refactor: update d.ts files in themes package

Refactor #7152
Mert Sincan 2025-01-28 01:49:15 +00:00
parent c5c2072f4d
commit af3cc0db55
88 changed files with 88 additions and 17790 deletions

View File

@ -1,252 +1 @@
* Accordion Design Tokens
* [Live Demo](
* @module themes/accordion
import { ColorSchemeDesignToken } from '..';
export interface AccordionDesignTokens extends ColorSchemeDesignToken<AccordionDesignTokens> {
* Used to pass tokens of the root section
root?: {
* Transition duration of root
* @designToken accordion.transition.duration
transitionDuration?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the panel section
panel?: {
* Border width of panel
* @designToken accordion.panel.border.width
borderWidth?: string;
* Border color of panel
* @designToken accordion.panel.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the header section
header?: {
* Color of header
* @designToken accordion.header.color
color?: string;
* Hover color of header
* @designToken accordion.header.hover.color
hoverColor?: string;
* Active color of header
* @designToken
activeColor?: string;
* Padding of header
* @designToken accordion.header.padding
padding?: string;
* Font weight of header
* @designToken accordion.header.font.weight
fontWeight?: string;
* Border radius of header
* @designToken accordion.header.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Border width of header
* @designToken accordion.header.border.width
borderWidth?: string;
* Border color of header
* @designToken accordion.header.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Background of header
* @designToken accordion.header.background
background?: string;
* Hover background of header
* @designToken accordion.header.hover.background
hoverBackground?: string;
* Active background of header
* @designToken
activeBackground?: string;
* Active hover background of header
* @designToken
activeHoverBackground?: string;
* Focus ring of header
focusRing?: {
* Focus ring width of header
* @designToken accordion.header.focus.ring.width
width?: string;
* Focus ring style of header
* @designToken
style?: string;
* Focus ring color of header
* @designToken accordion.header.focus.ring.color
color?: string;
* Focus ring offset of header
* @designToken accordion.header.focus.ring.offset
offset?: string;
* Focus ring shadow of header
* @designToken accordion.header.focus.ring.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Toggle icon of header
toggleIcon?: {
* Toggle icon color of header
* @designToken accordion.header.toggle.icon.color
color?: string;
* Toggle icon hover color of header
* @designToken accordion.header.toggle.icon.hover.color
hoverColor?: string;
* Toggle icon active color of header
* @designToken
activeColor?: string;
* Toggle icon active hover color of header
* @designToken
activeHoverColor?: string;
* First of header
first?: {
* First top border radius of header
* @designToken
topBorderRadius?: string;
* First border width of header
* @designToken accordion.header.first.border.width
borderWidth?: string;
* Last of header
last?: {
* Last bottom border radius of header
* @designToken accordion.header.last.bottom.border.radius
bottomBorderRadius?: string;
* Last active bottom border radius of header
* @designToken
activeBottomBorderRadius?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the content section
content?: {
* Border width of content
* @designToken accordion.content.border.width
borderWidth?: string;
* Border color of content
* @designToken accordion.content.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Background of content
* @designToken accordion.content.background
background?: string;
* Color of content
* @designToken accordion.content.color
color?: string;
* Padding of content
* @designToken accordion.content.padding
padding?: string;
export * from '@primeuix/themes/types/accordion';

View File

@ -1,464 +1 @@
* AutoComplete Design Tokens
* [Live Demo](
* @module themes/autocomplete
import { ColorSchemeDesignToken } from '..';
export interface AutoCompleteDesignTokens extends ColorSchemeDesignToken<AutoCompleteDesignTokens> {
* Used to pass tokens of the root section
root?: {
* Background of root
* @designToken autocomplete.background
background?: string;
* Disabled background of root
* @designToken autocomplete.disabled.background
disabledBackground?: string;
* Filled background of root
* @designToken autocomplete.filled.background
filledBackground?: string;
* Filled hover background of root
* @designToken autocomplete.filled.hover.background
filledHoverBackground?: string;
* Filled focus background of root
* @designToken autocomplete.filled.focus.background
filledFocusBackground?: string;
* Border color of root
* @designToken autocomplete.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Hover border color of root
* @designToken autocomplete.hover.border.color
hoverBorderColor?: string;
* Focus border color of root
* @designToken autocomplete.focus.border.color
focusBorderColor?: string;
* Invalid border color of root
* @designToken autocomplete.invalid.border.color
invalidBorderColor?: string;
* Color of root
* @designToken autocomplete.color
color?: string;
* Disabled color of root
* @designToken autocomplete.disabled.color
disabledColor?: string;
* Placeholder color of root
* @designToken autocomplete.placeholder.color
placeholderColor?: string;
* Invalid placeholder color of root
* @designToken autocomplete.invalid.placeholder.color
invalidPlaceholderColor?: string;
* Shadow of root
* @designToken autocomplete.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Padding x of root
* @designToken autocomplete.padding.x
paddingX?: string;
* Padding y of root
* @designToken autocomplete.padding.y
paddingY?: string;
* Border radius of root
* @designToken autocomplete.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Focus ring of root
focusRing?: {
* Focus ring width of root
* @designToken autocomplete.focus.ring.width
width?: string;
* Focus ring style of root
* @designToken
style?: string;
* Focus ring color of root
* @designToken autocomplete.focus.ring.color
color?: string;
* Focus ring offset of root
* @designToken autocomplete.focus.ring.offset
offset?: string;
* Focus ring shadow of root
* @designToken autocomplete.focus.ring.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Transition duration of root
* @designToken autocomplete.transition.duration
transitionDuration?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the overlay section
overlay?: {
* Background of overlay
* @designToken autocomplete.overlay.background
background?: string;
* Border color of overlay
* @designToken autocomplete.overlay.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Border radius of overlay
* @designToken autocomplete.overlay.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Color of overlay
* @designToken autocomplete.overlay.color
color?: string;
* Shadow of overlay
* @designToken autocomplete.overlay.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the list section
list?: {
* Padding of list
* @designToken autocomplete.list.padding
padding?: string;
* Gap of list
* @designToken
gap?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the option section
option?: {
* Focus background of option
* @designToken autocomplete.option.focus.background
focusBackground?: string;
* Selected background of option
* @designToken autocomplete.option.selected.background
selectedBackground?: string;
* Selected focus background of option
* @designToken autocomplete.option.selected.focus.background
selectedFocusBackground?: string;
* Color of option
* @designToken autocomplete.option.color
color?: string;
* Focus color of option
* @designToken autocomplete.option.focus.color
focusColor?: string;
* Selected color of option
* @designToken autocomplete.option.selected.color
selectedColor?: string;
* Selected focus color of option
* @designToken autocomplete.option.selected.focus.color
selectedFocusColor?: string;
* Padding of option
* @designToken autocomplete.option.padding
padding?: string;
* Border radius of option
* @designToken autocomplete.option.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the option group section
optionGroup?: {
* Background of option group
* @designToken
background?: string;
* Color of option group
* @designToken
color?: string;
* Font weight of option group
* @designToken
fontWeight?: string;
* Padding of option group
* @designToken
padding?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the dropdown section
dropdown?: {
* Width of dropdown
* @designToken autocomplete.dropdown.width
width?: string;
* Sm of dropdown
sm?: {
* Sm width of dropdown
* @designToken
width?: string;
* Lg of dropdown
lg?: {
* Lg width of dropdown
* @designToken autocomplete.dropdown.lg.width
width?: string;
* Border color of dropdown
* @designToken autocomplete.dropdown.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Hover border color of dropdown
* @designToken autocomplete.dropdown.hover.border.color
hoverBorderColor?: string;
* Active border color of dropdown
* @designToken
activeBorderColor?: string;
* Border radius of dropdown
* @designToken autocomplete.dropdown.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Focus ring of dropdown
focusRing?: {
* Focus ring width of dropdown
* @designToken autocomplete.dropdown.focus.ring.width
width?: string;
* Focus ring style of dropdown
* @designToken
style?: string;
* Focus ring color of dropdown
* @designToken autocomplete.dropdown.focus.ring.color
color?: string;
* Focus ring offset of dropdown
* @designToken autocomplete.dropdown.focus.ring.offset
offset?: string;
* Focus ring shadow of dropdown
* @designToken autocomplete.dropdown.focus.ring.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Background of dropdown
* @designToken autocomplete.dropdown.background
background?: string;
* Hover background of dropdown
* @designToken autocomplete.dropdown.hover.background
hoverBackground?: string;
* Active background of dropdown
* @designToken
activeBackground?: string;
* Color of dropdown
* @designToken autocomplete.dropdown.color
color?: string;
* Hover color of dropdown
* @designToken autocomplete.dropdown.hover.color
hoverColor?: string;
* Active color of dropdown
* @designToken
activeColor?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the chip section
chip?: {
* Border radius of chip
* @designToken autocomplete.chip.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Focus background of chip
* @designToken autocomplete.chip.focus.background
focusBackground?: string;
* Focus color of chip
* @designToken autocomplete.chip.focus.color
focusColor?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the empty message section
emptyMessage?: {
* Padding of empty message
* @designToken autocomplete.empty.message.padding
padding?: string;
export * from '@primeuix/themes/types/autocomplete';

