Fixed #6701 - Update the bundle of @primevue/icons package
@ -13,18 +13,77 @@
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"./angledoubledown": "./src/angledoubledown/AngleDoubleDownIcon.vue",
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"./angledoubleright": "./src/angledoubleright/AngleDoubleRightIcon.vue",
"./angledoubleup": "./src/angledoubleup/AngleDoubleUpIcon.vue",
"./angledown": "./src/angledown/AngleDownIcon.vue",
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"./angleright": "./src/angleright/AngleRightIcon.vue",
"./angleup": "./src/angleup/AngleUpIcon.vue",
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"./arrowup": "./src/arrowup/ArrowUpIcon.vue",
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"./bars": "./src/bars/BarsIcon.vue",
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"./chevronright": "./src/chevronright/ChevronRightIcon.vue",
"./chevronup": "./src/chevronup/ChevronUpIcon.vue",
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"./eye": "./src/eye/EyeIcon.vue",
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"./filter": "./src/filter/FilterIcon.vue",
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"./pencil": "./src/pencil/PencilIcon.vue",
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"./refresh": "./src/refresh/RefreshIcon.vue",
"./search": "./src/search/SearchIcon.vue",
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"./searchplus": "./src/searchplus/SearchPlusIcon.vue",
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"./star": "./src/star/StarIcon.vue",
"./starfill": "./src/starfill/StarFillIcon.vue",
"./thlarge": "./src/thlarge/ThLargeIcon.vue",
"./times": "./src/times/TimesIcon.vue",
"./timescircle": "./src/timescircle/TimesCircleIcon.vue",
"./trash": "./src/trash/TrashIcon.vue",
"./undo": "./src/undo/UndoIcon.vue",
"./upload": "./src/upload/UploadIcon.vue",
"./windowmaximize": "./src/windowmaximize/WindowMaximizeIcon.vue",
"./windowminimize": "./src/windowminimize/WindowMinimizeIcon.vue",
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@ -26,7 +26,22 @@ const EXTERNALS = [...GLOBAL_EXTERNALS, ...INLINE_EXTERNALS];
find: /^@primevue\/icons\/(.*)$/,
replacement: path.resolve(__dirname, './src/$1/index.vue')
replacement: path.resolve(__dirname, './src/$1'),
customResolver(source, importer) {
const basedir = path.dirname(importer);
const folderPath = path.resolve(basedir, source);
const folderName = path.basename(folderPath);
const fName = folderName === 'style' ? `${path.basename(path.dirname(folderPath))}Style` : folderName;
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const targetFile = files.find((file) => {
const ext = path.extname(file);
return ['.vue', '.js'].includes(ext) && path.basename(file, ext).toLowerCase() === fName.toLowerCase();
return targetFile ? path.join(folderPath, targetFile) : null;
{ find: '@primevue/icons/baseicon/style', replacement: path.resolve(__dirname, './src/baseicon/style/BaseIconStyle.js') },
{ find: '@primevue/icons/baseicon', replacement: path.resolve(__dirname, './src/baseicon/BaseIcon.vue') }
@ -167,7 +182,9 @@ function addIcons() {
.filter((dir) => dir.isDirectory())
.forEach(({ name: folderName }) => {
fs.readdirSync(path.resolve(__dirname, iconDir + '/' + folderName)).forEach((file) => {
if (/\.vue$/.test(file)) {
let name = file.split(/(.vue)$|(.js)$/)[0].toLowerCase();
if (name === folderName || name === `${folderName}icon`) {
const input = process.env.INPUT_DIR + folderName + '/' + file;
const output = process.env.OUTPUT_DIR + folderName + '/index';
@ -195,7 +212,12 @@ function addStyle() {
function addLibrary() {
||||{ input: process.env.INPUT_DIR + 'index.js', output: process.env.OUTPUT_DIR + 'index' });
export default ENTRY.entries;
@ -1,5 +1,79 @@
import fs from 'fs-extra';
import path from 'path';
import { removeBuild, resolvePath, updatePackageJson } from '../../../scripts/build-helper.mjs';
const { __dirname, INPUT_DIR } = resolvePath(import.meta.url);
const __root = path.resolve(__dirname, '../');
const pkg = path.resolve(__root, './package.json');
updatePackageJson(path.resolve(resolvePath(import.meta.url).__dirname, '../package.json'));
// update package.json > "exports" for local
let exports = {};
let modules = {
ignoredFolders: [],
esm: [
`/***************** PrimeVue Icons (Auto-Generated) *****************/
fs.readdirSync(path.resolve(__root, INPUT_DIR), { withFileTypes: true })
.filter((dir) => dir.isDirectory())
.forEach(({ name: folderName }) => {
const folderPath = path.resolve(__root, INPUT_DIR + folderName);
fs.readdirSync(folderPath).forEach((file) => {
let fileName = file.split(/(.vue)$|(.js)$/)[0];
let name = fileName.toLowerCase();
if (name === folderName || name === `${folderName}icon`) {
const validModuleFolder = !modules.ignoredFolders.includes(folderName);
