Sidebar is used as a container and visibility is controlled with visible property.
+Sidebar can either be located on the left (default), right, top or bottom of the screen depending on the position property.
+Sidebar size can be changed using a fixed value or using one of the three predefined ones.
+Full screen mode allows the sidebar to cover whole screen.
+Name | +Type | +Default | +Description | +
visible | +boolean | +false | +Specifies the visibility of the dialog. | +
position | +string | +left | +Specifies the position of the sidebar, valid values are "left", "right", "top", "bottom" and "full". | +
baseZIndex | +number | +0 | +Base zIndex value to use in layering. | +
autoZIndex | +boolean | +true | +Whether to automatically manage layering. | +
dismissable | +boolean | +true | +Whether clicking outside closes the panel. | +
showCloseIcon | +boolean | +true | +Whether to display a close icon inside the panel. | +
modal | +boolean | +true | +Whether to a modal layer behind the sidebar. | +
Name | +Parameters | +Description | +
hide | +- | +Callback to invoke when sidebar gets hidden. | +
show | +- | +Callback to invoke when sidebar gets shown. | +
Following is the list of structural style classes, for theming classes visit
Name | +Element | +
p-sidebar | +Container element | +
p-sidebar-left | +Container element of left sidebar. | +
p-sidebar-right | +Container element of right sidebar. | +
p-sidebar-top | +Container element of top sidebar. | +
p-sidebar-bottom | +Container element of bottom sidebar. | +
p-sidebar-full | +Container element of a full screen sidebar. | +
p-sidebar-active | +Container element when sidebar is visible. | +
p-sidebar-close | +Close anchor element. | +
p-sidebar-sm | +Small sized sidebar. | +
p-sidebar-md | +Medium sized sidebar. | +
p-sidebar-lg | +Large sized sidebar. | +
p-sidebar-mask | +Modal layer of the sidebar. | +