View File

@ -1,173 +1 @@
* Avatar Design Tokens
* [Live Demo](
* @module themes/avatar
import { ColorSchemeDesignToken } from '..';
export interface AvatarDesignTokens extends ColorSchemeDesignToken<AvatarDesignTokens> {
* Used to pass tokens of the root section
root?: {
* Width of root
* @designToken avatar.width
width?: string;
* Height of root
* @designToken avatar.height
height?: string;
* Font size of root
* @designToken avatar.font.size
fontSize?: string;
* Background of root
* @designToken avatar.background
background?: string;
* Color of root
* @designToken avatar.color
color?: string;
* Border radius of root
* @designToken avatar.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the icon section
icon?: {
* Size of icon
* @designToken avatar.icon.size
size?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the group section
group?: {
* Border color of group
* @designToken
borderColor?: string;
* Offset of group
* @designToken
offset?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the lg section
lg?: {
* Width of lg
* @designToken avatar.lg.width
width?: string;
* Height of lg
* @designToken avatar.lg.height
height?: string;
* Font size of lg
* @designToken avatar.lg.font.size
fontSize?: string;
* Icon of lg
icon?: {
* Icon size of lg
* @designToken avatar.lg.icon.size
size?: string;
* Group of lg
group?: {
* Group offset of lg
* @designToken
offset?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the xl section
xl?: {
* Width of xl
* @designToken avatar.xl.width
width?: string;
* Height of xl
* @designToken avatar.xl.height
height?: string;
* Font size of xl
* @designToken avatar.xl.font.size
fontSize?: string;
* Icon of xl
icon?: {
* Icon size of xl
* @designToken avatar.xl.icon.size
size?: string;
* Group of xl
group?: {
* Group offset of xl
* @designToken
offset?: string;
export * from '@primeuix/themes/types/avatar';

View File

@ -1,254 +1 @@
* Badge Design Tokens
* [Live Demo](
* @module themes/badge
import { ColorSchemeDesignToken } from '..';
export interface BadgeDesignTokens extends ColorSchemeDesignToken<BadgeDesignTokens> {
* Used to pass tokens of the root section
root?: {
* Border radius of root
* @designToken badge.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Padding of root
* @designToken badge.padding
padding?: string;
* Font size of root
* @designToken badge.font.size
fontSize?: string;
* Font weight of root
* @designToken badge.font.weight
fontWeight?: string;
* Min width of root
* @designToken badge.min.width
minWidth?: string;
* Height of root
* @designToken badge.height
height?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the dot section
dot?: {
* Size of dot
* @designToken
size?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the sm section
sm?: {
* Font size of sm
* @designToken
fontSize?: string;
* Min width of sm
* @designToken
minWidth?: string;
* Height of sm
* @designToken
height?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the lg section
lg?: {
* Font size of lg
* @designToken badge.lg.font.size
fontSize?: string;
* Min width of lg
* @designToken badge.lg.min.width
minWidth?: string;
* Height of lg
* @designToken badge.lg.height
height?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the xl section
xl?: {
* Font size of xl
* @designToken badge.xl.font.size
fontSize?: string;
* Min width of xl
* @designToken badge.xl.min.width
minWidth?: string;
* Height of xl
* @designToken badge.xl.height
height?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the primary section
primary?: {
* Background of primary
* @designToken badge.primary.background
background?: string;
* Color of primary
* @designToken badge.primary.color
color?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the secondary section
secondary?: {
* Background of secondary
* @designToken badge.secondary.background
background?: string;
* Color of secondary
* @designToken badge.secondary.color
color?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the success section
success?: {
* Background of success
* @designToken badge.success.background
background?: string;
* Color of success
* @designToken badge.success.color
color?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the info section
info?: {
* Background of info
* @designToken
background?: string;
* Color of info
* @designToken
color?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the warn section
warn?: {
* Background of warn
* @designToken badge.warn.background
background?: string;
* Color of warn
* @designToken badge.warn.color
color?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the danger section
danger?: {
* Background of danger
* @designToken badge.danger.background
background?: string;
* Color of danger
* @designToken badge.danger.color
color?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the contrast section
contrast?: {
* Background of contrast
* @designToken badge.contrast.background
background?: string;
* Color of contrast
* @designToken badge.contrast.color
color?: string;
export * from '@primeuix/themes/types/badge';