exports[`./${folderName}`] = `./${INPUT_DIR}${folderName}/${file}`;
if (validModuleFolder) {
// ${fileName}
export * from '@primevue/icons/${folderName}';
export { default as ${fileName} } from '@primevue/icons/${folderName}';
try {
fs.readdirSync(folderPath + '/style').forEach((file) => {
let subFileName = file.split(/(.js)$/)[0];
let subName = subFileName.toLowerCase();
if (subName === `${folderName}style`) {
exports[`./${folderName}/style`] = `./${INPUT_DIR}${folderName}/style/${file}`;
if (validModuleFolder) {
`export * from '@primevue/icons/${folderName}/style';
export { default as ${subFileName} } from '@primevue/icons/${folderName}/style';
} catch {}
exports['./*'] = './*';
// package.json
const pkgJson = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(pkg, { encoding: 'utf8', flag: 'r' }));
pkgJson.exports = exports;
fs.writeFileSync(pkg, JSON.stringify(pkgJson, null, 4));
// ESM
fs.writeFileSync(INPUT_DIR + 'index.js', modules.esm.join(''));
fs.writeFileSync(INPUT_DIR + 'index.d.ts', modules.esm.join(''));
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import type { DefineComponent } from '@primevue/core';
import type { Icon } from '@primevue/icons';
import type { Icon } from '@primevue/icons/baseicon';
declare class AngleDoubleDownIcon extends Icon {}
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
"main": "./index.vue",
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"main": "./AngleDoubleDownIcon.vue",
"module": "./AngleDoubleDownIcon.vue",
"types": "./AngleDoubleDownIcon.d.ts",
"browser": {
"./sfc": "./index.vue"
"./sfc": "./AngleDoubleDownIcon.vue"
"sideEffects": [
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import type { DefineComponent } from '@primevue/core';
import type { Icon } from '@primevue/icons';
import type { Icon } from '@primevue/icons/baseicon';
declare class AngleDoubleLeftIcon extends Icon {}
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
"main": "./index.vue",
"module": "./index.vue",
"types": "./index.d.ts",
"main": "./AngleDoubleLeftIcon.vue",
"module": "./AngleDoubleLeftIcon.vue",
"types": "./AngleDoubleLeftIcon.d.ts",
"browser": {
"./sfc": "./index.vue"
"./sfc": "./AngleDoubleLeftIcon.vue"
"sideEffects": [
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import type { DefineComponent } from '@primevue/core';
import type { Icon } from '@primevue/icons';
import type { Icon } from '@primevue/icons/baseicon';
declare class AngleDoubleRightIcon extends Icon {}
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
"main": "./index.vue",
"module": "./index.vue",
"types": "./index.d.ts",
"main": "./AngleDoubleRightIcon.vue",
"module": "./AngleDoubleRightIcon.vue",
"types": "./AngleDoubleRightIcon.d.ts",
"browser": {
"./sfc": "./index.vue"
"./sfc": "./AngleDoubleRightIcon.vue"
"sideEffects": [
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import type { DefineComponent } from '@primevue/core';
import type { Icon } from '@primevue/icons';
import type { Icon } from '@primevue/icons/baseicon';
declare class AngleDoubleUpIcon extends Icon {}
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
"main": "./index.vue",
"module": "./index.vue",
"types": "./index.d.ts",
"main": "./AngleDoubleUpIcon.vue",
"module": "./AngleDoubleUpIcon.vue",
"types": "./AngleDoubleUpIcon.d.ts",
"browser": {
"./sfc": "./index.vue"
"./sfc": "./AngleDoubleUpIcon.vue"
"sideEffects": [
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import type { DefineComponent } from '@primevue/core';
import type { Icon } from '@primevue/icons';
import type { Icon } from '@primevue/icons/baseicon';
declare class AngleDownIcon extends Icon {}
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
"main": "./index.vue",
"module": "./index.vue",
"types": "./index.d.ts",
"main": "./AngleDownIcon.vue",
"module": "./AngleDownIcon.vue",
"types": "./AngleDownIcon.d.ts",
"browser": {
"./sfc": "./index.vue"
"./sfc": "./AngleDownIcon.vue"
"sideEffects": [
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import type { DefineComponent } from '@primevue/core';
import type { Icon } from '@primevue/icons';
import type { Icon } from '@primevue/icons/baseicon';
declare class AngleLeftIcon extends Icon {}
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
"main": "./index.vue",
"module": "./index.vue",
"types": "./index.d.ts",
"main": "./AngleLeftIcon.vue",
"module": "./AngleLeftIcon.vue",
"types": "./AngleLeftIcon.d.ts",
"browser": {
"./sfc": "./index.vue"
"./sfc": "./AngleLeftIcon.vue"
"sideEffects": [
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import type { DefineComponent } from '@primevue/core';
import type { Icon } from '@primevue/icons';
import type { Icon } from '@primevue/icons/baseicon';
declare class AngleRightIcon extends Icon {}
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
