Fixed #7173 - Eslint 9 version update changes

tugcekucukoglu 2025-01-31 12:53:30 +03:00
parent 0f58abbec9
commit 2a2c07ddb2
38 changed files with 9318 additions and 3042 deletions

View File

@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
module.exports = {
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jest: true
extends: ['plugin:nuxt/recommended', 'plugin:vue/vue3-essential', 'prettier'],
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parser: '@babel/eslint-parser',
requireConfigFile: false,
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parserOpts: {
plugins: ['typescript']
plugins: ['prettier'],
ignorePatterns: ['**/public/**', '**/dist/**'],
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{ blankLine: 'always', prev: ['import'], next: ['const', 'let', 'var'] }

View File

@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
When submitting a PR, please also create an issue documenting the error.
###Feature Requests
Due to company policy, we are unable to accept feature request PRs with significant changes as such cases has to be implemented by our team following our own processes.
Due to company policy, we are unable to accept feature request PRs with significant changes as such cases has to be implemented by our team following our own processes.

View File

@ -6,23 +6,23 @@
**Fixed bugs:**
- TreeTable: Row selected on click at node toggle icon [\#6932](
- DatePicker: Date unformatted with initial date [\#6930](
- MultiSelect: Fluid doesn't applying 100% width [\#6916](
- Tabs: Scrollable tabs being skipped [\#6915](
- ImageCompare: ARIA Attributes [\#6912](
- DataTable: RowExpansion & RowSelection [\#6904](
- FileUpload: fileLimit dosent prevent new items beeing pushed into Files[], when exceeded [\#6900](
- Galleria: 'Indicator' Slot, Keyboard Accessibility Broken [\#6899](
- Select: fluid doesnt apply properly [\#6896](
- ScrollTop: icon pt implementation defect [\#6892](
- Slider: While dragging the handle sometimes it breaks [\#6884](
- SplitButton: Toast usages in examples for composition API are not correct [\#6879](
- InputMask components fires @update:modelValue although value not changed [\#6868](
- Carousel: Item disappear when there is only one item with autoplay and circular activated [\#6812](
- DatePicker: manual input not working [\#6739](
- SelectButton: allowEmpty does not stop unselecting [\#6718](
- Form: type of v-slot="$form" is incorrect [\#6717](
- TreeTable: Row selected on click at node toggle icon [\#6932](
- DatePicker: Date unformatted with initial date [\#6930](
- MultiSelect: Fluid doesn't applying 100% width [\#6916](
- Tabs: Scrollable tabs being skipped [\#6915](
- ImageCompare: ARIA Attributes [\#6912](
- DataTable: RowExpansion & RowSelection [\#6904](
- FileUpload: fileLimit dosent prevent new items beeing pushed into Files[], when exceeded [\#6900](
- Galleria: 'Indicator' Slot, Keyboard Accessibility Broken [\#6899](
- Select: fluid doesnt apply properly [\#6896](
- ScrollTop: icon pt implementation defect [\#6892](
- Slider: While dragging the handle sometimes it breaks [\#6884](
- SplitButton: Toast usages in examples for composition API are not correct [\#6879](
- InputMask components fires @update:modelValue although value not changed [\#6868](
- Carousel: Item disappear when there is only one item with autoplay and circular activated [\#6812](
- DatePicker: manual input not working [\#6739](
- SelectButton: allowEmpty does not stop unselecting [\#6718](
- Form: type of v-slot="$form" is incorrect [\#6717](
## [4.2.4]( (2024-11-27)
@ -30,14 +30,14 @@
**Fixed bugs:**
- Textarea filled variant fails in Material Theme [\#6878](
- InputText: Missing attributes such as placeholder. [\#6867](
- Chip component's removable Icon uses aria-hidden [\#6864](
- ToggleSwitch: Material theme switch uncentered handle [\#6859](
- TreeTable: Checkbox selectable does not work [\#6849](
- Knob: Incorrect TypeScript Definition for valueTemplate (not supporting plain strings) [\#6843](
- InputNumber: selection state is not changed when pressing arrow right and arrow left [\#6837](
- Virtual scroller: step prop in delay mode breaks the component [\#6776](
- Textarea filled variant fails in Material Theme [\#6878](
- InputText: Missing attributes such as placeholder. [\#6867](
- Chip component's removable Icon uses aria-hidden [\#6864](
- ToggleSwitch: Material theme switch uncentered handle [\#6859](
- TreeTable: Checkbox selectable does not work [\#6849](
- Knob: Incorrect TypeScript Definition for valueTemplate (not supporting plain strings) [\#6843](
- InputNumber: selection state is not changed when pressing arrow right and arrow left [\#6837](
- Virtual scroller: step prop in delay mode breaks the component [\#6776](
## [4.2.3]( (2024-11-22)
@ -45,24 +45,24 @@
**Fixed bugs:**
- Drawer: RTL position bug [\#6827](
- Tabs: Mismatch between prop "value" and emit update:value [\#6825](
- DatePicker: Wrong hour displayed for midnight when set to timeOnly and 24h [\#6824](
- Material: filled mode InputNumber defects [\#6823](
- Material: filled mode InputGroup defects [\#6820](
- Tree: Wrong passThrough option in documentation [\#6818](
- PanelMenu: wrong value of the hasSubmenu slot prop [\#6815](
- ToggleButton:   when label is empty [\#6809](
- DataTable: Hover CSS rule not applied [\#6796](
- ColorPicker: Showing Text Cursor on Focus [\#6795](
- Select: Cannot read properties of null (reading '$el') - filter and auto-filter-focus error [\#6793](
- Step: Cannot disable custom step element [\#6763](
- InputText: Interface 'InputTextProps' incorrectly extends interface 'InputHTMLAttributes'. Password: Interface 'PasswordProps' incorrectly extends interface 'InputHTMLAttributes'. [\#5480](
- Drawer: RTL position bug [\#6827](
- Tabs: Mismatch between prop "value" and emit update:value [\#6825](
- DatePicker: Wrong hour displayed for midnight when set to timeOnly and 24h [\#6824](
- Material: filled mode InputNumber defects [\#6823](
- Material: filled mode InputGroup defects [\#6820](
- Tree: Wrong passThrough option in documentation [\#6818](
- PanelMenu: wrong value of the hasSubmenu slot prop [\#6815](
- ToggleButton:   when label is empty [\#6809](
- DataTable: Hover CSS rule not applied [\#6796](
- ColorPicker: Showing Text Cursor on Focus [\#6795](
- Select: Cannot read properties of null (reading '$el') - filter and auto-filter-focus error [\#6793](
- Step: Cannot disable custom step element [\#6763](
- InputText: Interface 'InputTextProps' incorrectly extends interface 'InputHTMLAttributes'. Password: Interface 'PasswordProps' incorrectly extends interface 'InputHTMLAttributes'. [\#5480](
**Implemented New Features and Enhancements:**
- Improve RTL implementation [\#6826](
- Better compatability with CSS libraries like Tailwind, Bootstrap [\#6822](
- Improve RTL implementation [\#6826](
- Better compatability with CSS libraries like Tailwind, Bootstrap [\#6822](
## [4.2.2]( (2024-11-14)
@ -70,40 +70,40 @@
**Fixed bugs:**
- Menubar: submenu icon rtl defects [\#6784](
- Drawer: dismissable mode behaviour defects [\#6779](
- Component Name: InputNumber does not work on Android devices [\#6766](
- Improve filter rule visuals [\#6761](
- paginator rtl [\#6759](
- Button: Variant "link" is not assignable [\#6756](
- Timeline: rtl defect [\#6754](
- Frozen Columns Header: value on Columns Header won't hidden [\#6745](
- InputGroup: IconField is not supported in InputGroup [\#6743](
- PanelMenu: rtl submenu icon rotate defect [\#6753](
- Button: "loadingicon" slot has no class and data attribute [\#6747](
- ToggleSwitch: does not switch visually when selecting Material theme [\#6735](
- Checkbox: "update:indeterminate" is not added as available emit type. [\#6713](
- Provide showEmptyMessage for AutoComplete [\#6773](
- MegaMenu: type error in props model [\#6706](
- MultiSelect: Unit test exception [\#6704](
- DatePicker does not play well with ConfirmPopup. [\#6696](
- Menu components: Blocked aria-hidden on an element error [\#6692](
- DatePicker 12am to 12pm issue [\#6686](
- Slider range operation bug [\#6649](
- ListBox: @filter event must return filter options [\#6641](
- Metergroup: Required icon [\#6639](
- Drawer: missing 'after-hide' emit [\#6621](
- InputText: Many props have a default of undefined but the docs say the default is null [\#6593](
- ButtonGroup: Invalid alignement of icon and non-icon buttons [\#6556](
- Select: throws an error with auto-filter-focus [\#6539](
- DynamicDialog: Underlying dialog not destroyed [\#6535](
- ConfirmPopup: Not positioned correctly when not used inside <button> [\#6525](
- InputOtp: iOS Autocomplete Jumbled [\#6317](
- Listbox: OptionGroup disappear with filter [\#6233](
- Slider: "Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener invocation" in primevue_slider.js (touchmove) [\#5745](
- Editor: v-model not updating with Quill v2.0 [\#5606](
- TreeSelect: appendTo="self" and selectionMode="checkbox" causes panel to close on click on node arrows [\#4927](
- Textarea: AutoResize not working if the value is changed while textarea is not visible [\#4510](
- Menubar: submenu icon rtl defects [\#6784](
- Drawer: dismissable mode behaviour defects [\#6779](
- Component Name: InputNumber does not work on Android devices [\#6766](
- Improve filter rule visuals [\#6761](