View File

@ -1,25 +1 @@
* BlockUI Design Tokens
* [Live Demo](
* @module themes/blockui
import { ColorSchemeDesignToken } from '..';
export interface BlockUIDesignTokens extends ColorSchemeDesignToken<BlockUIDesignTokens> {
* Used to pass tokens of the root section
root?: {
* Border radius of root
* @designToken blockui.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
export * from '@primeuix/themes/types/blockui';

View File

@ -1,135 +1 @@
* Breadcrumb Design Tokens
* [Live Demo](
* @module themes/breadcrumb
import { ColorSchemeDesignToken } from '..';
export interface BreadcrumbDesignTokens extends ColorSchemeDesignToken<BreadcrumbDesignTokens> {
* Used to pass tokens of the root section
root?: {
* Padding of root
* @designToken breadcrumb.padding
padding?: string;
* Background of root
* @designToken breadcrumb.background
background?: string;
* Gap of root
* @designToken
gap?: string;
* Transition duration of root
* @designToken breadcrumb.transition.duration
transitionDuration?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the item section
item?: {
* Color of item
* @designToken breadcrumb.item.color
color?: string;
* Hover color of item
* @designToken breadcrumb.item.hover.color
hoverColor?: string;
* Border radius of item
* @designToken breadcrumb.item.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Gap of item
* @designToken
gap?: string;
* Icon of item
icon?: {
* Icon color of item
* @designToken breadcrumb.item.icon.color
color?: string;
* Icon hover color of item
* @designToken breadcrumb.item.icon.hover.color
hoverColor?: string;
* Focus ring of item
focusRing?: {
* Focus ring width of item
* @designToken breadcrumb.item.focus.ring.width
width?: string;
* Focus ring style of item
* @designToken
style?: string;
* Focus ring color of item
* @designToken breadcrumb.item.focus.ring.color
color?: string;
* Focus ring offset of item
* @designToken breadcrumb.item.focus.ring.offset
offset?: string;
* Focus ring shadow of item
* @designToken breadcrumb.item.focus.ring.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the separator section
separator?: {
* Color of separator
* @designToken breadcrumb.separator.color
color?: string;
export * from '@primeuix/themes/types/breadcrumb';

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,99 +1 @@
* Card Design Tokens
* [Live Demo](
* @module themes/card
import { ColorSchemeDesignToken } from '..';
export interface CardDesignTokens extends ColorSchemeDesignToken<CardDesignTokens> {
* Used to pass tokens of the root section
root?: {
* Background of root
* @designToken card.background
background?: string;
* Border radius of root
* @designToken card.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Color of root
* @designToken card.color
color?: string;
* Shadow of root
* @designToken card.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the body section
body?: {
* Padding of body
* @designToken card.body.padding
padding?: string;
* Gap of body
* @designToken
gap?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the caption section
caption?: {
* Gap of caption
* @designToken
gap?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the title section
title?: {
* Font size of title
* @designToken card.title.font.size
fontSize?: string;
* Font weight of title
* @designToken card.title.font.weight
fontWeight?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the subtitle section
subtitle?: {
* Color of subtitle
* @designToken card.subtitle.color
color?: string;
export * from '@primeuix/themes/types/card';

View File

@ -1,129 +1 @@
* Carousel Design Tokens
* [Live Demo](
* @module themes/carousel
import { ColorSchemeDesignToken } from '..';
export interface CarouselDesignTokens extends ColorSchemeDesignToken<CarouselDesignTokens> {
* Used to pass tokens of the root section
root?: {
* Transition duration of root
* @designToken carousel.transition.duration
transitionDuration?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the content section
content?: {
* Gap of content
* @designToken
gap?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the indicator list section
indicatorList?: {
* Padding of indicator list
* @designToken carousel.indicator.list.padding
padding?: string;
* Gap of indicator list
* @designToken
gap?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the indicator section
indicator?: {
* Width of indicator
* @designToken carousel.indicator.width
width?: string;
* Height of indicator
* @designToken carousel.indicator.height
height?: string;
* Border radius of indicator
* @designToken carousel.indicator.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Focus ring of indicator
focusRing?: {
* Focus ring width of indicator
* @designToken carousel.indicator.focus.ring.width
width?: string;
* Focus ring style of indicator
* @designToken
style?: string;
* Focus ring color of indicator
* @designToken carousel.indicator.focus.ring.color
color?: string;
* Focus ring offset of indicator
* @designToken carousel.indicator.focus.ring.offset
offset?: string;
* Focus ring shadow of indicator
* @designToken carousel.indicator.focus.ring.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Background of indicator
* @designToken carousel.indicator.background
background?: string;
* Hover background of indicator
* @designToken carousel.indicator.hover.background
hoverBackground?: string;
* Active background of indicator
* @designToken
activeBackground?: string;
export * from '@primeuix/themes/types/carousel';