"main": "./index.vue",
"module": "./index.vue",
"types": "./index.d.ts",
"main": "./AngleRightIcon.vue",
"module": "./AngleRightIcon.vue",
"types": "./AngleRightIcon.d.ts",
"browser": {
"./sfc": "./index.vue"
"./sfc": "./AngleRightIcon.vue"
"sideEffects": [
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import type { DefineComponent } from '@primevue/core';
import type { Icon } from '@primevue/icons';
import type { Icon } from '@primevue/icons/baseicon';
declare class AngleUpIcon extends Icon {}
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
"main": "./index.vue",
"module": "./index.vue",
"types": "./index.d.ts",
"main": "./AngleUpIcon.vue",
"module": "./AngleUpIcon.vue",
"types": "./AngleUpIcon.d.ts",
"browser": {
"./sfc": "./index.vue"
"./sfc": "./AngleUpIcon.vue"
"sideEffects": [
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import type { DefineComponent } from '@primevue/core';
import type { Icon } from '@primevue/icons';
import type { Icon } from '@primevue/icons/baseicon';
declare class ArrowDownIcon extends Icon {}
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
"main": "./index.vue",
"module": "./index.vue",
"types": "./index.d.ts",
"main": "./ArrowDownIcon.vue",
"module": "./ArrowDownIcon.vue",
"types": "./ArrowDownIcon.d.ts",
"browser": {
"./sfc": "./index.vue"
"./sfc": "./ArrowDownIcon.vue"
"sideEffects": [
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import type { DefineComponent } from '@primevue/core';
import type { Icon } from '@primevue/icons';
import type { Icon } from '@primevue/icons/baseicon';
declare class ArrowUpIcon extends Icon {}
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
"main": "./index.vue",
"module": "./index.vue",
"types": "./index.d.ts",
"main": "./ArrowUpIcon.vue",
"module": "./ArrowUpIcon.vue",
"types": "./ArrowUpIcon.d.ts",
"browser": {
"./sfc": "./index.vue"
"./sfc": "./ArrowUpIcon.vue"
"sideEffects": [
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import type { DefineComponent } from '@primevue/core';
import type { Icon } from '@primevue/icons';
import type { Icon } from '@primevue/icons/baseicon';
declare class BanIcon extends Icon {}
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
"main": "./index.vue",
"module": "./index.vue",
"types": "./index.d.ts",
"main": "./BanIcon.vue",
"module": "./BanIcon.vue",
"types": "./BanIcon.d.ts",
"browser": {
"./sfc": "./index.vue"
"./sfc": "./BanIcon.vue"
"sideEffects": [
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import type { DefineComponent } from '@primevue/core';
import type { Icon } from '@primevue/icons';
import type { Icon } from '@primevue/icons/baseicon';
declare class BarsIcon extends Icon {}
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
"main": "./index.vue",
"module": "./index.vue",
"types": "./index.d.ts",
"main": "./BarsIcon.vue",
"module": "./BarsIcon.vue",
"types": "./BarsIcon.d.ts",
"browser": {
"./sfc": "./index.vue"
"./sfc": "./BarsIcon.vue"
"sideEffects": [
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
import type { DefineComponent, EmitFn } from '@primevue/core';
export interface IconProps {
label?: string | undefined;
spin?: boolean;
export interface IconSlots {}
export interface IconEmitsOptions {}
export declare type IconEmits = EmitFn<IconEmitsOptions>;
export declare const Icon: DefineComponent<IconProps, IconSlots, IconEmits>;
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
"main": "./BaseIcon.vue",
"module": "./BaseIcon.vue",
"types": "./BaseIcon.d.ts",
"browser": {
"./sfc": "./BaseIcon.vue"
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import type { DefineComponent } from '@primevue/core';
import type { Icon } from '@primevue/icons';
import type { Icon } from '@primevue/icons/baseicon';
declare class BlankIcon extends Icon {}
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
"main": "./index.vue",
"module": "./index.vue",
"types": "./index.d.ts",
"main": "./BlankIcon.vue",
"module": "./BlankIcon.vue",
"types": "./BlankIcon.d.ts",
"browser": {
"./sfc": "./index.vue"
"./sfc": "./BlankIcon.vue"
"sideEffects": [
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import type { DefineComponent } from '@primevue/core';
import type { Icon } from '@primevue/icons';
import type { Icon } from '@primevue/icons/baseicon';
declare class CalendarIcon extends Icon {}
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
"main": "./index.vue",
"module": "./index.vue",
"types": "./index.d.ts",
"main": "./CalendarIcon.vue",
"module": "./CalendarIcon.vue",
"types": "./CalendarIcon.d.ts",
"browser": {
"./sfc": "./index.vue"
"./sfc": "./CalendarIcon.vue"
"sideEffects": [
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import type { DefineComponent } from '@primevue/core';
import type { Icon } from '@primevue/icons';
