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const DatePickerProps = [
name: 'modelValue',
type: 'any',
default: 'null',
description: 'Value of the component.'
name: 'selectionMode',
type: 'string',
default: 'single',
description: 'Defines the quantity of the selection, valid values are "single", "multiple" and "range".'
name: 'dateFormat',
type: 'string',
default: 'null',
description: 'Format of the date. Defaults to PrimeVue Locale configuration.'
name: 'inline',
type: 'boolean',
default: 'false',
description: 'When enabled, displays the calendar as inline instead of an overlay.'
name: 'showOtherMonths',
type: 'boolean',
default: 'true',
description: 'Whether to display dates in other months (non-selectable) at the start or end of the current month. To make these days selectable use the selectOtherMonths option.'
name: 'selectOtherMonths',
type: 'boolean',
default: 'false',
description: 'Whether days in other months shown before or after the current month are selectable. This only applies if the showOtherMonths option is set to true.'
name: 'showIcon',
type: 'boolean',
default: 'false',
description: 'When enabled, displays a button with icon next to input.'
name: 'icon',
type: 'string',
default: 'null',
description: 'Icon of the calendar button.'
name: 'previcon',
type: 'string',
default: 'null',
description: 'Icon to show in the previous button.'
name: 'nextIcon',
type: 'string',
default: 'null',
description: 'Icon to show in the next button.'
name: 'incrementIcon',
type: 'string',
default: 'null',
description: 'Icon to show in each of the increment buttons.'
name: 'decrementIcon',
type: 'string',
default: 'null',
description: 'Icon to show in each of the decrement buttons.'
name: 'numberOfMonths',
type: 'number',
default: '1',
description: 'Number of months to display.'
name: 'view',
type: 'string',
default: 'date',
description: 'Type of view to display, valid valids are "date" for datepicker and "month" for month picker.'
name: 'monthNavigator',
type: 'boolean',
default: 'false',
description: 'Whether the month should be rendered as a dropdown instead of text.'
name: 'yearNavigator',
type: 'boolean',
default: 'false',
description: 'Whether the year should be rendered as a dropdown instead of text.'
name: 'yearRange',
type: 'string',
default: 'null',
description: 'The range of years displayed in the year drop-down in (nnnn:nnnn) format such as (2000:2020).'
name: 'panelClass',
type: 'string',
default: 'null',
description: 'Style class of the datetimepicker panel.'
name: 'minDate',
type: 'Date',
default: 'null',
description: 'The minimum selectable date.'
name: 'maxDate',
type: 'Date',
default: 'null',
description: 'The maximum selectable date.'
name: 'disabledDates',
type: 'array',
default: 'null',
description: 'Array with dates to disable.'
name: 'disabledDays',
type: 'array',
default: 'null',
description: 'Array with disabled weekday numbers.'
name: 'maxDateCount',
type: 'number',
default: 'null',
description: 'Maximum number of selectable dates in multiple mode.'
name: 'showOnFocus',
type: 'boolean',
default: 'true',
description: 'When disabled, datepicker will not be visible with input focus.'
name: 'autoZIndex',
type: 'boolean',
default: 'true',
description: 'Whether to automatically manage layering.'
name: 'baseZIndex',
type: 'number',
default: '0',
description: 'Base zIndex value to use in layering.'
name: 'showButtonBar',
type: 'boolean',
default: 'false',
description: 'Whether to display today and clear buttons at the footer'
name: 'shortYearCutoff',
type: 'string',
default: '+10',
description: 'The cutoff year for determining the century for a date.'
name: 'showTime',
type: 'boolean',
default: 'false',
description: 'Whether to display timepicker.'
name: 'timeOnly',
type: 'boolean',
default: 'false',
description: 'Whether to display timepicker only.'
name: 'hourFormat',
type: 'string',
default: '24',
description: 'Specifies 12 or 24 hour format.'
name: 'stepHour',
type: 'number',
default: '1',
description: 'Hours to change per step.'
name: 'stepMinute',
type: 'number',
default: '1',
description: 'Minutes to change per step.'
name: 'stepSeconds',
type: 'number',
default: '1',
description: 'Seconds to change per step.'
name: 'showSeconds',
type: 'boolean',
default: 'false',
description: 'Whether to show the seconds in time picker.'
name: 'hideOnDateTimeSelect',
type: 'boolean',
default: 'false',
description: 'Whether to hide the overlay on date selection when showTime is enabled.'
name: 'hideOnRangeSelection',
type: 'boolean',
default: 'false',
description: 'Whether to hide the overlay on date selection is completed when selectionMode is range.'
name: 'timeSeparator',
type: 'string',
default: ':',
description: 'Separator of time selector.'