View File

@ -1,376 +1 @@
* CascadeSelect Design Tokens
* [Live Demo](
* @module themes/cascadeselect
import { ColorSchemeDesignToken } from '..';
export interface CascadeSelectDesignTokens extends ColorSchemeDesignToken<CascadeSelectDesignTokens> {
* Used to pass tokens of the root section
root?: {
* Background of root
* @designToken cascadeselect.background
background?: string;
* Disabled background of root
* @designToken cascadeselect.disabled.background
disabledBackground?: string;
* Filled background of root
* @designToken cascadeselect.filled.background
filledBackground?: string;
* Filled hover background of root
* @designToken cascadeselect.filled.hover.background
filledHoverBackground?: string;
* Filled focus background of root
* @designToken cascadeselect.filled.focus.background
filledFocusBackground?: string;
* Border color of root
* @designToken cascadeselect.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Hover border color of root
* @designToken cascadeselect.hover.border.color
hoverBorderColor?: string;
* Focus border color of root
* @designToken cascadeselect.focus.border.color
focusBorderColor?: string;
* Invalid border color of root
* @designToken cascadeselect.invalid.border.color
invalidBorderColor?: string;
* Color of root
* @designToken cascadeselect.color
color?: string;
* Disabled color of root
* @designToken cascadeselect.disabled.color
disabledColor?: string;
* Placeholder color of root
* @designToken cascadeselect.placeholder.color
placeholderColor?: string;
* Invalid placeholder color of root
* @designToken cascadeselect.invalid.placeholder.color
invalidPlaceholderColor?: string;
* Shadow of root
* @designToken cascadeselect.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Padding x of root
* @designToken cascadeselect.padding.x
paddingX?: string;
* Padding y of root
* @designToken cascadeselect.padding.y
paddingY?: string;
* Border radius of root
* @designToken cascadeselect.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Focus ring of root
focusRing?: {
* Focus ring width of root
* @designToken cascadeselect.focus.ring.width
width?: string;
* Focus ring style of root
* @designToken
style?: string;
* Focus ring color of root
* @designToken cascadeselect.focus.ring.color
color?: string;
* Focus ring offset of root
* @designToken cascadeselect.focus.ring.offset
offset?: string;
* Focus ring shadow of root
* @designToken cascadeselect.focus.ring.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Transition duration of root
* @designToken cascadeselect.transition.duration
transitionDuration?: string;
* Sm of root
sm?: {
* Sm font size of root
* @designToken
fontSize?: string;
* Sm padding x of root
* @designToken
paddingX?: string;
* Sm padding y of root
* @designToken
paddingY?: string;
* Lg of root
lg?: {
* Lg font size of root
* @designToken cascadeselect.lg.font.size
fontSize?: string;
* Lg padding x of root
* @designToken cascadeselect.lg.padding.x
paddingX?: string;
* Lg padding y of root
* @designToken cascadeselect.lg.padding.y
paddingY?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the dropdown section
dropdown?: {
* Width of dropdown
* @designToken cascadeselect.dropdown.width
width?: string;
* Color of dropdown
* @designToken cascadeselect.dropdown.color
color?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the overlay section
overlay?: {
* Background of overlay
* @designToken cascadeselect.overlay.background
background?: string;
* Border color of overlay
* @designToken cascadeselect.overlay.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Border radius of overlay
* @designToken cascadeselect.overlay.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Color of overlay
* @designToken cascadeselect.overlay.color
color?: string;
* Shadow of overlay
* @designToken cascadeselect.overlay.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the list section
list?: {
* Padding of list
* @designToken cascadeselect.list.padding
padding?: string;
* Gap of list
* @designToken
gap?: string;
* Mobile indent of list
* @designToken
mobileIndent?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the option section
option?: {
* Focus background of option
* @designToken cascadeselect.option.focus.background
focusBackground?: string;
* Selected background of option
* @designToken cascadeselect.option.selected.background
selectedBackground?: string;
* Selected focus background of option
* @designToken cascadeselect.option.selected.focus.background
selectedFocusBackground?: string;
* Color of option
* @designToken cascadeselect.option.color
color?: string;
* Focus color of option
* @designToken cascadeselect.option.focus.color
focusColor?: string;
* Selected color of option
* @designToken cascadeselect.option.selected.color
selectedColor?: string;
* Selected focus color of option
* @designToken cascadeselect.option.selected.focus.color
selectedFocusColor?: string;
* Padding of option
* @designToken cascadeselect.option.padding
padding?: string;
* Border radius of option
* @designToken cascadeselect.option.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Icon of option
icon?: {
* Icon color of option
* @designToken cascadeselect.option.icon.color
color?: string;
* Icon focus color of option
* @designToken cascadeselect.option.icon.focus.color
focusColor?: string;
* Icon size of option
* @designToken cascadeselect.option.icon.size
size?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the clear icon section
clearIcon?: {
* Color of clear icon
* @designToken cascadeselect.clear.icon.color
color?: string;
export * from '@primeuix/themes/types/cascadeselect';

View File

@ -1,253 +1 @@
* Checkbox Design Tokens
* [Live Demo](
* @module themes/checkbox
import { ColorSchemeDesignToken } from '..';
export interface CheckboxDesignTokens extends ColorSchemeDesignToken<CheckboxDesignTokens> {
* Used to pass tokens of the root section
root?: {
* Border radius of root
* @designToken checkbox.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Width of root
* @designToken checkbox.width
width?: string;
* Height of root
* @designToken checkbox.height
height?: string;
* Background of root
* @designToken checkbox.background
background?: string;
* Checked background of root
* @designToken checkbox.checked.background
checkedBackground?: string;
* Checked hover background of root
* @designToken checkbox.checked.hover.background
checkedHoverBackground?: string;
* Disabled background of root
* @designToken checkbox.disabled.background
disabledBackground?: string;
* Filled background of root
* @designToken checkbox.filled.background
filledBackground?: string;
* Border color of root
* @designToken checkbox.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Hover border color of root
* @designToken checkbox.hover.border.color
hoverBorderColor?: string;
* Focus border color of root
* @designToken checkbox.focus.border.color
focusBorderColor?: string;
* Checked border color of root
* @designToken checkbox.checked.border.color
checkedBorderColor?: string;
* Checked hover border color of root
* @designToken checkbox.checked.hover.border.color
checkedHoverBorderColor?: string;
* Checked focus border color of root
* @designToken checkbox.checked.focus.border.color
checkedFocusBorderColor?: string;
* Checked disabled border color of root
* @designToken checkbox.checked.disabled.border.color
checkedDisabledBorderColor?: string;
* Invalid border color of root
* @designToken checkbox.invalid.border.color
invalidBorderColor?: string;
* Shadow of root
* @designToken checkbox.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Focus ring of root
focusRing?: {
* Focus ring width of root
* @designToken checkbox.focus.ring.width
width?: string;
* Focus ring style of root
* @designToken
style?: string;
* Focus ring color of root
* @designToken checkbox.focus.ring.color
color?: string;
* Focus ring offset of root
* @designToken checkbox.focus.ring.offset
offset?: string;
* Focus ring shadow of root
* @designToken checkbox.focus.ring.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Transition duration of root
* @designToken checkbox.transition.duration
transitionDuration?: string;
* Sm of root
sm?: {
* Sm width of root
* @designToken
width?: string;
* Sm height of root
* @designToken
height?: string;
* Lg of root
lg?: {
* Lg width of root
* @designToken checkbox.lg.width
width?: string;
* Lg height of root
* @designToken checkbox.lg.height
height?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the icon section
icon?: {
* Size of icon
* @designToken checkbox.icon.size
size?: string;
* Color of icon
* @designToken checkbox.icon.color
color?: string;
* Checked color of icon
* @designToken checkbox.icon.checked.color
checkedColor?: string;
* Checked hover color of icon
* @designToken checkbox.icon.checked.hover.color
checkedHoverColor?: string;
* Disabled color of icon
* @designToken checkbox.icon.disabled.color
disabledColor?: string;
* Sm of icon
sm?: {
* Sm size of icon
* @designToken
size?: string;
* Lg of icon
lg?: {
* Lg size of icon
* @designToken checkbox.icon.lg.size
size?: string;
export * from '@primeuix/themes/types/checkbox';