- paginator rtl [\#6759](
- Button: Variant "link" is not assignable [\#6756](
- Timeline: rtl defect [\#6754](
- Frozen Columns Header: value on Columns Header won't hidden [\#6745](
- InputGroup: IconField is not supported in InputGroup [\#6743](
- PanelMenu: rtl submenu icon rotate defect [\#6753](
- Button: "loadingicon" slot has no class and data attribute [\#6747](
- ToggleSwitch: does not switch visually when selecting Material theme [\#6735](
- Checkbox: "update:indeterminate" is not added as available emit type. [\#6713](
- Provide showEmptyMessage for AutoComplete [\#6773](
- MegaMenu: type error in props model [\#6706](
- MultiSelect: Unit test exception [\#6704](
- DatePicker does not play well with ConfirmPopup. [\#6696](
- Menu components: Blocked aria-hidden on an element error [\#6692](
- DatePicker 12am to 12pm issue [\#6686](
- Slider range operation bug [\#6649](
- ListBox: @filter event must return filter options [\#6641](
- Metergroup: Required icon [\#6639](
- Drawer: missing 'after-hide' emit [\#6621](
- InputText: Many props have a default of undefined but the docs say the default is null [\#6593](
- ButtonGroup: Invalid alignement of icon and non-icon buttons [\#6556](
- Select: throws an error with auto-filter-focus [\#6539](
- DynamicDialog: Underlying dialog not destroyed [\#6535](
- ConfirmPopup: Not positioned correctly when not used inside <button> [\#6525](
- InputOtp: iOS Autocomplete Jumbled [\#6317](
- Listbox: OptionGroup disappear with filter [\#6233](
- Slider: "Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener invocation" in primevue_slider.js (touchmove) [\#5745](
- Editor: v-model not updating with Quill v2.0 [\#5606](
- TreeSelect: appendTo="self" and selectionMode="checkbox" causes panel to close on click on node arrows [\#4927](
- Textarea: AutoResize not working if the value is changed while textarea is not visible [\#4510](
## [4.2.1]( (2024-11-01)
@ -111,8 +111,8 @@
**Fixed bugs:**
- Forms: Incorrect main/module/exports error when importing [\#6709](
- Forms: Could not resolve "valibot" [\#6708](
- Forms: Incorrect main/module/exports error when importing [\#6709](
- Forms: Could not resolve "valibot" [\#6708](
## [4.2.0]( (2024-11-01)
@ -120,61 +120,61 @@
- Deprecate plain button in favor of Contrast [\#6657](
- Deprecate plain button in favor of Contrast [\#6657](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Remove unused Galleria mask design tokens [\#6670](
- MegaMenu typo in Style [\#6669](
- Remove TieredMenu Unused Design Tokens [\#6668](
- AutoComplete Chip Focus Design token name is wrong [\#6667](
- MegaMenu and Menubar token names wrong [\#6666](
- Paginator: Responsive paginator shows all variations at same time instead of at each breakpoint [\#6595](
- DatePicker: toggleCallback missing on dropdownbutton slot [\#6543](
- @primevue/core: Inconsistency of vue version in peerdependencies [\#6492](
- Remove unused Galleria mask design tokens [\#6670](
- MegaMenu typo in Style [\#6669](
- Remove TieredMenu Unused Design Tokens [\#6668](
- AutoComplete Chip Focus Design token name is wrong [\#6667](
- MegaMenu and Menubar token names wrong [\#6666](
- Paginator: Responsive paginator shows all variations at same time instead of at each breakpoint [\#6595](
- DatePicker: toggleCallback missing on dropdownbutton slot [\#6543](
- @primevue/core: Inconsistency of vue version in peerdependencies [\#6492](
**Implemented New Features and Enhancements:**
- Stepper: design-token updates [\#6707](
- Update the bundle of primevue package [\#6702](
- Update the bundle of @primevue/icons package [\#6701](
- Improve support for Buttons in InputGroupAddon [\#6695](
- New Component: FormField [\#6693](
- RTL support for Misc components [\#6691](
- RTL support for Media components [\#6690](
- RTL support for Message components [\#6689](
- Breadcrumb: separatorIcon pt added [\#6688](
- New paginatorcontainer slots for Data components [\#6683](
- RTL support for Menu components [\#6682](
- RTL support for Dialog components [\#6681](
- RTL support for Button components [\#6680](
- Paginator: Headless mode [\#6679](
- RTL support for Data components [\#6677](
- Update surface tones of input borders in dark mode for Aura and Lara [\#6673](
- New Design Token for invalid placeholder color [\#6672](
- maxSelectedLabels for TreeSelect [\#6671](
- Listbox - Remove Unused Tokens [\#6665](
- FileUpload New Design Tokens [\#6664](
- FileUpload message overlaps with ProgressBar [\#6663](
- Remove unused tokens from DatePicker [\#6662](
- Drawer - Design Tokens [\#6661](
- Avatar - New Design Tokens [\#6659](
- Add variant prop to Button [\#6658](
- Design tokens for InputOtp [\#6656](
- Design tokens of clear icon for Selects [\#6655](
- New Clear Icon prop and slot [\#6654](
- Size and Variants for Message component [\#6653](
- Size prop support for more components [\#6651](
- RTL support for Panel components [\#6647](
- RTL support for Form components [\#6636](
- RTL support for showcase [\#6635](
- Check form components affected by p-invalid class[\#6631](
- New Component: CheckboxGroup [\#6613](
- New Component: RadioButtonGroup [\#6612](
- Add form support to components [\#6603](
- Add an uncontrolled structure to components [\#6602](
- New Component: Form [\#6601](
- ContextMenu: Y axis collision detection not working for submenus [\#6348](
- Stepper: design-token updates [\#6707](
- Update the bundle of primevue package [\#6702](
- Update the bundle of @primevue/icons package [\#6701](
- Improve support for Buttons in InputGroupAddon [\#6695](
- New Component: FormField [\#6693](
- RTL support for Misc components [\#6691](
- RTL support for Media components [\#6690](
- RTL support for Message components [\#6689](
- Breadcrumb: separatorIcon pt added [\#6688](
- New paginatorcontainer slots for Data components [\#6683](
- RTL support for Menu components [\#6682](
- RTL support for Dialog components [\#6681](
- RTL support for Button components [\#6680](
- Paginator: Headless mode [\#6679](
- RTL support for Data components [\#6677](
- Update surface tones of input borders in dark mode for Aura and Lara [\#6673](
- New Design Token for invalid placeholder color [\#6672](
- maxSelectedLabels for TreeSelect [\#6671](
- Listbox - Remove Unused Tokens [\#6665](
- FileUpload New Design Tokens [\#6664](
- FileUpload message overlaps with ProgressBar [\#6663](
- Remove unused tokens from DatePicker [\#6662](
- Drawer - Design Tokens [\#6661](
- Avatar - New Design Tokens [\#6659](
- Add variant prop to Button [\#6658](
- Design tokens for InputOtp [\#6656](
- Design tokens of clear icon for Selects [\#6655](
- New Clear Icon prop and slot [\#6654](
- Size and Variants for Message component [\#6653](
- Size prop support for more components [\#6651](
- RTL support for Panel components [\#6647](
- RTL support for Form components [\#6636](
- RTL support for showcase [\#6635](
- Check form components affected by p-invalid class[\#6631](
- New Component: CheckboxGroup [\#6613](
- New Component: RadioButtonGroup [\#6612](
- Add form support to components [\#6603](
- Add an uncontrolled structure to components [\#6602](
- New Component: Form [\#6601](
- ContextMenu: Y axis collision detection not working for submenus [\#6348](
## [4.1.1]( (2024-10-16)
@ -182,21 +182,21 @@
**Fixed bugs:**
- Wrong token binding on inputtext [\#6590](
- Table sort icon not aligned properly [\#6588](
- Improve nested overlays in mobile [\#6587](
- MegaMenu ignores token [\#6585](
- AutoComplete is using token from the deprecated InputChips [\#6584](
- Disabled ToggleSwitch in dark mode is same as non-disabled [\#6583](
- Slider track border radius token not applied [\#6582](
- Tree filter too close, visual bug[\#6581](
- Invalid CSS in DataTable and TreeTable [\#6580](
- MegaMenu: mobile visual defects [\#6578](
- Typo in splitter.js (autocomplete err) [\#6570](
- CascadeSelect: focus defect on mouse enter [\#6538](
- Typescript support is non-existent in All components [\#6152](
- DataTable - button click in a cell propagates to row-click [\#6472](
- No intellisense for props, slots etc. with v4 [\#5903](
- Wrong token binding on inputtext [\#6590](
- Table sort icon not aligned properly [\#6588](
- Improve nested overlays in mobile [\#6587](
- MegaMenu ignores token [\#6585](
- AutoComplete is using token from the deprecated InputChips [\#6584](
- Disabled ToggleSwitch in dark mode is same as non-disabled [\#6583](
- Slider track border radius token not applied [\#6582](
- Tree filter too close, visual bug[\#6581](
- Invalid CSS in DataTable and TreeTable [\#6580](
- MegaMenu: mobile visual defects [\#6578](
- Typo in splitter.js (autocomplete err) [\#6570](
- CascadeSelect: focus defect on mouse enter [\#6538](
- Typescript support is non-existent in All components [\#6152](
- DataTable - button click in a cell propagates to row-click [\#6472](
- No intellisense for props, slots etc. with v4 [\#5903](
## [4.1.0]( (2024-10-07)
@ -204,66 +204,66 @@
**Fixed bugs:**
- InputMask: type bug [\#6505](
- DataTable: row focus defects [\#6488](
- MultiSelect: maxSelectedLabels is not working with display chip [\#6485](
- DatePicker: focus on wrong element when adding "Select" component to footer slot of DatePicker [\#6482](
- PanelMenu: Incorrect name in PanelMenuPassThroughOptions documentation [\#6475](
