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2022-09-09 20:41:18 +00:00
<div class="content-section introduction">
<div class="feature-intro">
<h1>DataTable <span>VirtualScroll</span></h1>
<p>VirtualScroller is a performant approach to handle huge data efficiently.</p>
<AppDemoActions />
<div class="content-section implementation">
<div class="card">
<h5>Preloaded Data (100000 Rows)</h5>
<DataTable :value="cars" scrollable scrollHeight="400px" :virtualScrollerOptions="{ itemSize: 46 }">
<Column field="id" header="Id" style="min-width: '200px'"></Column>
<Column field="vin" header="Vin" style="min-width: '200px'"></Column>
<Column field="year" header="Year" style="min-width: '200px'"></Column>
<Column field="brand" header="Brand" style="min-width: '200px'"></Column>
<Column field="color" header="Color" style="min-width: '200px'"></Column>
<div class="card">
<h5>Lazy Loading from a Remote Datasource (100000 Rows)</h5>
<DataTable :value="virtualCars" scrollable scrollHeight="400px" :virtualScrollerOptions="{ lazy: true, onLazyLoad: loadCarsLazy, itemSize: 46, delay: 200, showLoader: true, loading: lazyLoading, numToleratedItems: 10 }">
<Column field="id" header="Id" style="min-width: '200px'">
<template #loading>
<div class="flex align-items-center" :style="{ height: '17px', 'flex-grow': '1', overflow: 'hidden' }">
<Skeleton width="60%" height="1rem" />
<Column field="vin" header="Vin" style="min-width: '200px'">
<template #loading>
<div class="flex align-items-center" :style="{ height: '17px', 'flex-grow': '1', overflow: 'hidden' }">
<Skeleton width="40%" height="1rem" />
<Column field="year" header="Year" style="min-width: '200px'">
<template #loading>
<div class="flex align-items-center" :style="{ height: '17px', 'flex-grow': '1', overflow: 'hidden' }">
<Skeleton width="30%" height="1rem" />
<Column field="brand" header="Brand" style="min-width: '200px'">
<template #loading>
<div class="flex align-items-center" :style="{ height: '17px', 'flex-grow': '1', overflow: 'hidden' }">
<Skeleton width="40%" height="1rem" />
<Column field="color" header="Color" style="min-width: '200px'">
<template #loading>
<div class="flex align-items-center" :style="{ height: '17px', 'flex-grow': '1', overflow: 'hidden' }">
<Skeleton width="60%" height="1rem" />
2022-12-20 17:28:51 +00:00
<AppDoc name="DataTableVirtualScrollDemo" :sources="sources" :service="['CarService']" github="datatable/DataTableVirtualScrollDemo.vue" />
2022-09-09 20:41:18 +00:00
import CarService from '../../service/CarService';
export default {
data() {
return {
cars: null,
virtualCars: Array.from({ length: 100000 }),
lazyLoading: false,
sources: {
'options-api': {
tabName: 'Options API Source',
content: `
<div class="card">
<h5>Preloaded Data (100000 Rows)</h5>
<DataTable :value="cars" scrollable scrollHeight="400px" :virtualScrollerOptions="{ itemSize: 46 }">
<Column field="id" header="Id" style="min-width: '200px'"></Column>
<Column field="vin" header="Vin" style="min-width: '200px'"></Column>
<Column field="year" header="Year" style="min-width: '200px'"></Column>
<Column field="brand" header="Brand" style="min-width: '200px'"></Column>
<Column field="color" header="Color" style="min-width: '200px'"></Column>
<div class="card">
<h5>Lazy Loading from a Remote Datasource (100000 Rows)</h5>
<DataTable :value="virtualCars" scrollable scrollHeight="400px" :virtualScrollerOptions="{ lazy: true, onLazyLoad: loadCarsLazy, itemSize: 46, delay: 200, showLoader: true, loading: lazyLoading, numToleratedItems: 10 }">
<Column field="id" header="Id" style="min-width: '200px'">
<template #loading>
<div class="flex align-items-center" :style="{height: '17px', 'flex-grow': '1', overflow: 'hidden'}">
<Skeleton width="60%" height="1rem" />
<Column field="vin" header="Vin" style="min-width: '200px'">
<template #loading>
<div class="flex align-items-center" :style="{height: '17px', 'flex-grow': '1', overflow: 'hidden'}">
<Skeleton width="40%" height="1rem" />
<Column field="year" header="Year" style="min-width: '200px'">
<template #loading>
<div class="flex align-items-center" :style="{height: '17px', 'flex-grow': '1', overflow: 'hidden'}">
<Skeleton width="30%" height="1rem" />
<Column field="brand" header="Brand" style="min-width: '200px'">