import type { Icon } from '@primevue/icons/baseicon';
declare class CheckIcon extends Icon {}
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
"main": "./index.vue",
"module": "./index.vue",
"types": "./index.d.ts",
"main": "./CheckIcon.vue",
"module": "./CheckIcon.vue",
"types": "./CheckIcon.d.ts",
"browser": {
"./sfc": "./index.vue"
"./sfc": "./CheckIcon.vue"
"sideEffects": [
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import type { DefineComponent } from '@primevue/core';
import type { Icon } from '@primevue/icons';
import type { Icon } from '@primevue/icons/baseicon';
declare class ChevronDownIcon extends Icon {}
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
"main": "./index.vue",
"module": "./index.vue",
"types": "./index.d.ts",
"main": "./ChevronDownIcon.vue",
"module": "./ChevronDownIcon.vue",
"types": "./ChevronDownIcon.d.ts",
"browser": {
"./sfc": "./index.vue"
"./sfc": "./ChevronDownIcon.vue"
"sideEffects": [
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import type { DefineComponent } from '@primevue/core';
import type { Icon } from '@primevue/icons';
import type { Icon } from '@primevue/icons/baseicon';
declare class ChevronLeftIcon extends Icon {}
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
"main": "./index.vue",
"module": "./index.vue",
"types": "./index.d.ts",
"main": "./ChevronLeftIcon.vue",
"module": "./ChevronLeftIcon.vue",
"types": "./ChevronLeftIcon.d.ts",
"browser": {
"./sfc": "./index.vue"
"./sfc": "./ChevronLeftIcon.vue"
"sideEffects": [
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import type { DefineComponent } from '@primevue/core';
import type { Icon } from '@primevue/icons';
import type { Icon } from '@primevue/icons/baseicon';
declare class ChevronRightIcon extends Icon {}
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
"main": "./index.vue",
"module": "./index.vue",
"types": "./index.d.ts",
"main": "./ChevronRightIcon.vue",
"module": "./ChevronRightIcon.vue",
"types": "./ChevronRightIcon.d.ts",
"browser": {
"./sfc": "./index.vue"
"./sfc": "./ChevronRightIcon.vue"
"sideEffects": [
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import type { DefineComponent } from '@primevue/core';
import type { Icon } from '@primevue/icons';
import type { Icon } from '@primevue/icons/baseicon';
declare class ChevronUpIcon extends Icon {}
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
"main": "./index.vue",
"module": "./index.vue",
"types": "./index.d.ts",
"main": "./ChevronUpIcon.vue",
"module": "./ChevronUpIcon.vue",
"types": "./ChevronUpIcon.d.ts",
"browser": {
"./sfc": "./index.vue"
"./sfc": "./ChevronUpIcon.vue"
"sideEffects": [
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import type { DefineComponent } from '@primevue/core';
import type { Icon } from '@primevue/icons';
import type { Icon } from '@primevue/icons/baseicon';
declare class ExclamationTriangleIcon extends Icon {}
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
"main": "./index.vue",
"module": "./index.vue",
"types": "./index.d.ts",
"main": "./ExclamationTriangleIcon.vue",
"module": "./ExclamationTriangleIcon.vue",
"types": "./ExclamationTriangleIcon.d.ts",
"browser": {
"./sfc": "./index.vue"
"./sfc": "./ExclamationTriangleIcon.vue"
"sideEffects": [
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import type { DefineComponent } from '@primevue/core';
import type { Icon } from '@primevue/icons';
import type { Icon } from '@primevue/icons/baseicon';
declare class EyeIcon extends Icon {}
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
"main": "./index.vue",
"module": "./index.vue",
"types": "./index.d.ts",
"main": "./EyeIcon.vue",
"module": "./EyeIcon.vue",
"types": "./EyeIcon.d.ts",
"browser": {
"./sfc": "./index.vue"
"./sfc": "./EyeIcon.vue"
"sideEffects": [
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import type { DefineComponent } from '@primevue/core';
import type { Icon } from '@primevue/icons';
import type { Icon } from '@primevue/icons/baseicon';
declare class EyeSlashIcon extends Icon {}
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
"main": "./index.vue",
"module": "./index.vue",
"types": "./index.d.ts",
"main": "./EyeSlashIcon.vue",
"module": "./EyeSlashIcon.vue",
"types": "./EyeSlashIcon.d.ts",
"browser": {
"./sfc": "./index.vue"
"./sfc": "./EyeSlashIcon.vue"
"sideEffects": [
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import type { DefineComponent } from '@primevue/core';
import type { Icon } from '@primevue/icons';
import type { Icon } from '@primevue/icons/baseicon';
declare class FilterIcon extends Icon {}
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
"main": "./index.vue",
"module": "./index.vue",
"types": "./index.d.ts",
"main": "./FilterIcon.vue",
"module": "./FilterIcon.vue",
"types": "./FilterIcon.d.ts",
