Refactor by Taner

Cagatay Civici 2024-06-27 13:32:45 +03:00
parent 4d5f6cb548
commit a3a5cda5dd
23 changed files with 2165 additions and 1960 deletions

View File

@ -13,8 +13,8 @@
<img class="w-28 lg:w-32 h-28 lg:h-32 absolute right-6 bottom-4" src="" alt="Vue 3D Logo" /> <img class="w-28 lg:w-32 h-28 lg:h-32 absolute right-6 bottom-4" src="" alt="Vue 3D Logo" />
</div> </div>
</div> </div>
<h3 class="text-lg lg:text-2xl text-surface-900 dark:text-surface-0 font-bold">{{ title }}</h3> <h3 class="text-lg lg:text-2xl text-surface-900 dark:text-surface-0 font-bold">{{ configurationData.title }}</h3>
<p class="text-sm lg:text-base text-surface-600 dark:text-surface-400 mt-3 mb-0">{{ description }}</p> <p class="text-sm lg:text-base text-surface-600 dark:text-surface-400 mt-3 mb-0">{{ configurationData.description }}</p>
</div> </div>
</div> </div>
</template> </template>
@ -22,12 +22,8 @@
<script> <script>
export default { export default {
props: { props: {
title: { configurationData: {
type: String, type: null,
default: null
description: {
type: String,
default: null default: null
} }
} }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
<div class="flex flex-col gap-8">
<template v-for="(component, index) in components" :key="'component-' + index">
<component :is="" v-bind="component.props">
<template v-for="(slotContent, slotName) in component.slots" :key="slotName" v-slot:[slotName]>
<div v-html="slotContent"></div>
<slot v-if="index < components.length - 1" :key="'separator-' + index" name="separator" />
export default {
props: {
templateData: {
type: Object,
required: true
computed: {
components() {
return this.templateData.components;

View File

@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ export default {
default: null default: null
}, },
title: { title: {
type: null, type: String,
default: null default: null
} }
}, },

View File

@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
<template> <template>
<div class="w-full h-[56rem] md:h-[32rem] xl:h-[36.25rem] bg-primary rounded-3xl overflow-hidden relative"> <div class="w-full h-[56rem] md:h-[32rem] xl:h-[36.25rem] bg-primary rounded-3xl overflow-hidden relative">
<slot name="pattern" /> <img :class="templateHeroData.pattern.className" :src="templateHeroData.pattern.src" alt="Template Hero Pattern" />
<div class="absolute left-1/2 top-20 -translate-x-1/2 md:translate-x-0 md:top-1/2 md:-translate-y-1/2 md:left-10 lg:left-20 xl:left-36 z-20 w-[92%] max-w-lg md:w-[26rem] lg:w-[28rem] xl:w-[29rem] rounded-3xl p-7 lg:px-9 lg:py-7"> <div class="absolute left-1/2 top-20 -translate-x-1/2 md:translate-x-0 md:top-1/2 md:-translate-y-1/2 md:left-10 lg:left-20 xl:left-36 z-20 w-[92%] max-w-lg md:w-[26rem] lg:w-[28rem] xl:w-[29rem] rounded-3xl p-7 lg:px-9 lg:py-7">
<div <div
class="absolute top-0 left-0 w-full h-full backdrop-blur-[2px] rounded-3xl border border-[rgba(255,255,255,0.24)] [background:linear-gradient(180deg,rgba(170,140,255,0.00)_0%,var(--p-primary-400)/0.8_100%),rgba(255,255,255,0.10)] shadow-[0px_2px_4px_0px_rgba(255,255,255,0.24)_inset,0px_48px_80px_0px_rgba(0,0,0,0.08),0px_-5px_13px_-2px_rgba(255,255,255,0.55)_inset]" class="absolute top-0 left-0 w-full h-full backdrop-blur-[2px] rounded-3xl border border-[rgba(255,255,255,0.24)] [background:linear-gradient(180deg,rgba(170,140,255,0.00)_0%,var(--p-primary-400)/0.8_100%),rgba(255,255,255,0.10)] shadow-[0px_2px_4px_0px_rgba(255,255,255,0.24)_inset,0px_48px_80px_0px_rgba(0,0,0,0.08),0px_-5px_13px_-2px_rgba(255,255,255,0.55)_inset]"
/> />
<div class="z-10 relative"> <div class="z-10 relative">
<div class="h-8 lg:h-10 [&>svg]:h-full [&>svg]:w-auto select-none"> <div class="h-8 lg:h-10 [&>svg]:h-full [&>svg]:w-auto select-none">
<slot name="logo" /> <component :is="templateHeroData.logo"> </component>
</div> </div>
<p class="text-primary-contrast mt-4 mb-0 lg:text-base text-sm">{{ templateHeroData.description }}</p> <p class="text-primary-contrast mt-4 mb-0 lg:text-base text-sm">{{ templateHeroData.description }}</p>
<div class="flex items-center gap-4 mt-8"> <div class="flex items-center gap-4 mt-8">
@ -51,6 +51,7 @@
<script> <script>
export default { export default {
name: 'TemplateHero',
props: { props: {
templateHeroData: { templateHeroData: {
type: null, type: null,

View File

@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
<div class="template-youtube-wrapper">
<div class="template-youtube">
<div class="template-youtube-title">
<template v-for="(data, index) in title" :key="index">
<h2>{{ data }}</h2>
<div class="template-youtube-description">{{ description }}</div>
<div class="template-youtube-screen" @click="youtubeVideoVisible = true">
<div class="template-youtube-screen-blur">
<div class="template-youtube-screen-play">
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<g filter="url(#filter0_d_918_49700)">
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d="M103.062 84.7896C104.085 85.5904 104.085 87.1386 103.062 87.9394L85.3123 101.834C83.9995 102.862 82.0795 101.926 82.0795 100.259L82.0795 72.47C82.0795 70.8028 83.9995 69.8674 85.3123 70.8951L103.062 84.7896Z"
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<feBlend mode="normal" in="SourceGraphic" in2="effect1_dropShadow_918_49700" result="shape" />
<img :src="imgSrc" alt="Template Youtube Screen" />
<Dialog v-model:visible="youtubeVideoVisible" header="Video Content" :style="{ width: '70vw' }">
<div class="template-youtube-video">
<iframe :src="youtubeLink" title="PrimeNG 2023 Roadmap" frameBorder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen />
export default {
props: {
imgSrc: {
type: null,
default: null
data() {
return {
title: ['Integration with', 'Existing Vite Applications'],
description: "Only the folders that are related to the layout needs to move in to your project. We've already created a short tutorial with details for Sakai Vue. The both templates have the same implementation.",
youtubeLink: '',
youtubeVideoVisible: false
methods: {}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
<svg width="235" height="40" viewBox="0 0 235 40" fill="none" xmlns="">
<path d="M20.0055 0L0 39.8951H6.7486L20.0064 11.5771L32.9975 39.8951H40.0134L20.0055 0Z" :fill="fillColor" />
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d="M100.155 23.2053V34.2843H96.0303V7.0022H100.703C102.993 7.0022 104.721 7.16123 105.89 7.47928C107.07 7.79734 108.108 8.39811 109.005 9.2816C110.575 10.813 111.359 12.7449 111.359 15.0773C111.359 17.5746 110.521 19.5536 108.846 21.0143C107.17 22.4751 104.91 23.2053 102.066 23.2053H100.155ZM100.155 19.3887H101.695C105.483 19.3887 107.377 17.9339 107.377 15.0243C107.377 12.2089 105.423 10.8012 101.517 10.8012H100.155V19.3887Z"
d="M121.418 20.5197C121.418 16.6795 122.829 13.3811 125.649 10.6246C128.458 7.86811 131.833 6.48987 135.774 6.48987C139.668 6.48987 143.008 7.8799 145.793 10.6599C148.59 13.44 149.988 16.7796 149.988 20.6788C149.988 24.6013 148.584 27.9292 145.775 30.6622C142.955 33.4069 139.55 34.7792 135.562 34.7792C132.033 34.7792 128.865 33.5601 126.056 31.1216C122.964 28.4239 121.418 24.89 121.418 20.5197ZM125.578 20.5727C125.578 23.5882 126.593 26.0681 128.623 28.0117C130.641 29.9554 132.972 30.9271 135.615 30.9271C138.482 30.9271 140.902 29.9377 142.872 27.9586C144.843 25.9561 145.828 23.5176 145.828 20.6433C145.828 17.7337 144.855 15.2953 142.908 13.3281C140.972 11.3491 138.577 10.3596 135.721 10.3596C132.877 10.3596 130.475 11.3491 128.517 13.3281C126.558 15.2835 125.578 17.6984 125.578 20.5727Z"
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d="M206.34 20.5197C206.34 16.6795 207.75 13.3811 210.57 10.6246C213.379 7.86811 216.754 6.48987 220.696 6.48987C224.59 6.48987 227.929 7.8799 230.715 10.6599C233.512 13.44 234.911 16.7796 234.911 20.6788C234.911 24.6013 233.506 27.9292 230.698 30.6622C227.876 33.4069 224.472 34.7792 220.484 34.7792C216.954 34.7792 213.787 33.5601 210.979 31.1216C207.886 28.4239 206.34 24.89 206.34 20.5197ZM210.5 20.5727C210.5 23.5882 211.515 26.0681 213.545 28.0117C215.564 29.9554 217.893 30.9271 220.536 30.9271C223.403 30.9271 225.823 29.9377 227.794 27.9586C229.765 25.9561 230.751 23.5176 230.751 20.6433C230.751 17.7337 229.776 15.2953 227.83 13.3281C225.893 11.3491 223.499 10.3596 220.643 10.3596C217.8 10.3596 215.398 11.3491 213.438 13.3281C211.48 15.2835 210.5 17.6984 210.5 20.5727Z"
export default {
computed: {
fillColor() {
return this.$appState.darkTheme ? 'var(--p-surface-900)' : 'var(--p-surface-0)';

