Refactor - Add usePassThrough method to customize default PT objects

mertsincan 2023-08-10 23:29:08 +01:00
parent 51955d7575
commit 2bd85b0738
2 changed files with 51 additions and 14 deletions

View File

@ -1,19 +1,46 @@
import { ObjectUtils } from 'primevue/utils';
import { mergeProps } from 'vue'; import { mergeProps } from 'vue';
// @todo: Improve this method export const usePassThrough = (pt1 = {}, pt2 = {}, { merge = true, useMergeProps = false, ignoredKeysOnMerge = [], customizer = undefined } = {}) => {
export const usePassThrough = (theme, pt = {}, { merge = false }) => { const newPT = { ...pt1 };
const newTheme = { ...theme };
const componentNames = Object.keys(pt);
return componentNames.reduce((t, n) => { if (merge) {
if (!merge) { const getPTClassValue = (value) => (ObjectUtils.isString(value) || ObjectUtils.isArray(value) ? { class: value } : value);
t[n] = pt[n];
const setOptionValue = (to, from, nestedKey, ignoredKey) => {
const keys = nestedKey.split('.');
const key = keys.shift();
const getValue = (value) => (ObjectUtils.isFunction(customizer) ? customizer({ key, to, from, value }) : value);
if (!!ignoredKey && ignoredKey.endsWith(key)) {
!!key && (to[key] = getValue(from[key]));
} else { } else {
t[n] = Object.entries(pt[n]).reduce((_t, [sk, sv]) => { const matched = [Object.keys(to[key] || {}), Object.keys(from[key] || {})].flat().some((k) => k.match(/^(class|style|on(.+))/));
return mergeProps(t[n][sk], sv);
}, {}); if (matched) {
to[key] = getValue(useMergeProps ? mergeProps(getPTClassValue(to[key]), getPTClassValue(from[key])) : { ...getPTClassValue(to[key]), ...getPTClassValue(from[key]) });
} else if (ObjectUtils.isNotEmpty(from[key])) {
to[key] = {[key] };
setOptionValue(to[key], from[key], keys.join('.'), ignoredKey);
} else if (!!key) {
to[key] = getValue(from[key]);
const nestedKeys = ObjectUtils.nestedKeys(pt2);
nestedKeys.forEach((nestedKey) => {
ignoredKeysOnMerge.find((k) => (k.indexOf('.') > 0 ? nestedKey.startsWith(k) : nestedKey.split('.')[0] === k))
} else {
Object.keys(pt2).forEach((key) => (newPT[key] = pt2[key]));
} }
return t; return newPT;
}, newTheme);
}; };

View File

@ -286,5 +286,15 @@ export default {
} }
return index; return index;
nestedKeys(obj = {}, parentKey = '') {
return Object.entries(obj).reduce((o, [key, value]) => {
const currentKey = parentKey ? `${parentKey}.${key}` : key;
this.isObject(value) ? (o = o.concat(this.nestedKeys(value, currentKey))) : o.push(currentKey);
return o;
}, []);
} }
}; };