"browser": {
"./sfc": "./index.vue"
"./sfc": "./FilterIcon.vue"
"sideEffects": [
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import type { DefineComponent } from '@primevue/core';
import type { Icon } from '@primevue/icons';
import type { Icon } from '@primevue/icons/baseicon';
declare class FilterSlashIcon extends Icon {}
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
"main": "./index.vue",
"module": "./index.vue",
"types": "./index.d.ts",
"main": "./FilterSlashIcon.vue",
"module": "./FilterSlashIcon.vue",
"types": "./FilterSlashIcon.d.ts",
"browser": {
"./sfc": "./index.vue"
"./sfc": "./FilterSlashIcon.vue"
"sideEffects": [
@ -1,14 +1,191 @@
import type { DefineComponent, EmitFn } from '@primevue/core';
/***************** PrimeVue Icons (Auto-Generated) *****************/
export interface IconProps {
label?: string | undefined;
spin?: boolean;
// AngleDoubleDownIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/angledoubledown';
export { default as AngleDoubleDownIcon } from '@primevue/icons/angledoubledown';
export interface IconSlots {}
// AngleDoubleLeftIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/angledoubleleft';
export { default as AngleDoubleLeftIcon } from '@primevue/icons/angledoubleleft';
export interface IconEmitsOptions {}
// AngleDoubleRightIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/angledoubleright';
export { default as AngleDoubleRightIcon } from '@primevue/icons/angledoubleright';
export declare type IconEmits = EmitFn<IconEmitsOptions>;
// AngleDoubleUpIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/angledoubleup';
export { default as AngleDoubleUpIcon } from '@primevue/icons/angledoubleup';
declare const Icon: DefineComponent<IconProps, IconSlots, IconEmits>;
// AngleDownIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/angledown';
export { default as AngleDownIcon } from '@primevue/icons/angledown';
// AngleLeftIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/angleleft';
export { default as AngleLeftIcon } from '@primevue/icons/angleleft';
// AngleRightIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/angleright';
export { default as AngleRightIcon } from '@primevue/icons/angleright';
// AngleUpIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/angleup';
export { default as AngleUpIcon } from '@primevue/icons/angleup';
// ArrowDownIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/arrowdown';
export { default as ArrowDownIcon } from '@primevue/icons/arrowdown';
// ArrowUpIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/arrowup';
export { default as ArrowUpIcon } from '@primevue/icons/arrowup';
// BanIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/ban';
export { default as BanIcon } from '@primevue/icons/ban';
// BarsIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/bars';
export { default as BarsIcon } from '@primevue/icons/bars';
// BaseIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/baseicon';
export { default as BaseIcon } from '@primevue/icons/baseicon';
export * from '@primevue/icons/baseicon/style';
export { default as BaseIconStyle } from '@primevue/icons/baseicon/style';
// BlankIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/blank';
export { default as BlankIcon } from '@primevue/icons/blank';
// CalendarIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/calendar';
export { default as CalendarIcon } from '@primevue/icons/calendar';
// CheckIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/check';
export { default as CheckIcon } from '@primevue/icons/check';
// ChevronDownIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/chevrondown';
export { default as ChevronDownIcon } from '@primevue/icons/chevrondown';
// ChevronLeftIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/chevronleft';
export { default as ChevronLeftIcon } from '@primevue/icons/chevronleft';
// ChevronRightIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/chevronright';
export { default as ChevronRightIcon } from '@primevue/icons/chevronright';
// ChevronUpIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/chevronup';
export { default as ChevronUpIcon } from '@primevue/icons/chevronup';
// ExclamationTriangleIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/exclamationtriangle';
export { default as ExclamationTriangleIcon } from '@primevue/icons/exclamationtriangle';
// EyeIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/eye';
export { default as EyeIcon } from '@primevue/icons/eye';
// EyeSlashIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/eyeslash';
export { default as EyeSlashIcon } from '@primevue/icons/eyeslash';
// FilterIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/filter';
export { default as FilterIcon } from '@primevue/icons/filter';
// FilterSlashIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/filterslash';
export { default as FilterSlashIcon } from '@primevue/icons/filterslash';
// InfoCircleIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/infocircle';
export { default as InfoCircleIcon } from '@primevue/icons/infocircle';
// MinusIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/minus';
export { default as MinusIcon } from '@primevue/icons/minus';
// PencilIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/pencil';
export { default as PencilIcon } from '@primevue/icons/pencil';
// PlusIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/plus';
export { default as PlusIcon } from '@primevue/icons/plus';
// RefreshIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/refresh';
export { default as RefreshIcon } from '@primevue/icons/refresh';
// SearchIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/search';
export { default as SearchIcon } from '@primevue/icons/search';
// SearchMinusIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/searchminus';
export { default as SearchMinusIcon } from '@primevue/icons/searchminus';
// SearchPlusIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/searchplus';
export { default as SearchPlusIcon } from '@primevue/icons/searchplus';
// SortAltIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/sortalt';
export { default as SortAltIcon } from '@primevue/icons/sortalt';
// SortAmountDownIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/sortamountdown';
export { default as SortAmountDownIcon } from '@primevue/icons/sortamountdown';
// SortAmountUpAltIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/sortamountupalt';
export { default as SortAmountUpAltIcon } from '@primevue/icons/sortamountupalt';
// SpinnerIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/spinner';
export { default as SpinnerIcon } from '@primevue/icons/spinner';
// StarIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/star';
export { default as StarIcon } from '@primevue/icons/star';
// StarFillIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/starfill';
export { default as StarFillIcon } from '@primevue/icons/starfill';
// ThLargeIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/thlarge';
export { default as ThLargeIcon } from '@primevue/icons/thlarge';
// TimesIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/times';
export { default as TimesIcon } from '@primevue/icons/times';
// TimesCircleIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/timescircle';
export { default as TimesCircleIcon } from '@primevue/icons/timescircle';
// TrashIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/trash';
export { default as TrashIcon } from '@primevue/icons/trash';
// UndoIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/undo';
export { default as UndoIcon } from '@primevue/icons/undo';
// UploadIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/upload';
export { default as UploadIcon } from '@primevue/icons/upload';
// WindowMaximizeIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/windowmaximize';
export { default as WindowMaximizeIcon } from '@primevue/icons/windowmaximize';
// WindowMinimizeIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/windowminimize';
export { default as WindowMinimizeIcon } from '@primevue/icons/windowminimize';
@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
/***************** PrimeVue Icons (Auto-Generated) *****************/
// AngleDoubleDownIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/angledoubledown';
export { default as AngleDoubleDownIcon } from '@primevue/icons/angledoubledown';
// AngleDoubleLeftIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/angledoubleleft';
export { default as AngleDoubleLeftIcon } from '@primevue/icons/angledoubleleft';
// AngleDoubleRightIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/angledoubleright';
export { default as AngleDoubleRightIcon } from '@primevue/icons/angledoubleright';
// AngleDoubleUpIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/angledoubleup';
export { default as AngleDoubleUpIcon } from '@primevue/icons/angledoubleup';
// AngleDownIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/angledown';
export { default as AngleDownIcon } from '@primevue/icons/angledown';
// AngleLeftIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/angleleft';
export { default as AngleLeftIcon } from '@primevue/icons/angleleft';
// AngleRightIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/angleright';
export { default as AngleRightIcon } from '@primevue/icons/angleright';
// AngleUpIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/angleup';
export { default as AngleUpIcon } from '@primevue/icons/angleup';
// ArrowDownIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/arrowdown';