- Dialog: @media styles do not append right component [\#6474](
- ContextMenu uses unreliable way to determine scrollTop [\#6469](
- Drawer: emit event(update:modelValue) should be update:visible in docs [\#6464](
- CascadeSelect: aria-hidden w3c defect [\#6458](
- DataTable: missing unstyled prop in component: HeaderCheckbox.vue [\#6444](
- Select: v-tooltip does not work [\#6443](
- Galleria: Global ripple effect breaks Galleria [\#6438](
- Select: Selecting 0 option shows empty in select [\#6437](
- DataTable: column resize does not work anymore [\#6436](
- PT implementation defects [\#6435](
- Select component does not handle focus via label with labelId [\#6432](
- Select: autoFilterFocus stuck when switching between Selects [\#6420](
- Password: autofocus does not work [\#6413](
- ScrollTop: pt implementation defect [\#6412](
- Scoped style (dt props) does not attach to page with correct selector [\#6408](
- InputOtp: clicking on a selected filled box prevents you removing [\#6373](
- Datepicker: No manual input in view = 'year' [\#6347](
- Icons Missing [\#6335](
- MultiSelect: Translation does not take effect [\#6303](
- VirtualScroller: Unstyled mode broke core functionality [\#6294](
- InputMask: input is getting mixed up [\#6276](
- Menu componets: Design Token does not work[\#6129](
- DataTable: reorder with drag and drop not working as expected [\#6014](
- Nuxt autoimport component prefix: add typescript dynamic name support [\#6007](
- DataTable: Pass Through keys for emptyMessage not working [\#6006](
- TreeSelect: expandedKeys not working [\#5967](
- Splitter/SplitterPanel: size not updated [\#5463](
- Dropdown & MultiSelect: Disabled selected value [\#4431](
- InputMask: type bug [\#6505](
- DataTable: row focus defects [\#6488](
- MultiSelect: maxSelectedLabels is not working with display chip [\#6485](
- DatePicker: focus on wrong element when adding "Select" component to footer slot of DatePicker [\#6482](
- PanelMenu: Incorrect name in PanelMenuPassThroughOptions documentation [\#6475](
- Dialog: @media styles do not append right component [\#6474](
- ContextMenu uses unreliable way to determine scrollTop [\#6469](
- Drawer: emit event(update:modelValue) should be update:visible in docs [\#6464](
- CascadeSelect: aria-hidden w3c defect [\#6458](
- DataTable: missing unstyled prop in component: HeaderCheckbox.vue [\#6444](
- Select: v-tooltip does not work [\#6443](
- Galleria: Global ripple effect breaks Galleria [\#6438](
- Select: Selecting 0 option shows empty in select [\#6437](
- DataTable: column resize does not work anymore [\#6436](
- PT implementation defects [\#6435](
- Select component does not handle focus via label with labelId [\#6432](
- Select: autoFilterFocus stuck when switching between Selects [\#6420](
- Password: autofocus does not work [\#6413](
- ScrollTop: pt implementation defect [\#6412](
- Scoped style (dt props) does not attach to page with correct selector [\#6408](
- InputOtp: clicking on a selected filled box prevents you removing [\#6373](
- Datepicker: No manual input in view = 'year' [\#6347](
- Icons Missing [\#6335](
- MultiSelect: Translation does not take effect [\#6303](
- VirtualScroller: Unstyled mode broke core functionality [\#6294](
- InputMask: input is getting mixed up [\#6276](
- Menu componets: Design Token does not work[\#6129](
- DataTable: reorder with drag and drop not working as expected [\#6014](
- Nuxt autoimport component prefix: add typescript dynamic name support [\#6007](
- DataTable: Pass Through keys for emptyMessage not working [\#6006](
- TreeSelect: expandedKeys not working [\#5967](
- Splitter/SplitterPanel: size not updated [\#5463](
- Dropdown & MultiSelect: Disabled selected value [\#4431](
**Implemented New Features and Enhancements:**
- TreeSelect: new option slot [\#6534](
- CascadeSelect: move move/enter behavior changes [\#6533](
- Add extend keyword to extend css variables to presets [\#6524](
- ContextMenu / TieredMenu / CascadeSelect: responsiveness updates [\#6522](
- New Component: ImageCompare [\#6518](
- Tree: new header and footer slots [\#6513](
- ToggleButton: handle element added [\#6511](
- New Material Design Based Theme [\#6508](
- New Design Tokens [\#6507](
- CascadeSelect: new header and footer slots [\#6504](
- New KeyFilter directive [\#6503](
- TreeTable: ContextMenu implementation [\#6489](
- TreeSelect: Filter and lazy modes [\#6481](
- SpeedDial: itemicon slot [\#6463](
- ConfirmDialog: improve options [\#6456](
- Add css keyword to themes section to inject custom styles [\#6452](
- Move primitive and semantic options of themes to separate modules [\#6425](
- New IftaLabel component [\#6419](
- New Float Label Variants [\#6418](
- Tree: Allow filterBy to be a getter [\#6374](
- Tree: no slot's data for nodetoggleicon template when node is loading [\#6371](
- Nuxt plugin types break if I add @primevue/nuxt-module to modules [\#6289](
- DataTable: Column Group Filters [\#6151](
- DataTable: add prop showHeaders [\#5949](
- TreeSelect: new option slot [\#6534](
- CascadeSelect: move move/enter behavior changes [\#6533](
- Add extend keyword to extend css variables to presets [\#6524](
- ContextMenu / TieredMenu / CascadeSelect: responsiveness updates [\#6522](
- New Component: ImageCompare [\#6518](
- Tree: new header and footer slots [\#6513](
- ToggleButton: handle element added [\#6511](
- New Material Design Based Theme [\#6508](
- New Design Tokens [\#6507](
- CascadeSelect: new header and footer slots [\#6504](
- New KeyFilter directive [\#6503](
- TreeTable: ContextMenu implementation [\#6489](
- TreeSelect: Filter and lazy modes [\#6481](
- SpeedDial: itemicon slot [\#6463](
- ConfirmDialog: improve options [\#6456](
- Add css keyword to themes section to inject custom styles [\#6452](
- Move primitive and semantic options of themes to separate modules [\#6425](
- New IftaLabel component [\#6419](
- New Float Label Variants [\#6418](
- Tree: Allow filterBy to be a getter [\#6374](
- Tree: no slot's data for nodetoggleicon template when node is loading [\#6371](
- Nuxt plugin types break if I add @primevue/nuxt-module to modules [\#6289](
- DataTable: Column Group Filters [\#6151](
- DataTable: add prop showHeaders [\#5949](
## [4.0.7]( (2024-09-11)
@ -271,19 +271,19 @@
**Fixed bugs:**
- SelectButton pt name correction [\#6382](
- ToggleButton: aria-label and aria-labelledby not observed [\#6377](
- FileUpload: Fix type of FileUploadState.messages [\#6370](
- TreeTable: click and arrow key defect [\#6368](
- Dialog: no dragstart event to accompany dragend [\#6357](
- Dialog: dragging state is not reset when closed while dragging [\#6356](
- InputOtp: IntegerOnly mode accepts "space" [\#6353](
- InputOtp: Pasting adds an extra character [\#6351](
- DatePicker: Pick month does not work [\#6342](
- DataTable: Cannot set properties of null (setting 'tabIndex') [\#6323](
- DatePicker showOtherMonths wrong behaviour [\#6307](
- Click outside only when not modal [\#6284](
- Select: Chinese IME input will be stopped in filter input element [\#6279](
- SelectButton pt name correction [\#6382](
- ToggleButton: aria-label and aria-labelledby not observed [\#6377](
- FileUpload: Fix type of FileUploadState.messages [\#6370](
- TreeTable: click and arrow key defect [\#6368](
- Dialog: no dragstart event to accompany dragend [\#6357](
- Dialog: dragging state is not reset when closed while dragging [\#6356](
- InputOtp: IntegerOnly mode accepts "space" [\#6353](
- InputOtp: Pasting adds an extra character [\#6351](
- DatePicker: Pick month does not work [\#6342](
- DataTable: Cannot set properties of null (setting 'tabIndex') [\#6323](
- DatePicker showOtherMonths wrong behaviour [\#6307](
- Click outside only when not modal [\#6284](
- Select: Chinese IME input will be stopped in filter input element [\#6279](
## [4.0.6]( (2024-09-10)
@ -291,11 +291,11 @@
**Fixed bugs:**
- animate-slidedown fails when a Tailwind prefix is used [\#6365](
- Tree: wrong pt and classname for InputText [\#6301](
- pt pcFilterIconContainer defects on form components [\#6286](
- File Upload: Basic Mode does not apply buttonProps [\#6255](
- Multiple Components: Augment vue using declare module 'vue' instead of declare module '@vue/runtime-core' (and declare module 'vue/types/vue') to avoid compilebreaks [\#6199](
- animate-slidedown fails when a Tailwind prefix is used [\#6365](
- Tree: wrong pt and classname for InputText [\#6301](
- pt pcFilterIconContainer defects on form components [\#6286](
- File Upload: Basic Mode does not apply buttonProps [\#6255](
- Multiple Components: Augment vue using declare module 'vue' instead of declare module '@vue/runtime-core' (and declare module 'vue/types/vue') to avoid compilebreaks [\#6199](
## [4.0.5]( (2024-08-23)
@ -303,25 +303,25 @@
**Fixed bugs:**
- aria-hidden errors on browsers [\#6269](
- Accordion, Button, Step, Tab: Invalid prop warnings when component object passed to as prop [\#6266](
- Carousel: Index is undefined in PassThroughOptions [\#6264](
- Drawer: Nested drawer dissmis [\#6262](
- Accordion and Tabs value prop type definion extensions [\#6252](
- DatePicker: responsiveOptions doesn't work [\#6250](
- ScrollTop: ScrollTop button not displayed correctly when ripple effect is enabled [\#6249](
