use crate::{ interface_config::{InterfaceConfig, InterfaceInfo, ServerInfo}, AddCidrOpts, AddPeerOpts, Association, Cidr, CidrContents, CidrTree, Endpoint, Error, Peer, PeerContents, PERSISTENT_KEEPALIVE_INTERVAL_SECS, }; use colored::*; use dialoguer::{theme::ColorfulTheme, Confirm, Input, Select}; use ipnetwork::IpNetwork; use lazy_static::lazy_static; use publicip::Preference; use std::{net::SocketAddr, time::SystemTime}; use wgctrl::{InterfaceName, KeyPair}; lazy_static! { pub static ref THEME: ColorfulTheme = ColorfulTheme::default(); } /// Bring up a prompt to create a new CIDR. Returns the peer request. pub fn add_cidr(cidrs: &[Cidr], request: &AddCidrOpts) -> Result, Error> { let parent_cidr = if let Some(ref parent_name) = request.parent { cidrs .iter() .find(|cidr| & == parent_name) .ok_or("No parent CIDR with that name exists.")? } else { choose_cidr(cidrs, "Parent CIDR")? }; let name = if let Some(ref name) = { name.clone() } else { Input::with_theme(&*THEME).with_prompt("Name").interact()? }; let cidr = if let Some(cidr) = request.cidr { cidr } else { Input::with_theme(&*THEME).with_prompt("CIDR").interact()? }; let cidr_request = CidrContents { name, cidr, parent: Some(, }; Ok( if request.yes || Confirm::with_theme(&*THEME) .with_prompt(&format!("Create CIDR \"{}\"?", .default(false) .interact()? { Some(cidr_request) } else { None }, ) } pub fn choose_cidr<'a>(cidrs: &'a [Cidr], text: &'static str) -> Result<&'a Cidr, Error> { let eligible_cidrs: Vec<_> = cidrs .iter() .filter(|cidr| != "innernet-server") .collect(); let cidr_index = Select::with_theme(&*THEME) .with_prompt(text) .items(&eligible_cidrs) .interact()?; Ok(&eligible_cidrs[cidr_index]) } pub fn choose_association<'a>( associations: &'a [Association], cidrs: &'a [Cidr], ) -> Result<&'a Association, Error> { let names: Vec<_> = associations .iter() .map(|association| { format!( "{}: {} <=> {}",, &cidrs .iter() .find(|c| == association.cidr_id_1) .unwrap() .name, &cidrs .iter() .find(|c| == association.cidr_id_2) .unwrap() .name ) }) .collect(); let index = Select::with_theme(&*THEME) .with_prompt("Association") .items(&names) .interact()?; Ok(&associations[index]) } pub fn add_association(cidrs: &[Cidr]) -> Result, Error> { let cidr1 = choose_cidr(cidrs, "First CIDR")?; let cidr2 = choose_cidr(cidrs, "Second CIDR")?; Ok( if Confirm::with_theme(&*THEME) .with_prompt(&format!( "Add association: {} <=> {}?",, )) .default(false) .interact()? { Some((cidr1, cidr2)) } else { None }, ) } pub fn delete_association<'a>( associations: &'a [Association], cidrs: &'a [Cidr], ) -> Result, Error> { let association = choose_association(associations, cidrs)?; Ok( if Confirm::with_theme(&*THEME) .with_prompt(&format!("Delete association #{}?", .default(false) .interact()? { Some(association) } else { None }, ) } /// Bring up a prompt to create a new peer. Returns the peer request. pub fn add_peer( peers: &[Peer], cidr_tree: &CidrTree, args: &AddPeerOpts, ) -> Result, Error> { let leaves = cidr_tree.leaves(); let cidr = if let Some(ref parent_name) = args.cidr { leaves .iter() .find(|cidr| & == parent_name) .ok_or("No eligible CIDR with that name exists.")? } else { choose_cidr(&leaves[..], "Eligible CIDRs for peer")? }; let mut available_ip = None; let candidate_ips = cidr.iter().filter(|ip| cidr.is_assignable(*ip)); for ip in candidate_ips { if !peers.iter().any(|peer| peer.ip == ip) { available_ip = Some(ip); break; } } let available_ip = available_ip.expect("No IPs in this CIDR are avavilable"); let ip = if let Some(ip) = args.ip { ip } else if args.auto_ip { available_ip } else { Input::with_theme(&*THEME) .with_prompt("IP") .default(available_ip) .interact()? }; let name = if let Some(ref name) = { name.clone() } else { Input::with_theme(&*THEME).with_prompt("Name").interact()? }; let is_admin = if let Some(is_admin) = args.admin { is_admin } else { Confirm::with_theme(&*THEME) .with_prompt(&format!