export { default as ArrowDownIcon } from '@primevue/icons/arrowdown';
// ArrowUpIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/arrowup';
export { default as ArrowUpIcon } from '@primevue/icons/arrowup';
// BanIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/ban';
export { default as BanIcon } from '@primevue/icons/ban';
// BarsIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/bars';
export { default as BarsIcon } from '@primevue/icons/bars';
// BaseIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/baseicon';
export { default as BaseIcon } from '@primevue/icons/baseicon';
export * from '@primevue/icons/baseicon/style';
export { default as BaseIconStyle } from '@primevue/icons/baseicon/style';
// BlankIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/blank';
export { default as BlankIcon } from '@primevue/icons/blank';
// CalendarIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/calendar';
export { default as CalendarIcon } from '@primevue/icons/calendar';
// CheckIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/check';
export { default as CheckIcon } from '@primevue/icons/check';
// ChevronDownIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/chevrondown';
export { default as ChevronDownIcon } from '@primevue/icons/chevrondown';
// ChevronLeftIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/chevronleft';
export { default as ChevronLeftIcon } from '@primevue/icons/chevronleft';
// ChevronRightIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/chevronright';
export { default as ChevronRightIcon } from '@primevue/icons/chevronright';
// ChevronUpIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/chevronup';
export { default as ChevronUpIcon } from '@primevue/icons/chevronup';
// ExclamationTriangleIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/exclamationtriangle';
export { default as ExclamationTriangleIcon } from '@primevue/icons/exclamationtriangle';
// EyeIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/eye';
export { default as EyeIcon } from '@primevue/icons/eye';
// EyeSlashIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/eyeslash';
export { default as EyeSlashIcon } from '@primevue/icons/eyeslash';
// FilterIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/filter';
export { default as FilterIcon } from '@primevue/icons/filter';
// FilterSlashIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/filterslash';
export { default as FilterSlashIcon } from '@primevue/icons/filterslash';
// InfoCircleIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/infocircle';
export { default as InfoCircleIcon } from '@primevue/icons/infocircle';
// MinusIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/minus';
export { default as MinusIcon } from '@primevue/icons/minus';
// PencilIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/pencil';
export { default as PencilIcon } from '@primevue/icons/pencil';
// PlusIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/plus';
export { default as PlusIcon } from '@primevue/icons/plus';
// RefreshIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/refresh';
export { default as RefreshIcon } from '@primevue/icons/refresh';
// SearchIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/search';
export { default as SearchIcon } from '@primevue/icons/search';
// SearchMinusIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/searchminus';
export { default as SearchMinusIcon } from '@primevue/icons/searchminus';
// SearchPlusIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/searchplus';
export { default as SearchPlusIcon } from '@primevue/icons/searchplus';
// SortAltIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/sortalt';
export { default as SortAltIcon } from '@primevue/icons/sortalt';
// SortAmountDownIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/sortamountdown';
export { default as SortAmountDownIcon } from '@primevue/icons/sortamountdown';
// SortAmountUpAltIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/sortamountupalt';
export { default as SortAmountUpAltIcon } from '@primevue/icons/sortamountupalt';
// SpinnerIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/spinner';
export { default as SpinnerIcon } from '@primevue/icons/spinner';
// StarIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/star';
export { default as StarIcon } from '@primevue/icons/star';
// StarFillIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/starfill';
export { default as StarFillIcon } from '@primevue/icons/starfill';
// ThLargeIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/thlarge';
export { default as ThLargeIcon } from '@primevue/icons/thlarge';
// TimesIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/times';
