#!/usr/bin/env php = 70200) { $formats[] = 'bmp'; if (PHP_VERSION_ID >= 80100) { $formats[] = 'avif'; } } $tempFile = null; $image2 = null; try { foreach ($formats as $format) { echo "Checking format {$format}... "; $loadFuntion = "imagecreatefrom{$format}"; if (!function_exists($loadFuntion)) { throw new Exception("{$loadFuntion}() function is missing"); } $saveFuntion = "image{$format}"; if (!function_exists($saveFuntion)) { if ($format === 'xpm') { echo "skipping tests since PHP can't save images to that format.\n"; continue; } throw new Exception("{$saveFuntion}() function is missing"); } $tempFile = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'dpei'); ob_start(); if ($saveFuntion($image, $tempFile) === false) { throw new Exception("{$saveFuntion}() failed"); } $contents = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); if (!is_file($tempFile)) { throw new Exception("{$saveFuntion}() didn't create a file"); } if (filesize($tempFile) < 1) { if ($format !== 'xbm' || PHP_VERSION_ID >= 50600 || $contents === '') { throw new Exception("{$saveFuntion}() created an empty file"); } file_put_contents($tempFile, $contents); } $image2 = $loadFuntion($tempFile); unlink($tempFile); $tempFile = null; if (!(is_resource($image2) || is_object($image2)) || imagesx($image2) !== $imageWidth || imagesy($image2) !== $imageHeight) { throw new Exception("{$loadFuntion}() failed"); } imagedestroy($image2); echo "done.\n"; } if (!function_exists('imagefttext')) { throw new Exception('imagefttext() function is missing'); } if (!function_exists('imageantialias')) { throw new Exception('imageantialias() function is missing'); } $rc = 0; } catch (Exception $x) { $rc = 1; fwrite(STDERR, $x->getMessage()); } catch (Throwable $x) { $rc = 1; fwrite(STDERR, $x->getMessage()); } finally { imagedestroy($image); if (is_resource($image2)) { imagedestroy($image2); } if ($tempFile !== null) { unlink($tempFile); } } exit($rc);