- Stepper: activateCallback has incorrect signature [\#6225](
- SpeedDial: Invalid aria-controls value being set in list items [\#6221](
- InputNumber: Buttons disappear when clicked if inside of an InputGroup [\#6212](
- IconField: 'iconfield' does not exist in type 'PrimeVuePTOptions' [\#6206](
- DatePicker: switching to year view when modelValue is populated [\#6203](
- Select: In case of Filter and AutoFocusFilter enabled focus is lost [\#6194](
- InputOtp - allow NumpadEnter event [\#6182](
- [MenuBar]: Slow performance [\#6164](
- Dialog: [V4] When it non-fixed, it will cause the appendTo target shrink or joggled. [\#6160](
- Menu section: PassThrough context.item has not right MenuItem entry [\#6055](
- FileUpload v4.0.0-beta.3: Subsequent file selections no longer possible in basic mode (regression from v4.0.0-beta.2) [\#5748](
- InputMask number repeat [\#3623](
- aria-hidden errors on browsers [\#6269](
- Accordion, Button, Step, Tab: Invalid prop warnings when component object passed to as prop [\#6266](
- Carousel: Index is undefined in PassThroughOptions [\#6264](
- Drawer: Nested drawer dissmis [\#6262](
- Accordion and Tabs value prop type definion extensions [\#6252](
- DatePicker: responsiveOptions doesn't work [\#6250](
- ScrollTop: ScrollTop button not displayed correctly when ripple effect is enabled [\#6249](
- Stepper: activateCallback has incorrect signature [\#6225](
- SpeedDial: Invalid aria-controls value being set in list items [\#6221](
- InputNumber: Buttons disappear when clicked if inside of an InputGroup [\#6212](
- IconField: 'iconfield' does not exist in type 'PrimeVuePTOptions' [\#6206](
- DatePicker: switching to year view when modelValue is populated [\#6203](
- Select: In case of Filter and AutoFocusFilter enabled focus is lost [\#6194](
- InputOtp - allow NumpadEnter event [\#6182](
- [MenuBar]: Slow performance [\#6164](
- Dialog: [V4] When it non-fixed, it will cause the appendTo target shrink or joggled. [\#6160](
- Menu section: PassThrough context.item has not right MenuItem entry [\#6055](
- FileUpload v4.0.0-beta.3: Subsequent file selections no longer possible in basic mode (regression from v4.0.0-beta.2) [\#5748](
- InputMask number repeat [\#3623](
## [4.0.4]( (2024-08-02)
@ -329,27 +329,27 @@
**Fixed bugs:**
- Button: undeclared color styles of outlined buttons [\#6169](
- Tree: none selectable child defect in selection mode [\#6159](
- DataTable: paginator passthrough is now pcPaginator [\#6154](
- DatePicker: Icon is visible when calendar is on inline mode [\#6153](
- Fieldset: toggle icon does not work if there is a legend slot [\#6144](
- Button component disabled No transition effect[\#6140](
- Dialog: Missing 're-focus original element on close' fix in v4 that was present in v3 [\#6139](
- ButtonGroup: Missing buttongroup in PrimeVuePTOptions [\#6137](
- lara and nora presets import virtualscroller from aura preset [\#6128](
- DatePicker: Day name didn't show when i set locale manualy [\#6125](
- Datepicker: Month selection highlighting problem in range mode [\#6120](
- Dialog: Release mouse outside the dialog would close the dialog when dismissableMask is true. [\#6116](
- DatePicker: cannot type an end date that is the same as the start date. [\#6106](
- InputMask: Missing id property [\#6100](
- DatePicker: can not typing same date using input [\#6081](
- StepList and StepPanels: Different type than of Stepper, Step and StepPanel [\#6059](
- Drawer: Footer Div/Slot added by default [\#6048](
- ContextMenu: The item action is not executed on Enter key when the "item" template has been redefined [\#5983](
- Popover - Misplaced arrow [\#5915](
- Calendar: Keydown Event not firing [\#5870](
- InputOtp: (integerOnly) No response when pressing Enter and Tab [\#5386](
- Button: undeclared color styles of outlined buttons [\#6169](
- Tree: none selectable child defect in selection mode [\#6159](
- DataTable: paginator passthrough is now pcPaginator [\#6154](
- DatePicker: Icon is visible when calendar is on inline mode [\#6153](
- Fieldset: toggle icon does not work if there is a legend slot [\#6144](
- Button component disabled No transition effect[\#6140](
- Dialog: Missing 're-focus original element on close' fix in v4 that was present in v3 [\#6139](
- ButtonGroup: Missing buttongroup in PrimeVuePTOptions [\#6137](
- lara and nora presets import virtualscroller from aura preset [\#6128](
- DatePicker: Day name didn't show when i set locale manualy [\#6125](
- Datepicker: Month selection highlighting problem in range mode [\#6120](
- Dialog: Release mouse outside the dialog would close the dialog when dismissableMask is true. [\#6116](
- DatePicker: cannot type an end date that is the same as the start date. [\#6106](
- InputMask: Missing id property [\#6100](
- DatePicker: can not typing same date using input [\#6081](
- StepList and StepPanels: Different type than of Stepper, Step and StepPanel [\#6059](
- Drawer: Footer Div/Slot added by default [\#6048](
- ContextMenu: The item action is not executed on Enter key when the "item" template has been redefined [\#5983](
- Popover - Misplaced arrow [\#5915](
- Calendar: Keydown Event not firing [\#5870](
- InputOtp: (integerOnly) No response when pressing Enter and Tab [\#5386](
## [4.0.3]( (2024-07-30)
@ -357,9 +357,9 @@
**Fixed bugs:**
- InputMask: Fluid injection defect [\#6150](
- Misalignment of icons due to Tailwind Preflight [\#6148](
- ColorPicker: [Vue warn]: Property "inputId" was accessed during render but is not defined on instance. [\#6135](
- InputMask: Fluid injection defect [\#6150](
- Misalignment of icons due to Tailwind Preflight [\#6148](
- ColorPicker: [Vue warn]: Property "inputId" was accessed during render but is not defined on instance. [\#6135](
## [4.0.2]( (2024-07-26)
@ -367,13 +367,13 @@
**Fixed bugs:**
- Toast: Unstyled prop does not affect ToastMessage [\#6098](
- ConfirmDialog and ConfirmPopup: Missing accept/reject labels [\#6075](
- Toast: Unstyled prop does not affect ToastMessage [\#6098](
- ConfirmDialog and ConfirmPopup: Missing accept/reject labels [\#6075](
**Implemented New Features and Enhancements:**
- Provide Fluid component [\#6122](
- ColorPicker: click on label does not open the color picker[\#6044](
- Provide Fluid component [\#6122](
- ColorPicker: click on label does not open the color picker[\#6044](
## [4.0.1]( (2024-07-22)
@ -381,20 +381,20 @@
**Fixed bugs:**
- SELECT: hide clear button when options is empty in Dropdown [\#6084](
- Lara theme type [\#6065](
- Paginator: v4 page buttons still have PrimeVue classes in unstyled mode [\#6064](
- TabList: ripple warn when Ripple is not been registered. [\#6057](
- Stepper: Nested Components are re-mounted [\#6052](
- Tree: filter pt implementation defect [\#6043](
- DataTable: Frozen Columns, the headers of fixed columns will overlap. [\#6036](
- IconField: Does not support multiple icons[\#6034](
- InputMask: Passed props are not set [\#6025](
- BaseComponent: Missing import 'isFunction' [\#6024](
- Failed to use Primevue 4 with yarn [\#6020](
- TABS: Globally enabling Ripple breaks Scrollable Tabs [\#6017](
- Accordion: Theming content background not working [\#5997](
- AutoComplete: Combining multiple + dropdown does not work [\#5881](
- SELECT: hide clear button when options is empty in Dropdown [\#6084](
- Lara theme type [\#6065](
- Paginator: v4 page buttons still have PrimeVue classes in unstyled mode [\#6064](
- TabList: ripple warn when Ripple is not been registered. [\#6057](
- Stepper: Nested Components are re-mounted [\#6052](
- Tree: filter pt implementation defect [\#6043](
- DataTable: Frozen Columns, the headers of fixed columns will overlap. [\#6036](
- IconField: Does not support multiple icons[\#6034](
- InputMask: Passed props are not set [\#6025](
- BaseComponent: Missing import 'isFunction' [\#6024](
- Failed to use Primevue 4 with yarn [\#6020](
- TABS: Globally enabling Ripple breaks Scrollable Tabs [\#6017](
- Accordion: Theming content background not working [\#5997](
- AutoComplete: Combining multiple + dropdown does not work [\#5881](
## [4.0.0]( (2024-07-03)
@ -402,20 +402,20 @@
**Breaking Changes:**
- Remove .p-fluid and add new fluid property [\#6000](
- Remove .p-fluid and add new fluid property [\#6000](
**Fixed bugs:**
- options.resolve is not a function in auto-import-resolver package [\#6003](
- DataTable: highlightOnSelect single selection defect [\#6002](
- Stepper: linear mode disabled header defect [\#6001](
- OverlayBadge: Failed to resolve component: Badge [\#5991](
- Nuxt module component autoImport in v4 rc3 doesn't work with component prefixes [\#5980](
- MultiSelect: 'v-if="filter"' erroneously removed in v4 [\#5978](
- options.resolve is not a function in auto-import-resolver package [\#6003](
- DataTable: highlightOnSelect single selection defect [\#6002](
- Stepper: linear mode disabled header defect [\#6001](
- OverlayBadge: Failed to resolve component: Badge [\#5991](
- Nuxt module component autoImport in v4 rc3 doesn't work with component prefixes [\#5980](
- MultiSelect: 'v-if="filter"' erroneously removed in v4 [\#5978](
**Implemented New Features and Enhancements:**
- Add as and asChild property to Button [\#5996](
- Add as and asChild property to Button [\#5996](
## [4.0.0-rc.3]( (2024-06-27)
@ -423,21 +423,21 @@
