use colored::*; use dialoguer::Confirm; use hyper::{http, server::conn::AddrStream, Body, Request, Response}; use indoc::printdoc; use ipnetwork::IpNetwork; use parking_lot::{Mutex, RwLock}; use rusqlite::Connection; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use shared::{AddCidrOpts, AddPeerOpts, IoErrorContext, INNERNET_PUBKEY_HEADER}; use std::{ collections::{HashMap, VecDeque}, convert::TryInto, env, fs::File, io::prelude::*, net::{IpAddr, SocketAddr, TcpListener}, ops::Deref, path::{Path, PathBuf}, sync::Arc, time::Duration, }; use structopt::StructOpt; use subtle::ConstantTimeEq; use wgctrl::{DeviceConfigBuilder, DeviceInfo, InterfaceName, Key, PeerConfigBuilder}; pub mod api; pub mod db; pub mod error; #[cfg(test)] mod test; pub mod util; mod initialize; use db::{DatabaseCidr, DatabasePeer}; pub use error::ServerError; use initialize::InitializeOpts; use shared::{prompts, wg, CidrTree, Error, Interface, SERVER_CONFIG_DIR, SERVER_DATABASE_DIR}; pub use shared::{Association, AssociationContents}; pub const VERSION: &str = env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"); #[derive(Debug, StructOpt)] #[structopt(name = "innernet-server", about)] struct Opt { #[structopt(subcommand)] command: Command, } #[derive(Debug, StructOpt)] enum Command { /// Create a new network. #[structopt(alias = "init")] New { #[structopt(flatten)] opts: InitializeOpts, }, /// Permanently uninstall a created network, rendering it unusable. Use with care. Uninstall { interface: Interface }, /// Serve the coordinating server for an existing network. Serve { interface: Interface }, /// Add a peer to an existing network. AddPeer { interface: Interface, #[structopt(flatten)] args: AddPeerOpts, }, /// Add a new CIDR to an existing network. AddCidr { interface: Interface, #[structopt(flatten)] args: AddCidrOpts, }, } pub type Db = Arc>; pub type Endpoints = Arc>>; #[derive(Clone)] pub struct Context { pub db: Db, pub endpoints: Arc>>, pub interface: InterfaceName, pub public_key: Key, } pub struct Session { pub context: Context, pub peer: DatabasePeer, } impl Session { pub fn admin_capable(&self) -> bool { self.peer.is_admin && self.user_capable() } pub fn user_capable(&self) -> bool { !self.peer.is_disabled && self.peer.is_redeemed } pub fn redeemable(&self) -> bool { !self.peer.is_disabled && !self.peer.is_redeemed } } #[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Debug)] #[serde(rename_all = "kebab-case")] pub struct ConfigFile { /// The server's WireGuard key pub private_key: String, /// The listen port of the server pub listen_port: u16, /// The internal WireGuard IP address assigned to the server pub address: IpAddr, /// The CIDR prefix of the WireGuard network pub network_cidr_prefix: u8, } impl ConfigFile { pub fn write_to_path>(&self, path: P) -> Result<(), Error> { let mut invitation_file = File::create(&path).with_path(&path)?; shared::chmod(&invitation_file, 0o600)?; invitation_file .write_all(toml::to_string(self).unwrap().as_bytes()) .with_path(path)?; Ok(()) } pub fn from_file>(path: P) -> Result { let path = path.as_ref(); let file = File::open(path).with_path(path)?; if shared::chmod(&file, 0o600)? { println!( "{} updated permissions for {} to 0600.", "[!]".yellow(), path.display() ); } Ok(toml::from_slice(&std::fs::read(&path).with_path(path)?)