View File

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
<svg width="149" height="40" viewBox="0 0 149 40" fill="none" xmlns="">
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d="M83.2274 27.0927C82.8881 27.3703 82.4716 27.5785 81.978 27.7174C81.4998 27.8562 80.9908 27.9256 80.451 27.9256C79.0936 27.9256 78.0447 27.5708 77.3043 26.8613C76.5639 26.1518 76.1938 25.1183 76.1938 23.7609V17.8147H74.1577V15.501H76.1938V12.6783H79.0859V15.501H82.3945V17.8147H79.0859V23.6915C79.0859 24.2931 79.2324 24.7558 79.5255 25.0797C79.8186 25.3882 80.2427 25.5425 80.798 25.5425C81.4459 25.5425 81.9857 25.3728 82.4176 25.0335L83.2274 27.0927Z"
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d="M97.0145 15.2696C98.8346 15.2696 100.223 15.7092 101.179 16.5885C102.151 17.4522 102.637 18.7633 102.637 20.5217V27.7636H99.9067V26.2597C99.5519 26.7996 99.0429 27.2161 98.3796 27.5091C97.7318 27.7868 96.9451 27.9256 96.0196 27.9256C95.0942 27.9256 94.2844 27.7713 93.5903 27.4628C92.8961 27.1389 92.3563 26.6993 91.9707 26.144C91.6005 25.5733 91.4154 24.9332 91.4154 24.2237C91.4154 23.1131 91.8241 22.2262 92.6416 21.5629C93.4746 20.8842 94.778 20.5449 96.5518 20.5449H99.7447V20.3598C99.7447 19.496 99.4825 18.8327 98.958 18.37C98.449 17.9073 97.6855 17.6759 96.6675 17.6759C95.9734 17.6759 95.287 17.7839 94.6083 17.9998C93.945 18.2158 93.382 18.5165 92.9193 18.9022L91.7856 16.7967C92.4334 16.3031 93.2123 15.9252 94.1224 15.663C95.0325 15.4008 95.9965 15.2696 97.0145 15.2696ZM96.6212 25.8201C97.3462 25.8201 97.9863 25.6582 98.5416 25.3342C99.1123 24.9949 99.5133 24.5167 99.7447 23.8997V22.4653H96.76C95.0942 22.4653 94.2612 23.0128 94.2612 24.108C94.2612 24.6324 94.4695 25.0489 94.8859 25.3574C95.3024 25.6659 95.8808 25.8201 96.6212 25.8201Z"
d="M113.359 15.2696C114.917 15.2696 116.166 15.7247 117.107 16.6347C118.048 17.5448 118.519 18.8944 118.519 20.6837V27.7636H115.626V21.0539C115.626 19.9742 115.372 19.1644 114.863 18.6245C114.354 18.0692 113.629 17.7916 112.688 17.7916C111.624 17.7916 110.783 18.1155 110.166 18.7633C109.549 19.3957 109.241 20.3135 109.241 21.5166V27.7636H106.349V15.4085H109.102V17.0049C109.58 16.4342 110.182 16.0023 110.907 15.7092C111.631 15.4162 112.449 15.2696 113.359 15.2696Z"
d="M129.614 27.0927C129.275 27.3703 128.859 27.5785 128.365 27.7174C127.887 27.8562 127.378 27.9256 126.838 27.9256C125.481 27.9256 124.432 27.5708 123.691 26.8613C122.951 26.1518 122.581 25.1183 122.581 23.7609V17.8147H120.545V15.501H122.581V12.6783H125.473V15.501H128.781V17.8147H125.473V23.6915C125.473 24.2931 125.619 24.7558 125.912 25.0797C126.206 25.3882 126.63 25.5425 127.185 25.5425C127.833 25.5425 128.373 25.3728 128.805 25.0335L129.614 27.0927Z"
d="M131.994 15.4085H134.886V27.7636H131.994V15.4085ZM133.451 13.3724C132.927 13.3724 132.487 13.2104 132.132 12.8865C131.778 12.5472 131.6 12.1307 131.6 11.6371C131.6 11.1435 131.778 10.7348 132.132 10.4109C132.487 10.0715 132.927 9.90186 133.451 9.90186C133.976 9.90186 134.415 10.0638 134.77 10.3877C135.125 10.6962 135.302 11.0896 135.302 11.5677C135.302 12.0767 135.125 12.5086 134.77 12.8634C134.431 13.2027 133.991 13.3724 133.451 13.3724Z"
d="M142.499 27.9256C141.497 27.9256 140.517 27.7945 139.561 27.5323C138.604 27.27 137.841 26.9384 137.27 26.5374L138.381 24.3394C138.936 24.7095 139.599 25.0103 140.371 25.2417C141.157 25.4576 141.928 25.5656 142.684 25.5656C144.412 25.5656 145.276 25.1106 145.276 24.2005C145.276 23.7686 145.052 23.4679 144.605 23.2982C144.173 23.1285 143.471 22.9666 142.499 22.8123C141.481 22.6581 140.648 22.4807 140 22.2802C139.368 22.0796 138.813 21.7326 138.335 21.239C137.872 20.73 137.64 20.0282 137.64 19.1335C137.64 17.9612 138.126 17.0281 139.098 16.3339C140.085 15.6244 141.412 15.2696 143.078 15.2696C143.926 15.2696 144.774 15.3699 145.623 15.5704C146.471 15.7555 147.165 16.01 147.705 16.3339L146.594 18.532C145.546 17.915 144.366 17.6065 143.054 17.6065C142.206 17.6065 141.558 17.7376 141.111 17.9998C140.679 18.2466 140.463 18.5782 140.463 18.9947C140.463 19.4574 140.694 19.7891 141.157 19.9896C141.635 20.1747 142.368 20.3521 143.355 20.5217C144.342 20.676 145.152 20.8534 145.785 21.0539C146.417 21.2544 146.957 21.5938 147.404 22.0719C147.867 22.5501 148.098 23.2288 148.098 24.108C148.098 25.2648 147.597 26.1903 146.594 26.8844C145.592 27.5785 144.227 27.9256 142.499 27.9256Z"
d="M11.5733 7.44072C12.9176 19.8152 31.0475 19.8063 32.3873 7.44072C27.7447 7.01325 23.8187 4.07436 21.9803 0C20.142 4.07436 16.216 7.01325 11.5733 7.44072ZM20.814 19.0181C20.4089 23.4977 16.8435 27.4073 12.4234 28.2266C6.44984 29.469 0.529697 25.0028 0 19.0181C4.64264 18.5907 8.56863 15.6518 10.407 11.5774C12.232 15.683 16.3316 18.6397 20.814 19.0181ZM32.3873 30.5956C31.8532 35.8677 27.3886 40 21.9803 40C16.5721 40 12.1075 35.8677 11.5733 30.5956C16.0557 30.2171 20.1553 27.2604 21.9803 23.1548C23.8053 27.2604 27.9049 30.2171 32.3873 30.5956ZM43.9603 19.0181C43.4261 24.6198 38.3028 28.9346 32.6007 28.378C27.74 28.0085 23.5736 23.8762 23.1463 19.0181C27.6287 18.6397 31.7283 15.683 33.5533 11.5774C35.3917 15.6518 39.3177 18.5907 43.9603 19.0181Z"
export default {
computed: {
fillColor() {
return this.$appState.darkTheme ? 'var(--p-surface-900)' : 'var(--p-surface-0)';

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
<svg xmlns="" width="125" height="40" viewBox="0 0 125 40" fill="none">
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d="M91.9875 40C88.9875 40 86.691 39.1482 85.0986 37.4444C83.5059 35.7407 82.7097 33.3333 82.7097 30.2222V9.77779C82.7097 6.66667 83.5059 4.25925 85.0986 2.55556C86.691 0.851853 88.9875 0 91.9875 0C94.9875 0 97.2837 0.851853 98.8764 2.55556C100.469 4.25925 101.265 6.66667 101.265 9.77779V30.2222C101.265 33.3333 100.469 35.7407 98.8764 37.4444C97.2837 39.1482 94.9875 40 91.9875 40ZM91.9875 34.4444C94.0986 34.4444 95.1541 33.1667 95.1541 30.6111V9.3889C95.1541 6.83334 94.0986 5.55556 91.9875 5.55556C89.8764 5.55556 88.8208 6.83334 88.8208 9.3889V30.6111C88.8208 33.1667 89.8764 34.4444 91.9875 34.4444Z"
<path d="M105.398 0.555555H113.065L119.009 23.8333H119.12V0.555555H124.565V39.4444H118.287L110.954 11.0556H110.842V39.4444H105.398V0.555555Z" :fill="fillColor" />
export default {
computed: {
fillColor() {
return this.$appState.darkTheme ? 'var(--p-surface-900)' : 'var(--p-surface-0)';

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
<svg width="139" height="40" viewBox="0 0 139 40" fill="none" xmlns="">
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d="M56.124 14.0885H51.6603V12.8153C51.6603 11.825 52.2227 11.2591 53.2068 11.2591H56.0889V6.20166H51.5197C47.5129 6.20166 45.4041 8.42978 45.4041 12.2848V14.0885H42.1705L42.2057 19.2521H45.3338V32.8683H51.8712V19.2521H56.124V14.0885Z"
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export default {
computed: {
fillColor() {
return this.$appState.darkTheme ? 'var(--p-surface-900)' : 'var(--p-surface-0)';

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View File

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fillColor() {
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View File

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export default {
computed: {
fillColor() {
return this.$appState.darkTheme ? 'var(--p-surface-900)' : 'var(--p-surface-0)';

View File

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Fully compatible with <a href="">PrimeBlocks</a>, choose from the wide range of blocks and customize the way you like. Note that <a href="">PrimeBlocks</a> is not included in the
template and requires a separate purchase.
<template #description4>
Apollo uses Figma as the design tool. It will be possible to download the Figma file after your purchase. You can