View File

@ -1,147 +1 @@
* Chip Design Tokens
* [Live Demo](
* @module themes/chip
import { ColorSchemeDesignToken } from '..';
export interface ChipDesignTokens extends ColorSchemeDesignToken<ChipDesignTokens> {
* Used to pass tokens of the root section
root?: {
* Border radius of root
* @designToken chip.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Padding x of root
* @designToken chip.padding.x
paddingX?: string;
* Padding y of root
* @designToken chip.padding.y
paddingY?: string;
* Gap of root
* @designToken
gap?: string;
* Transition duration of root
* @designToken chip.transition.duration
transitionDuration?: string;
* Background of root
* @designToken chip.background
background?: string;
* Color of root
* @designToken chip.color
color?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the image section
image?: {
* Width of image
* @designToken chip.image.width
width?: string;
* Height of image
* @designToken chip.image.height
height?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the icon section
icon?: {
* Size of icon
* @designToken chip.icon.size
size?: string;
* Color of icon
* @designToken chip.icon.color
color?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the remove icon section
removeIcon?: {
* Size of remove icon
* @designToken chip.remove.icon.size
size?: string;
* Focus ring of remove icon
focusRing?: {
* Focus ring width of remove icon
* @designToken chip.remove.icon.focus.ring.width
width?: string;
* Focus ring style of remove icon
* @designToken
style?: string;
* Focus ring color of remove icon
* @designToken chip.remove.icon.focus.ring.color
color?: string;
* Focus ring offset of remove icon
* @designToken chip.remove.icon.focus.ring.offset
offset?: string;
* Focus ring shadow of remove icon
* @designToken chip.remove.icon.focus.ring.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Color of remove icon
* @designToken chip.remove.icon.color
color?: string;
export * from '@primeuix/themes/types/chip';

View File

@ -1,123 +1 @@
* ColorPicker Design Tokens
* [Live Demo](
* @module themes/colorpicker
import { ColorSchemeDesignToken } from '..';
export interface ColorPickerDesignTokens extends ColorSchemeDesignToken<ColorPickerDesignTokens> {
* Used to pass tokens of the root section
root?: {
* Transition duration of root
* @designToken colorpicker.transition.duration
transitionDuration?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the preview section
preview?: {
* Width of preview
* @designToken colorpicker.preview.width
width?: string;
* Height of preview
* @designToken colorpicker.preview.height
height?: string;
* Border radius of preview
* @designToken colorpicker.preview.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Focus ring of preview
focusRing?: {
* Focus ring width of preview
* @designToken colorpicker.preview.focus.ring.width
width?: string;
* Focus ring style of preview
* @designToken
style?: string;
* Focus ring color of preview
* @designToken colorpicker.preview.focus.ring.color
color?: string;
* Focus ring offset of preview
* @designToken colorpicker.preview.focus.ring.offset
offset?: string;
* Focus ring shadow of preview
* @designToken colorpicker.preview.focus.ring.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the panel section
panel?: {
* Shadow of panel
* @designToken colorpicker.panel.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Border radius of panel
* @designToken colorpicker.panel.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Background of panel
* @designToken colorpicker.panel.background
background?: string;
* Border color of panel
* @designToken colorpicker.panel.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the handle section
handle?: {
* Color of handle
* @designToken colorpicker.handle.color
color?: string;
export * from '@primeuix/themes/types/colorpicker';

View File

@ -1,42 +1 @@
* ConfirmDialog Design Tokens
* [Live Demo](
* @module themes/confirmdialog
import { ColorSchemeDesignToken } from '..';
export interface ConfirmDialogDesignTokens extends ColorSchemeDesignToken<ConfirmDialogDesignTokens> {
* Used to pass tokens of the icon section
icon?: {
* Size of icon
* @designToken confirmdialog.icon.size
size?: string;
* Color of icon
* @designToken confirmdialog.icon.color
color?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the content section
content?: {
* Gap of content
* @designToken
gap?: string;
export * from '@primeuix/themes/types/confirmdialog';

View File

@ -1,112 +1 @@
* ConfirmPopup Design Tokens
* [Live Demo](
* @module themes/confirmpopup
import { ColorSchemeDesignToken } from '..';
export interface ConfirmPopupDesignTokens extends ColorSchemeDesignToken<ConfirmPopupDesignTokens> {
* Used to pass tokens of the root section
root?: {
* Background of root
* @designToken confirmpopup.background
background?: string;
* Border color of root
* @designToken confirmpopup.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Color of root
* @designToken confirmpopup.color
color?: string;
* Border radius of root
* @designToken confirmpopup.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Shadow of root
* @designToken confirmpopup.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Gutter of root
* @designToken confirmpopup.gutter
gutter?: string;
* Arrow offset of root
* @designToken confirmpopup.arrow.offset
arrowOffset?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the content section
content?: {
* Padding of content
* @designToken confirmpopup.content.padding
padding?: string;
* Gap of content
* @designToken
gap?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the icon section
icon?: {
* Size of icon
* @designToken confirmpopup.icon.size
size?: string;
* Color of icon
* @designToken confirmpopup.icon.color
color?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the footer section
footer?: {
* Gap of footer
* @designToken
gap?: string;
* Padding of footer
* @designToken confirmpopup.footer.padding
padding?: string;
export * from '@primeuix/themes/types/confirmpopup';

View File

@ -1,199 +1 @@
* ContextMenu Design Tokens
* [Live Demo](
* @module themes/contextmenu
import { ColorSchemeDesignToken } from '..';
export interface ContextMenuDesignTokens extends ColorSchemeDesignToken<ContextMenuDesignTokens> {
* Used to pass tokens of the root section
root?: {
* Background of root
* @designToken contextmenu.background
background?: string;
* Border color of root
* @designToken contextmenu.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Color of root
* @designToken contextmenu.color
color?: string;
* Border radius of root
* @designToken contextmenu.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Shadow of root
* @designToken contextmenu.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Transition duration of root
* @designToken contextmenu.transition.duration
transitionDuration?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the list section
list?: {
* Padding of list
* @designToken contextmenu.list.padding
padding?: string;
* Gap of list
* @designToken
gap?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the item section
item?: {
* Focus background of item
* @designToken contextmenu.item.focus.background
focusBackground?: string;
* Active background of item
* @designToken
activeBackground?: string;
* Color of item
* @designToken contextmenu.item.color
color?: string;
* Focus color of item
* @designToken contextmenu.item.focus.color
focusColor?: string;
* Active color of item
* @designToken
activeColor?: string;
* Padding of item
* @designToken contextmenu.item.padding
padding?: string;
* Border radius of item
* @designToken contextmenu.item.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Gap of item
* @designToken
gap?: string;
* Icon of item
icon?: {
* Icon color of item
* @designToken contextmenu.item.icon.color
color?: string;
* Icon focus color of item
* @designToken contextmenu.item.icon.focus.color
focusColor?: string;
* Icon active color of item
* @designToken
activeColor?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the submenu section
submenu?: {
* Mobile indent of submenu
* @designToken
mobileIndent?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the submenu icon section
submenuIcon?: {
* Size of submenu icon
* @designToken contextmenu.submenu.icon.size
size?: string;
* Color of submenu icon
* @designToken contextmenu.submenu.icon.color
color?: string;
* Focus color of submenu icon
* @designToken contextmenu.submenu.icon.focus.color
focusColor?: string;
* Active color of submenu icon
* @designToken
activeColor?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the separator section
separator?: {
* Border color of separator
* @designToken contextmenu.separator.border.color
borderColor?: string;
export * from '@primeuix/themes/types/contextmenu';

