#!/bin/bash # # Downloads upstream releases and uses reprepro to update the # repository in debian/. This is idempotent and doesn't clobber files # if the latest releases is already included. # set -e release_repo=tonarino/innernet has_changes() { git status --porcelain "$@" | grep -q . } main() { local tmpd tmpd="$(mktemp -d tmp.addlatest.XXXXXXXXXX)" ( cd "$tmpd" wget -Olatest.json \ -H'Accept: application/json' \ "https://api.github.com/repos/$release_repo/releases/latest" cat latest.json \ | jq -r '.assets[] | select(.name | endswith(".deb")) | (.name + " " + .url)' \ | while read name url; do wget --header='Accept: application/octet-stream' -O"$name" "$url" reprepro -b ../debian includedeb unstable "$name" done if has_changes ../debian/{db,dists,pool}; then git \ -c 'user.email=41898282+github-actions[bot]@users.noreply.github.com' \ -c 'user.name=github-actions[bot]' \ commit -m "Included release $release_repo@$(cat latest.json | jq -r '.name | ltrimstr("v")')." \ ../debian/{db,dists,pool} else echo 'No updates to commit.' fi ) } main