<a href="">preview the Figma file</a> before the purchase. Note that PrimeVue UI components are excluded from the
Apollo Figma file as they are available in <PrimeVueNuxtLink to="/uikit">PrimeOne for Figma</PrimeVueNuxtLink> only.
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data() { data() {
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{ description: 'Application template for Vue based on Vite with light-dim-dark modes, four menu layouts, various menu themes, sample apps, ready to use template pages and 24 PrimeVue themes.',
src: '', liveHref: '',
href: '/templates/freya' docHref: '',
pattern: {
className: 'select-none absolute md:bottom-0 bottom-80 left-0 z-[6] md:w-[95rem] h-auto w-[90rem] opacity-60',
src: ''
} }
apolloFeatures1Data: [
src: '',
title: 'Ready to Use Applications',
description: 'Mail, File System, Tasks, Calendar, Blog and Chat are the sample applications to get started with ease.'
src: '',
title: 'E-Commerce Pages',
description: 'Apollo offers E-commerce pages to kickstart your e-commerce project powered by PrimeBlocks.'
src: '',
title: 'Ready to Use Pages',
description: 'Landing, login, invoice, help, user management and error pages are provided as template pages to get started with building your app.'
} }
apolloFeatures2Data: [
title: 'Fully Responsive',
description: 'Apollo is crafted to provide optimal viewing and interaction experience for a wide range of devices.',
src: ''
title: 'Lifetime Support',
description: 'Apollo has a dedicated forum where lifetime support is delivered by engineers at PrimeTek in a timely manner.',
src: ''
title: 'Top Notch Quality',
description: 'Superior standards with 100% compatibility for strict mode and linting tools.',
src: '',
darkSrc: ''
title: 'Cross Browser Compatible',
description: 'First class support for Firefox, Safari, Chrome and Edge.',
src: '',
darkSrc: ''
title: 'Customizable Design',
description: 'Fully customizable with a mixture of Sass and CSS variables.',
src: '',
darkSrc: ''
title: 'Mobile Experience',
description: 'Touch optimized enhanced mobile experience with responsive design.',
src: ''
} }
animationFeaturesData1: [
id: 1,
title: 'PrimeFlex CSS Utilities',
description: 'PrimeFlex is a CSS utility library featuring various helpers such as a grid system, flexbox, spacing, elevation and more.',
src: ''
}, },
{ {
id: 2, name: TemplateLicense,
title: 'PrimeBlocks', props: {
slotType: 'description2', license: {
src: '' documentLink: '',
description: 'The download package is a Vite-based project containing all application source codes deployed at the live demo. The project code is written in JavaScript.',
showDiscount: false,
licenseDetails: [
title: 'Basic License',
price: '$59',
discount: '',
included: ['Non Commercial Usage', 'Single End Product, No Multi-Use', 'Lifetime Support', 'Unlimited Updates']
}, },
{ {
id: 3, title: 'Extended License',
title: 'PrimeIcons', price: '$590',
description: 'Apollo ships with PrimeIcons, PrimeTeks modern icon library including a wide range of icons for your applications.', discount: '',
src: '' included: ['Commercial Usage', 'Multiple End Products', 'Lifetime Support', 'Unlimited Updates']
id: 4,
title: 'Figma File',
slotType: 'description4',
src: ''
} }
], ]
animationFeaturesData2: [ }
name: TemplateFeaturesAnimation,
props: {
title: 'Features',
featuresData: [
{ {
id: 1, id: 1,
title: 'Light / Dark / Dim Modes', title: 'Light / Dark / Dim Modes',
@ -215,40 +127,126 @@ export default {
description: 'Stunning theming for the main menu with 3 alternatives; Color Scheme, Primary Color and Transparent.', description: 'Stunning theming for the main menu with 3 alternatives; Color Scheme, Primary Color and Transparent.',
src: '' src: ''
} }
], ]
license: { }
documentLink: '',
description: 'The download package is a Vite-based project containing all application source codes deployed at the live demo. The project code is written in JavaScript.',
showDiscount: false,
licenseDetails: [
title: 'Basic License',
price: '$59',
discount: '',
included: ['Non Commercial Usage', 'Single End Product, No Multi-Use', 'Lifetime Support', 'Unlimited Updates']
}, },
{ {
title: 'Extended License', name: TemplateFeatures,
price: '$590', props: {
discount: '', featuresData: [
included: ['Commercial Usage', 'Multiple End Products', 'Lifetime Support', 'Unlimited Updates'] {
src: '',
title: 'Ready to Use Applications',
description: 'Mail, File System, Tasks, Calendar, Blog and Chat are the sample applications to get started with ease.'
src: '',
title: 'E-Commerce Pages',
description: 'Apollo offers E-commerce pages to kickstart your e-commerce project powered by PrimeBlocks.'
src: '',
title: 'Ready to Use Pages',
description: 'Landing, login, invoice, help, user management and error pages are provided as template pages to get started with building your app.'
displayType: 'horizontal'
name: TemplateConfiguration,
props: {
configurationData: {
title: 'Vue based on Vite and Nuxt',
description: 'Apollo is powered by Vite and Nuxt to get started in no time following the best practices.'
name: TemplateFeaturesAnimation,
props: {
featuresData: [
id: 1,
title: 'PrimeFlex CSS Utilities',
description: 'PrimeFlex is a CSS utility library featuring various helpers such as a grid system, flexbox, spacing, elevation and more.',
src: ''
id: 2,
title: 'PrimeBlocks',
slotType: 'description2',
src: ''
id: 3,
title: 'PrimeIcons',
description: 'Apollo ships with PrimeIcons, PrimeTeks modern icon library including a wide range of icons for your applications.',
src: ''
id: 4,
title: 'Figma File',
slotType: 'description4',
src: ''
} }
] ]
}, },
templateHeroData: { slots: {
pattern: '', description2: `
dashboard1: '', Fully compatible with <a href="">PrimeBlocks</a>, choose from the wide range of blocks and customize the way you like. Note that <a href="">PrimeBlocks</a> is not included in the
dashboard2: '', template and requires a separate purchase.`,
description: 'Application template for Vue based on Vite with light-dim-dark modes, four menu layouts, various menu themes, sample apps, ready to use template pages and 24 PrimeVue themes.', description4: `
liveHref: '', Apollo uses Figma as the design tool. It will be possible to download the Figma file after your purchase. You can
docHref: '' <a href="">preview the Figma file</a>
before the purchase. Note that PrimeVue UI components are excluded from the Apollo Figma file as they are available in
<PrimeVueNuxtLink to="/uikit">PrimeOne for Figma</PrimeVueNuxtLink> only.`
name: TemplateFeatures,
props: {
featuresData: [
title: 'Fully Responsive',
description: 'Apollo is crafted to provide optimal viewing and interaction experience for a wide range of devices.',
src: ''
title: 'Lifetime Support',
description: 'Apollo has a dedicated forum where lifetime support is delivered by engineers at PrimeTek in a timely manner.',
src: ''
title: 'Top Notch Quality',
description: 'Superior standards with 100% compatibility for strict mode and linting tools.',
src: '',
darkSrc: ''
title: 'Cross Browser Compatible',
description: 'First class support for Firefox, Safari, Chrome and Edge.',
src: '',
darkSrc: ''
title: 'Customizable Design',
description: 'Fully customizable with a mixture of Sass and CSS variables.',
src: '',
darkSrc: ''
title: 'Mobile Experience',
description: 'Touch optimized enhanced mobile experience with responsive design.',
src: ''
displayType: 'vertical'
} }
}; };
computed: {
fillColor() {
return this.$appState.darkTheme ? 'var(--p-surface-900)' : 'var(--p-surface-0)';
} }
}; };
</script> </script>

