolving dependencies through SAT', true, IOInterface::DEBUG);
$before = microtime(true);
$this->io->writeError('', true, IOInterface::DEBUG);
$this->io->writeError(sprintf('Dependency resolution completed in %.3f seconds', microtime(true) - $before), true, IOInterface::VERBOSE);
if ($this->problems) {
throw new SolverProblemsException($this->problems, $this->learnedPool);
return new LockTransaction($this->pool, $request->getPresentMap(), $request->getFixedPackagesMap(), $this->decisions);
* Makes a decision and propagates it to all rules.
* Evaluates each term affected by the decision (linked through watches)
* If we find unit rules we make new decisions based on them
* @param int $level
* @return Rule|null A rule on conflict, otherwise null.
protected function propagate($level): ?Rule
while ($this->decisions->validOffset($this->propagateIndex)) {
$decision = $this->decisions->atOffset($this->propagateIndex);
$conflict = $this->watchGraph->propagateLiteral(
if ($conflict) {
return $conflict;
return null;
* Reverts a decision at the given level.
* @param int $level
* @return void
private function revert($level): void
while (!$this->decisions->isEmpty()) {
$literal = $this->decisions->lastLiteral();
if ($this->decisions->undecided($literal)) {
$decisionLevel = $this->decisions->decisionLevel($literal);
if ($decisionLevel <= $level) {
$this->propagateIndex = \count($this->decisions);
while (!empty($this->branches) && $this->branches[\count($this->branches) - 1][self::BRANCH_LEVEL] >= $level) {
* setpropagatelearn
* add free decision (a positive literal) to decision queue
* increase level and propagate decision
* return if no conflict.
* in conflict case, analyze conflict rule, add resulting
* rule to learnt rule set, make decision from learnt
* rule (always unit) and re-propagate.
* returns the new solver level or 0 if unsolvable
* @param int $level
* @param string|int $literal
* @return int
private function setPropagateLearn($level, $literal, Rule $rule): int
$this->decisions->decide($literal, $level, $rule);
while (true) {
$rule = $this->propagate($level);
if (!$rule) {
if ($level == 1) {
return $this->analyzeUnsolvable($rule);
// conflict
list($learnLiteral, $newLevel, $newRule, $why) = $this->analyze($level, $rule);
if ($newLevel <= 0 || $newLevel >= $level) {
throw new SolverBugException(
"Trying to revert to invalid level ".$newLevel." from level ".$level."."
$level = $newLevel;
$this->rules->add($newRule, RuleSet::TYPE_LEARNED);
$this->learnedWhy[spl_object_hash($newRule)] = $why;
$ruleNode = new RuleWatchNode($newRule);
$this->decisions->decide($learnLiteral, $level, $newRule);
return $level;
* @param int $level
* @param int[] $decisionQueue
* @return int
private function selectAndInstall($level, array $decisionQueue, Rule $rule): int
// choose best package to install from decisionQueue
$literals = $this->policy->selectPreferredPackages($this->pool, $decisionQueue, $rule->getRequiredPackage());
$selectedLiteral = array_shift($literals);
// if there are multiple candidates, then branch
if (\count($literals)) {
$this->branches[] = array($literals, $level);
return $this->setPropagateLearn($level, $selectedLiteral, $rule);
* @param int $level
* @return array{int, int, GenericRule, int}
protected function analyze($level, Rule $rule): array
$analyzedRule = $rule;
$ruleLevel = 1;
$num = 0;
$l1num = 0;
$seen = array();
$learnedLiterals = array(null);
$decisionId = \count($this->decisions);
$this->learnedPool[] = array();
while (true) {
$this->learnedPool[\count($this->learnedPool) - 1][] = $rule;
foreach ($rule->getLiterals() as $literal) {
// multiconflictrule is really a bunch of rules in one, so some may not have finished propagating yet
if ($rule instanceof MultiConflictRule && !$this->decisions->decided($literal)) {
// skip the one true literal
if ($this->decisions->satisfy($literal)) {
if (isset($seen[abs($literal)])) {
$seen[abs($literal)] = true;
$l = $this->decisions->decisionLevel($literal);
if (1 === $l) {
} elseif ($level === $l) {
} else {
// not level1 or conflict level, add to new rule
$learnedLiterals[] = $literal;
if ($l > $ruleLevel) {
$ruleLevel = $l;
$l1retry = true;
while ($l1retry) {
$l1retry = false;
if (0 === $num && 0 === --$l1num) {
// all level 1 literals done
break 2;
while (true) {
if ($decisionId <= 0) {
throw new SolverBugException(
"Reached invalid decision id $decisionId while looking through $rule for a literal present in the analyzed rule $analyzedRule."