**Fixed bugs:**
- MultiSelect: missing loadingIcon passthrough option in documentation [\#5964](
- [Core]: PrimeVue 4 is causing a memory leak [\#5957](
- InputMask: FloatLabel defects [\#5956](
- Checkbox: Icon slot does not provide information about the indeterminate state [\#5942](
- Tooltip: the arrow can not show in bottom position. [\#5916](
- BlockUI bug SSR: when I reload the page I get the following error [\#5912](
- InputMask: v4 no classes are passed to target inpud component [\#5908](
- DatePicker: not highlight range of month in monthMode [\#5886](
- DatePicker: not highlight range of year in yearMode [\#5833](
- CSS not Server Side Rendered with PrimeVue 4 / Nuxt 3 [\#5945](
- MultiSelect: missing loadingIcon passthrough option in documentation [\#5964](
- [Core]: PrimeVue 4 is causing a memory leak [\#5957](
- InputMask: FloatLabel defects [\#5956](
- Checkbox: Icon slot does not provide information about the indeterminate state [\#5942](
- Tooltip: the arrow can not show in bottom position. [\#5916](
- BlockUI bug SSR: when I reload the page I get the following error [\#5912](
- InputMask: v4 no classes are passed to target inpud component [\#5908](
- DatePicker: not highlight range of month in monthMode [\#5886](
- DatePicker: not highlight range of year in yearMode [\#5833](
- CSS not Server Side Rendered with PrimeVue 4 / Nuxt 3 [\#5945](
**Implemented New Features and Enhancements:**
- Improve utils methods in all packages [\#5968](
- Add autoImport option to @primevue/nuxt-module [\#5935](
- Improve utils methods in all packages [\#5968](
- Add autoImport option to @primevue/nuxt-module [\#5935](
## [4.0.0-rc.2]( (2024-06-16)
@ -445,11 +445,11 @@
**Fixed bugs:**
- Themes are installed by the wrong package [\#5898](
- [nuxt] Could not access pt. The only available runtime config keys on the client side are public and app [\#5895](
- primevue@4.0.0-rc.1 incorrect background colors [\#5894](
- Menu: Using the popup mode, the menu has a transparent background in dark mode. [\#5890](
- Select: Invalid padding calc when clear icon present [\#5847](
- Themes are installed by the wrong package [\#5898](
- [nuxt] Could not access pt. The only available runtime config keys on the client side are public and app [\#5895](
- primevue@4.0.0-rc.1 incorrect background colors [\#5894](
- Menu: Using the popup mode, the menu has a transparent background in dark mode. [\#5890](
- Select: Invalid padding calc when clear icon present [\#5847](
## [4.0.0-beta.5]( (2024-06-12)
@ -457,22 +457,22 @@
- Deprecated InlineMessage component [\#5843](
- Deprecated StepperPanel component [\#5824](
- Deprecated InlineMessage component [\#5843](
- Deprecated StepperPanel component [\#5824](
**Breaking Changes:**
- Message props default value changes [\#5844](
- Removed deprecated slots and props [\#5841](
- Message props default value changes [\#5844](
- Removed deprecated slots and props [\#5841](
**Implemented New Features and Enhancements:**
- New helper components for Stepper [\#5823](
- Convert PrimeVue to monorepo packages [\#5871](
- New helper components for Stepper [\#5823](
- Convert PrimeVue to monorepo packages [\#5871](
**Fixed bugs:**
- primevue@4.0.0-beta.4: primevue/themes/aura/overlaybadge cannot be resolved [\#5811](
- primevue@4.0.0-beta.4: primevue/themes/aura/overlaybadge cannot be resolved [\#5811](
## [4.0.0-beta.4]( (2024-05-30)
@ -480,25 +480,25 @@
- Deprecate inputStyle and add inputVariant [\#5786](
- Deprecate inputStyle and add inputVariant [\#5786](
**Breaking Changes:**
- Deprecated slots [\#5785](
- Renamed properties [\#5784](
- Add OverlayBadge component, deprecate Badge directive [\#5769](
- Dialog: rtl removed [\#5763](
- Deprecated slots [\#5785](
- Renamed properties [\#5784](
- Add OverlayBadge component, deprecate Badge directive [\#5769](
- Dialog: rtl removed [\#5763](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Popover: Arrow offset uses wrong design token [\#5755](
- InputNumber: Missing type declaration for buttons leads to form submit on button click [\#5700](
- DatePicker: Focus blink on select [\#5676](
- Popover: Arrow offset uses wrong design token [\#5755](
- InputNumber: Missing type declaration for buttons leads to form submit on button click [\#5700](
- DatePicker: Focus blink on select [\#5676](
**Implemented New Features and Enhancements:**
- Load primitive, semantic and global styles in styled mode [\#5789](
- [All components]: TypeScript emits are in an incompatible format with defineEmits [\#5405](
- Load primitive, semantic and global styles in styled mode [\#5789](
- [All components]: TypeScript emits are in an incompatible format with defineEmits [\#5405](
## [4.0.0-beta.3]( (2024-05-15)
@ -506,31 +506,31 @@
- Deprecated: InputChips [\#5744](
- Deprecated: InputChips [\#5744](
**Breaking Changes:**
- Removed Utility Classes [\#5727](
- Fieldset: #legend updates [\#5719](
- Table: remove responsiveLayout [\#5717](
- FileUpload: basic mode button label & file label changes [\#5715](
- Remove Drawer size [\#5714](
- Deprecated emits [\#5721](
- Deprecated properties [\#5683](
- Deprecated slots [\#5682](
- Key name changes for pt property [\#5681](
- Removed Utility Classes [\#5727](
- Fieldset: #legend updates [\#5719](
- Table: remove responsiveLayout [\#5717](
- FileUpload: basic mode button label & file label changes [\#5715](
- Remove Drawer size [\#5714](
- Deprecated emits [\#5721](
- Deprecated properties [\#5683](
- Deprecated slots [\#5682](
- Key name changes for pt property [\#5681](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Tabs: Ripple Position [\#5690](
- [v4 beta1: InputMask] Placeholder attribute does not work [\#5664](
- Accordion: "Invalid watch source: undefined" and "Failed to resolve directive: ripple" [\#5733](
- v4: TypeError: Theme\_\_default.default.setPreset is not a function when configuring theme configuration using definePreset in vitest tests [\#5689](
- Tabs: Ripple Position [\#5690](
- [v4 beta1: InputMask] Placeholder attribute does not work [\#5664](
- Accordion: "Invalid watch source: undefined" and "Failed to resolve directive: ripple" [\#5733](
- v4: TypeError: Theme\_\_default.default.setPreset is not a function when configuring theme configuration using definePreset in vitest tests [\#5689](
**Implemented New Features and Enhancements:**
- Remove PrimeVueStyled and PrimeVueUnstyled plugins [\#5728](
- Small sized Badge [\#5729](
- Remove PrimeVueStyled and PrimeVueUnstyled plugins [\#5728](
- Small sized Badge [\#5729](
## [4.0.0-beta.2]( (2024-05-03)
@ -538,31 +538,31 @@
- Deprecated: TabView [\#5622](
- Deprecated: TabView [\#5622](
**Breaking Changes:**
- TreeTable CSS and responsive structure improvements [\#5678](
- Deprecated properties [\#5662](
- Deprecated slots [\#5661](
- Legacy & New alternative components [\#5612](
- Key name changes for pt property [\#5592](
- Remove legacy CSS rules [\#5493](
- warning property name changed as warn [\#5591](
- Removed properties [\#5553](
- Component Replacements [\#5548](
- Remove iconPosition from IconField [\#5547](
- TreeTable CSS and responsive structure improvements [\#5678](
- Deprecated properties [\#5662](
- Deprecated slots [\#5661](
- Legacy & New alternative components [\#5612](
- Key name changes for pt property [\#5592](
- Remove legacy CSS rules [\#5493](
- warning property name changed as warn [\#5591](
- Removed properties [\#5553](
- Component Replacements [\#5548](
- Remove iconPosition from IconField [\#5547](
**Fixed bugs:**
- FileUpload v4: disabled property does not disable choose button (it only disables the choose functionality) [\#5529](
- FileUpload v4: disabled property does not disable choose button (it only disables the choose functionality) [\#5529](
**Implemented New Features and Enhancements:**
- Add sideEffects: false to nested package.json files on components [\#5668](
- Remove base option from theme config [\#5667](
- Reimplement: Accordion [\#5643](
- New Component: Tabs [\#5621](
- Add sideEffects: false to nested package.json files on components [\#5668](
- Remove base option from theme config [\#5667](
- Reimplement: Accordion [\#5643](
- New Component: Tabs [\#5621](
## [4.0.0-beta.1](
@ -570,17 +570,17 @@
**Breaking Changes:**
- New Styled Mode Implementation [\#5501](
- Remove changeTheme method from $primevue [\#5000](
- Remove deprecated Tailwind Pass Through Object [\#5478](
- Removed components [\#5476](
- Remove primevue[.min].css from build [\#5481](
- Remove themes folder from resources [\#5477](
- Core behavior changes [\#5437](
- Component Replacements [\#5426](
- New Styled Mode Implementation [\#5501](
- Remove changeTheme method from $primevue [\#5000](
- Remove deprecated Tailwind Pass Through Object [\#5478](
- Removed components [\#5476](
- Remove primevue[.min].css from build [\#5481](
- Remove themes folder from resources [\#5477](
- Core behavior changes [\#5437](
- Component Replacements [\#5426](
**Implemented New Features and Enhancements:**
- Add dt props to all components and directives [\#5506](
- Add PrimeVueStyled and PrimeVueUnstyled plugins [\#5502](
- Checkbox: new indeterminate state [\#5479](
- Add dt props to all components and directives [\#5506](
- Add PrimeVueStyled and PrimeVueUnstyled plugins [\#5502](
- Checkbox: new indeterminate state [\#5479](