name: 'showWeek',
type: 'boolean',
default: 'false',
description: 'When enabled, calendar will show week numbers.'
name: 'manualInput',
type: 'boolean',
default: 'true',
description: 'Whether to allow entering the date manually via typing.'
name: 'appendTo',
type: 'string',
default: 'body',
description: 'A valid query selector or an HTMLElement to specify where the overlay gets attached. Special keywords are "body" for document body and "self" for the element itself.'
name: 'disabled',
type: 'boolean',
default: 'false',
description: 'When present, it specifies that the element should be disabled.'
name: 'invalid',
type: 'boolean',
default: 'false',
description: 'When present, it specifies that the component should have invalid state style.'
name: 'variant',
type: 'string',
default: 'null',
description: 'Specifies the input variant of the component.'
name: 'readonly',
type: 'boolean',
default: 'false',
description: 'When present, it specifies that an input field is read-only.'
name: 'placeholder',
type: 'string',
default: 'null',
description: 'Placeholder text for the input.'
name: 'id',
type: 'string',
default: 'null',
description: 'Identifier of the element.'
name: 'inputId',
type: 'string',
default: 'null',
description: 'Identifier of the underlying input element.'
name: 'inputClass',
type: 'string | object',
default: 'null',
description: 'Style class of the input field.'
name: 'inputStyle',
type: 'object',
default: 'null',
description: 'Inline style of the input field.'
name: 'inputProps',
type: 'object',
default: 'null',
description: 'Used to pass all properties of the HTMLInputElement to the focusable input element inside the component.'
name: 'panelClass',
type: 'string | object',
default: 'null',
description: 'Style class of the overlay panel.'
name: 'panelStyle',
type: 'object',
default: 'null',
description: 'Inline style of the overlay panel.'
name: 'panelProps',
type: 'object',
default: 'null',
description: 'Used to pass all properties of the HTMLDivElement to the overlay panel inside the component.'
name: 'pt',
type: 'any',
default: 'null',
description: 'Used to pass attributes to DOM elements inside the component.'
name: 'unstyled',
type: 'boolean',
default: 'false',
description: 'When enabled, it removes component related styles in the core.'
const DatePickerEvents = [
name: 'input',
description: 'Callback to invoke when input field is being typed.',
arguments: [
name: 'event',
type: 'object',
description: 'New date'
name: 'date-select',
description: 'Callback to invoke when a date is selected.',
arguments: [
name: 'value',
type: 'Date',
description: 'Selected value'
name: 'show',
description: 'Callback to invoke when datepicker panel is shown.'
name: 'hide',
description: 'Callback to invoke when datepicker panel is hidden.'
name: 'today-click',
description: 'Callback to invoke when today button is clicked.',
arguments: [
name: 'date',
type: 'Date',
description: 'Today as a date instance'
name: 'clear-click',
description: 'Callback to invoke when clear button is clicked.',
arguments: [
name: 'event',
type: 'object',
description: 'Click event'
name: 'month-change',
description: 'Callback to invoke when a month is changed using the navigators.',
arguments: [
name: 'event.month',
type: 'number',
description: 'New month'
name: 'event.year',
type: 'number',
description: 'New year'
name: 'year-change',
description: 'Callback to invoke when a year is changed using the navigators.',
arguments: [
name: 'event.month',
type: 'number',
description: 'New month'
name: 'event.year',
type: 'number',
description: 'New year'
name: 'focus',
description: 'Callback to invoke on focus of input field.',
arguments: [
name: 'event',
type: 'object',
description: 'Focus event'
name: 'blur',
description: 'Callback to invoke on blur of input field.',
arguments: [
name: 'event.originalEvent',
type: 'object',
description: 'Browser event'
name: 'event.value',
type: 'string',
description: 'Input value'
name: 'keydown',
description: 'Callback to invoke when a key is pressed.',
arguments: [
name: 'event',
type: 'object',
description: 'Keydown event'
const DatePickerSlots = [
name: 'header',
description: 'Custom content for the component header.'
name: 'footer',
description: 'Custom content for the component footer.'
name: 'date',
description: 'Custom content for the calendar cell.'
name: 'decade',
description: 'Custom content for the calendar decade.'
name: 'dropdownicon',
description: 'Custom dropdown icon template.'
name: 'previcon',
description: 'Custom previous icon template.'
name: 'nexticon',
description: 'Custom next icon template.'
name: 'incrementicon',
description: 'Custom increment icon template.'
name: 'decrementicon',
description: 'Custom decrement icon template.'
module.exports = {
calendar: {
name: 'DatePicker',
description: 'DatePicker is an input component to select a date.',
props: DatePickerProps,
events: DatePickerEvents,
slots: DatePickerSlots