2024-04-08 09:33:03 +00:00
< template >
2024-06-26 09:26:19 +00:00
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2024-04-08 09:33:03 +00:00
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2024-06-26 09:26:19 +00:00
< template # pattern >
< img class = "select-none absolute z-[6] w-[62rem] h-[44rem] -top-8 -left-36 md:-left-12" src = "https://primefaces.org/cdn/primevue/images/templates/diamond/diamond-hero-pattern.png" alt = "Template Hero Pattern" / >
< / template >
2024-04-08 09:33:03 +00:00
< / TemplateHero >
< DiamondSeparator / >
< TemplateLicense :license ="license" / >
< DiamondSeparator / >
< div class = "hidden" >
< TemplateYoutube imgSrc = "https://primefaces.org/cdn/primevue/images/templates/diamond/diamond-youtube-screen.png" / >
< DiamondSeparator / >
< / div >
< TemplateFeaturesAnimation :featuresData ="animationFeaturesData2" title = "Features" / >
< DiamondSeparator / >
< TemplateConfiguration title = "Vue App with No Configuration" description = "Diamond is powered by Vite to get started in no time following the best practices." / >
< DiamondSeparator / >
< TemplateFeaturesAnimation :featuresData ="animationFeaturesData1" >
< template # description2 >
Fully compatible with < a href = "https://blocks.primevue.org/" > PrimeBlocks < / a > , choose from the wide range of blocks and customize the way you like . Note that < a href = "https://blocks.primevue.org/" > PrimeBlocks < / a > is not included in the
template and requires a separate purchase .
< / template >
< template # description4 >
Diamond uses Figma as the design tool . It will be possible to download the Figma file after your purchase . You can
< a href = "https://www.figma.com/file/lKooXEoqqWz7PBYwJ7B8QS/Preview-%7C-Diamond-2022?node-id=271%3A12531" > preview the Figma file < / a > before the purchase . Note that PrimeVue UI components are excluded from the Diamond Figma file as they
are available in < PrimeVueNuxtLink to = "/uikit" > PrimeOne for Figma < / PrimeVueNuxtLink > only .
< / template >
< / TemplateFeaturesAnimation >
< DiamondSeparator / >
< TemplateFeatures :featuresData ="features2Data" displayType = "vertical" / >
< DiamondSeparator / >
< TemplateRelated :relatedData ="relatedData" / >
< / div >
< / template >
< script >
import DiamondSeparator from '@/doc/templates/DiamondSeparator.vue' ;
export default {
data ( ) {
return {
features2Data : [
title : 'Fully Responsive' ,
description : 'Diamond is crafted to provide optimal viewing and interaction experience for a wide range of devices.' ,
src : 'https://primefaces.org/cdn/primevue/images/templates/diamond/diamond-features2-responsive.png'
} ,
title : 'Cross Browser Compatible' ,
description : 'First class support for Firefox, Safari, Chrome and Edge.' ,
src : 'https://primefaces.org/cdn/primevue/images/templates/apollo/apollo-features2-compatible.png' ,
darkSrc : 'https://primefaces.org/cdn/primevue/images/templates/apollo/apollo-features2-compatible-dark.png'
} ,
title : 'Lifetime Support' ,
description : 'Diamond has a dedicated forum where lifetime support is delivered by engineers at PrimeTek in a timely manner.' ,
src : 'https://primefaces.org/cdn/primevue/images/templates/apollo/apollo-features2-lifetime.png'
} ,
title : 'Customizable Design' ,
description : 'Fully customizable with a mixture of Sass and CSS variables.' ,
src : 'https://primefaces.org/cdn/primevue/images/templates/apollo/apollo-features2-customizable.png' ,
darkSrc : 'https://primefaces.org/cdn/primevue/images/templates/apollo/apollo-features2-customizable-dark.png'
} ,
title : 'Ready to Use Pages' ,
description : 'Landing, login, invoice, help, user management and error pages are provided as template pages to get started with building your app.' ,
src : 'https://primefaces.org/cdn/primevue/images/templates/diamond/diamond-features2-ready.png'
} ,
title : 'Mobile Experience' ,
description : 'Touch optimized enhanced mobile experience with responsive design.' ,
src : 'https://primefaces.org/cdn/primevue/images/templates/diamond/diamond-features2-mobile.png'
] ,
relatedData : [
src : 'https://primefaces.org/cdn/primevue/images/templates/apollo-vue.jpg' ,
href : '/templates/apollo'
} ,
src : 'https://primefaces.org/cdn/primevue/images/templates/avalon-vue.jpg' ,
href : '/templates/avalon'
} ,
src : 'https://primefaces.org/cdn/primevue/images/templates/freya-vue.png' ,
href : '/templates/freya'
] ,
animationFeaturesData1 : [
