PrimeVue is available for download on npm Registry along with the official - nuxt-primevue module. + @primevue/nuxt-module.
Welcome to the Prime UI Ecosystem! Once you have PrimeVue up and running, we recommend exploring the following resources to gain a deeper understanding of the library.
+- Module is used to configure the PrimeVue options, register components, directives and composables. CSS configuration of the styled mode is not included at the moment due to the upcoming enhancements like moving theming to core with CSS - variables. In styled mode, the theme can be defined at Nuxt configuration with the css property. Note that this only applies to styled mode, in unstyled mode a theme file is not required as styling is done externally. -
- Until the new styled mode implementation is ready, dynamic theming at runtime is currently done by switching theme css files. Visit the
Configure the module to use a theme like Aura.
+The nuxt-primevue module registers the components automatically so you may start using them instantly.
+The nuxt-primevue module registers the components automatically with tree-shaking support so you may start using them instantly.
- The global property has a css option to define custom css that belongs to a global pt configuration. Common use case of this feature is defining global styles and animations related to the pass through props - configuration. + The global property has a css option to define custom css that belongs to a global pt configuration. Common use case of this feature is defining global styles and animations related to the pass through configuration.
+ In traditional 3rd party UI libraries, users are limited to the API provided by component author. This API commonly consists of props, events and slots. Whenever a requirement emerges for a new customization option in the API, the + component author needs to develop and publish it with a new release. +
++ Vision of PrimeTek is Your components, not ours. The pass through feature is a key element to implement this vision by exposing the component internals in order to apply arbitrary attributes and listeners to the DOM elements. The + primary advantage of this approach is that it frees you from being restricted by the main component API. We recommend considering the pass-through feature whenever you need to tailor a component that lacks a built-in feature for your + specific requirement. +
+Two videos are available at PrimeTV youtube channel, first one is an introduction and second one covers a unique case that is solved by the pass-through.
+Welcome to the Prime UI Ecosystem! Once you have PrimeVue up and running, we recommend exploring the following resources to gain a deeper understanding of the library.
- PrimeVue plugin is required to be installed as an application plugin to set up the default
PrimeVue plugin is required to be installed as an application plugin to set up the default
Styled mode provides pre-skinned components, default theme is Aura with emerald as the primary color. See the
Install the @primevue/themes add-on package as the themes are not included in PrimeVue by default.
-Configure PrimeVue to use a theme like Aura.
-Configure PrimeVue to use a theme like Aura.
- In unstyled mode, the components do not include any CSS so you'd need to style the components on your end, this is especially useful when building your own UI library on top of PrimeVue. Visit the
- Each component can be imported and registered individually so that you only bundle what you use. Import path is available in the documentation of the corresponding component. If you prefer importing components automatically with
- tree-shaking support , view the
The Pass Through props is an API to access the internal DOM Structure of the components.
+The Pass Through attributes is an API to access the internal DOM Structure of the components.