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -10,15 +10,15 @@ PrimeVue is a rich set of open source UI Components for Vue. See [PrimeVue homep
## Packages
| Name | Version |
| --- | --- |
| [primevue]( | [![npm version](]( |
| [@primevue/core]( | [![npm version](]( |
| [@primevue/icons]( | [![npm version](]( |
| [@primevue/themes]( | [![npm version](]( |
| [@primevue/nuxt-module]( | [![npm version](]( |
| Name | Version |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| [primevue]( | [![npm version](]( |
| [@primevue/core]( | [![npm version](]( |
| [@primevue/icons]( | [![npm version](]( |
| [@primevue/themes]( | [![npm version](]( |
| [@primevue/nuxt-module]( | [![npm version](]( |
| [@primevue/auto-import-resolver]( | [![npm version](]( |
| [@primevue/metadata]( | [![npm version](]( |
| [@primevue/metadata]( | [![npm version](]( |
## Contributors

View File

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ const core_dependencies = {
// create-vue ->
const getVueApp = (props = {}, sourceType) => {
const path = 'src/';
const { code: sources, title = 'primevue_demo', description = '', service, extPages, dependencies: deps, component, extFiles } = props;
const { code: sources, title = 'primevue_demo', description = '', service, dependencies: deps, component, extFiles } = props;
const dependencies = { ...core_dependencies, ...deps };
const fileExtension = '.vue';
@ -827,7 +827,7 @@ export default {
[`${path}plugins/appState.js`]: {

View File

@ -40,7 +40,9 @@ export const getPTOptions = (name) => {
export const getStyleOptions = (name) => {
const { members = [] } = APIDocs[name.toLowerCase() + 'style']?.enumerations?.values?.[`${name}Classes`];
const styleDoc = APIDocs[name.toLowerCase() + 'style'];
const enumValues = styleDoc && styleDoc.enumerations && styleDoc.enumerations.values;
const { members = [] } = enumValues ? enumValues[`${name}Classes`] || {} : {};
let data = [];
for (const member of members) {
@ -59,16 +61,21 @@ export const getTokenOptions = (name) => {
const values = APIDocs[`themes/${name.toLowerCase()}`]?.tokens?.values;
let data = [];
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(values || {})) {
for (const tokens of value?.props) {
const { token, description } = tokens;
const designToken = $dt(token);
if (values) {
/* eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars */
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(values)) {
if (value && value.props) {
for (const tokens of value.props) {
const { token, description } = tokens;
const designToken = $dt(token);
description: description
description: description