View File

@ -1,841 +1 @@
* DataTable Design Tokens
* [Live Demo](
* @module themes/datatable
import { ColorSchemeDesignToken } from '..';
export interface DataTableDesignTokens extends ColorSchemeDesignToken<DataTableDesignTokens> {
* Used to pass tokens of the root section
root?: {
* Transition duration of root
* @designToken datatable.transition.duration
transitionDuration?: string;
* Border color of root
* @designToken datatable.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the header section
header?: {
* Background of header
* @designToken datatable.header.background
background?: string;
* Border color of header
* @designToken datatable.header.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Color of header
* @designToken datatable.header.color
color?: string;
* Border width of header
* @designToken datatable.header.border.width
borderWidth?: string;
* Padding of header
* @designToken datatable.header.padding
padding?: string;
* Sm of header
sm?: {
* Sm padding of header
* @designToken
padding?: string;
* Lg of header
lg?: {
* Lg padding of header
* @designToken datatable.header.lg.padding
padding?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the header cell section
headerCell?: {
* Background of header cell
* @designToken datatable.header.cell.background
background?: string;
* Hover background of header cell
* @designToken datatable.header.cell.hover.background
hoverBackground?: string;
* Selected background of header cell
* @designToken datatable.header.cell.selected.background
selectedBackground?: string;
* Border color of header cell
* @designToken datatable.header.cell.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Color of header cell
* @designToken datatable.header.cell.color
color?: string;
* Hover color of header cell
* @designToken datatable.header.cell.hover.color
hoverColor?: string;
* Selected color of header cell
* @designToken datatable.header.cell.selected.color
selectedColor?: string;
* Gap of header cell
* @designToken
gap?: string;
* Padding of header cell
* @designToken datatable.header.cell.padding
padding?: string;
* Focus ring of header cell
focusRing?: {
* Focus ring width of header cell
* @designToken datatable.header.cell.focus.ring.width
width?: string;
* Focus ring style of header cell
* @designToken
style?: string;
* Focus ring color of header cell
* @designToken datatable.header.cell.focus.ring.color
color?: string;
* Focus ring offset of header cell
* @designToken datatable.header.cell.focus.ring.offset
offset?: string;
* Focus ring shadow of header cell
* @designToken datatable.header.cell.focus.ring.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Sm of header cell
sm?: {
* Sm padding of header cell
* @designToken
padding?: string;
* Lg of header cell
lg?: {
* Lg padding of header cell
* @designToken datatable.header.cell.lg.padding
padding?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the column title section
columnTitle?: {
* Font weight of column title
* @designToken datatable.column.title.font.weight
fontWeight?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the row section
row?: {
* Background of row
* @designToken datatable.row.background
background?: string;
* Hover background of row
* @designToken datatable.row.hover.background
hoverBackground?: string;
* Selected background of row
* @designToken datatable.row.selected.background
selectedBackground?: string;
* Color of row
* @designToken datatable.row.color
color?: string;
* Hover color of row
* @designToken datatable.row.hover.color
hoverColor?: string;
* Selected color of row
* @designToken datatable.row.selected.color
selectedColor?: string;
* Focus ring of row
focusRing?: {
* Focus ring width of row
* @designToken datatable.row.focus.ring.width
width?: string;
* Focus ring style of row
* @designToken
style?: string;
* Focus ring color of row
* @designToken datatable.row.focus.ring.color
color?: string;
* Focus ring offset of row
* @designToken datatable.row.focus.ring.offset
offset?: string;
* Focus ring shadow of row
* @designToken datatable.row.focus.ring.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Striped background of row
* @designToken datatable.row.striped.background
stripedBackground?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the body cell section
bodyCell?: {
* Border color of body cell
* @designToken datatable.body.cell.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Padding of body cell
* @designToken datatable.body.cell.padding
padding?: string;
* Sm of body cell
sm?: {
* Sm padding of body cell
* @designToken
padding?: string;
* Lg of body cell
lg?: {
* Lg padding of body cell
* @designToken datatable.body.cell.lg.padding
padding?: string;
* Selected border color of body cell
* @designToken datatable.body.cell.selected.border.color
selectedBorderColor?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the footer cell section
footerCell?: {
* Background of footer cell
* @designToken datatable.footer.cell.background
background?: string;
* Border color of footer cell
* @designToken datatable.footer.cell.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Color of footer cell
* @designToken datatable.footer.cell.color
color?: string;
* Padding of footer cell
* @designToken datatable.footer.cell.padding
padding?: string;
* Sm of footer cell
sm?: {
* Sm padding of footer cell
* @designToken
padding?: string;
* Lg of footer cell
lg?: {
* Lg padding of footer cell
* @designToken datatable.footer.cell.lg.padding
padding?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the column footer section
columnFooter?: {
* Font weight of column footer
* @designToken datatable.column.footer.font.weight
fontWeight?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the footer section
footer?: {
* Background of footer
* @designToken datatable.footer.background
background?: string;
* Border color of footer
* @designToken datatable.footer.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Color of footer
* @designToken datatable.footer.color
color?: string;
* Border width of footer
* @designToken datatable.footer.border.width
borderWidth?: string;
* Padding of footer
* @designToken datatable.footer.padding
padding?: string;
* Sm of footer
sm?: {
* Sm padding of footer
* @designToken
padding?: string;
* Lg of footer
lg?: {
* Lg padding of footer
* @designToken datatable.footer.lg.padding
padding?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the drop point section
dropPoint?: {
* Color of drop point
* @designToken datatable.drop.point.color
color?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the column resizer section
columnResizer?: {
* Width of column resizer
* @designToken datatable.column.resizer.width
width?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the resize indicator section
resizeIndicator?: {
* Width of resize indicator
* @designToken datatable.resize.indicator.width
width?: string;
* Color of resize indicator
* @designToken datatable.resize.indicator.color
color?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the sort icon section
sortIcon?: {
* Color of sort icon
* @designToken datatable.sort.icon.color
color?: string;
* Hover color of sort icon
* @designToken datatable.sort.icon.hover.color
hoverColor?: string;
* Size of sort icon
* @designToken datatable.sort.icon.size
size?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the loading icon section
loadingIcon?: {
* Size of loading icon
* @designToken datatable.loading.icon.size
size?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the row toggle button section
rowToggleButton?: {
* Hover background of row toggle button
* @designToken datatable.row.toggle.button.hover.background
hoverBackground?: string;
* Selected hover background of row toggle button
* @designToken datatable.row.toggle.button.selected.hover.background
selectedHoverBackground?: string;
* Color of row toggle button
* @designToken datatable.row.toggle.button.color
color?: string;
* Hover color of row toggle button
* @designToken datatable.row.toggle.button.hover.color
hoverColor?: string;
* Selected hover color of row toggle button
* @designToken datatable.row.toggle.button.selected.hover.color
selectedHoverColor?: string;
* Size of row toggle button
* @designToken datatable.row.toggle.button.size
size?: string;
* Border radius of row toggle button
* @designToken datatable.row.toggle.button.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Focus ring of row toggle button
focusRing?: {
* Focus ring width of row toggle button
* @designToken datatable.row.toggle.button.focus.ring.width
width?: string;
* Focus ring style of row toggle button
* @designToken
style?: string;
* Focus ring color of row toggle button
* @designToken datatable.row.toggle.button.focus.ring.color
color?: string;
* Focus ring offset of row toggle button
* @designToken datatable.row.toggle.button.focus.ring.offset
offset?: string;
* Focus ring shadow of row toggle button
* @designToken datatable.row.toggle.button.focus.ring.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the filter section
filter?: {
* Inline gap of filter
* @designToken
inlineGap?: string;
* Overlay select of filter
overlaySelect?: {
* Overlay select background of filter
* @designToken
background?: string;
* Overlay select border color of filter
* @designToken
borderColor?: string;
* Overlay select border radius of filter
* @designToken
borderRadius?: string;
* Overlay select color of filter
* @designToken
color?: string;
* Overlay select shadow of filter
* @designToken
shadow?: string;
* Overlay popover of filter
overlayPopover?: {
* Overlay popover background of filter
* @designToken datatable.filter.overlay.popover.background
background?: string;
* Overlay popover border color of filter
* @designToken datatable.filter.overlay.popover.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Overlay popover border radius of filter
* @designToken datatable.filter.overlay.popover.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Overlay popover color of filter
* @designToken datatable.filter.overlay.popover.color
color?: string;
* Overlay popover shadow of filter
* @designToken datatable.filter.overlay.popover.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Overlay popover padding of filter
* @designToken datatable.filter.overlay.popover.padding
padding?: string;
* Overlay popover gap of filter
* @designToken
gap?: string;
* Rule of filter
rule?: {
* Rule border color of filter
* @designToken datatable.filter.rule.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Constraint list of filter
constraintList?: {
* Constraint list padding of filter
* @designToken datatable.filter.constraint.list.padding
padding?: string;
* Constraint list gap of filter
* @designToken
gap?: string;
* Constraint of filter
constraint?: {
* Constraint focus background of filter
* @designToken datatable.filter.constraint.focus.background
focusBackground?: string;
* Constraint selected background of filter
* @designToken datatable.filter.constraint.selected.background
selectedBackground?: string;
* Constraint selected focus background of filter
* @designToken datatable.filter.constraint.selected.focus.background
selectedFocusBackground?: string;
* Constraint color of filter
* @designToken datatable.filter.constraint.color
color?: string;
* Constraint focus color of filter
* @designToken datatable.filter.constraint.focus.color
focusColor?: string;
* Constraint selected color of filter
* @designToken datatable.filter.constraint.selected.color
selectedColor?: string;
* Constraint selected focus color of filter
* @designToken datatable.filter.constraint.selected.focus.color
selectedFocusColor?: string;
* Constraint separator of filter
separator?: {
* Constraint separator border color of filter
* @designToken datatable.filter.constraint.separator.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Constraint padding of filter
* @designToken datatable.filter.constraint.padding
padding?: string;
* Constraint border radius of filter
* @designToken datatable.filter.constraint.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the paginator top section
paginatorTop?: {
* Border color of paginator top
* @designToken
borderColor?: string;
* Border width of paginator top
* @designToken
borderWidth?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the paginator bottom section
paginatorBottom?: {
* Border color of paginator bottom
* @designToken datatable.paginator.bottom.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Border width of paginator bottom
* @designToken datatable.paginator.bottom.border.width
borderWidth?: string;
export * from '@primeuix/themes/types/datatable';