<template #loading>
<div class="flex align-items-center" :style="{height: '17px', 'flex-grow': '1', overflow: 'hidden'}">
<Skeleton width="40%" height="1rem" />
<Column field="color" header="Color" style="min-width: '200px'">
<template #loading>
<div class="flex align-items-center" :style="{height: '17px', 'flex-grow': '1', overflow: 'hidden'}">
<Skeleton width="60%" height="1rem" />
import CarService from './service/CarService';
export default {
data() {
return {
cars: null,
virtualCars: Array.from({ length: 100000 }),
lazyLoading: false
carService: null,
loadLazyTimeout: null,
created() {
this.carService = new CarService();
mounted() { = Array.from({ length: 100000 }).map((_, i) => this.carService.generateCar(i + 1));
methods: {
loadCarsLazy(event) {
!this.lazyLoading && (this.lazyLoading = true);
if (this.loadLazyTimeout) {
//simulate remote connection with a timeout
this.loadLazyTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
let virtualCars = [...this.virtualCars];
let { first, last } = event;
//load data of required page
const loadedCars =, last);
//populate page of virtual cars
Array.prototype.splice.apply(virtualCars, [...[first, last - first], ...loadedCars]);
this.virtualCars = virtualCars;
this.lazyLoading = false;
}, Math.random() * 1000 + 250);
'composition-api': {
tabName: 'Composition API Source',
content: `
<div class="card">
<h5>Preloaded Data (100000 Rows)</h5>
<DataTable :value="cars" scrollable scrollHeight="400px" :virtualScrollerOptions="{ itemSize: 46 }">
<Column field="id" header="Id" style="min-width: '200px'"></Column>
<Column field="vin" header="Vin" style="min-width: '200px'"></Column>
<Column field="year" header="Year" style="min-width: '200px'"></Column>
<Column field="brand" header="Brand" style="min-width: '200px'"></Column>
<Column field="color" header="Color" style="min-width: '200px'"></Column>
<div class="card">
<h5>Lazy Loading from a Remote Datasource (100000 Rows)</h5>
<DataTable :value="virtualCars" scrollable scrollHeight="400px" :virtualScrollerOptions="{ lazy: true, onLazyLoad: loadCarsLazy, itemSize: 46, delay: 200, showLoader: true, loading: lazyLoading, numToleratedItems: 10 }">
<Column field="id" header="Id" style="min-width: '200px'">
<template #loading>
<div class="flex align-items-center" :style="{height: '17px', 'flex-grow': '1', overflow: 'hidden'}">
<Skeleton width="60%" height="1rem" />
<Column field="vin" header="Vin" style="min-width: '200px'">
<template #loading>
<div class="flex align-items-center" :style="{height: '17px', 'flex-grow': '1', overflow: 'hidden'}">
<Skeleton width="40%" height="1rem" />
<Column field="year" header="Year" style="min-width: '200px'">
<template #loading>
<div class="flex align-items-center" :style="{height: '17px', 'flex-grow': '1', overflow: 'hidden'}">
<Skeleton width="30%" height="1rem" />
<Column field="brand" header="Brand" style="min-width: '200px'">
<template #loading>
<div class="flex align-items-center" :style="{height: '17px', 'flex-grow': '1', overflow: 'hidden'}">
<Skeleton width="40%" height="1rem" />
<Column field="color" header="Color" style="min-width: '200px'">
<template #loading>
<div class="flex align-items-center" :style="{height: '17px', 'flex-grow': '1', overflow: 'hidden'}">
<Skeleton width="60%" height="1rem" />
import { ref, onMounted } from 'vue';
import { FilterMatchMode } from 'primevue/api';
import CustomerService from './service/CustomerService';
export default {
setup() {
onMounted(() => {
cars.value = Array.from({ length: 100000 }).map((_, i) => carService.value.generateCar(i + 1));
const cars = ref(null);
const virtualCars = ref(Array.from({ length: 100000 }));
const lazyLoading = ref(false);
const carService = ref(new CarService());
const loadLazyTimeout = ref();
const loadCarsLazy = (event) => {
!lazyLoading.value && (lazyLoading.value = true);
if (loadLazyTimeout.value) {
//simulate remote connection with a timeout
loadLazyTimeout.value = setTimeout(() => {
let _virtualCars = [...virtualCars.value];
let { first, last } = event;
//load data of required page
const loadedCars = cars.value.slice(first, last);
//populate page of virtual cars
Array.prototype.splice.apply(_virtualCars, [...[first, last - first], ...loadedCars]);
virtualCars.value = _virtualCars;