$decision = $this->decisions->atOffset($decisionId);
$literal = $decision[Decisions::DECISION_LITERAL];
if (isset($seen[abs($literal)])) {
if (0 !== $num && 0 === --$num) {
if ($literal < 0) {
$this->testFlagLearnedPositiveLiteral = true;
$learnedLiterals[0] = -$literal;
if (!$l1num) {
break 2;
foreach ($learnedLiterals as $i => $learnedLiteral) {
if ($i !== 0) {
// only level 1 marks left
$l1retry = true;
} else {
$decision = $this->decisions->atOffset($decisionId);
$rule = $decision[Decisions::DECISION_REASON];
if ($rule instanceof MultiConflictRule) {
// there is only ever exactly one positive decision in a multiconflict rule
foreach ($rule->getLiterals() as $literal) {
if (!isset($seen[abs($literal)]) && $this->decisions->satisfy(-$literal)) {
$this->learnedPool[\count($this->learnedPool) - 1][] = $rule;
$l = $this->decisions->decisionLevel($literal);
if (1 === $l) {
} elseif ($level === $l) {
} else {
// not level1 or conflict level, add to new rule
$learnedLiterals[] = $literal;
if ($l > $ruleLevel) {
$ruleLevel = $l;
$seen[abs($literal)] = true;
$l1retry = true;
$decision = $this->decisions->atOffset($decisionId);
$rule = $decision[Decisions::DECISION_REASON];
$why = \count($this->learnedPool) - 1;
if (!$learnedLiterals[0]) {
throw new SolverBugException(
"Did not find a learnable literal in analyzed rule $analyzedRule."
$newRule = new GenericRule($learnedLiterals, Rule::RULE_LEARNED, $why);
return array($learnedLiterals[0], $ruleLevel, $newRule, $why);
* @param array<string, true> $ruleSeen
* @return void
private function analyzeUnsolvableRule(Problem $problem, Rule $conflictRule, array &$ruleSeen): void
$why = spl_object_hash($conflictRule);
$ruleSeen[$why] = true;
if ($conflictRule->getType() == RuleSet::TYPE_LEARNED) {
$learnedWhy = $this->learnedWhy[$why];
$problemRules = $this->learnedPool[$learnedWhy];
foreach ($problemRules as $problemRule) {
if (!isset($ruleSeen[spl_object_hash($problemRule)])) {
$this->analyzeUnsolvableRule($problem, $problemRule, $ruleSeen);
if ($conflictRule->getType() == RuleSet::TYPE_PACKAGE) {
// package rules cannot be part of a problem
* @return int
private function analyzeUnsolvable(Rule $conflictRule): int
$problem = new Problem();
$ruleSeen = array();
$this->analyzeUnsolvableRule($problem, $conflictRule, $ruleSeen);
$this->problems[] = $problem;
$seen = array();
$literals = $conflictRule->getLiterals();
foreach ($literals as $literal) {
// skip the one true literal
if ($this->decisions->satisfy($literal)) {
$seen[abs($literal)] = true;
foreach ($this->decisions as $decision) {
$literal = $decision[Decisions::DECISION_LITERAL];
// skip literals that are not in this rule
if (!isset($seen[abs($literal)])) {
$why = $decision[Decisions::DECISION_REASON];
$this->analyzeUnsolvableRule($problem, $why, $ruleSeen);
$literals = $why->getLiterals();
foreach ($literals as $literal) {
// skip the one true literal
if ($this->decisions->satisfy($literal)) {
$seen[abs($literal)] = true;
return 0;
* enable/disable learnt rules
* we have enabled or disabled some of our rules. We now re-enable all
* of our learnt rules except the ones that were learnt from rules that
* are now disabled.