View File

@ -1,156 +1,70 @@
<template> <template>
<div class="flex flex-col gap-8"> <TemplateContainer :templateData="atlantisData">
<TemplateHero :templateHeroData="templateHeroData"> <template #separator>
<template #logo> <AtlantisSeparator />
<svg width="149" height="40" viewBox="0 0 149 40" fill="none" xmlns="">
<path d="M69.3651 24.0154H61.2671L59.6707 27.7636H56.5703L63.8585 11.5677H66.82L74.1313 27.7636H70.9847L69.3651 24.0154ZM68.3702 21.6555L65.3161 14.5755L62.2852 21.6555H68.3702Z" :fill="fillColor" />
d="M83.2274 27.0927C82.8881 27.3703 82.4716 27.5785 81.978 27.7174C81.4998 27.8562 80.9908 27.9256 80.451 27.9256C79.0936 27.9256 78.0447 27.5708 77.3043 26.8613C76.5639 26.1518 76.1938 25.1183 76.1938 23.7609V17.8147H74.1577V15.501H76.1938V12.6783H79.0859V15.501H82.3945V17.8147H79.0859V23.6915C79.0859 24.2931 79.2324 24.7558 79.5255 25.0797C79.8186 25.3882 80.2427 25.5425 80.798 25.5425C81.4459 25.5425 81.9857 25.3728 82.4176 25.0335L83.2274 27.0927Z"
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d="M97.0145 15.2696C98.8346 15.2696 100.223 15.7092 101.179 16.5885C102.151 17.4522 102.637 18.7633 102.637 20.5217V27.7636H99.9067V26.2597C99.5519 26.7996 99.0429 27.2161 98.3796 27.5091C97.7318 27.7868 96.9451 27.9256 96.0196 27.9256C95.0942 27.9256 94.2844 27.7713 93.5903 27.4628C92.8961 27.1389 92.3563 26.6993 91.9707 26.144C91.6005 25.5733 91.4154 24.9332 91.4154 24.2237C91.4154 23.1131 91.8241 22.2262 92.6416 21.5629C93.4746 20.8842 94.778 20.5449 96.5518 20.5449H99.7447V20.3598C99.7447 19.496 99.4825 18.8327 98.958 18.37C98.449 17.9073 97.6855 17.6759 96.6675 17.6759C95.9734 17.6759 95.287 17.7839 94.6083 17.9998C93.945 18.2158 93.382 18.5165 92.9193 18.9022L91.7856 16.7967C92.4334 16.3031 93.2123 15.9252 94.1224 15.663C95.0325 15.4008 95.9965 15.2696 97.0145 15.2696ZM96.6212 25.8201C97.3462 25.8201 97.9863 25.6582 98.5416 25.3342C99.1123 24.9949 99.5133 24.5167 99.7447 23.8997V22.4653H96.76C95.0942 22.4653 94.2612 23.0128 94.2612 24.108C94.2612 24.6324 94.4695 25.0489 94.8859 25.3574C95.3024 25.6659 95.8808 25.8201 96.6212 25.8201Z"
d="M113.359 15.2696C114.917 15.2696 116.166 15.7247 117.107 16.6347C118.048 17.5448 118.519 18.8944 118.519 20.6837V27.7636H115.626V21.0539C115.626 19.9742 115.372 19.1644 114.863 18.6245C114.354 18.0692 113.629 17.7916 112.688 17.7916C111.624 17.7916 110.783 18.1155 110.166 18.7633C109.549 19.3957 109.241 20.3135 109.241 21.5166V27.7636H106.349V15.4085H109.102V17.0049C109.58 16.4342 110.182 16.0023 110.907 15.7092C111.631 15.4162 112.449 15.2696 113.359 15.2696Z"
d="M129.614 27.0927C129.275 27.3703 128.859 27.5785 128.365 27.7174C127.887 27.8562 127.378 27.9256 126.838 27.9256C125.481 27.9256 124.432 27.5708 123.691 26.8613C122.951 26.1518 122.581 25.1183 122.581 23.7609V17.8147H120.545V15.501H122.581V12.6783H125.473V15.501H128.781V17.8147H125.473V23.6915C125.473 24.2931 125.619 24.7558 125.912 25.0797C126.206 25.3882 126.63 25.5425 127.185 25.5425C127.833 25.5425 128.373 25.3728 128.805 25.0335L129.614 27.0927Z"
d="M131.994 15.4085H134.886V27.7636H131.994V15.4085ZM133.451 13.3724C132.927 13.3724 132.487 13.2104 132.132 12.8865C131.778 12.5472 131.6 12.1307 131.6 11.6371C131.6 11.1435 131.778 10.7348 132.132 10.4109C132.487 10.0715 132.927 9.90186 133.451 9.90186C133.976 9.90186 134.415 10.0638 134.77 10.3877C135.125 10.6962 135.302 11.0896 135.302 11.5677C135.302 12.0767 135.125 12.5086 134.77 12.8634C134.431 13.2027 133.991 13.3724 133.451 13.3724Z"
d="M142.499 27.9256C141.497 27.9256 140.517 27.7945 139.561 27.5323C138.604 27.27 137.841 26.9384 137.27 26.5374L138.381 24.3394C138.936 24.7095 139.599 25.0103 140.371 25.2417C141.157 25.4576 141.928 25.5656 142.684 25.5656C144.412 25.5656 145.276 25.1106 145.276 24.2005C145.276 23.7686 145.052 23.4679 144.605 23.2982C144.173 23.1285 143.471 22.9666 142.499 22.8123C141.481 22.6581 140.648 22.4807 140 22.2802C139.368 22.0796 138.813 21.7326 138.335 21.239C137.872 20.73 137.64 20.0282 137.64 19.1335C137.64 17.9612 138.126 17.0281 139.098 16.3339C140.085 15.6244 141.412 15.2696 143.078 15.2696C143.926 15.2696 144.774 15.3699 145.623 15.5704C146.471 15.7555 147.165 16.01 147.705 16.3339L146.594 18.532C145.546 17.915 144.366 17.6065 143.054 17.6065C142.206 17.6065 141.558 17.7376 141.111 17.9998C140.679 18.2466 140.463 18.5782 140.463 18.9947C140.463 19.4574 140.694 19.7891 141.157 19.9896C141.635 20.1747 142.368 20.3521 143.355 20.5217C144.342 20.676 145.152 20.8534 145.785 21.0539C146.417 21.2544 146.957 21.5938 147.404 22.0719C147.867 22.5501 148.098 23.2288 148.098 24.108C148.098 25.2648 147.597 26.1903 146.594 26.8844C145.592 27.5785 144.227 27.9256 142.499 27.9256Z"
d="M11.5733 7.44072C12.9176 19.8152 31.0475 19.8063 32.3873 7.44072C27.7447 7.01325 23.8187 4.07436 21.9803 0C20.142 4.07436 16.216 7.01325 11.5733 7.44072ZM20.814 19.0181C20.4089 23.4977 16.8435 27.4073 12.4234 28.2266C6.44984 29.469 0.529697 25.0028 0 19.0181C4.64264 18.5907 8.56863 15.6518 10.407 11.5774C12.232 15.683 16.3316 18.6397 20.814 19.0181ZM32.3873 30.5956C31.8532 35.8677 27.3886 40 21.9803 40C16.5721 40 12.1075 35.8677 11.5733 30.5956C16.0557 30.2171 20.1553 27.2604 21.9803 23.1548C23.8053 27.2604 27.9049 30.2171 32.3873 30.5956ZM43.9603 19.0181C43.4261 24.6198 38.3028 28.9346 32.6007 28.378C27.74 28.0085 23.5736 23.8762 23.1463 19.0181C27.6287 18.6397 31.7283 15.683 33.5533 11.5774C35.3917 15.6518 39.3177 18.5907 43.9603 19.0181Z"
</template> </template>
<template #pattern> </TemplateContainer>
class="select-none absolute md:-bottom-28 bottom-36 -left-20 md:-left-28 z-[6] md:w-[50rem] h-auto w-[60rem] opacity-75"
alt="Template Hero Pattern"
<AtlantisSeparator />
<TemplateLicense :license="license" />
<AtlantisSeparator />
<div class="hidden">
<TemplateYoutube imgSrc="" />
<AtlantisSeparator />
<TemplateFeaturesAnimation :featuresData="animationFeaturesData2" title="Features" />
<AtlantisSeparator />
<TemplateConfiguration title="Vue based on Vite" description="Atlantis is powered by Vite to get started in no time following the best practices. Template is implemented purely in Vue." />
<AtlantisSeparator />
<TemplateFeaturesAnimation :featuresData="animationFeaturesData1">
<template #description2>
Fully compatible with <a href="">PrimeBlocks</a>, choose from the wide range of blocks and customize the way you like. Note that <a href="">PrimeBlocks</a> is not included in the
template and requires a separate purchase.
<template #description4>
Atlantis uses Figma as the design tool. It will be possible to download the Figma file after your purchase. You can
<a href="">preview the Figma file</a> before the purchase. Note that PrimeVue UI components are excluded from the
Atlantis Figma file as they are available in <PrimeVueNuxtLink to="/uikit">PrimeOne for Figma</PrimeVueNuxtLink> only.
<AtlantisSeparator />
<TemplateFeatures :featuresData="features2Data" displayType="vertical" />
</template> </template>
<script> <script>
import TemplateConfiguration from '../../../components/template/TemplateConfiguration.vue';
import TemplateFeatures from '../../../components/template/TemplateFeatures.vue';
import TemplateFeaturesAnimation from '../../../components/template/TemplateFeaturesAnimation.vue';
import TemplateHero from '../../../components/template/TemplateHero.vue';
import TemplateLicense from '../../../components/template/TemplateLicense.vue';
import AtlantisLogo from '../../../components/template/logo/AtlantisLogo.vue';
export default { export default {
data() { data() {
return { return {
features2Data: [ atlantisData: {
components: [
{ {
title: 'Fully Responsive', name: TemplateHero,
description: 'Atlantis is crafted to provide optimal viewing and interaction experience for a wide range of devices.', props: {
src: '' templateHeroData: {
}, logo: AtlantisLogo,
{ pattern: '',
title: 'Cross Browser Compatible', dashboard1: '',
description: 'First class support for Firefox, Safari, Chrome and Edge.', dashboard2: '',
src: '', description: 'Prepare to be amazed by the remastered Atlantis for PrimeVue featuring a new gorgeous dark mode for the entire layout, 5 menu modes, reusable css widgets, utilities, modern icons and many more.',
darkSrc: '' liveHref: '',
}, docHref: '',
{ pattern: {
title: 'Lifetime Support', className: 'select-none absolute md:-bottom-28 bottom-36 -left-20 md:-left-28 z-[6] md:w-[50rem] h-auto w-[60rem] opacity-75',
description: 'Atlantis has a dedicated forum where lifetime support is delivered by engineers at PrimeTek in a timely manner.', src: ''
src: ''
title: 'Full SaSS Support',
description: 'Sass is utilized for both the application and components to provide simplicity and flexibility.',
src: '',
darkSrc: ''
title: 'Ready to Use Pages',
description: 'Landing, login, invoice, help, user management and error pages are provided as template pages to get started with building your app.',
src: ''
title: 'Mobile Experience',
description: 'Touch optimized enhanced mobile experience with responsive design.',
src: ''
} }
relatedData: [
src: '',
href: '/templates/freya'
src: '',
href: '/templates/ultima'
src: '',
href: '/templates/apollo'
} }
animationFeaturesData1: [
id: 1,
title: 'PrimeFlex CSS Utilities',
description: 'PrimeFlex is a CSS utility library featuring various helpers such as a grid system, flexbox, spacing, elevation and more.',
src: ''
id: 2,
title: 'PrimeBlocks',
slotType: 'description2',
src: ''
id: 3,
title: 'PrimeIcons',
description: 'Atlantis ships with PrimeIcons, PrimeTeks modern icon library including a wide range of icons for your applications.',
src: ''
id: 4,
title: 'Figma File',
slotType: 'description4',
src: ''
} }
], },
animationFeaturesData2: [ {
name: TemplateLicense,
props: {
license: {
documentLink: '',
description: 'The download package is a Vite-based project containing all application source codes deployed at the live demo. The project code is written in JavaScript.',
showDiscount: false,
licenseDetails: [
title: 'Basic License',
price: '$59',
discount: '',
included: ['Non Commercial Usage', 'Single End Product, No Multi-Use', 'Lifetime Support', 'Unlimited Updates']
title: 'Extended License',
price: '$590',
discount: '',
included: ['Commercial Usage', 'Multiple End Products', 'Lifetime Support', 'Unlimited Updates']
name: TemplateFeaturesAnimation,
props: {
title: 'Features',
featuresData: [
{ {
id: 1, id: 1,
title: 'Light and Dark Modes', title: 'Light and Dark Modes',
@ -207,40 +121,101 @@ export default {
} }
] ]
} }
], ]
license: { }
documentLink: '',
description: 'The download package is a Vite-based project containing all application source codes deployed at the live demo. The project code is written in JavaScript.',
showDiscount: false,
licenseDetails: [
title: 'Basic License',
price: '$59',
discount: '',
included: ['Non Commercial Usage', 'Single End Product, No Multi-Use', 'Lifetime Support', 'Unlimited Updates']
}, },
{ {
title: 'Extended License', name: TemplateConfiguration,
price: '$590', props: {
discount: '', configurationData: {
included: ['Commercial Usage', 'Multiple End Products', 'Lifetime Support', 'Unlimited Updates'] title: 'Vue based on Vite',
description: 'Atlantis is powered by Vite to get started in no time following the best practices. Template is implemented purely in Vue.'
name: TemplateFeaturesAnimation,
props: {
featuresData: [
id: 1,
title: 'PrimeFlex CSS Utilities',
description: 'PrimeFlex is a CSS utility library featuring various helpers such as a grid system, flexbox, spacing, elevation and more.',
src: ''
id: 2,
title: 'PrimeBlocks',
slotType: 'description2',
src: ''
id: 3,
title: 'PrimeIcons',
description: 'Atlantis ships with PrimeIcons, PrimeTeks modern icon library including a wide range of icons for your applications.',
src: ''
id: 4,
title: 'Figma File',
slotType: 'description4',
src: ''
} }
] ]
}, },
templateHeroData: { slots: {
pattern: '', description2: `
dashboard1: '', Fully compatible with <a href="">PrimeBlocks</a>, choose from the wide range of blocks and customize the way you like. Note that <a href="">PrimeBlocks</a> is not included in the
dashboard2: '', template and requires a separate purchase.`,
description: 'Prepare to be amazed by the remastered Atlantis for PrimeVue featuring a new gorgeous dark mode for the entire layout, 5 menu modes, reusable css widgets, utilities, modern icons and many more.', description4: `
liveHref: '', Atlantis uses Figma as the design tool. It will be possible to download the Figma file after your purchase. You can
docHref: '' <a href="">preview the Figma file</a> before the purchase. Note that PrimeVue UI components are excluded from the
Atlantis Figma file as they are available in <PrimeVueNuxtLink to="/uikit">PrimeOne for Figma</PrimeVueNuxtLink> only.`
name: TemplateFeatures,
props: {
featuresData: [
title: 'Fully Responsive',
description: 'Atlantis is crafted to provide optimal viewing and interaction experience for a wide range of devices.',
src: ''
title: 'Cross Browser Compatible',
description: 'First class support for Firefox, Safari, Chrome and Edge.',
src: '',
darkSrc: ''
title: 'Lifetime Support',
description: 'Atlantis has a dedicated forum where lifetime support is delivered by engineers at PrimeTek in a timely manner.',
src: ''
title: 'Full SaSS Support',
description: 'Sass is utilized for both the application and components to provide simplicity and flexibility.',
src: '',
darkSrc: ''
title: 'Ready to Use Pages',
description: 'Landing, login, invoice, help, user management and error pages are provided as template pages to get started with building your app.',
src: ''
title: 'Mobile Experience',
description: 'Touch optimized enhanced mobile experience with responsive design.',
src: ''
displayType: 'vertical'
} }
}; };
computed: {
fillColor() {
return this.$appState.darkTheme ? 'var(--p-surface-900)' : 'var(--p-surface-0)';
} }
}; };
</script> </script>

