#!/bin/sh # Let's set a sane environment set -o errexit set -o nounset WANTED_VERSION="${1:-}" WANTED_VERSION_BASE="${1#^}" WANTED_VERSION_BASE="${WANTED_VERSION_BASE%@*}" INSTALLME=xdebug if test -n "$WANTED_VERSION"; then INSTALLME="$INSTALLME-$1" fi CI=true ./install-php-extensions "$INSTALLME" INSTALLED_VERSION="$(php --ri xdebug | grep -Ei 'Version\s*=>\s*' | sed -E 's/^.*?=>\s*//')" if test -z "$WANTED_VERSION"; then printf 'Installing the default version worked (we installed version %s)\n' "$INSTALLED_VERSION" elif test "$WANTED_VERSION" = "$INSTALLED_VERSION"; then printf 'Installing specific version %s worked\n' "$WANTED_VERSION" elif test "$WANTED_VERSION" != "$WANTED_VERSION_BASE" && test "${INSTALLED_VERSION#$WANTED_VERSION_BASE.}" != "$INSTALLED_VERSION"; then printf 'Installing version compatible with %s worked (we installed version %s)\n' "$WANTED_VERSION" "$INSTALLED_VERSION" else printf 'We wanted to install version %s, but we installed %s\n' "$WANTED_VERSION" "$INSTALLED_VERSION" >&2 exit 1 fi