* @return void
private function enableDisableLearnedRules(): void
foreach ($this->rules->getIteratorFor(RuleSet::TYPE_LEARNED) as $rule) {
$why = $this->learnedWhy[spl_object_hash($rule)];
$problemRules = $this->learnedPool[$why];
$foundDisabled = false;
foreach ($problemRules as $problemRule) {
if ($problemRule->isDisabled()) {
$foundDisabled = true;
if ($foundDisabled && $rule->isEnabled()) {
} elseif (!$foundDisabled && $rule->isDisabled()) {
* @return void
private function runSat(): void
$this->propagateIndex = 0;
* here's the main loop:
* 1) propagate new decisions (only needed once)
* 2) fulfill root requires/fixed packages
* 3) fulfill all unresolved rules
* 4) minimalize solution if we had choices
* if we encounter a problem, we rewind to a safe level and restart
* with step 1
$level = 1;
$systemLevel = $level + 1;
while (true) {
if (1 === $level) {
$conflictRule = $this->propagate($level);
if (null !== $conflictRule) {
if ($this->analyzeUnsolvable($conflictRule)) {
// handle root require/fixed package rules
if ($level < $systemLevel) {
$iterator = $this->rules->getIteratorFor(RuleSet::TYPE_REQUEST);
foreach ($iterator as $rule) {
if ($rule->isEnabled()) {
$decisionQueue = array();
$noneSatisfied = true;
foreach ($rule->getLiterals() as $literal) {
if ($this->decisions->satisfy($literal)) {
$noneSatisfied = false;
if ($literal > 0 && $this->decisions->undecided($literal)) {
$decisionQueue[] = $literal;
if ($noneSatisfied && \count($decisionQueue)) {
// if any of the options in the decision queue are fixed, only use those
$prunedQueue = array();
foreach ($decisionQueue as $literal) {
if (isset($this->fixedMap[abs($literal)])) {
$prunedQueue[] = $literal;
if (!empty($prunedQueue)) {
$decisionQueue = $prunedQueue;
if ($noneSatisfied && \count($decisionQueue)) {
$oLevel = $level;
$level = $this->selectAndInstall($level, $decisionQueue, $rule);
if (0 === $level) {
if ($level <= $oLevel) {
$systemLevel = $level + 1;
// root requires/fixed packages left
if ($iterator->valid()) {
if ($level < $systemLevel) {
$systemLevel = $level;
$rulesCount = \count($this->rules);
$pass = 1;
$this->io->writeError('Looking at all rules.', true, IOInterface::DEBUG);
for ($i = 0, $n = 0; $n < $rulesCount; $i++, $n++) {
if ($i == $rulesCount) {
if (1 === $pass) {
$this->io->writeError("Something's changed, looking at all rules again (pass #$pass)", false, IOInterface::DEBUG);
} else {
$this->io->overwriteError("Something's changed, looking at all rules again (pass #$pass)", false, null, IOInterface::DEBUG);
$i = 0;
$rule = $this->rules->ruleById[$i];
$literals = $rule->getLiterals();
if ($rule->isDisabled()) {
$decisionQueue = array();
// make sure that
// * all negative literals are installed
// * no positive literal is installed
// i.e. the rule is not fulfilled and we
// just need to decide on the positive literals
foreach ($literals as $literal) {
if ($literal <= 0) {
if (!$this->decisions->decidedInstall($literal)) {
continue 2; // next rule
} else {
if ($this->decisions->decidedInstall($literal)) {
continue 2; // next rule
if ($this->decisions->undecided($literal)) {
$decisionQueue[] = $literal;
// need to have at least 2 item to pick from
if (\count($decisionQueue) < 2) {
$level = $this->selectAndInstall($level, $decisionQueue, $rule);
if (0 === $level) {
// something changed, so look at all rules again
$rulesCount = \count($this->rules);
$n = -1;
if ($level < $systemLevel) {
// minimization step
if (\count($this->branches)) {
$lastLiteral = null;
$lastLevel = null;
$lastBranchIndex = 0;
$lastBranchOffset = 0;
for ($i = \count($this->branches) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
list($literals, $l) = $this->branches[$i];
foreach ($literals as $offset => $literal) {
if ($literal && $literal > 0 && $this->decisions->decisionLevel($literal) > $l + 1) {
$lastLiteral = $literal;
$lastBranchIndex = $i;
$lastBranchOffset = $offset;
$lastLevel = $l;
if ($lastLiteral) {
$level = $lastLevel;
$why = $this->decisions->lastReason();
$level = $this->setPropagateLearn($level, $lastLiteral, $why);
if ($level == 0) {