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<DocSectionText v-bind="$attrs">
<p>Currently Aura is the only available preset and more will follow in the upcoming updates.</p>
<TabPanel header="Aura"><DocSectionCode :code="code" hideToggleCode importCode hideStackBlitz /></TabPanel>
<TabPanel header="Lara">Under development.</TabPanel>
<TabPanel header="Nora">Under development.</TabPanel>
<TabPanel header="Material">Under development.</TabPanel>
export default {
data() {
return {
code: {
basic: `
import accordion from 'primevue/themes/primeone/presets/aura/accordion';
// ... imports of other component tokens
export default {
primitive: {
rounded: {
sm: '4px',
base: '6px',
lg: '8px',
xl: '12px'
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amber: { 50: '#fffbeb', 100: '#fef3c7', 200: '#fde68a', 300: '#fcd34d', 400: '#fbbf24', 500: '#f59e0b', 600: '#d97706', 700: '#b45309', 800: '#92400e', 900: '#78350f', 950: '#451a03' },
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teal: { 50: '#f0fdfa', 100: '#ccfbf1', 200: '#99f6e4', 300: '#5eead4', 400: '#2dd4bf', 500: '#14b8a6', 600: '#0d9488', 700: '#0f766e', 800: '#115e59', 900: '#134e4a', 950: '#042f2e' },
cyan: { 50: '#ecfeff', 100: '#cffafe', 200: '#a5f3fc', 300: '#67e8f9', 400: '#22d3ee', 500: '#06b6d4', 600: '#0891b2', 700: '#0e7490', 800: '#155e75', 900: '#164e63', 950: '#083344' },
sky: { 50: '#f0f9ff', 100: '#e0f2fe', 200: '#bae6fd', 300: '#7dd3fc', 400: '#38bdf8', 500: '#0ea5e9', 600: '#0284c7', 700: '#0369a1', 800: '#075985', 900: '#0c4a6e', 950: '#082f49' },
blue: { 50: '#eff6ff', 100: '#dbeafe', 200: '#bfdbfe', 300: '#93c5fd', 400: '#60a5fa', 500: '#3b82f6', 600: '#2563eb', 700: '#1d4ed8', 800: '#1e40af', 900: '#1e3a8a', 950: '#172554' },
indigo: { 50: '#eef2ff', 100: '#e0e7ff', 200: '#c7d2fe', 300: '#a5b4fc', 400: '#818cf8', 500: '#6366f1', 600: '#4f46e5', 700: '#4338ca', 800: '#3730a3', 900: '#312e81', 950: '#1e1b4b' },
violet: { 50: '#f5f3ff', 100: '#ede9fe', 200: '#ddd6fe', 300: '#c4b5fd', 400: '#a78bfa', 500: '#8b5cf6', 600: '#7c3aed', 700: '#6d28d9', 800: '#5b21b6', 900: '#4c1d95', 950: '#2e1065' },
purple: { 50: '#faf5ff', 100: '#f3e8ff', 200: '#e9d5ff', 300: '#d8b4fe', 400: '#c084fc', 500: '#a855f7', 600: '#9333ea', 700: '#7e22ce', 800: '#6b21a8', 900: '#581c87', 950: '#3b0764' },
fuchsia: { 50: '#fdf4ff', 100: '#fae8ff', 200: '#f5d0fe', 300: '#f0abfc', 400: '#e879f9', 500: '#d946ef', 600: '#c026d3', 700: '#a21caf', 800: '#86198f', 900: '#701a75', 950: '#4a044e' },
pink: { 50: '#fdf2f8', 100: '#fce7f3', 200: '#fbcfe8', 300: '#f9a8d4', 400: '#f472b6', 500: '#ec4899', 600: '#db2777', 700: '#be185d', 800: '#9d174d', 900: '#831843', 950: '#500724' },
rose: { 50: '#fff1f2', 100: '#ffe4e6', 200: '#fecdd3', 300: '#fda4af', 400: '#fb7185', 500: '#f43f5e', 600: '#e11d48', 700: '#be123c', 800: '#9f1239', 900: '#881337', 950: '#4c0519' },
slate: { 50: '#f8fafc', 100: '#f1f5f9', 200: '#e2e8f0', 300: '#cbd5e1', 400: '#94a3b8', 500: '#64748b', 600: '#475569', 700: '#334155', 800: '#1e293b', 900: '#0f172a', 950: '#020617' },
gray: { 50: '#f9fafb', 100: '#f3f4f6', 200: '#e5e7eb', 300: '#d1d5db', 400: '#9ca3af', 500: '#6b7280', 600: '#4b5563', 700: '#374151', 800: '#1f2937', 900: '#111827', 950: '#030712' },
zinc: { 50: '#fafafa', 100: '#f4f4f5', 200: '#e4e4e7', 300: '#d4d4d8', 400: '#a1a1aa', 500: '#71717a', 600: '#52525b', 700: '#3f3f46', 800: '#27272a', 900: '#18181b', 950: '#09090b' },
neutral: { 50: '#fafafa', 100: '#f5f5f5', 200: '#e5e5e5', 300: '#d4d4d4', 400: '#a3a3a3', 500: '#737373', 600: '#525252', 700: '#404040', 800: '#262626', 900: '#171717', 950: '#0a0a0a' },
stone: { 50: '#fafaf9', 100: '#f5f5f4', 200: '#e7e5e4', 300: '#d6d3d1', 400: '#a8a29e', 500: '#78716c', 600: '#57534e', 700: '#44403c', 800: '#292524', 900: '#1c1917', 950: '#0c0a09' }
semantic: {
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fontFeatureSettings: 'normal',
transitionDuration: '0.2s',
focusRing: {
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600: '{emerald.600}',
700: '{emerald.700}',
800: '{emerald.800}',
900: '{emerald.900}',
950: '{emerald.950}'
colorScheme: {
light: {
surface: {
0: '#ffffff',
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600: '{slate.600}',
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950: '{slate.950}'
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highlight: {
background: '{primary.50}',
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color: '{primary.700}',
focusColor: '{primary.800}'
maskBackground: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.4)',
formField: {
background: '{surface.0}',
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floatLabelFocusColor: '{surface.500}',
floatLabelInvalidColor: '{red.400}',
boxShadow: '0 0 #0000, 0 0 #0000, 0 1px 2px 0 rgba(18, 18, 23, 0.05)'
dark: {
surface: {
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950: '{zinc.950}'
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background: 'color-mix(in srgb, {primary.400}, transparent 84%)',
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color: 'rgba(255,255,255,.87)',
focusColor: 'rgba(255,255,255,.87)'
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boxShadow: '0 0 #0000, 0 0 #0000, 0 1px 2px 0 rgba(18, 18, 23, 0.05)'
components: {
// ... other components