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<DocSectionText v-bind="$attrs">
PrimeVue offers a built-in Tailwind theme to get you started quickly. The default values related to the component are displayed below. The component can easily be styled with your own design based on Tailwind utilities, see the
<NuxtLink to="/tailwind">Tailwind Customization</NuxtLink> section for an example.
<DocSectionCode :code="code1" hideToggleCode importCode hideCodeSandbox hideStackBlitz />
<p>A playground sample with the pre-built Tailwind theme.</p>
<DocSectionCode :code="code2" embedded />
export default {
data() {
return {
code1: {
basic: `
export default {
dialog: {
root: ({ state }) => ({
class: [
'rounded-lg shadow-lg border-0',
'max-h-90 transform scale-100',
'm-0 w-[50vw]',
'dark:border dark:border-blue-900/40',
'transition-none transform-none !w-screen !h-screen !max-h-full !top-0 !left-0': state.maximized
header: {
class: ['flex items-center justify-between shrink-0', 'bg-white text-gray-800 border-t-0 rounded-tl-lg rounded-tr-lg p-6', 'dark:bg-gray-900 dark:text-white/80']
headerTitle: 'font-bold text-lg',
headerIcons: 'flex items-center',
closeButton: {
class: [
'flex items-center justify-center overflow-hidden relative',
'w-8 h-8 text-gray-500 border-0 bg-transparent rounded-full transition duration-200 ease-in-out mr-2 last:mr-0',
'hover:text-gray-700 hover:border-transparent hover:bg-gray-200',
'focus:outline-none focus:outline-offset-0 focus:shadow-[0_0_0_0.2rem_rgba(191,219,254,1)]', // focus
'dark:hover:text-white/80 dark:hover:border-transparent dark:hover:bg-gray-800/80 dark:focus:shadow-[inset_0_0_0_0.2rem_rgba(147,197,253,0.5)]'
closeButtonIcon: 'w-4 h-4 inline-block',
content: ({ state }) => ({
class: [
'bg-white text-gray-700 px-6 pb-8 pt-0',
'rounded-bl-lg rounded-br-lg',
'dark:bg-gray-900 dark:text-white/80 ',
grow: state.maximized
footer: {
class: ['shrink-0 ', 'border-t-0 bg-white text-gray-700 px-6 pb-6 text-right rounded-b-lg', 'dark:bg-gray-900 dark:text-white/80']
mask: ({ props }) => ({
class: ['transition duration-200', { 'bg-black/40': props.modal }]
transition: ({ props }) => {
return props.position === 'top'
? {
enterFromClass: 'opacity-0 scale-75 translate-x-0 -translate-y-full translate-z-0',
enterActiveClass: 'transition-all duration-200 ease-out',
leaveActiveClass: 'transition-all duration-200 ease-out',
leaveToClass: 'opacity-0 scale-75 translate-x-0 -translate-y-full translate-z-0'
: props.position === 'bottom'
? {
enterFromClass: 'opacity-0 scale-75 translate-y-full',
enterActiveClass: 'transition-all duration-200 ease-out',
leaveActiveClass: 'transition-all duration-200 ease-out',
leaveToClass: 'opacity-0 scale-75 translate-x-0 translate-y-full translate-z-0'
: props.position === 'left' || props.position === 'topleft' || props.position === 'bottomleft'
? {
enterFromClass: 'opacity-0 scale-75 -translate-x-full translate-y-0 translate-z-0',
enterActiveClass: 'transition-all duration-200 ease-out',
leaveActiveClass: 'transition-all duration-200 ease-out',
leaveToClass: 'opacity-0 scale-75 -translate-x-full translate-y-0 translate-z-0'
: props.position === 'right' || props.position === 'topright' || props.position === 'bottomright'
? {
enterFromClass: 'opacity-0 scale-75 translate-x-full translate-y-0 translate-z-0',
enterActiveClass: 'transition-all duration-200 ease-out',
leaveActiveClass: 'transition-all duration-200 ease-out',
leaveToClass: 'opacity-0 scale-75 opacity-0 scale-75 translate-x-full translate-y-0 translate-z-0'
: {
enterFromClass: 'opacity-0 scale-75',
enterActiveClass: 'transition-all duration-200 ease-out',
leaveActiveClass: 'transition-all duration-200 ease-out',
leaveToClass: 'opacity-0 scale-75'
code2: {
composition: `
<Toast />
<div class="card flex flex-wrap gap-2 justify-center">
<Button @click="confirm1()" icon="pi pi-check" label="Confirm"></Button>
<Button @click="confirm2()" icon="pi pi-times" label="Delete"></Button>
<script setup>
import { useConfirm } from "primevue/useconfirm";
import { useToast } from "primevue/usetoast";
const confirm = useConfirm();
const toast = useToast();
const confirm1 = () => {
message: 'Are you sure you want to proceed?',
header: 'Confirmation',
icon: 'pi pi-exclamation-triangle',
accept: () => {
toast.add({ severity: 'info', summary: 'Confirmed', detail: 'You have accepted', life: 3000 });
reject: () => {
toast.add({ severity: 'error', summary: 'Rejected', detail: 'You have rejected', life: 3000 });
const confirm2 = () => {
message: 'Do you want to delete this record?',
header: 'Delete Confirmation',
icon: 'pi pi-info-circle',
acceptClass: 'p-button-danger',
accept: () => {
toast.add({ severity: 'info', summary: 'Confirmed', detail: 'Record deleted', life: 3000 });
reject: () => {
toast.add({ severity: 'error', summary: 'Rejected', detail: 'You have rejected', life: 3000 });