?) } } #[derive(Clone, Debug, Default)] pub struct ServerConfig { wg_manage_dir_override: Option, wg_dir_override: Option, } impl ServerConfig { fn database_dir(&self) -> &Path { self.wg_manage_dir_override .as_deref() .unwrap_or(*SERVER_DATABASE_DIR) } fn database_path(&self, interface: &InterfaceName) -> PathBuf { PathBuf::new() .join(self.database_dir()) .join(interface.to_string()) .with_extension("db") } fn config_dir(&self) -> &Path { self.wg_dir_override .as_deref() .unwrap_or(*SERVER_CONFIG_DIR) } fn config_path(&self, interface: &InterfaceName) -> PathBuf { PathBuf::new() .join(self.config_dir()) .join(interface.to_string()) .with_extension("conf") } } #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> Result<(), Box> { if env::var_os("RUST_LOG").is_none() { // Set some default log settings. env::set_var("RUST_LOG", "warn,warp=info,wg_manage_server=info"); } pretty_env_logger::init(); let opt = Opt::from_args(); if unsafe { libc::getuid() } != 0 { return Err("innernet-server must run as root.".into()); } let conf = ServerConfig::default(); match opt.command { Command::New { opts } => { if let Err(e) = initialize::init_wizard(&conf, opts) { println!("{}: {}.", "creation failed".red(), e); } } Command::Uninstall { interface } => uninstall(&interface, &conf)?, Command::Serve { interface } => serve(*interface, &conf).await?, Command::AddPeer { interface, args } => add_peer(&interface, &conf, args)?, Command::AddCidr { interface, args } => add_cidr(&interface, &conf, args)?, } Ok(()) } fn open_database_connection( interface: &InterfaceName, conf: &ServerConfig, ) -> Result> { let database_path = conf.database_path(&interface); if !Path::new(&database_path).exists() { return Err(format!( "no database file found at {}", database_path.to_string_lossy() ) .into()); } let conn = Connection::open(&database_path)?; // Foreign key constraints aren't on in SQLite by default. Enable. conn.pragma_update(None, "foreign_keys", &1)?; db::auto_migrate(&conn)?; Ok(conn) } fn add_peer( interface: &InterfaceName, conf: &ServerConfig, opts: AddPeerOpts, ) -> Result<(), Error> { let config = ConfigFile::from_file(conf.config_path(interface))?; let conn = open_database_connection(interface, conf)?; let peers = DatabasePeer::list(&conn)? .into_iter() .map(|dp| dp.inner) .collect::>(); let cidrs = DatabaseCidr::list(&conn)?; let cidr_tree = CidrTree::new(&cidrs[..]); if let Some((peer_request, keypair)) = shared::prompts::add_peer(&peers, &cidr_tree, &opts)? { let peer = DatabasePeer::create(&conn, peer_request)?; if cfg!(not(test)) && DeviceInfo::get_by_name(interface).is_ok() { // Update the current WireGuard interface with the new peers. DeviceConfigBuilder::new() .add_peer((&*peer).into()) .apply(interface) .map_err(|_| ServerError::WireGuard)?; println!("adding to WireGuard interface: {}", &*peer); } let server_peer = DatabasePeer::get(&conn, 1)?; prompts::save_peer_invitation( interface, &peer, &*server_peer, &cidr_tree, keypair, &SocketAddr::new(config.address, config.listen_port), &opts.save_config, )?; } else { println!("exited without creating peer."); } Ok(()) } fn add_cidr( interface: &InterfaceName, conf: &ServerConfig, opts: AddCidrOpts, ) -> Result<(), Error> { let conn = open_database_connection(interface, conf)?; let cidrs = DatabaseCidr::list(&conn)?; if let Some(cidr_request) = shared::prompts::add_cidr(&cidrs, &opts)? { let cidr = DatabaseCidr::create(&conn, cidr_request)?; printdoc!( " CIDR \"{cidr_name}\" added. Right now, peers within {cidr_name} can only see peers in the same CIDR, and in the special \"innernet-server\" CIDR that includes the innernet server peer. You'll need to add more associations for peers in diffent CIDRs to communicate. ", cidr_name = ); } else { println!("exited without creating CIDR."); } Ok(()) } fn uninstall(interface: &InterfaceName, conf: &ServerConfig) -> Result<(), Error> { if Confirm::with_theme(&*prompts::THEME) .with_prompt(&format!( "Permanently delete network \"{}\"?", interface.as_str_lossy().yellow() )) .default(false) .interact()? { println!("{} bringing down interface (if up).", "[*]".dimmed()); wg::down(interface).ok(); let config = conf.config_path(interface); let data = conf.database_path(interface); std::fs::remove_file(&config) .with_path(&config) .map_err(|e| println!