export { default as TimesIcon } from '@primevue/icons/times';
// TimesCircleIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/timescircle';
export { default as TimesCircleIcon } from '@primevue/icons/timescircle';
// TrashIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/trash';
export { default as TrashIcon } from '@primevue/icons/trash';
// UndoIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/undo';
export { default as UndoIcon } from '@primevue/icons/undo';
// UploadIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/upload';
export { default as UploadIcon } from '@primevue/icons/upload';
// WindowMaximizeIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/windowmaximize';
export { default as WindowMaximizeIcon } from '@primevue/icons/windowmaximize';
// WindowMinimizeIcon
export * from '@primevue/icons/windowminimize';
export { default as WindowMinimizeIcon } from '@primevue/icons/windowminimize';
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import type { DefineComponent } from '@primevue/core';
import type { Icon } from '@primevue/icons';
import type { Icon } from '@primevue/icons/baseicon';
declare class InfoCircleIcon extends Icon {}
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
"main": "./index.vue",
"module": "./index.vue",
"types": "./index.d.ts",
"main": "./InfoCircleIcon.vue",
"module": "./InfoCircleIcon.vue",
"types": "./InfoCircleIcon.d.ts",
"browser": {
"./sfc": "./index.vue"
"./sfc": "./InfoCircleIcon.vue"
"sideEffects": [
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import type { DefineComponent } from '@primevue/core';
import type { Icon } from '@primevue/icons';
import type { Icon } from '@primevue/icons/baseicon';
declare class MinusIcon extends Icon {}
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
"main": "./index.vue",
"module": "./index.vue",
"types": "./index.d.ts",
"main": "./MinusIcon.vue",
"module": "./MinusIcon.vue",
"types": "./MinusIcon.d.ts",
"browser": {
"./sfc": "./index.vue"
"./sfc": "./MinusIcon.vue"
"sideEffects": [
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import type { DefineComponent } from '@primevue/core';
import type { Icon } from '@primevue/icons';
import type { Icon } from '@primevue/icons/baseicon';
declare class PencilIcon extends Icon {}
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
"main": "./index.vue",
"module": "./index.vue",
"types": "./index.d.ts",
"main": "./PencilIcon.vue",
"module": "./PencilIcon.vue",
"types": "./PencilIcon.d.ts",
"browser": {
"./sfc": "./index.vue"
"./sfc": "./PencilIcon.vue"
"sideEffects": [
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import type { DefineComponent } from '@primevue/core';
import type { Icon } from '@primevue/icons';
import type { Icon } from '@primevue/icons/baseicon';
declare class PlusIcon extends Icon {}
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
"main": "./index.vue",
"module": "./index.vue",
"types": "./index.d.ts",
"main": "./PlusIcon.vue",
"module": "./PlusIcon.vue",
"types": "./PlusIcon.d.ts",
"browser": {
"./sfc": "./index.vue"
"./sfc": "./PlusIcon.vue"
"sideEffects": [
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import type { DefineComponent } from '@primevue/core';
import type { Icon } from '@primevue/icons';
import type { Icon } from '@primevue/icons/baseicon';
declare class RefreshIcon extends Icon {}
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
"main": "./index.vue",
"module": "./index.vue",
"types": "./index.d.ts",
"main": "./RefreshIcon.vue",
"module": "./RefreshIcon.vue",
"types": "./RefreshIcon.d.ts",
"browser": {
"./sfc": "./index.vue"
"./sfc": "./RefreshIcon.vue"
"sideEffects": [
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import type { DefineComponent } from '@primevue/core';
import type { Icon } from '@primevue/icons';
import type { Icon } from '@primevue/icons/baseicon';
declare class SearchIcon extends Icon {}
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
"main": "./index.vue",
"module": "./index.vue",
"types": "./index.d.ts",
"main": "./SearchIcon.vue",
"module": "./SearchIcon.vue",
"types": "./SearchIcon.d.ts",
"browser": {
"./sfc": "./index.vue"
"./sfc": "./SearchIcon.vue"
"sideEffects": [
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import type { DefineComponent } from '@primevue/core';
import type { Icon } from '@primevue/icons';
import type { Icon } from '@primevue/icons/baseicon';
declare class SearchMinusIcon extends Icon {}
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
"main": "./index.vue",
"module": "./index.vue",
"types": "./index.d.ts",
"main": "./SearchMinusIcon.vue",
"module": "./SearchMinusIcon.vue",
"types": "./SearchMinusIcon.d.ts",
"browser": {
"./sfc": "./index.vue"
"./sfc": "./SearchMinusIcon.vue"
"sideEffects": [
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