View File

@ -68,4 +68,4 @@
"engines": {
"node": ">=12.11.0"

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import PrimeVue from 'primevue/config';
import { reactive } from 'vue';
const $appState = {
install: (Vue, options) => {
install: (Vue) => {
Vue.config.globalProperties.$appState = reactive({
preset: 'Aura',
primary: 'noir',

View File

@ -103,10 +103,10 @@ const getTypeDoc = (typeDocOptions) => {
description: '',
values: []
const emit = {
description: staticMessages['emit'],
values: []
// const emit = {
// description: staticMessages['emit'],
// values: []
// };
if (component_props) {
props.description = component_props.comment ? => parseText(s.text || '')).join(' ') : '';
@ -615,18 +615,16 @@ const getTypeDoc = (typeDocOptions) => {
module_interfaces_group &&
module_interfaces_group.children.forEach((event) => {
const event_props_description = event.comment && => s.text || '').join(' ');
let component_prop = '';
if (event.comment && event.comment.getTag('@see')) {
const tag = event.comment.getTag('@see');
const content = tag.content[0];
if (content.text.includes("['")) {
component_prop = `${}${content.text}`;
} else {
component_prop = `${content.text === ? :}.${content.text}`;
// let component_prop = '';
// if (event.comment && event.comment.getTag('@see')) {
// const tag = event.comment.getTag('@see');
// const content = tag.content[0];
// if (content.text.includes("['")) {
// component_prop = `${}${content.text}`;
// } else {
// component_prop = `${content.text === ? :}.${content.text}`;
// }
// }
!doc[name]['tokens'] &&
(doc[name]['tokens'] = {

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
export default defineEventHandler((event) => {
export default defineEventHandler(() => {
return {
headers: { 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*' },
statusCode: 200,

View File

@ -15,10 +15,6 @@
"jsx": "preserve",
"incremental": true
"include": [
"exclude": ["node_modules", "**/node_modules", "**/dist"]
"include": ["../../packages/primevue/src/**/*.d.ts", "../../packages/forms/src/**/*.d.ts", "../../node_modules/@primeuix/themes/types/**/*.d.ts"],
"exclude": ["node_modules", "**/node_modules", "**/dist"]

eslint.config.mjs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
import eslint from '@eslint/js';
import eslintPluginVue from 'eslint-plugin-vue';
import globals from 'globals';
export default [
languageOptions: {
globals: {
vi: 'readonly',
defineNuxtConfig: 'readonly',
defineNuxtPlugin: 'readonly',
defineNuxtLink: 'readonly',
defineNuxtRouteMiddleware: 'readonly',
defineEventHandler: 'readonly',
useRuntimeConfig: 'readonly',
useNuxtApp: 'readonly'
rules: {
'no-empty': 'off',
'no-console': process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? 'warn' : 'off',
'no-debugger': process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? 'warn' : 'off',
'no-fallthrough': 'off',
'padding-line-between-statements': [
{ blankLine: 'always', prev: ['const', 'let', 'var'], next: '*' },
{ blankLine: 'any', prev: ['const', 'let', 'var'], next: ['const', 'let', 'var'] },
{ blankLine: 'any', prev: ['case', 'default'], next: 'break' },
{ blankLine: 'any', prev: 'case', next: 'case' },
{ blankLine: 'always', prev: '*', next: 'return' },
{ blankLine: 'always', prev: 'block', next: '*' },
{ blankLine: 'always', prev: '*', next: 'block' },
{ blankLine: 'always', prev: 'block-like', next: '*' },
{ blankLine: 'always', prev: '*', next: 'block-like' },
{ blankLine: 'always', prev: ['import'], next: ['const', 'let', 'var'] }
files: ['vue'],
plugins: {
vue: eslintPluginVue
rules: {
'vue/valid-template-root': 'error',
'vue/no-multiple-template-root': 'off',
'vue/this-in-template': ['error', 'never'],
'vue/multi-word-component-names': 'off',
'vue/no-reserved-component-names': 'off',
'vue/component-tags-order': [
order: ['template', 'script', 'style']
'vue/require-explicit-emits': [
allowProps: false
'vue/attributes-order': [
alphabetical: false
'vue/order-in-components': [
order: [
['delimiters', 'comments'],
['props', 'propsData'],
['provide', 'inject'],
['components', 'directives', 'filters'],
['template', 'render'],
files: ['**/*.{js,mjs,cjs,ts'],
plugins: {
vue: eslintPluginVue
languageOptions: {
parserOptions: {
ecmaVersion: 'latest',
sourceType: 'module'
ignores: ['**/dist/**', '**/node_modules/**', '**/.nuxt/**', 'build/**', '**/prism.js']

package-lock.json generated Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -37,29 +37,28 @@
"hot:dev": "DEV_ENV=hot pnpm --filter showcase dev",
"module:dev": "pnpm --filter @primevue/nuxt-module dev",
"security:check": "pnpm audit --prod --audit-level high",
"format": "prettier --write \"**/*.{vue,js,mjs,ts,d.ts}\" --cache",
"format:check": "prettier --check \"**/*.{vue,js,mjs,ts,d.ts}\"",
"lint": "eslint --ext \".vue,.js,.mjs,.ts\" --ignore-path .gitignore . --cache",
"lint:fix": "eslint --fix --ext \".vue,.js,.mjs,.ts\" --ignore-path .gitignore .",
"lint": "eslint .",
"lint:fix": "eslint . --fix",
"format": "prettier --write \"**/*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx,json,md}\"",
"format:check": "prettier --check \"**/*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx,json,md}\"",
"test:unit": "pnpm --filter primevue test:unit"
"devDependencies": {
"@babel/eslint-parser": "^7.18.9",
"@babel/preset-env": "^7.21.5",
"@rollup/plugin-babel": "^6.0.3",
"@rollup/plugin-alias": "^5.1.0",
"@rollup/plugin-babel": "^6.0.3",
"@rollup/plugin-node-resolve": "^15.2.3",
"@rollup/plugin-terser": "^0.4.4",
"eslint": "^9.19.0",
"eslint-config-prettier": "^10.0.1",
"eslint-plugin-prettier": "^5.2.3",
"eslint-plugin-vue": "^9.32.0",
"globals": "^15.14.0",
"pnpm": "^9.6.0",
"prettier": "3.4.2",
"rollup-plugin-postcss": "^4.0.0",
"rollup-plugin-vue": "^6.0.0-beta.9",
"eslint": "^8.30.0",
"eslint-config-prettier": "^8.5.0",
"eslint-plugin-nuxt": "^4.0.0",
"eslint-plugin-prettier": "^4.2.1",
"eslint-plugin-vue": "^9.4.0",
"typescript": "^4.9.4",
"prettier": "2.7.1",
"pnpm": "^9.6.0"
"typescript": "^4.9.4"
"publishConfig": {
"access": "public"

View File

@ -48,4 +48,4 @@
"engines": {
"node": ">=12.11.0"

View File

@ -69,4 +69,4 @@
"engines": {
"node": ">=12.11.0"

View File

@ -203,7 +203,6 @@ function addStyle() {
try {
fs.readdirSync(path.resolve(__dirname, process.env.INPUT_DIR + folderName + '/style')).forEach((file) => {
if (/\.js$/.test(file)) {
const name = file.split(/(.js)$/)[0].toLowerCase();
const input = process.env.INPUT_DIR + folderName + '/style/' + file;
const output = process.env.OUTPUT_DIR + folderName + '/style/index';

View File

@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ const BaseDirective = {
return computedValue?.[_key] ?? computedValue;
return pt?.hasOwnProperty('_usept')
return Object.hasOwn(pt, '_usept')
? {
_usept: pt['_usept'],
originalValue: getValue(pt.originalValue),
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ const BaseDirective = {
_usePT: (instance = {}, pt, callback, key, params) => {
const fn = (value) => callback(value, key, params);
if (pt?.hasOwnProperty('_usept')) {
if (Object.hasOwn(pt, '_usept')) {
const { mergeSections = true, mergeProps: useMergeProps = false } = pt['_usept'] || instance.$primevueConfig?.ptOptions || {};
const originalValue = fn(pt.originalValue);
const value = fn(pt.value);
@ -152,6 +152,7 @@ const BaseDirective = {
selfHook?.(instance, options);
defaultHook?.(instance, options);
/* eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars */
_mergeProps(instance = {}, fn, ...args) {
return isFunction(fn) ? fn(...args) : mergeProps(...args);

