From 11b146a6d64b13242f7333527ae93a72842d7ab2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: tugcekucukoglu Date: Fri, 2 Aug 2024 13:08:26 +0300 Subject: [PATCH] Update Config.d.ts --- packages/primevue/src/config/Config.d.ts | 28 ++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 28 insertions(+) diff --git a/packages/primevue/src/config/Config.d.ts b/packages/primevue/src/config/Config.d.ts index e9a2ffb69..71ca2b7a3 100644 --- a/packages/primevue/src/config/Config.d.ts +++ b/packages/primevue/src/config/Config.d.ts @@ -41,14 +41,20 @@ import type { DropdownPassThroughOptions } from 'primevue/dropdown'; import type { EditorPassThroughOptions } from 'primevue/editor'; import type { FieldsetPassThroughOptions } from 'primevue/fieldset'; import type { FileUploadPassThroughOptions } from 'primevue/fileupload'; +import type { FloatLabelPassThroughOptions } from 'primevue/floatlabel'; +import type { FluidPassThroughOptions } from 'primevue/fluid'; import type { FocusTrapDirectivePassThroughOptions } from 'primevue/focustrap'; import type { GalleriaPassThroughOptions } from 'primevue/galleria'; import type { ImagePassThroughOptions } from 'primevue/image'; import type { InlineMessagePassThroughOptions } from 'primevue/inlinemessage'; import type { InplacePassThroughOptions } from 'primevue/inplace'; import type { InputChipsPassThroughOptions } from 'primevue/inputchips'; +import type { InputGroupPassThroughOptions } from 'primevue/inputgroup'; +import type { InputGroupAddonPassThroughOptions } from 'primevue/inputgroupaddon'; +import type { InputIconPassThroughOptions } from 'primevue/inputicon'; import type { InputMaskPassThroughOptions } from 'primevue/inputmask'; import type { InputNumberPassThroughOptions } from 'primevue/inputnumber'; +import type { InputOtpPassThroughOptions } from 'primevue/inputotp'; import type { InputSwitchPassThroughOptions } from 'primevue/inputswitch'; import type { InputTextPassThroughOptions } from 'primevue/inputtext'; import type { KnobPassThroughOptions } from 'primevue/knob'; @@ -57,9 +63,11 @@ import type { MegaMenuPassThroughOptions } from 'primevue/megamenu'; import type { MenuPassThroughOptions } from 'primevue/menu'; import type { MenubarPassThroughOptions } from 'primevue/menubar'; import type { MessagePassThroughOptions } from 'primevue/message'; +import type { MeterGroupPassThroughOptions } from 'primevue/metergroup'; import type { MultiSelectPassThroughOptions } from 'primevue/multiselect'; import type { OrderListPassThroughOptions } from 'primevue/orderlist'; import type { OrganizationChartPassThroughOptions } from 'primevue/organizationchart'; +import type { OverlayBadgePassThroughOptions } from 'primevue/overlaybadge'; import type { OverlayPanelPassThroughOptions } from 'primevue/overlaypanel'; import type { PaginatorPassThroughOptions } from 'primevue/paginator'; import type { PanelPassThroughOptions } from 'primevue/panel'; @@ -85,6 +93,12 @@ import type { SpeedDialPassThroughOptions } from 'primevue/speeddial'; import type { SplitButtonPassThroughOptions } from 'primevue/splitbutton'; import type { SplitterPassThroughOptions } from 'primevue/splitter'; import type { SplitterPanelPassThroughOptions } from 'primevue/splitterpanel'; +import type { StepPassThroughOptions } from 'primevue/step'; +import type { StepItemPassThroughOptions } from 'primevue/stepitem'; +import type { StepListPassThroughOptions } from 'primevue/steplist'; +import type { StepPanelPassThroughOptions } from 'primevue/steppanel'; +import type { StepPanelsPassThroughOptions } from 'primevue/steppanels'; +import type { StepperPassThroughOptions } from 'primevue/stepper'; import type { StepsPassThroughOptions } from 'primevue/steps'; import type { StyleClassDirectivePassThroughOptions } from 'primevue/styleclass'; import type { TabPassThroughOptions } from 'primevue/tab'; @@ -182,16 +196,22 @@ export interface PrimeVuePTOptions { editor?: DefaultPassThrough; fieldset?: DefaultPassThrough; fileupload?: DefaultPassThrough; + floatlabel?: DefaultPassThrough; + fluid?: DefaultPassThrough; galleria?: DefaultPassThrough; image?: DefaultPassThrough; inlinemessage?: DefaultPassThrough; inplace?: DefaultPassThrough; inputchips?: DefaultPassThrough; + inputgroup?: DefaultPassThrough; + inputgroupaddon?: DefaultPassThrough; + inputicon?: DefaultPassThrough; inputmask?: DefaultPassThrough; inputnumber?: DefaultPassThrough; /** * @deprecated since v4. Use the new structure of ToggleSwitch instead. */ + inputotp?: DefaultPassThrough; inputswitch?: DefaultPassThrough; inputtext?: DefaultPassThrough; knob?: DefaultPassThrough; @@ -200,9 +220,11 @@ export interface PrimeVuePTOptions { menu?: DefaultPassThrough; menubar?: DefaultPassThrough; message?: DefaultPassThrough; + metergroup?: DefaultPassThrough; multiselect?: DefaultPassThrough; orderlist?: DefaultPassThrough; organizationchart?: DefaultPassThrough; + overlaybadge?: DefaultPassThrough; /** * @deprecated since v4. Use the new structure of Popover instead. */ @@ -232,6 +254,12 @@ export interface PrimeVuePTOptions { splitbutton?: DefaultPassThrough; splitter?: DefaultPassThrough; splitterpanel?: DefaultPassThrough; + step?: DefaultPassThrough; + stepitem?: DefaultPassThrough; + steplist?: DefaultPassThrough; + steppanel?: DefaultPassThrough; + steppanels?: DefaultPassThrough; + stepper?: DefaultPassThrough; steps?: DefaultPassThrough; tabmenu?: DefaultPassThrough; tabs?: DefaultPassThrough;