View File

@ -1,132 +1,72 @@
<template> <template>
<div class="flex flex-col gap-8"> <TemplateContainer :templateData="avalonData">
<TemplateHero :templateHeroData="templateHeroData"> <template #separator>
<template #logo> <AvalonSeparator />
<svg xmlns="" width="125" height="40" viewBox="0 0 125 40" fill="none">
<path d="M6.33333 0.555555H14.6111L20.9444 39.4444H14.8333L13.7222 31.7222V31.8333H6.77778L5.66667 39.4444H0L6.33333 0.555555ZM13 26.5556L10.2778 7.33334H10.1667L7.5 26.5556H13Z" :fill="fillColor" />
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<path d="M64.2738 0.555555H70.3849V33.8889H80.4404V39.4444H64.2738V0.555555Z" :fill="fillColor" />
d="M91.9875 40C88.9875 40 86.691 39.1482 85.0986 37.4444C83.5059 35.7407 82.7097 33.3333 82.7097 30.2222V9.77779C82.7097 6.66667 83.5059 4.25925 85.0986 2.55556C86.691 0.851853 88.9875 0 91.9875 0C94.9875 0 97.2837 0.851853 98.8764 2.55556C100.469 4.25925 101.265 6.66667 101.265 9.77779V30.2222C101.265 33.3333 100.469 35.7407 98.8764 37.4444C97.2837 39.1482 94.9875 40 91.9875 40ZM91.9875 34.4444C94.0986 34.4444 95.1541 33.1667 95.1541 30.6111V9.3889C95.1541 6.83334 94.0986 5.55556 91.9875 5.55556C89.8764 5.55556 88.8208 6.83334 88.8208 9.3889V30.6111C88.8208 33.1667 89.8764 34.4444 91.9875 34.4444Z"
<path d="M105.398 0.555555H113.065L119.009 23.8333H119.12V0.555555H124.565V39.4444H118.287L110.954 11.0556H110.842V39.4444H105.398V0.555555Z" :fill="fillColor" />
</template> </template>
<template #pattern> </TemplateContainer>
class="select-none absolute md:w-[60rem] h-auto md:bottom-0 bottom-40 -left-32 xl:-left-12 md:-left-32 z-[6] opacity-75"
alt="Template Hero Pattern"
<AvalonSeparator />
<TemplateLicense :license="license" />
<AvalonSeparator />
<TemplateFeaturesAnimation :featuresData="animationFeaturesData2" title="Features" />
<AvalonSeparator />
<TemplateConfiguration title="Vue App with No Configuration" description="Avalon is powered by Vite to get started in no time following the best practices." />
<AvalonSeparator />
<TemplateFeatures :featuresData="features1Data" displayType="horizontal" />
<AvalonSeparator />
<TemplateFeaturesAnimation :featuresData="animationFeaturesData1">
<template #description2>
Fully compatible with <a href="">PrimeBlocks</a>, choose from the wide range of blocks and customize the way you like. Note that <a href="">PrimeBlocks</a> is not included in the
template and requires a separate purchase.
<template #description4>
Avalon uses Figma as the design tool. It will be possible to download the Figma file after your purchase. You can
<a href="">preview the Figma file</a> before the purchase. Note that PrimeVue UI components are excluded from the
Avalon Figma file as they are available in <PrimeVueNuxtLink to="/uikit">PrimeOne for Figma</PrimeVueNuxtLink> only.
<AvalonSeparator />
<TemplateFeatures :featuresData="features2Data" displayType="vertical" />
</template> </template>
<script> <script>
import TemplateConfiguration from '../../../components/template/TemplateConfiguration.vue';
import TemplateFeatures from '../../../components/template/TemplateFeatures.vue';
import TemplateFeaturesAnimation from '../../../components/template/TemplateFeaturesAnimation.vue';
import TemplateHero from '../../../components/template/TemplateHero.vue';
import TemplateLicense from '../../../components/template/TemplateLicense.vue';
import AvalonLogo from '../../../components/template/logo/AvalonLogo.vue';
export default { export default {
data() { data() {
return { return {
features2Data: [ avalonData: {
components: [
{ {
title: 'Fully Responsive', name: TemplateHero,
description: 'Avalon is crafted to provide optimal viewing and interaction experience for a wide range of devices.', props: {
src: '' templateHeroData: {
}, logo: AvalonLogo,
{ pattern: '',
title: 'Cross Browser Compatible', rectangle: false,
description: 'First class support for Firefox, Safari, Chrome and Edge.', dashboard1: '',
src: '', dashboard2: '',
darkSrc: '' description: 'A modern and easy to use premium application template with highly customizable layout features. Based on a bootstrap styling, it is fully responsive, touch optimized, built with SASS, CSS3 and HTML5.',
}, liveHref: '',
{ docHref: '',
title: 'Lifetime Support', pattern: {
description: 'Avalon has a dedicated forum where lifetime support is delivered by engineers at PrimeTek in a timely manner.', className: 'select-none absolute md:w-[60rem] h-auto md:bottom-0 bottom-40 -left-32 xl:-left-12 md:-left-32 z-[6] opacity-75',
src: '' src: ''
title: 'Customizable Design',
description: 'Fully customizable with a mixture of Sass and CSS variables.',
src: '',
darkSrc: ''
title: 'Top Notch Quality',
description: 'Superior standards with 100% compatibility for strict mode and linting tools.',
src: '',
darkSrc: ''
title: 'Mobile Experience',
description: 'Touch optimized enhanced mobile experience with responsive design.',
src: ''
} }
relatedData: [
src: '',
href: '/templates/atlantis'
src: '',
href: '/templates/apollo'
src: '',
href: '/templates/freya'
} }
animationFeaturesData1: [
id: 1,
title: 'PrimeFlex CSS Utilities',
description: 'PrimeFlex is a CSS utility library featuring various helpers such as a grid system, flexbox, spacing, elevation and more.',
src: ''
id: 2,
title: 'PrimeBlocks',
slotType: 'description2',
src: ''
id: 3,
title: 'PrimeIcons',
description: 'Avalon ships with PrimeIcons, PrimeTeks modern icon library including a wide range of icons for your applications.',
src: ''
id: 4,
title: 'Figma File',
slotType: 'description4',
src: ''
} }
], },
animationFeaturesData2: [ {
name: TemplateLicense,
props: {
license: {
documentLink: '',
description: 'The download package is a Vite-based project containing all application source codes deployed at the live demo. The project code is written in JavaScript.',
showDiscount: false,
licenseDetails: [
title: 'Basic License',
price: '$49',
discount: '',
included: ['Non Commercial Usage', 'Single End Product, No Multi-Use', 'Lifetime Support', 'Unlimited Updates']
title: 'Extended License',
price: '$490',
discount: '',
included: ['Commercial Usage', 'Multiple End Products', 'Lifetime Support', 'Unlimited Updates']
name: TemplateFeaturesAnimation,
props: {
title: 'Features',
featuresData: [
{ {
id: 1, id: 1,
title: 'Light and Dark Modes', title: 'Light and Dark Modes',
@ -189,8 +129,22 @@ export default {
description: 'Avalon comes with 11 topbar themes guaranteeing an enviable design.', description: 'Avalon comes with 11 topbar themes guaranteeing an enviable design.',
src: '' src: ''
} }
], ]
features1Data: [ }
name: TemplateConfiguration,
props: {
configurationData: {
title: 'Vue App with No Configuration',
description: 'Avalon is powered by Vite to get started in no time following the best practices.'
name: TemplateFeatures,
props: {
featuresData: [
{ {
src: '', src: '',
title: 'Ready to Use Applications', title: 'Ready to Use Applications',
@ -207,40 +161,93 @@ export default {
description: 'Landing, login, invoice, help, user management and error pages are provided as template pages to get started with building your app.' description: 'Landing, login, invoice, help, user management and error pages are provided as template pages to get started with building your app.'
} }
], ],
license: { displayType: 'horizontal'
documentLink: '', }
description: 'The download package is a Vite-based project containing all application source codes deployed at the live demo. The project code is written in JavaScript.',
showDiscount: false,
licenseDetails: [
title: 'Basic License',
price: '$49',
discount: '',
included: ['Non Commercial Usage', 'Single End Product, No Multi-Use', 'Lifetime Support', 'Unlimited Updates']
}, },
{ {
title: 'Extended License', name: TemplateFeaturesAnimation,
price: '$490', props: {
discount: '', featuresData: [
included: ['Commercial Usage', 'Multiple End Products', 'Lifetime Support', 'Unlimited Updates'] {
id: 1,
title: 'PrimeFlex CSS Utilities',
description: 'PrimeFlex is a CSS utility library featuring various helpers such as a grid system, flexbox, spacing, elevation and more.',
src: ''
id: 2,
title: 'PrimeBlocks',
slotType: 'description2',
src: ''
id: 3,
title: 'PrimeIcons',
description: 'Avalon ships with PrimeIcons, PrimeTeks modern icon library including a wide range of icons for your applications.',
src: ''
id: 4,
title: 'Figma File',
slotType: 'description4',
src: ''
} }
] ]
}, },
templateHeroData: { slots: {
pattern: '', description2: `
rectangle: false, Fully compatible with <a href="">PrimeBlocks</a>, choose from the wide range of blocks and customize the way you like. Note that <a href="">PrimeBlocks</a> is not included in the
dashboard1: '', template and requires a separate purchase.`,
dashboard2: '', description4: `
description: 'A modern and easy to use premium application template with highly customizable layout features. Based on a bootstrap styling, it is fully responsive, touch optimized, built with SASS, CSS3 and HTML5.', Avalon uses Figma as the design tool. It will be possible to download the Figma file after your purchase. You can
liveHref: '', <a href="">preview the Figma file</a> before the purchase. Note that PrimeVue UI components are excluded from the
docHref: '' Avalon Figma file as they are available in <PrimeVueNuxtLink to="/uikit">PrimeOne for Figma</PrimeVueNuxtLink> only.`
name: TemplateFeatures,
props: {
featuresData: [
title: 'Fully Responsive',
description: 'Avalon is crafted to provide optimal viewing and interaction experience for a wide range of devices.',
src: ''
title: 'Cross Browser Compatible',
description: 'First class support for Firefox, Safari, Chrome and Edge.',
src: '',
darkSrc: ''
title: 'Lifetime Support',
description: 'Avalon has a dedicated forum where lifetime support is delivered by engineers at PrimeTek in a timely manner.',
src: ''
title: 'Customizable Design',
description: 'Fully customizable with a mixture of Sass and CSS variables.',
src: '',
darkSrc: ''
title: 'Top Notch Quality',
description: 'Superior standards with 100% compatibility for strict mode and linting tools.',
src: '',
darkSrc: ''
title: 'Mobile Experience',
description: 'Touch optimized enhanced mobile experience with responsive design.',
src: ''
displayType: 'vertical'
} }
}; };
computed: {
fillColor() {
return this.$appState.darkTheme ? 'var(--p-surface-900)' : 'var(--p-surface-0)';
} }
}; };
</script> </script>