id : 1 ,
title : 'PrimeFlex CSS Utilities' ,
description : 'PrimeFlex is a CSS utility library featuring various helpers such as a grid system, flexbox, spacing, elevation and more.' ,
src : 'https://primefaces.org/cdn/primevue/images/templates/apollo/features-animation-utilities.png'
} ,
id : 2 ,
title : 'PrimeBlocks' ,
slotType : 'description2' ,
src : 'https://primefaces.org/cdn/primevue/images/templates/apollo/features-animation-blocks.png'
} ,
id : 3 ,
title : 'PrimeIcons' ,
description : 'Diamond ships with PrimeIcons, PrimeTek’ s modern icon library including a wide range of icons for your applications.' ,
src : 'https://primefaces.org/cdn/primevue/images/templates/apollo/features-animation-icons.png'
} ,
id : 4 ,
title : 'Figma File' ,
slotType : 'description4' ,
src : 'https://primefaces.org/cdn/primevue/images/templates/diamond/features-animation-figma.png'
] ,
animationFeaturesData2 : [
id : 1 ,
title : 'Light / Dark / Dim Modes' ,
description : 'Diamond has 3 display modes to choose from; Light, Dim and Dark.' ,
src : 'https://primefaces.org/cdn/primevue/images/templates/diamond/features-animation-darkmode.png'
} ,
id : 2 ,
title : 'Component Themes' ,
description : 'Diamond offers 30 built-in component themes and creating your own theme is a matter of defining couple of sass variables.' ,
src : 'https://primefaces.org/cdn/primevue/images/templates/diamond/features-animation-component-themes.png'
} ,
id : 3 ,
title : '7 Menu Orientations' ,
description : 'Static, Overlay, Slim, Compact, Horizontal, Reveal and Drawer are the available menu layouts depending on your preference.' ,
src : 'https://primefaces.org/cdn/primevue/images/templates/diamond/features-animation-orientations.png' ,
type : 'inline-animation' ,
inlineFeaturesData : [
id : 1 ,
title : 'Static' ,
src : 'https://primefaces.org/cdn/primevue/images/templates/diamond/Static.png'
} ,
id : 2 ,
title : 'Slim' ,
src : 'https://primefaces.org/cdn/primevue/images/templates/diamond/Slim.png'
} ,
id : 3 ,
title : 'Horizontal' ,
src : 'https://primefaces.org/cdn/primevue/images/templates/diamond/Horizontal.png'
} ,
id : 4 ,
title : 'Drawer' ,
src : 'https://primefaces.org/cdn/primevue/images/templates/diamond/Drawer.png'
} ,
id : 5 ,
title : 'Overlay' ,
src : 'https://primefaces.org/cdn/primevue/images/templates/diamond/Overlay.png'
} ,
id : 6 ,
title : 'Compact' ,
src : 'https://primefaces.org/cdn/primevue/images/templates/diamond/Compact.png'
} ,
id : 7 ,
title : 'Reveal' ,
src : 'https://primefaces.org/cdn/primevue/images/templates/diamond/Reveal.png'
} ,
id : 4 ,
title : 'Menu Themes' ,
description : 'Stunning theming options for the main menu in light color scheme.' ,
src : 'https://primefaces.org/cdn/primevue/images/templates/diamond/features-animation-orientations.png'
] ,
license : {
documentLink : 'https://diamond.primevue.org/documentation/' ,
description : 'The download package is a Vite-based project containing all application source codes deployed at the live demo. The project code is written in JavaScript.' ,
2024-05-21 11:56:08 +00:00
showDiscount : false ,
2024-04-08 09:33:03 +00:00
licenseDetails : [
title : 'Basic License' ,
price : '$59' ,
2024-05-21 11:56:08 +00:00
discount : '' ,
2024-04-08 09:33:03 +00:00
included : [ 'Non Commercial Usage' , 'Single End Product, No Multi-Use' , 'Lifetime Support' , 'Unlimited Updates' ]
} ,
title : 'Extended License' ,
price : '$590' ,
2024-05-21 11:56:08 +00:00
discount : '' ,
2024-04-08 09:33:03 +00:00
included : [ 'Commercial Usage' , 'Multiple End Products' , 'Lifetime Support' , 'Unlimited Updates' ]
} ,
templateHeroData : {
pattern : 'https://primefaces.org/cdn/primevue/images/templates/diamond/diamond-hero-pattern.png' ,
dashboard1 : 'https://primefaces.org/cdn/primevue/images/templates/diamond/diamond-hero-dashboard1.png' ,
dashboard2 : 'https://primefaces.org/cdn/primevue/images/templates/diamond/diamond-hero-dashboard2.png' ,
description : 'An amazing application template for Vue based on Vite with light-dim-dark modes, four menu layouts, various menu themes, sample apps, ready to use template pages and 30 PrimeVue themes.' ,
liveHref : 'https://diamond.primevue.org' ,
docHref : 'https://diamond.primevue.org/documentation'
} ;
} ,
computed : {
fillColor ( ) {
return this . $appState . darkTheme ? 'var(--p-surface-900)' : 'var(--p-surface-0)' ;
} ,
components : {
} ;
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