lazyLoading.value = false;
}, Math.random() * 1000 + 250);
return { cars, virtualCars, lazyLoading, loadCarsLazy };
'browser-source': {
tabName: 'Browser Source',
imports: `<script src="^3/datatable/datatable.min.js"><\\/script>
<script src="^3/column/column.min.js"><\\/script>
<script src="^3/skeleton/skeleton.min.js"><\\/script>
<script src="./CarService.js"><\\/script>`,
content: `<div id="app">
<div class="card">
<h5>Preloaded Data (100000 Rows)</h5>
<p-datatable :value="cars" scrollable scrollHeight="400px" :virtualScrollerOptions="{ itemSize: 46 }">
<p-column field="id" header="Id" style="min-width: '200px'"></p-column>
<p-column field="vin" header="Vin" style="min-width: '200px'"></p-column>
<p-column field="year" header="Year" style="min-width: '200px'"></p-column>
<p-column field="brand" header="Brand" style="min-width: '200px'"></p-column>
<p-column field="color" header="Color" style="min-width: '200px'"></p-column>
<div class="card">
<h5>Lazy Loading from a Remote Datasource (100000 Rows)</h5>
<p-datatable :value="virtualCars" scrollable scrollHeight="400px" :virtualScrollerOptions="{ lazy: true, onLazyLoad: loadCarsLazy, itemSize: 46, delay: 200, showLoader: true, loading: lazyLoading, numToleratedItems: 10 }">
<p-column field="id" header="Id" style="min-width: '200px'">
<template #loading>
<div class="flex align-items-center" :style="{height: '17px', 'flex-grow': '1', overflow: 'hidden'}">
<p-skeleton width="60%" height="1rem" />
<p-column field="vin" header="Vin" style="min-width: '200px'">
<template #loading>
<div class="flex align-items-center" :style="{height: '17px', 'flex-grow': '1', overflow: 'hidden'}">
<p-skeleton width="40%" height="1rem" />
<p-column field="year" header="Year" style="min-width: '200px'">
<template #loading>
<div class="flex align-items-center" :style="{height: '17px', 'flex-grow': '1', overflow: 'hidden'}">
<p-skeleton width="30%" height="1rem" />
<p-column field="brand" header="Brand" style="min-width: '200px'">
<template #loading>
<div class="flex align-items-center" :style="{height: '17px', 'flex-grow': '1', overflow: 'hidden'}">
<p-skeleton width="40%" height="1rem" />
<p-column field="color" header="Color" style="min-width: '200px'">
<template #loading>
<div class="flex align-items-center" :style="{height: '17px', 'flex-grow': '1', overflow: 'hidden'}">
<p-skeleton width="60%" height="1rem" />
<script type="module">
const { createApp, ref, onMounted } = Vue;
const App = {
setup() {
onMounted(() => {
cars.value = Array.from({ length: 100000 }).map((_, i) => carService.value.generateCar(i + 1));
const cars = ref(null);
const virtualCars = ref(Array.from({ length: 100000 }));
const lazyLoading = ref(false);
const carService = ref(new CarService());
const loadLazyTimeout = ref();
const loadCarsLazy = (event) => {
!lazyLoading.value && (lazyLoading.value = true);
if (loadLazyTimeout.value) {
//simulate remote connection with a timeout
loadLazyTimeout.value = setTimeout(() => {
let _virtualCars = [...virtualCars.value];
let { first, last } = event;
//load data of required page
const loadedCars = cars.value.slice(first, last);
//populate page of virtual cars
Array.prototype.splice.apply(_virtualCars, [...[first, last - first], ...loadedCars]);
virtualCars.value = _virtualCars;
lazyLoading.value = false;
}, Math.random() * 1000 + 250);
return { cars, virtualCars, lazyLoading, loadCarsLazy };
components: {
"p-datatable": primevue.datatable,
"p-column": primevue.column,
"p-skeleton": primevue.skeleton
carService: null,
loadLazyTimeout: null,
created() {
this.carService = new CarService();
mounted() { = Array.from({ length: 100000 }).map((_, i) => this.carService.generateCar(i + 1));
methods: {
loadCarsLazy(event) {
!this.lazyLoading && (this.lazyLoading = true);
if (this.loadLazyTimeout) {
//simulate remote connection with a timeout
this.loadLazyTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
let virtualCars = [...this.virtualCars];
let { first, last } = event;
//load data of required page
const loadedCars =, last);
//populate page of virtual cars
Array.prototype.splice.apply(virtualCars, [...[first, last - first], ...loadedCars]);
this.virtualCars = virtualCars;
this.lazyLoading = false;
}, Math.random() * 1000 + 250);