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -1,142 +1,71 @@
<template> <template>
<div class="flex flex-col gap-8"> <TemplateContainer :templateData="freyaData">
<TemplateHero :templateHeroData="templateHeroData"> <template #separator>
<template #logo> <FreyaSeparator />
<svg width="139" height="40" viewBox="0 0 139 40" fill="none" xmlns="">
<path d="M0 0H10.5065V6.75772L29.7675 2.94574V11.7829L10.5065 15.5949V18.5407L29.7675 14.7287V23.5659L10.5065 27.3779V35.3488H0V0Z" :fill="fillColor" />
d="M56.124 14.0885H51.6603V12.8153C51.6603 11.825 52.2227 11.2591 53.2068 11.2591H56.0889V6.20166H51.5197C47.5129 6.20166 45.4041 8.42978 45.4041 12.2848V14.0885H42.1705L42.2057 19.2521H45.3338V32.8683H51.8712V19.2521H56.124V14.0885Z"
<path d="M69.8662 13.6433C67.611 13.6433 65.9902 14.2818 64.6512 15.8425L63.6294 13.7143H59.2249V32.8681H65.7788V23.1493C65.7788 20.7019 66.7654 19.6732 69.0557 19.6732H71.628V13.6433H69.8662Z" :fill="fillColor" />
d="M94.2636 22.9079C94.2636 17.3697 90.0799 13.0232 84.0136 13.0232C78.0867 13.0232 73.7985 17.2996 73.7985 23.0832C73.7985 28.8668 78.1216 33.1782 84.0136 33.1782C88.7202 33.1782 92.5553 30.4792 93.8801 26.1678H87.3954C86.8027 27.2895 85.5127 27.9554 84.0136 27.9554C81.9566 27.9554 80.5969 26.8338 80.1786 24.6605H94.159C94.2287 24.0646 94.2636 23.5038 94.2636 22.9079ZM84.0136 18.1408C85.966 18.1408 87.3257 19.1573 87.8835 21.0502H80.2832C80.8061 19.1573 82.1309 18.1408 84.0136 18.1408Z"
d="M109.533 13.6433L105.758 24.2429L101.701 13.6433H94.5737L102.441 31.2855C101.559 33.6686 100.819 34.3444 98.3135 34.3444H96.4789V39.9999H98.7369C103.676 39.9999 106.005 37.9013 108.58 31.9969L116.589 13.6433H109.533Z"
d="M133.387 13.585L132.716 15.0598C131.163 13.7606 129.15 13.0232 126.891 13.0232C121.065 13.0232 116.899 17.2017 116.899 23.0656C116.899 28.9646 121.065 33.1782 126.891 33.1782C129.115 33.1782 131.092 32.476 132.646 31.2119L133.211 32.5462H138.295V13.585H133.387ZM127.774 27.4196C125.302 27.4196 123.501 25.5586 123.501 23.0656C123.501 20.6077 125.302 18.7818 127.774 18.7818C130.245 18.7818 132.046 20.6077 132.046 23.0656C132.046 25.5586 130.245 27.4196 127.774 27.4196Z"
</template> </template>
<template #pattern> </TemplateContainer>
class="select-none absolute z-[6] w-[58rem] md:w-[50rem] h-auto top-12 md:top-32 -left-24 md:-left-12 opacity-75"
alt="Template Hero Pattern"
<FreyaSeparator />
<TemplateLicense :license="license" />
<FreyaSeparator />
<div class="hidden">
<TemplateYoutube imgSrc="" />
<FreyaSeparator />
<TemplateFeaturesAnimation :featuresData="animationFeaturesData2" title="Features" />
<FreyaSeparator />
<TemplateConfiguration title="Vue based on Vite" description="Freya is powered by Vite to get started in no time following the best practices." />
<FreyaSeparator />
<TemplateFeatures :featuresData="features2Data" displayType="vertical" />
<FreyaSeparator />
<TemplateFeaturesAnimation :featuresData="animationFeaturesData1">
<template #description2>
Fully compatible with <a href="">PrimeBlocks</a>, choose from the wide range of blocks and customize the way you like. Note that <a href="">PrimeBlocks</a> is not included in the
template and requires a separate purchase.
<template #description4>
Freya uses Figma as the design tool. It will be possible to download the Figma file after your purchase. You can
<a href="">preview the Figma file</a> before the purchase. Note that PrimeVue UI components are excluded from the Freya Figma
file as they are available in <PrimeVueNuxtLink to="/uikit">PrimeOne for Figma</PrimeVueNuxtLink> only.
</template> </template>
<script> <script>
import TemplateConfiguration from '../../../components/template/TemplateConfiguration.vue';
import TemplateFeatures from '../../../components/template/TemplateFeatures.vue';
import TemplateFeaturesAnimation from '../../../components/template/TemplateFeaturesAnimation.vue';
import TemplateHero from '../../../components/template/TemplateHero.vue';
import TemplateLicense from '../../../components/template/TemplateLicense.vue';
import FreyaLogo from '../../../components/template/logo/FreyaLogo.vue';
export default { export default {
data() { data() {
return { return {
features2Data: [ freyaData: {
components: [
{ {
title: 'Fully Responsive', name: TemplateHero,
description: 'Freya is crafted to provide optimal viewing and interaction experience for a wide range of devices.', props: {
src: '' templateHeroData: {
}, logo: FreyaLogo,
{ pattern: '',
title: 'Cross Browser Compatible', dashboard1: '',
description: 'First class support for Firefox, Safari, Chrome and Edge.', dashboard2: '',
src: '', description: 'Freya is a modern admin template for developers and IT professionals. It comes with a huge collection of reusable UI components and dozens of built-in layouts for various purposes.',
darkSrc: '' liveHref: '',
}, docHref: '',
{ pattern: {
title: 'Lifetime Support', className: 'select-none absolute z-[6] w-[58rem] md:w-[50rem] h-auto top-12 md:top-32 -left-24 md:-left-12 opacity-75',
description: 'Freya has a dedicated forum where lifetime support is delivered by engineers at PrimeTek in a timely manner.', src: ''
src: ''
title: 'Customizable Design',
description: 'Fully customizable with a mixture of Sass and CSS variables.',
src: '',
darkSrc: ''
title: 'Ready to Use Pages',
description: 'Landing, login, invoice, help, user management and error pages are provided as template pages to get started with building your app.',
src: ''
title: 'Mobile Experience',
description: 'Touch optimized enhanced mobile experience with responsive design.',
src: ''
} }
relatedData: [
src: '',
href: '/templates/diamond'
src: '',
href: '/templates/freya'
src: '',
href: '/templates/ultima'
} }
animationFeaturesData1: [
id: 1,
title: 'PrimeFlex CSS Utilities',
description: 'PrimeFlex is a CSS utility library featuring various helpers such as a grid system, flexbox, spacing, elevation and more.',
src: ''
id: 2,
title: 'PrimeBlocks',
slotType: 'description2',
src: ''
id: 3,
title: 'PrimeIcons',
description: 'Freya ships with PrimeIcons, PrimeTeks modern icon library including a wide range of icons for your applications.',
src: ''
id: 4,
title: 'Figma File',
slotType: 'description4',
src: ''
} }
], },
animationFeaturesData2: [ {
name: TemplateLicense,
props: {
license: {
documentLink: '',
description: 'The download package is a Vite-based project containing all application source codes deployed at the live demo. The project code is written in JavaScript.',
showDiscount: false,
licenseDetails: [
title: 'Basic License',
price: '$59',
discount: '',
included: ['Non Commercial Usage', 'Single End Product, No Multi-Use', 'Lifetime Support', 'Unlimited Updates']
title: 'Extended License',
price: '$590',
discount: '',
included: ['Commercial Usage', 'Multiple End Products', 'Lifetime Support', 'Unlimited Updates']
name: TemplateFeaturesAnimation,
props: {
title: 'Features',
featuresData: [
{ {
id: 1, id: 1,
title: 'Light and Dark Modes', title: 'Light and Dark Modes',
@ -193,40 +122,101 @@ export default {
} }
] ]
} }
], ]
license: { }
documentLink: '',
description: 'The download package is a Vite-based project containing all application source codes deployed at the live demo. The project code is written in JavaScript.',
showDiscount: false,
licenseDetails: [
title: 'Basic License',
price: '$59',
discount: '',
included: ['Non Commercial Usage', 'Single End Product, No Multi-Use', 'Lifetime Support', 'Unlimited Updates']
}, },
{ {
title: 'Extended License', name: TemplateConfiguration,
price: '$590', props: {
discount: '', configurationData: {
included: ['Commercial Usage', 'Multiple End Products', 'Lifetime Support', 'Unlimited Updates'] title: 'Vue based on Vite',
description: 'Freya is powered by Vite to get started in no time following the best practices.'
name: TemplateFeaturesAnimation,
props: {
featuresData: [
id: 1,
title: 'PrimeFlex CSS Utilities',
description: 'PrimeFlex is a CSS utility library featuring various helpers such as a grid system, flexbox, spacing, elevation and more.',
src: ''
id: 2,
title: 'PrimeBlocks',
slotType: 'description2',
src: ''
id: 3,
title: 'PrimeIcons',
description: 'Freya ships with PrimeIcons, PrimeTeks modern icon library including a wide range of icons for your applications.',
src: ''
id: 4,
title: 'Figma File',
slotType: 'description4',
src: ''
} }
] ]
}, },
templateHeroData: { slots: {
pattern: '', description2: `
dashboard1: '', Fully compatible with <a href="">PrimeBlocks</a>, choose from the wide range of blocks and customize the way you like. Note that <a href="">PrimeBlocks</a> is not included in the
dashboard2: '', template and requires a separate purchase.`,
description: 'Freya is a modern admin template for developers and IT professionals. It comes with a huge collection of reusable UI components and dozens of built-in layouts for various purposes.', description4: `
liveHref: '', Freya uses Figma as the design tool. It will be possible to download the Figma file after your purchase. You can
docHref: '' <a href="">preview the Figma file</a> before the purchase. Note that PrimeVue UI components are excluded from the Freya Figma
file as they are available in <PrimeVueNuxtLink to="/uikit">PrimeOne for Figma</PrimeVueNuxtLink> only.`
name: TemplateFeatures,
props: {
featuresData: [
title: 'Fully Responsive',
description: 'Freya is crafted to provide optimal viewing and interaction experience for a wide range of devices.',
src: ''
title: 'Cross Browser Compatible',
description: 'First class support for Firefox, Safari, Chrome and Edge.',
src: '',
darkSrc: ''
title: 'Lifetime Support',
description: 'Freya has a dedicated forum where lifetime support is delivered by engineers at PrimeTek in a timely manner.',
src: ''
title: 'Customizable Design',
description: 'Fully customizable with a mixture of Sass and CSS variables.',
src: '',
darkSrc: ''
title: 'Ready to Use Pages',
description: 'Landing, login, invoice, help, user management and error pages are provided as template pages to get started with building your app.',
src: ''
title: 'Mobile Experience',
description: 'Touch optimized enhanced mobile experience with responsive design.',
src: ''
displayType: 'vertical'
} }
}; };
computed: {
fillColor() {
return this.$appState.darkTheme ? 'var(--p-surface-900)' : 'var(--p-surface-0)';
} }
}; };
</script> </script>