View File

@ -1,200 +1 @@
* DataView Design Tokens
* [Live Demo](
* @module themes/dataview
import { ColorSchemeDesignToken } from '..';
export interface DataViewDesignTokens extends ColorSchemeDesignToken<DataViewDesignTokens> {
* Used to pass tokens of the root section
root?: {
* Border color of root
* @designToken dataview.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Border width of root
* @designToken dataview.border.width
borderWidth?: string;
* Border radius of root
* @designToken dataview.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Padding of root
* @designToken dataview.padding
padding?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the header section
header?: {
* Background of header
* @designToken dataview.header.background
background?: string;
* Color of header
* @designToken dataview.header.color
color?: string;
* Border color of header
* @designToken dataview.header.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Border width of header
* @designToken dataview.header.border.width
borderWidth?: string;
* Padding of header
* @designToken dataview.header.padding
padding?: string;
* Border radius of header
* @designToken dataview.header.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the content section
content?: {
* Background of content
* @designToken dataview.content.background
background?: string;
* Color of content
* @designToken dataview.content.color
color?: string;
* Border color of content
* @designToken dataview.content.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Border width of content
* @designToken dataview.content.border.width
borderWidth?: string;
* Padding of content
* @designToken dataview.content.padding
padding?: string;
* Border radius of content
* @designToken dataview.content.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the footer section
footer?: {
* Background of footer
* @designToken dataview.footer.background
background?: string;
* Color of footer
* @designToken dataview.footer.color
color?: string;
* Border color of footer
* @designToken dataview.footer.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Border width of footer
* @designToken dataview.footer.border.width
borderWidth?: string;
* Padding of footer
* @designToken dataview.footer.padding
padding?: string;
* Border radius of footer
* @designToken dataview.footer.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the paginator top section
paginatorTop?: {
* Border color of paginator top
* @designToken
borderColor?: string;
* Border width of paginator top
* @designToken
borderWidth?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the paginator bottom section
paginatorBottom?: {
* Border color of paginator bottom
* @designToken dataview.paginator.bottom.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Border width of paginator bottom
* @designToken dataview.paginator.bottom.border.width
borderWidth?: string;
export * from '@primeuix/themes/types/dataview';

