Fixed #1836 - For Listbox

mertsincan 2021-12-01 16:49:08 +03:00
parent e3ae1aca65
commit 604e0468b9
1 changed files with 240 additions and 55 deletions

View File

@ -1,80 +1,265 @@
import { VNode } from 'vue';
import VirtualScrollerProps from '../virtualscroller';
import { ClassComponent, GlobalComponentConstructor } from '../ts-helpers';
import { VirtualScrollerProps, VirtualScrollerItemOptions } from '../virtualscroller';
type ListboxOptionLabelType = string | ((data: any) => string) | undefined;
type ListboxOptionValueType = string | ((data: any) => any) | undefined;
type ListboxOptionDisabledType = string | ((data: any) => boolean) | undefined;
type ListboxOptionChildrenType = string | ((data: any) => any[]) | undefined;
interface ListboxProps {
type ListboxFilterMatchModeType = 'contains' | 'startsWith' | 'endsWith';
export interface ListboxChangeEvent {
* Original event
originalEvent: Event;
* Selected option value
value: any;
export interface ListboxFilterEvent {
* Original event
originalEvent: Event;
* Filter value
value: string;
export interface ListboxProps {
* Value of the component.
modelValue?: any;
options?: any[];
* An array of selectitems to display as the available options.
options?: any[] | undefined;
* Property name or getter function to use as the label of an option.
optionLabel?: ListboxOptionLabelType;
* Property name or getter function to use as the value of an option, defaults to the option itself when not defined.
optionValue?: ListboxOptionValueType;
* Property name or getter function to use as the disabled flag of an option, defaults to false when not defined.
optionDisabled?: ListboxOptionDisabledType;
* Property name or getter function to use as the label of an option group.
optionGroupLabel?: ListboxOptionLabelType;
* Property name or getter function that refers to the children options of option group.
optionGroupChildren?: ListboxOptionChildrenType;
listStyle?: string;
disabled?: boolean;
dataKey?: string;
multiple?: boolean;
metaKeySelection?: boolean;
filter?: boolean;
filterPlaceholder?: string;
filterLocale?: string;
filterMatchMode?: string;
filterFields?: string[];
emptyFilterMessage?: string;
emptyMessage?: string;
* Inline style of inner list element.
listStyle?: string | undefined;
* When specified, disables the component.
disabled?: boolean | undefined;
* A property to uniquely identify an option.
dataKey?: string | undefined;
* When specified, allows selecting multiple values.
multiple?: boolean | undefined;
* Defines how multiple items can be selected, when true metaKey needs to be pressed to select or unselect an item and when set to false selection of each item can be toggled individually.
* On touch enabled devices, metaKeySelection is turned off automatically.
* Default value is true.
metaKeySelection?: boolean | undefined;
* When specified, displays a filter input at header.
filter?: boolean | undefined;
* Placeholder text to show when filter input is empty.
filterPlaceholder?: string | undefined;
* Locale to use in filtering. The default locale is the host environment's current locale.
filterLocale?: string | undefined;
* Defines the filtering algorithm to use when searching the options.
* @see ListboxFilterMatchModeType
* Default value is 'contains'.
filterMatchMode?: ListboxFilterMatchModeType;
* Fields used when filtering the options, defaults to optionLabel.
filterFields?: string[] | undefined;
* Text to display when filtering does not return any results. Defaults to value from PrimeVue locale configuration.
* Default value is 'No results found'.
emptyFilterMessage?: string | undefined;
* Text to display when there are no options available. Defaults to value from PrimeVue locale configuration.
* Default value is 'No results found'.
emptyMessage?: string | undefined;
* Whether to use the virtualScroller feature. The properties of VirtualScroller component can be used like an object in it.
* @see VirtualScroller.VirtualScrollerProps
virtualScrollerOptions?: VirtualScrollerProps;
interface ListboxHeaderSlotInterface {
export interface ListboxSlots {
* Custom header template.
* @param {Object} scope - header slot's params.
header: (scope: {
* Value of the component
value: any;
* Displayed options
options: any[];
interface ListboxFooterSlotInterface {
}) => VNode[];
* Custom footer template.
* @param {Object} scope - footer slot's params.
footer: (scope: {
* Value of the component
value: any;
* Displayed options
options: any[];
interface ListboxOptionSlotInterface {
}) => VNode[];
* Custom option template.
* @param {Object} scope - option slot's params.
option: (scope: {
* Option instance
option: any;
* Index of the option
index: number;
interface ListboxOptionGroupSlotInterface {
}) => VNode[];
* Custom optiongroup template.
* @param {Object} scope - optiongroup slot's params.
optiongroup: (scope: {
* Option instance
option: any;
* Index of the option
index: number;
interface ListboxContentInterface {
}) => VNode[];
* Custom emptyfilter template.
emptyfilter: () => VNode[];
* Custom empty template.
empty: () => VNode[];
* Custom content template.
* @param {Object} scope - content slot's params.
content: (scope: {
* An array of objects to display for virtualscroller
items: any;
* Style class of the component
styleClass: string;
contentRef: string;
getItemOptions: any;
interface ListboxLoaderSlotInterface {
* Referance of the content
* @param {HTMLElement} el - Element of 'ref' property
contentRef(el: any): void;
* Options of the items
* @param {number} index - Rendered index
* @return {@link VirtualScroller.VirtualScrollerItemOptions}
getItemOptions(index: number): VirtualScrollerItemOptions;
}) => VNode[];
* Custom loader template.
* @param {Object} scope - loader slot's params.
loader: (scope: {
* Options of the loader items for virtualscroller
options: any[];
}) => VNode[];
declare class Listbox {
$props: ListboxProps;
$emit(eventName: 'update:modelValue', value: any): this;
$emit(eventName: 'change', e: { originalEvent: Event, value: any }): this;
$emit(eventName: 'filter', e: { originalEvent: Event, value: string }): this;
$slots: {
header: ListboxHeaderSlotInterface;
footer: ListboxFooterSlotInterface;
option: ListboxOptionSlotInterface;
optiongroup: ListboxOptionGroupSlotInterface;
emptyfilter: VNode[];
empty: VNode[];
content: ListboxContentInterface;
loader: ListboxLoaderSlotInterface;
export declare type ListboxEmits = {
* Emitted when the value changes.
* @param {*} value - New value.
'update:modelValue': (value: any) => void;
* Callback to invoke on value change.
* @param {ListboxChangeEvent} event - Custom change event.
'change': (event: ListboxChangeEvent) => void;
* Callback to invoke on filter input.
* @param {ListboxFilterEvent} event - Custom filter event.
'filter': (event: ListboxFilterEvent) => void;
declare class Listbox extends ClassComponent<ListboxProps, ListboxSlots, ListboxEmits> { }
declare module '@vue/runtime-core' {
interface GlobalComponents {
Listbox: GlobalComponentConstructor<Listbox>
* Listbox is used to select one or more values from a list of items.
* Demos:
* - [Listbox](
export default Listbox;