("[!] {}", e.to_string().yellow())) .ok(); std::fs::remove_file(&data) .with_path(&data) .map_err(|e| println!("[!] {}", e.to_string().yellow())) .ok(); println!( "{} network {} is uninstalled.", "[*]".dimmed(), interface.as_str_lossy().yellow() ); } Ok(()) } fn spawn_endpoint_refresher(interface: InterfaceName) -> Endpoints { let endpoints = Arc::new(RwLock::new(HashMap::new())); tokio::task::spawn({ let endpoints = endpoints.clone(); async move { let mut interval = tokio::time::interval(Duration::from_secs(10)); loop { interval.tick().await; if let Ok(info) = DeviceInfo::get_by_name(&interface) { for peer in info.peers { if let Some(endpoint) = peer.config.endpoint { endpoints .write() .insert(peer.config.public_key.to_base64(), endpoint); } } } } } }); endpoints } fn spawn_expired_invite_sweeper(db: Db) { tokio::task::spawn(async move { let mut interval = tokio::time::interval(Duration::from_secs(10)); loop { interval.tick().await; match DatabasePeer::delete_expired_invites(&db.lock()) { Ok(deleted) => log::info!("Deleted {} expired peer invitations.", deleted), Err(e) => log::error!("Failed to delete expired peer invitations: {}", e), } } }); } async fn serve(interface: InterfaceName, conf: &ServerConfig) -> Result<(), Error> { let config = ConfigFile::from_file(conf.config_path(&interface))?; let conn = open_database_connection(&interface, conf)?; let peers = DatabasePeer::list(&conn)?; let peer_configs = peers .iter() .map(|peer| peer.deref().into()) .collect::>(); log::info!("bringing up interface."); wg::up( &interface, &config.private_key, IpNetwork::new(config.address, config.network_cidr_prefix)?, Some(config.listen_port), None, )?; DeviceConfigBuilder::new() .add_peers(&peer_configs) .apply(&interface)?; log::info!("{} peers added to wireguard interface.", peers.len()); let public_key = wgctrl::Key::from_base64(&config.private_key)?.generate_public(); let db = Arc::new(Mutex::new(conn)); let endpoints = spawn_endpoint_refresher(interface); spawn_expired_invite_sweeper(db.clone()); let context = Context { db, endpoints, interface, public_key, }; log::info!("innernet-server {} starting.", VERSION); let listener = get_listener((config.address, config.listen_port).into(), &interface)?; let make_svc = hyper::service::make_service_fn(move |socket: &AddrStream| { let remote_addr = socket.remote_addr(); let context = context.clone(); async move { Ok::<_, http::Error>(hyper::service::service_fn(move |req: Request| { hyper_service(req, context.clone(), remote_addr) })) } }); let server = hyper::Server::from_tcp(listener)?.serve(make_svc); server.await?; Ok(()) } /// This function differs per OS, because different operating systems have /// opposing characteristics when binding to a specific IP address. /// On Linux, binding to a specific local IP address does *not* bind it to /// that IP's interface, allowing for spoofing attacks. /// /// See for more details. #[cfg(target_os = "linux")] fn get_listener(addr: SocketAddr, interface: &InterfaceName) -> Result { let listener = TcpListener::bind(&addr)?; listener.set_nonblocking(true)?; let sock = socket2::Socket::from(listener); sock.bind_device(Some(interface.as_str_lossy().as_bytes()))?; Ok(sock.into()) } /// BSD-likes do seem to bind to an interface when binding to an IP, /// according to the internet, but we may want to explicitly use /// IP_BOUND_IF in the future regardless. This isn't currently in /// the socket2 crate however, so we aren't currently using it. /// /// See for more details. #[cfg(not(target_os = "linux"))] fn get_listener(addr: SocketAddr, _interface: &InterfaceName) -> Result { let listener = TcpListener::bind(&addr)?; listener.set_nonblocking(true)?; Ok(listener) } pub(crate) async fn hyper_service( req: Request, context: Context, remote_addr: SocketAddr, ) -> Result, http::Error> { // Break