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -1,154 +1,72 @@
<template> <template>
<div class="flex flex-col gap-8"> <TemplateContainer :templateData="ultimaData">
<TemplateHero :templateHeroData="templateHeroData"> <template #separator>
<template #logo> <UltimaSeparator />
<svg width="209" height="40" viewBox="0 0 209 40" fill="none" xmlns="">
<g clipPath="url(#clip0_957_53077)">
d="M95.6837 6.5625V25.9765C95.6707 27.8906 95.2474 29.5573 94.4141 30.9765C93.5808 32.3959 92.4024 33.4896 90.8789 34.2578C89.3686 35.013 87.6303 35.3906 85.6641 35.3906C82.6693 35.3906 80.2669 34.5769 78.4571 32.9492C76.6602 31.3086 75.7292 29.043 75.6641 26.1524V6.5625H78.0469V25.8008C78.0469 28.1966 78.7306 30.0586 80.0977 31.3867C81.4649 32.7019 83.3203 33.3594 85.6641 33.3594C88.0078 33.3594 89.8568 32.6952 91.2111 31.3672C92.5782 30.039 93.2618 28.1901 93.2618 25.8203V6.5625H95.6837Z"
<path d="M104.805 32.9688H118.848V35H102.383V6.5625H104.805V32.9688Z" :fill="fillColor" />
<path d="M137.383 8.61328H127.636V35H125.235V8.61328H115.508V6.5625H137.383V8.61328Z" :fill="fillColor" />
<path d="M144.923 35H142.52V6.5625H144.923V35Z" :fill="fillColor" />
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<path d="M202.969 27.0312H190.059L187.129 35H184.61L195.371 6.5625H197.656L208.418 35H205.918L202.969 27.0312ZM190.801 24.9805H202.208L196.504 9.49219L190.801 24.9805Z" :fill="fillColor" />
d="M49.9636 10.7127C49.889 10.5341 49.7146 10.4185 49.5213 10.4185H46.8866L48.3213 8.68796C48.44 8.54566 48.4639 8.34796 48.3854 8.18083C48.3069 8.01369 48.1382 7.90671 47.9525 7.90671H19.0408L10.842 0.131475C10.683 -0.0184707 10.4417 -0.0433026 10.2578 0.0732162L5.65804 2.95276L5.6542 2.95657L5.64941 2.95849L0.216438 6.52472C0.20303 6.53333 0.196326 6.54669 0.183876 6.5572C0.157061 6.57821 0.134076 6.60114 0.113007 6.62692C0.0938536 6.64984 0.0785306 6.67276 0.0641652 6.69855C0.0488423 6.72625 0.0383076 6.75395 0.0287308 6.78355C0.0191537 6.81411 0.0134076 6.84468 0.0095769 6.87715C0.00861921 6.89339 0 6.90675 0 6.92395C0 6.93922 0.00670382 6.95069 0.00861921 6.96598C0.0114923 6.99749 0.0181961 7.0271 0.027773 7.05861C0.0373499 7.09013 0.0478845 7.11974 0.0641652 7.14935C0.070869 7.16176 0.0718267 7.17514 0.0794882 7.18755C0.0861921 7.19805 0.0986421 7.20187 0.106304 7.21142C0.139822 7.2544 0.179088 7.28974 0.225058 7.31839C0.242295 7.3289 0.255704 7.34228 0.272941 7.35086C0.336149 7.38142 0.405102 7.40149 0.479802 7.40149H7.02179L8.49854 11.0757L8.50045 11.0785V11.0814L18.108 34.0365L12.4366 39.1691C12.29 39.3019 12.2402 39.51 12.3121 39.6944C12.3829 39.8788 12.5611 40 12.7584 40H20.9236C20.9869 40 21.0491 39.9866 21.1075 39.9627C21.1659 39.9389 21.2186 39.9035 21.2626 39.8596L25.555 35.5627C25.5608 35.5694 25.5626 35.578 25.5694 35.5848L29.6338 39.851C29.7248 39.9475 29.8445 39.9743 29.9834 40C37.3624 39.9589 48.5578 39.9216 49.0845 39.9761C49.1343 39.9924 49.185 40 49.2357 40C49.3996 40 49.5595 39.9169 49.6486 39.7728C49.9254 39.3237 49.9234 39.319 35.7831 25.3254L49.8593 11.2361C49.9971 11.0967 50.0374 10.8913 49.9636 10.7127ZM46.9354 8.86084L45.6454 10.4185H21.6898L20.0474 8.86084H46.9354ZM10.4522 1.07795L20.3011 10.4185H9.26661L6.50559 3.54872L10.4522 1.07795ZM2.07722 6.44545L5.6858 4.07687L6.63775 6.44545H2.07722ZM26.2628 34.9258C26.2502 34.9124 26.233 34.9066 26.2196 34.8961L29.6501 31.4626V38.4805L26.2628 34.9258ZM48.1306 39.0163C46.3225 38.9895 41.83 38.9781 30.6077 39.0401V30.8141C30.6077 30.7262 30.5771 30.6479 30.536 30.5763L35.108 25.9996C39.6167 30.4626 45.9998 36.8149 48.1306 39.0163ZM21.0903 38.6781L9.66117 11.3736H45.7508C45.7853 11.3813 45.8197 11.3918 45.8542 11.3918C45.882 11.3918 45.9079 11.3784 45.9356 11.3736H48.3681L21.0903 38.6781Z"
<clipPath id="clip0_957_53077">
<rect width="208.75" height="40" :fill="fillColor" />
</template> </template>
<template #pattern> </TemplateContainer>
class="select-none absolute z-[6] opacity-75 w-[80rem] h-auto bottom-8 -left-64 md:-bottom-[26rem] md:-left-[22rem]"
alt="Template Hero Pattern"
<UltimaSeparator />
<div class="hidden">
<TemplateYoutube imgSrc="" />
<UltimaSeparator />
<TemplateLicense :license="license" />
<UltimaSeparator />
<TemplateFeaturesAnimation :featuresData="animationFeaturesData2" title="Features" />
<UltimaSeparator />
<TemplateConfiguration title="Vue based on Vite" description="Apollo is powered by Vite to get started in no time following the best practices." />
<UltimaSeparator />
<TemplateFeaturesAnimation :featuresData="animationFeaturesData1">
<template #description2>
Fully compatible with <a href="">PrimeBlocks</a>, choose from the wide range of blocks and customize the way you like. Note that <a href="">PrimeBlocks</a> is not included in the
template and requires a separate purchase.
<template #description4>
Ultima uses Figma as the design tool. It will be possible to download the Figma file after your purchase. You can
<a href="">preview the Figma file</a> before the purchase. Note that PrimeVue UI components are excluded from the Ultima
Figma file as they are available in <PrimeVueNuxtLink to="/uikit">PrimeOne for Figma</PrimeVueNuxtLink> only.
<UltimaSeparator />
<TemplateFeatures :featuresData="features2Data" displayType="vertical" />
</template> </template>
<script> <script>
import TemplateConfiguration from '../../../components/template/TemplateConfiguration.vue';
import TemplateFeatures from '../../../components/template/TemplateFeatures.vue';
import TemplateFeaturesAnimation from '../../../components/template/TemplateFeaturesAnimation.vue';
import TemplateHero from '../../../components/template/TemplateHero.vue';
import TemplateLicense from '../../../components/template/TemplateLicense.vue';
import UltimaLogo from '../../../components/template/logo/UltimaLogo.vue';
export default { export default {
data() { data() {
return { return {
ultimaData: {
components: [
name: TemplateHero,
props: {
templateHeroData: { templateHeroData: {
logo: UltimaLogo,
pattern: '', pattern: '',
description: 'A highly customizable premium application template featuring 4 menu modes, 13 themes, light and dark modes. Based on material design language, it is fully responsive, touch optimized, built with SASS, CSS3 and HTML5.', description:
'A highly customizable premium application template featuring 4 menu modes, 13 themes, light and dark modes. Based on material design language, it is fully responsive, touch optimized, built with SASS, CSS3 and HTML5.',
dashboard1: '', dashboard1: '',
dashboard2: '', dashboard2: '',
liveHref: '', liveHref: '',
docHref: '' docHref: '',
}, pattern: {
features2Data: [ className: 'select-none absolute z-[6] opacity-75 w-[80rem] h-auto bottom-8 -left-64 md:-bottom-[26rem] md:-left-[22rem]',
{ src: ''
title: 'Fully Responsive',
description: 'Ultima is crafted to provide optimal viewing and interaction experience for a wide range of devices.',
src: ''
title: 'Cross Browser Compatible',
description: 'First class support for Firefox, Safari, Chrome and Edge.',
src: '',
darkSrc: ''
title: 'Lifetime Support',
description: 'Ultima has a dedicated forum where lifetime support is delivered by engineers at PrimeTek in a timely manner.',
src: ''
title: 'Customizable Design',
description: 'Fully customizable with a mixture of Sass and CSS variables.',
src: '',
darkSrc: ''
title: 'Ready to Use Pages',
description: 'Everything is ready for you to start and build your app in no time. Landing, login, invoice, help, and error pages are provided as template pages.',
src: ''
title: 'Mobile Experience',
description: 'Touch optimized enhanced mobile experience with responsive design.',
src: ''
} }
relatedData: [
src: '',
href: '/templates/diamond'
src: '',
href: '/templates/apollo'
src: '',
href: '/templates/freya'
} }
animationFeaturesData1: [
id: 1,
title: 'PrimeFlex CSS Utilities',
description: 'PrimeFlex is a CSS utility library featuring various helpers such as a grid system, flexbox, spacing, elevation and more.',
src: ''
id: 2,
title: 'PrimeBlocks',
slotType: 'description2',
src: ''
id: 3,
title: 'PrimeIcons',
description: 'Ultima ships with PrimeIcons, PrimeTeks modern icon library including a wide range of icons for your applications.',
src: ''
id: 4,
title: 'Figma File',
slotType: 'description4',
src: ''
} }
], },
animationFeaturesData2: [ {
name: TemplateLicense,
props: {
license: {
documentLink: '',
description: 'The download package is a Vite-based project containing all application source codes deployed at the live demo. The project code is written in JavaScript.',
showDiscount: false,
licenseDetails: [
title: 'Basic License',
price: '$59',
discount: '',
included: ['Non Commercial Usage', 'Single End Product, No Multi-Use', 'Lifetime Support', 'Unlimited Updates']
title: 'Extended License',
price: '$590',
discount: '',
included: ['Commercial Usage', 'Multiple End Products', 'Lifetime Support', 'Unlimited Updates']
name: TemplateFeaturesAnimation,
props: {
title: 'Features',
featuresData: [
{ {
id: 1, id: 1,
title: 'Light and Dark Modes', title: 'Light and Dark Modes',
@ -205,32 +123,101 @@ export default {
} }
] ]
} }
], ]
license: { }
documentLink: '',
description: 'The download package is a Vite-based project containing all application source codes deployed at the live demo. The project code is written in JavaScript.',
showDiscount: false,
licenseDetails: [
title: 'Basic License',
price: '$59',
discount: '',
included: ['Non Commercial Usage', 'Single End Product, No Multi-Use', 'Lifetime Support', 'Unlimited Updates']
}, },
{ {
title: 'Extended License', name: TemplateConfiguration,
price: '$590', props: {
discount: '', configurationData: {
included: ['Commercial Usage', 'Multiple End Products', 'Lifetime Support', 'Unlimited Updates'] title: 'Vue based on Vite',
description: 'Ultima is powered by Vite to get started in no time following the best practices.'
name: TemplateFeaturesAnimation,
props: {
featuresData: [
id: 1,
title: 'PrimeFlex CSS Utilities',
description: 'PrimeFlex is a CSS utility library featuring various helpers such as a grid system, flexbox, spacing, elevation and more.',
src: ''
id: 2,
title: 'PrimeBlocks',
slotType: 'description2',
src: ''
id: 3,
title: 'PrimeIcons',
description: 'Ultima ships with PrimeIcons, PrimeTeks modern icon library including a wide range of icons for your applications.',
src: ''
id: 4,
title: 'Figma File',
slotType: 'description4',
src: ''
slots: {
description2: `
Fully compatible with <a href="">PrimeBlocks</a>, choose from the wide range of blocks and customize the way you like. Note that <a href="">PrimeBlocks</a> is not included in the
template and requires a separate purchase.`,
description4: `
Ultima uses Figma as the design tool. It will be possible to download the Figma file after your purchase. You can
<a href="">preview the Figma file</a> before the purchase. Note that PrimeVue UI components are excluded from the Ultima
Figma file as they are available in <PrimeVueNuxtLink to="/uikit">PrimeOne for Figma</PrimeVueNuxtLink> only.`
name: TemplateFeatures,
props: {
featuresData: [
title: 'Fully Responsive',
description: 'Ultima is crafted to provide optimal viewing and interaction experience for a wide range of devices.',
src: ''
title: 'Cross Browser Compatible',
description: 'First class support for Firefox, Safari, Chrome and Edge.',
src: '',
darkSrc: ''
title: 'Lifetime Support',
description: 'Ultima has a dedicated forum where lifetime support is delivered by engineers at PrimeTek in a timely manner.',
src: ''
title: 'Customizable Design',
description: 'Fully customizable with a mixture of Sass and CSS variables.',
src: '',
darkSrc: ''
title: 'Ready to Use Pages',
description: 'Everything is ready for you to start and build your app in no time. Landing, login, invoice, help, and error pages are provided as template pages.',
src: ''
title: 'Mobile Experience',
description: 'Touch optimized enhanced mobile experience with responsive design.',
src: ''
displayType: 'vertical'
} }
] ]
} }
}; };
computed: {
fillColor() {
return this.$appState.darkTheme ? 'var(--p-surface-900)' : 'var(--p-surface-0)';
} }
}; };
</script> </script>

