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# Changelog
## [3.13.0]( (2022-06-06)
[Full Changelog](
**Implemented New Features and Enhancements:**
- DataTable | new 'p-reorderable-column' class and reorderable columns cursor update [\#2620](
- Add a param to the show\(\) method to focus Dropdown component [\#2619](
- The overlay elements automatically close on mobile devices [\#2618](
- Add Nuxt3 support for components using teleport [\#2602](
- DataTable: support passing a function to the dataKey prop [\#2589](
- Autocomplete | new loadingIcon property [\#2542](
- Tooltip new fitContent property [\#2536](
- Arrow for OverlayPanel doesn't have borders in Lara Light Blue theme [\#2390](
- 'tab' key support on Input Number [\#1518](
**Fixed bugs:**
- The maxSelectedLabels props is not working with 0 value on MultiSelect [\#2617](
- Calendar | Could not edit end date with time picker properly [\#2588](
- PanelMenu animation issue [\#2583](
- Add null types to InputText and Password [\#2576](
- Step tabs not highlighted correctly for named routes [\#2568](
- DataTable | column reorder is broken with hidden column [\#2562](
- Column node declaration TypeScript error [\#2553](
- DataTable \#loading overridden template is not always rendered [\#2547](
- Dropdown duplicates options key [\#2545](
- Header elements in DataTable with virtualScroller are not in the correct position on the scroll. [\#2534](
- Sub-items in PanelMenu does not receive the `router-link-active` class [\#2528](
- InputText and Textarea duplicating custom class\(es\) in DOM element [\#2522](
- Carousel: Display issues when loading less items that the allocated slots [\#2516](
- Missing invalid float label color [\#2510](
- Calendar resize listener bug [\#2509](
- The default severity of the InlineMessage is info, but in the code the default severity is 'error'. [\#2507](
- \[BUG\] DataTable column reorder in wrong order [\#2225](
- \[BUG\] Range slider cannot be set to \[min, min\] [\#2104](
## [3.12.6]( (2022-04-27)
[Full Changelog](
Reference in New Issue