("Make {} an admin?", name)) .default(false) .interact()? }; let invite_expires = if let Some(ref invite_expires) = args.invite_expires { invite_expires.clone() } else { Input::with_theme(&*THEME) .with_prompt("Invite expires after") .default("14d".parse()?) .interact()? }; let default_keypair = KeyPair::generate(); let peer_request = PeerContents { name, ip, cidr_id:, public_key: default_keypair.public.to_base64(), endpoint: None, is_admin, is_disabled: false, is_redeemed: false, persistent_keepalive_interval: Some(PERSISTENT_KEEPALIVE_INTERVAL_SECS), invite_expires: Some(SystemTime::now() + invite_expires.into()), }; Ok( if args.yes || Confirm::with_theme(&*THEME) .with_prompt(&format!("Create peer {}?", .default(false) .interact()? { Some((peer_request, default_keypair)) } else { None }, ) } /// Presents a selection and confirmation of eligible peers for either disabling or enabling, /// and returns back the ID of the selected peer. pub fn enable_or_disable_peer(peers: &[Peer], enable: bool) -> Result, Error> { let enabled_peers: Vec<_> = peers .iter() .filter(|peer| enable && peer.is_disabled || !enable && !peer.is_disabled) .collect(); let peer_selection: Vec<_> = enabled_peers .iter() .map(|peer| format!("{} ({})", &, &peer.ip)) .collect(); let index = Select::with_theme(&*THEME) .with_prompt(&format!( "Peer to {}able", if enable { "en" } else { "dis" } )) .items(&peer_selection) .interact()?; let peer = enabled_peers[index]; Ok( if Confirm::with_theme(&*THEME) .with_prompt(&format!( "{}able peer {}?", if enable { "En" } else { "Dis" }, )) .default(false) .interact()? { Some(peer.clone()) } else { None }, ) } /// Confirm and write a innernet invitation file after a peer has been created. pub fn save_peer_invitation( network_name: &InterfaceName, peer: &Peer, server_peer: &Peer, root_cidr: &Cidr, keypair: KeyPair, server_api_addr: &SocketAddr, config_location: &Option, ) -> Result<(), Error> { let peer_invitation = InterfaceConfig { interface: InterfaceInfo { network_name: network_name.to_string(), private_key: keypair.private.to_base64(), address: IpNetwork::new(peer.ip, root_cidr.prefix())?, listen_port: None, }, server: ServerInfo { external_endpoint: server_peer .endpoint .clone() .expect("The innernet server should have a WireGuard endpoint"), internal_endpoint: *server_api_addr, public_key: server_peer.public_key.clone(), }, }; let invitation_save_path = if let Some(location) = config_location { location.clone() } else { Input::with_theme(&*THEME) .with_prompt("Save peer invitation file as") .default(format!("{}.toml", .interact()? }; peer_invitation.write_to_path(&invitation_save_path, true, None)?; println!( "\nPeer \"{}\" added\n\ Peer invitation file written to {}\n\ Please send it to them securely (eg. via magic-wormhole) \ to bootstrap them onto the network.",, invitation_save_path.bold() ); Ok(()) } pub fn set_listen_port( interface: &InterfaceInfo, unset: bool, ) -> Result>, Error> { let listen_port = (!unset) .then(|| { Input::with_theme(&*THEME) .with_prompt("Listen port") .default(interface.listen_port.unwrap_or(51820)) .interact() }) .transpose()?; let mut confirmation = Confirm::with_theme(&*THEME); confirmation .with_prompt( &(if let Some(port) = &listen_port { format!("Set listen port to {}?", port) } else { "Unset and randomize listen port?".to_string() }), ) .default(false); if listen_port == interface.listen_port { println!("No change necessary - interface already has this setting."); Ok(None) } else if confirmation.interact()? { Ok(Some(listen_port)) } else { Ok(None) } } pub fn ask_endpoint() -> Result { println!("getting external IP address."); let external_ip = if Confirm::with_theme(&*THEME) .with_prompt("Auto-fill public IP address (using a DNS query to") .interact()? { publicip::get_any(Preference::Ipv4) } else { None }; let mut endpoint_builder = Input::with_theme(&*THEME); if let Some(ip) = external_ip { endpoint_builder.with_initial_text(SocketAddr::new(ip, 51820).to_string()); } endpoint_builder .with_prompt("External endpoint") .interact() .map_err(Into::into) } pub fn override_endpoint(unset: bool) -> Result>, Error> { let endpoint = if !unset { Some(ask_endpoint()?) } else { None }; Ok( if Confirm::with_theme(&*THEME) .with_prompt( &(if let Some(endpoint) = &endpoint { format!("Set external endpoint to {}?", endpoint) } else { "Unset external endpoint to enable automatic endpoint discovery?".to_string() }), ) .default(false) .interact()? { Some(endpoint) } else { None }, ) }