View File

@ -1,150 +1,71 @@
<template> <template>
<div class="flex flex-col gap-8"> <TemplateContainer :templateData="veronaData">
<TemplateHero :templateHeroData="templateHeroData"> <template #separator>
<template #logo> <VeronaSeparator />
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d="M68.7 13.317L62.568 28.5H60.0165L53.8845 13.317H56.1525C56.3975 13.317 56.597 13.3765 56.751 13.4955C56.905 13.6145 57.0205 13.7685 57.0975 13.9575L60.678 23.2185C60.797 23.5195 60.909 23.852 61.014 24.216C61.126 24.573 61.231 24.9475 61.329 25.3395C61.413 24.9475 61.504 24.573 61.602 24.216C61.7 23.852 61.8085 23.5195 61.9275 23.2185L65.487 13.9575C65.543 13.7965 65.6515 13.6495 65.8125 13.5165C65.9805 13.3835 66.1835 13.317 66.4215 13.317H68.7ZM73.1066 15.564V19.7745H78.4196V21.948H73.1066V26.2425H79.8476V28.5H70.2716V13.317H79.8476V15.564H73.1066ZM86.9392 20.541C87.4712 20.541 87.9332 20.4745 88.3252 20.3415C88.7242 20.2085 89.0497 20.0265 89.3017 19.7955C89.5607 19.5575 89.7532 19.2775 89.8792 18.9555C90.0052 18.6335 90.0682 18.28 90.0682 17.895C90.0682 17.125 89.8127 16.5335 89.3017 16.1205C88.7977 15.7075 88.0242 15.501 86.9812 15.501H85.1752V20.541H86.9392ZM94.2052 28.5H91.6537C91.1707 28.5 90.8207 28.311 90.6037 27.933L87.4117 23.0715C87.2927 22.8895 87.1597 22.76 87.0127 22.683C86.8727 22.606 86.6627 22.5675 86.3827 22.5675H85.1752V28.5H82.3507V13.317H86.9812C88.0102 13.317 88.8922 13.4255 89.6272 13.6425C90.3692 13.8525 90.9747 14.15 91.4437 14.535C91.9197 14.92 92.2697 15.382 92.4937 15.921C92.7177 16.453 92.8297 17.041 92.8297 17.685C92.8297 18.196 92.7527 18.679 92.5987 19.134C92.4517 19.589 92.2347 20.002 91.9477 20.373C91.6677 20.744 91.3177 21.0695 90.8977 21.3495C90.4847 21.6295 90.0122 21.85 89.4802 22.011C89.6622 22.116 89.8302 22.242 89.9842 22.389C90.1382 22.529 90.2782 22.697 90.4042 22.893L94.2052 28.5ZM110.119 20.9085C110.119 22.0215 109.934 23.054 109.563 24.006C109.199 24.951 108.681 25.77 108.009 26.463C107.337 27.156 106.528 27.6985 105.583 28.0905C104.638 28.4755 103.588 28.668 102.433 28.668C101.285 28.668 100.239 28.4755 99.2937 28.0905C98.3487 27.6985 97.5367 27.156 96.8577 26.463C96.1857 25.77 95.6642 24.951 95.2932 24.006C94.9222 23.054 94.7367 22.0215 94.7367 20.9085C94.7367 19.7955 94.9222 18.7665 95.2932 17.8215C95.6642 16.8695 96.1857 16.047 96.8577 15.354C97.5367 14.661 98.3487 14.122 99.2937 13.737C100.239 13.345 101.285 13.149 102.433 13.149C103.203 13.149 103.928 13.24 104.607 13.422C105.286 13.597 105.909 13.849 106.476 14.178C107.043 14.5 107.55 14.8955 107.998 15.3645C108.453 15.8265 108.838 16.3445 109.153 16.9185C109.468 17.4925 109.706 18.1155 109.867 18.7875C110.035 19.4595 110.119 20.1665 110.119 20.9085ZM107.232 20.9085C107.232 20.0755 107.12 19.33 106.896 18.672C106.672 18.007 106.353 17.4435 105.94 16.9815C105.527 16.5195 105.023 16.166 104.428 15.921C103.84 15.676 103.175 15.5535 102.433 15.5535C101.691 15.5535 101.023 15.676 100.428 15.921C99.8397 16.166 99.3357 16.5195 98.9157 16.9815C98.5027 17.4435 98.1842 18.007 97.9602 18.672C97.7362 19.33 97.6242 20.0755 97.6242 20.9085C97.6242 21.7415 97.7362 22.4905 97.9602 23.1555C98.1842 23.8135 98.5027 24.3735 98.9157 24.8355C99.3357 25.2905 99.8397 25.6405 100.428 25.8855C101.023 26.1305 101.691 26.253 102.433 26.253C103.175 26.253 103.84 26.1305 104.428 25.8855C105.023 25.6405 105.527 25.2905 105.94 24.8355C106.353 24.3735 106.672 23.8135 106.896 23.1555C107.12 22.4905 107.232 21.7415 107.232 20.9085ZM125.399 13.317V28.5H123.95C123.726 28.5 123.537 28.465 123.383 28.395C123.236 28.318 123.093 28.192 122.953 28.017L115.025 17.895C115.067 18.357 115.088 18.784 115.088 19.176V28.5H112.6V13.317H114.08C114.199 13.317 114.301 13.324 114.385 13.338C114.476 13.345 114.553 13.366 114.616 13.401C114.686 13.429 114.752 13.4745 114.815 13.5375C114.878 13.5935 114.948 13.6705 115.025 13.7685L122.984 23.9325C122.963 23.6875 122.946 23.446 122.932 23.208C122.918 22.97 122.911 22.7495 122.911 22.5465V13.317H125.399ZM136.802 22.767L134.954 17.7165C134.863 17.4925 134.769 17.2265 134.671 16.9185C134.573 16.6105 134.475 16.278 134.377 15.921C134.286 16.278 134.191 16.614 134.093 16.929C133.995 17.237 133.901 17.5065 133.81 17.7375L131.972 22.767H136.802ZM141.79 28.5H139.606C139.361 28.5 139.161 28.4405 139.007 28.3215C138.853 28.1955 138.738 28.0415 138.661 27.8595L137.527 24.762H131.237L130.103 27.8595C130.047 28.0205 129.939 28.1675 129.778 28.3005C129.617 28.4335 129.417 28.5 129.179 28.5H126.974L132.949 13.317H135.826L141.79 28.5Z"
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<rect width="142" height="40" :fill="fillColor" />
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<template #pattern> </TemplateContainer>
<img class="select-none absolute z-[6] opacity-90 w-[110rem] h-auto bottom-80 left-0 md:-bottom-8 md:-left-4" src="" alt="Template Hero Pattern" />
<VeronaSeparator />
<TemplateLicense :license="license" />
<VeronaSeparator />
<div class="hidden">
<TemplateYoutube imgSrc="" />
<VeronaSeparator />
<TemplateFeaturesAnimation :featuresData="animationFeaturesData2" title="Features" :animationSeconds="4000" />
<VeronaSeparator />
<TemplateConfiguration title="Vue based on Vite" description="Verona is powered by Vite to get started in no time following the best practices." />
<VeronaSeparator />
<TemplateFeaturesAnimation :featuresData="animationFeaturesData1">
<template #description2>
Fully compatible with <a href="">PrimeBlocks</a>, choose from the wide range of blocks and customize the way you like. Note that <a href="">PrimeBlocks</a> is not included in the
template and requires a separate purchase.
<template #description4>
Verona uses Figma as the design tool. It will be possible to download the Figma file after your purchase. You can
<a href="">preview the Figma file</a> before the purchase. Note that PrimeVue UI components are excluded from the Verona Figma file as they
are available in <PrimeVueNuxtLink to="/uikit">PrimeOne for Figma</PrimeVueNuxtLink> only.
<VeronaSeparator />
<TemplateFeatures :featuresData="features2Data" displayType="vertical" />
<VeronaSeparator />
<TemplateRelated :relatedData="relatedData" />
</template> </template>
<script> <script>
import TemplateConfiguration from '../../../components/template/TemplateConfiguration.vue';
import TemplateFeatures from '../../../components/template/TemplateFeatures.vue';
import TemplateFeaturesAnimation from '../../../components/template/TemplateFeaturesAnimation.vue';
import TemplateHero from '../../../components/template/TemplateHero.vue';
import TemplateLicense from '../../../components/template/TemplateLicense.vue';
import VeronaLogo from '../../../components/template/logo/VeronaLogo.vue';
export default { export default {
data() { data() {
return { return {
features2Data: [ veronaData: {
components: [
{ {
title: 'Fully Responsive', name: TemplateHero,
description: 'Verona is crafted to provide optimal viewing and interaction experience for a wide range of devices.', props: {
src: '' templateHeroData: {
}, logo: VeronaLogo,
{ pattern: '',
title: 'Cross Browser Compatible', description: 'Prepare to be amazed by the remastered Verona for PrimeVue featuring a new gorgeous dark mode for the entire layout, 2 menu modes, reusable css widgets, utilities, modern icons and many more.',
description: 'First class support for Firefox, Safari, Chrome and Edge.', dashboard1: '',
src: '', dashboard2: '',
darkSrc: '' liveHref: '',
}, docHref: '',
{ pattern: {
title: 'Lifetime Support', className: 'select-none absolute z-[6] opacity-90 w-[110rem] h-auto bottom-80 left-0 md:-bottom-8 md:-left-4',
description: 'Verona has a dedicated forum where lifetime support is delivered by engineers at PrimeTek in a timely manner.', src: ''
src: ''
title: 'Customizable Design',
description: 'Fully customizable with a mixture of Sass and CSS variables.',
src: '',
darkSrc: ''
title: 'Ready to Use Pages',
description: 'Landing, login, invoice, help, user management and error pages are provided as template pages to get started with building your app.',
src: ''
title: 'Mobile Experience',
description: 'Touch optimized enhanced mobile experience with responsive design.',
src: ''
} }
relatedData: [
src: '',
href: '/templates/freya'
src: '',
href: '/templates/apollo'
src: '',
href: '/templates/atlantis'
} }
animationFeaturesData1: [
id: 1,
title: 'PrimeFlex CSS Utilities',
description: 'PrimeFlex is a CSS utility library featuring various helpers such as a grid system, flexbox, spacing, elevation and more.',
src: ''
id: 2,
title: 'PrimeBlocks',
slotType: 'description2',
src: ''
id: 3,
title: 'PrimeIcons',
description: 'Verona ships with PrimeIcons, PrimeTeks modern icon library including a wide range of icons for your applications.',
src: ''
id: 4,
title: 'Figma File',
slotType: 'description4',
src: ''
} }
], },
animationFeaturesData2: [ {
name: TemplateLicense,
props: {
license: {
documentLink: '',
description: 'The download package is a Vite-based project containing all application source codes deployed at the live demo. The project code is written in JavaScript.',
showDiscount: false,
licenseDetails: [
title: 'Basic License',
price: '$49',
discount: '',
included: ['Non Commercial Usage', 'Single End Product, No Multi-Use', 'Lifetime Support', 'Unlimited Updates']
title: 'Extended License',
price: '$490',
discount: '',
included: ['Commercial Usage', 'Multiple End Products', 'Lifetime Support', 'Unlimited Updates']
name: TemplateFeaturesAnimation,
props: {
title: 'Features',
featuresData: [
{ {
id: 1, id: 1,
title: 'Light and Dark Modes', title: 'Light and Dark Modes',
@ -192,40 +113,100 @@ export default {
description: 'Verona offers 10 special layout themes featuring gorgeous gradients.', description: 'Verona offers 10 special layout themes featuring gorgeous gradients.',
src: '' src: ''
} }
], ]
license: { }
documentLink: '',
description: 'The download package is a Vite-based project containing all application source codes deployed at the live demo. The project code is written in JavaScript.',
showDiscount: false,
licenseDetails: [
title: 'Basic License',
price: '$49',
discount: '',
included: ['Non Commercial Usage', 'Single End Product, No Multi-Use', 'Lifetime Support', 'Unlimited Updates']
}, },
{ {
title: 'Extended License', name: TemplateConfiguration,
price: '$490', props: {
discount: '', configurationData: {
included: ['Commercial Usage', 'Multiple End Products', 'Lifetime Support', 'Unlimited Updates'] title: 'Vue based on Vite',
description: 'Verona is powered by Vite to get started in no time following the best practices.'
name: TemplateFeaturesAnimation,
props: {
featuresData: [
id: 1,
title: 'PrimeFlex CSS Utilities',
description: 'PrimeFlex is a CSS utility library featuring various helpers such as a grid system, flexbox, spacing, elevation and more.',
src: ''
id: 2,
title: 'PrimeBlocks',
slotType: 'description2',
src: ''
id: 3,
title: 'PrimeIcons',
description: 'Verona ships with PrimeIcons, PrimeTeks modern icon library including a wide range of icons for your applications.',
src: ''
id: 4,
title: 'Figma File',
slotType: 'description4',
src: ''
} }
] ]
}, },
templateHeroData: { slots: {
pattern: '', description2: `
description: 'Prepare to be amazed by the remastered Verona for PrimeVue featuring a new gorgeous dark mode for the entire layout, 2 menu modes, reusable css widgets, utilities, modern icons and many more.', Fully compatible with <a href="">PrimeBlocks</a>, choose from the wide range of blocks and customize the way you like. Note that <a href="">PrimeBlocks</a> is not included in the
dashboard1: '', template and requires a separate purchase.`,
dashboard2: '', description4: `Verona uses Figma as the design tool. It will be possible to download the Figma file after your purchase. You can
liveHref: '', <a href="">preview the Figma file</a> before the purchase. Note that PrimeVue UI components are excluded from the Verona Figma file as they
docHref: '' are available in <PrimeVueNuxtLink to="/uikit">PrimeOne for Figma</PrimeVueNuxtLink> only.`
name: TemplateFeatures,
props: {
featuresData: [
title: 'Fully Responsive',
description: 'Verona is crafted to provide optimal viewing and interaction experience for a wide range of devices.',
src: ''
title: 'Cross Browser Compatible',
description: 'First class support for Firefox, Safari, Chrome and Edge.',
src: '',
darkSrc: ''
title: 'Lifetime Support',
description: 'Verona has a dedicated forum where lifetime support is delivered by engineers at PrimeTek in a timely manner.',
src: ''
title: 'Customizable Design',
description: 'Fully customizable with a mixture of Sass and CSS variables.',
src: '',
darkSrc: ''
title: 'Ready to Use Pages',
description: 'Landing, login, invoice, help, user management and error pages are provided as template pages to get started with building your app.',
src: ''
title: 'Mobile Experience',
description: 'Touch optimized enhanced mobile experience with responsive design.',
src: ''
displayType: 'vertical'
} }
}; };
computed: {
fillColor() {
return this.$appState.darkTheme ? 'var(--p-surface-900)' : 'var(--p-surface-0)';
} }
}; };
</script> </script>