View File

@ -4,15 +4,16 @@ declare type PublicProps = VNodeProps & AllowedComponentProps & ComponentCustomP
declare type UnionToIntersection<U> = (U extends any ? (k: U) => void : never) extends (k: infer I) => void ? I : never;
export declare type EmitFn<Options = ObjectEmitsOptions, Event extends keyof Options = keyof Options> = Options extends Array<infer V>
? (e: V, ...args: any[]) => void
: {} extends Options
? (e: string, ...args: any[]) => void
: UnionToIntersection<
[key in Event]: Options[key] extends (...args: infer Args) => any ? (e: key, ...args: Args) => void : (e: key, ...args: any[]) => void;
export declare type EmitFn<Options = ObjectEmitsOptions, Event extends keyof Options = keyof Options> =
Options extends Array<infer V>
? (e: V, ...args: any[]) => void
: {} extends Options
? (e: string, ...args: any[]) => void
: UnionToIntersection<
[key in Event]: Options[key] extends (...args: infer Args) => any ? (e: key, ...args: Args) => void : (e: key, ...args: any[]) => void;
export type DefineComponent<P = {}, S = {}, E = {}, M = {}> = {
new (): {

View File

@ -59,4 +59,4 @@
"engines": {
"node": ">=12.11.0"

View File

@ -198,7 +198,6 @@ function addStyle() {
try {
fs.readdirSync(path.resolve(__dirname, process.env.INPUT_DIR + folderName + '/style')).forEach((file) => {
if (/\.js$/.test(file)) {
const name = file.split(/(.js)$/)[0].toLowerCase();
const input = process.env.INPUT_DIR + folderName + '/style/' + file;
const output = process.env.OUTPUT_DIR + folderName + '/style/index';

View File

@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ function watchPausable(source, callback, options) {
// @todo: move to utils
function groupKeys(obj) {
return Object.entries(obj).reduce((result, [key, value]) => {
/* eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-escape */
.reduce((acc, curr, idx, arr) => (acc[curr] ??= isNaN(arr[idx + 1]) ? (idx === arr.length - 1 ? value : {}) : []), result);
@ -55,6 +56,7 @@ function getValueByPath(obj, path) {
// do nothing and continue to other methods to resolve path data
/* eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-escape */
const keys = path.split(/[\.\[\]]+/).filter(Boolean);
return keys.reduce((acc, key) => (acc && acc[key] !== undefined ? acc[key] : undefined), obj);
@ -118,10 +120,10 @@ export const useForm = (options = {}) => {
validateFieldOn(field, fieldOptions, 'validateOnBlur');
onInput: (event) => {
_states[field].value = event.hasOwnProperty('value') ? event.value :;
_states[field].value = Object.hasOwn(event, 'value') ? event.value :;
onChange: (event) => {
_states[field].value = event.hasOwnProperty('value') ? event.value : === 'checkbox' || === 'radio' ? :;
_states[field].value = Object.hasOwn(event, 'value') ? event.value : === 'checkbox' || === 'radio' ? :;
onInvalid: (errors) => {
_states[field].invalid = true;

View File

@ -105,4 +105,4 @@
"engines": {
"node": ">=12.11.0"

View File

@ -201,7 +201,6 @@ function addStyle() {
try {
fs.readdirSync(path.resolve(__dirname, process.env.INPUT_DIR + folderName + '/style')).forEach((file) => {
if (/\.js$/.test(file)) {
const name = file.split(/(.js)$/)[0].toLowerCase();
const input = process.env.INPUT_DIR + folderName + '/style/' + file;
const output = process.env.OUTPUT_DIR + folderName + '/style/index';

View File

@ -44,4 +44,4 @@
"engines": {
"node": ">=12.11.0"

View File

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
- [✨ Release Notes](
- [📖 Documentation](
## Quick Setup
1. Add `@primevue/nuxt-module` dependency to your project
@ -22,22 +22,18 @@ npx nuxi@latest module add primevue
modules: [
modules: ['@primevue/nuxt-module'];
That's it! You can now use `@primevue/nuxt-module` in your Nuxt app ✨
<!-- Badges -->

View File

@ -92,4 +92,4 @@
"engines": {
"node": ">=12.11.0"

View File

@ -361,4 +361,4 @@
"engines": {
"node": ">=12.11.0"

View File

@ -215,7 +215,6 @@ function addStyle() {
try {
fs.readdirSync(path.resolve(__dirname, process.env.INPUT_DIR + folderName + '/style')).forEach((file) => {
if (/\.js$/.test(file)) {
const name = file.split(/(.js)$/)[0].toLowerCase();
const input = process.env.INPUT_DIR + folderName + '/style/' + file;
const output = process.env.OUTPUT_DIR + folderName + '/style/index';

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ const classes = {
pcInputText: 'p-autocomplete-input',
inputMultiple: ({ props, instance }) => [
inputMultiple: ({ instance }) => [
'p-variant-filled': instance.$variant === 'filled'

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import { addClass, removeClass } from '@primeuix/utils/dom';
import { addClass } from '@primeuix/utils/dom';
import { mount } from '@vue/test-utils';
import PrimeVue from 'primevue/config';
import { describe, expect, it, vi } from 'vitest';

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import { style } from '@primeuix/styles/floatlabel';
import BaseStyle from '@primevue/core/base/style';
const classes = {
root: ({ instance, props }) => [
root: ({ props }) => [
'p-floatlabel-over': props.variant === 'over',

View File

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ const KeyFilter = BaseKeyFilter.extend('keyfilter', {
target.$_pkeyfilterModifier = this.getModifiers(options);
if (typeof options.value) {
if (options.value !== undefined) {
target.$_pkeyfilterPattern = options.value?.pattern || options.value;
target.$_pkeyfilterValidateOnly = options.value?.validateOnly || false;
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ const KeyFilter = BaseKeyFilter.extend('keyfilter', {
target.$_pkeyfilterModifier = this.getModifiers(options);
this.unbindEvents(el, options);
if (typeof options.value) {
if (options.value !== undefined) {
target.$_pkeyfilterPattern = options.value?.pattern || options.value;
target.$_pkeyfilterValidateOnly = options.value?.validateOnly || false;
@ -38,14 +38,14 @@ const KeyFilter = BaseKeyFilter.extend('keyfilter', {
pint: /[\d]/,
int: /[\d\-]/,
pnum: /[\d\.]/,
money: /[\d\.\s,]/,
num: /[\d\-\.]/,
int: /[\d-]/,
pnum: /[\d.]/,
money: /[\d.\s,]/,
num: /[\d-.]/,
hex: /[0-9a-f]/i,
email: /[a-z0-9_\.\-@]/i,
email: /[a-z0-9_.-@]/i,
alpha: /[a-z_]/i,
alphanum: /[a-z0-9_]/i
alphanum: /[a-z0-9_]/
methods: {
getTarget(el) {

View File

@ -503,7 +503,7 @@ const Tooltip = BaseTooltip.extend('tooltip', {
return targetLeft + width > viewport.width || targetLeft < 0 || targetTop < 0 || targetTop + height > viewport.height;
getTarget(el) {
return hasClass(el, 'p-inputwrapper') ? findSingle(el, 'input') ?? el : el;
return hasClass(el, 'p-inputwrapper') ? (findSingle(el, 'input') ?? el) : el;
getModifiers(options) {
// modifiers

View File

@ -88,4 +88,4 @@
"engines": {
"node": ">=12.11.0"

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,36 +1,36 @@
"publishedPackages": [
"name": "@primevue/core",
"version": "4.2.5"
"name": "@primevue/metadata",
"version": "4.2.5"
"name": "@primevue/themes",
"version": "4.2.5"
"name": "@primevue/auto-import-resolver",
"version": "4.2.5"
"name": "@primevue/forms",
"version": "4.2.5"
"name": "@primevue/icons",
"version": "4.2.5"
"name": "primevue",
"version": "4.2.5"
"name": "@primevue/nuxt-module",
"version": "4.2.5"
"publishedPackages": [
"name": "@primevue/core",
"version": "4.2.5"
"name": "@primevue/metadata",
"version": "4.2.5"
"name": "@primevue/themes",
"version": "4.2.5"
"name": "@primevue/auto-import-resolver",
"version": "4.2.5"
"name": "@primevue/forms",
"version": "4.2.5"
"name": "@primevue/icons",
"version": "4.2.5"
"name": "primevue",
"version": "4.2.5"
"name": "@primevue/nuxt-module",
"version": "4.2.5"