the path into components. let components: VecDeque<_> = req .uri() .path() .trim_start_matches('/') .split('/') .map(String::from) .collect(); routes(req, context, remote_addr, components) .await .or_else(TryInto::try_into) } async fn routes( req: Request, context: Context, remote_addr: SocketAddr, mut components: VecDeque, ) -> Result, ServerError> { // Must be "/v1/[something]" if components.pop_front().as_deref() != Some("v1") { Err(ServerError::NotFound) } else { let session = get_session(&req, context, remote_addr.ip())?; let component = components.pop_front(); match component.as_deref() { Some("user") => api::user::routes(req, components, session).await, Some("admin") => api::admin::routes(req, components, session).await, _ => Err(ServerError::NotFound), } } } fn get_session( req: &Request, context: Context, addr: IpAddr, ) -> Result { let pubkey = req .headers() .get(INNERNET_PUBKEY_HEADER) .ok_or(ServerError::Unauthorized)?; let pubkey = pubkey.to_str().map_err(|_| ServerError::Unauthorized)?; let pubkey = Key::from_base64(&pubkey).map_err(|_| ServerError::Unauthorized)?; if pubkey.0.ct_eq(&context.public_key.0).into() { let peer = DatabasePeer::get_from_ip(&context.db.lock(), addr).map_err(|e| match e { rusqlite::Error::QueryReturnedNoRows => ServerError::Unauthorized, e => ServerError::Database(e), })?; if !peer.is_disabled { return Ok(Session { context, peer }); } } Err(ServerError::Unauthorized) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use crate::test; use anyhow::Result; use hyper::StatusCode; use std::path::Path; #[test] fn test_init_wizard() -> Result<(), Error> { // This runs init_wizard(). let server = test::Server::new()?; assert!(Path::new(&server.wg_conf_path()).exists()); Ok(()) } #[tokio::test] async fn test_with_session_disguised_with_headers() -> Result<(), Error> { let server = test::Server::new()?; let req = Request::builder() .uri(format!("http://{}/v1/admin/peers", test::WG_MANAGE_PEER_IP)) .header("Forwarded", format!("for={}", test::ADMIN_PEER_IP)) .header("X-Forwarded-For", test::ADMIN_PEER_IP) .header("X-Real-IP", test::ADMIN_PEER_IP) .body(Body::empty()) .unwrap(); // Request from an unknown IP, trying to disguise as an admin using HTTP headers. let res = server.raw_request("", req).await; // addr::remote() filter only look at remote_addr from TCP socket. // HTTP headers are not considered. This also means that innernet // server would not function behind an HTTP proxy. assert_eq!(res.status(), StatusCode::UNAUTHORIZED); Ok(()) } #[tokio::test] async fn test_incorrect_public_key() -> Result<(), Error> { let server = test::Server::new()?; let key = Key::generate_private().generate_public(); // Request from an unknown IP, trying to disguise as an admin using HTTP headers. let req = Request::builder() .uri(format!("http://{}/v1/admin/peers", test::WG_MANAGE_PEER_IP)) .header(shared::INNERNET_PUBKEY_HEADER, key.to_base64()) .body(Body::empty()) .unwrap(); let res = server.raw_request("", req).await; // addr::remote() filter only look at remote_addr from TCP socket. // HTTP headers are not considered. This also means that innernet // server would not function behind an HTTP proxy. assert_eq!(res.status(), StatusCode::UNAUTHORIZED); Ok(()) } #[tokio::test] async fn test_unparseable_public_key() -> Result<(), Error> { let server = test::Server::new()?; let req = Request::builder() .uri(format!("http://{}/v1/admin/peers", test::WG_MANAGE_PEER_IP)) .header(shared::INNERNET_PUBKEY_HEADER, "!!!") .body(Body::empty()) .unwrap(); let res = server.raw_request("", req).await; // addr::remote() filter only look at remote_addr from TCP socket. // HTTP headers are not considered. This also means that innernet // server would not function behind an HTTP proxy. assert_eq!(res.status(), StatusCode::UNAUTHORIZED); Ok(()) } }