InputMask component is used to enter input in a certain format such as numeric, date, currency, email and phone.
+A model can be bound using the standard v-model directive.
+Mask format can be a combination of the the following built-in definitions.
+ +Underscore is the default placeholder for a mask and this can be customized using slotChart option.
+If the input does not complete the mask definition, it is cleared by default. + Use autoClear property to control this behavior. In addition, certain part of + a mask can be made optional by using ? symbol where anything after the question + mark becomes optional.
+InputText passes any valid attribute to the underlying input element. In addition;
+Name | +Type | +Default | +Description | +
mask | +string | +null | +Mask pattern. | +
slotChar | +string | +- | +Placeholder character in mask, default is underscore. | +
autoClear | +boolean | +true | +Clears the incomplete value on blur. | +
unmask | +boolean | +false | +Defines if model sets the raw unmasked value to bound value or the formatted mask value. | +
Following is the list of structural style classes, for theming classes visit
Name | +Element | +
p-inputmask p-inputtext | +Input element | +