View File

@ -1,597 +1 @@
* DatePicker Design Tokens
* [Live Demo](
* @module themes/datepicker
import { ColorSchemeDesignToken } from '..';
export interface DatePickerDesignTokens extends ColorSchemeDesignToken<DatePickerDesignTokens> {
* Used to pass tokens of the root section
root?: {
* Transition duration of root
* @designToken datepicker.transition.duration
transitionDuration?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the panel section
panel?: {
* Background of panel
* @designToken datepicker.panel.background
background?: string;
* Border color of panel
* @designToken datepicker.panel.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Color of panel
* @designToken datepicker.panel.color
color?: string;
* Border radius of panel
* @designToken datepicker.panel.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Shadow of panel
* @designToken datepicker.panel.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Padding of panel
* @designToken datepicker.panel.padding
padding?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the header section
header?: {
* Background of header
* @designToken datepicker.header.background
background?: string;
* Border color of header
* @designToken datepicker.header.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Color of header
* @designToken datepicker.header.color
color?: string;
* Padding of header
* @designToken datepicker.header.padding
padding?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the title section
title?: {
* Gap of title
* @designToken
gap?: string;
* Font weight of title
* @designToken datepicker.title.font.weight
fontWeight?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the dropdown section
dropdown?: {
* Width of dropdown
* @designToken datepicker.dropdown.width
width?: string;
* Sm of dropdown
sm?: {
* Sm width of dropdown
* @designToken
width?: string;
* Lg of dropdown
lg?: {
* Lg width of dropdown
* @designToken datepicker.dropdown.lg.width
width?: string;
* Border color of dropdown
* @designToken datepicker.dropdown.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Hover border color of dropdown
* @designToken datepicker.dropdown.hover.border.color
hoverBorderColor?: string;
* Active border color of dropdown
* @designToken
activeBorderColor?: string;
* Border radius of dropdown
* @designToken datepicker.dropdown.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Focus ring of dropdown
focusRing?: {
* Focus ring width of dropdown
* @designToken datepicker.dropdown.focus.ring.width
width?: string;
* Focus ring style of dropdown
* @designToken
style?: string;
* Focus ring color of dropdown
* @designToken datepicker.dropdown.focus.ring.color
color?: string;
* Focus ring offset of dropdown
* @designToken datepicker.dropdown.focus.ring.offset
offset?: string;
* Focus ring shadow of dropdown
* @designToken datepicker.dropdown.focus.ring.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Background of dropdown
* @designToken datepicker.dropdown.background
background?: string;
* Hover background of dropdown
* @designToken datepicker.dropdown.hover.background
hoverBackground?: string;
* Active background of dropdown
* @designToken
activeBackground?: string;
* Color of dropdown
* @designToken datepicker.dropdown.color
color?: string;
* Hover color of dropdown
* @designToken datepicker.dropdown.hover.color
hoverColor?: string;
* Active color of dropdown
* @designToken
activeColor?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the input icon section
inputIcon?: {
* Color of input icon
* @designToken datepicker.input.icon.color
color?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the select month section
selectMonth?: {
* Hover background of select month
* @designToken
hoverBackground?: string;
* Color of select month
* @designToken
color?: string;
* Hover color of select month
* @designToken
hoverColor?: string;
* Padding of select month
* @designToken
padding?: string;
* Border radius of select month
* @designToken
borderRadius?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the select year section
selectYear?: {
* Hover background of select year
* @designToken
hoverBackground?: string;
* Color of select year
* @designToken
color?: string;
* Hover color of select year
* @designToken
hoverColor?: string;
* Padding of select year
* @designToken
padding?: string;
* Border radius of select year
* @designToken
borderRadius?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the group section
group?: {
* Border color of group
* @designToken
borderColor?: string;
* Gap of group
* @designToken
gap?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the day view section
dayView?: {
* Margin of day view
* @designToken
margin?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the week day section
weekDay?: {
* Padding of week day
* @designToken
padding?: string;
* Font weight of week day
* @designToken
fontWeight?: string;
* Color of week day
* @designToken
color?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the date section
date?: {
* Hover background of date
* @designToken
hoverBackground?: string;
* Selected background of date
* @designToken
selectedBackground?: string;
* Range selected background of date
* @designToken
rangeSelectedBackground?: string;
* Color of date
* @designToken
color?: string;
* Hover color of date
* @designToken
hoverColor?: string;
* Selected color of date
* @designToken
selectedColor?: string;
* Range selected color of date
* @designToken
rangeSelectedColor?: string;
* Width of date
* @designToken
width?: string;
* Height of date
* @designToken
height?: string;
* Border radius of date
* @designToken
borderRadius?: string;
* Padding of date
* @designToken
padding?: string;
* Focus ring of date
focusRing?: {
* Focus ring width of date
* @designToken
width?: string;
* Focus ring style of date
* @designToken
style?: string;
* Focus ring color of date
* @designToken
color?: string;
* Focus ring offset of date
* @designToken
offset?: string;
* Focus ring shadow of date
* @designToken
shadow?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the month view section
monthView?: {
* Margin of month view
* @designToken datepicker.month.view.margin
margin?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the month section
month?: {
* Padding of month
* @designToken datepicker.month.padding
padding?: string;
* Border radius of month
* @designToken datepicker.month.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the year view section
yearView?: {
* Margin of year view
* @designToken datepicker.year.view.margin
margin?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the year section
year?: {
* Padding of year
* @designToken datepicker.year.padding
padding?: string;
* Border radius of year
* @designToken datepicker.year.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the buttonbar section
buttonbar?: {
* Padding of buttonbar
* @designToken datepicker.buttonbar.padding
padding?: string;
* Border color of buttonbar
* @designToken datepicker.buttonbar.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the time picker section
timePicker?: {
* Padding of time picker
* @designToken datepicker.time.picker.padding
padding?: string;
* Border color of time picker
* @designToken datepicker.time.picker.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Gap of time picker
* @designToken
gap?: string;
* Button gap of time picker
* @designToken
buttonGap?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the today section
today?: {
* Background of today
* @designToken
background?: string;
* Color of today
* @designToken
color?: string;
export * from '@primeuix/themes/types/datepicker';

View File

@ -1,111 +1 @@
* Dialog Design Tokens
* [Live Demo](
* @module themes/dialog
import { ColorSchemeDesignToken } from '..';
export interface DialogDesignTokens extends ColorSchemeDesignToken<DialogDesignTokens> {
* Used to pass tokens of the root section
root?: {
* Background of root
* @designToken dialog.background
background?: string;
* Border color of root
* @designToken dialog.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Color of root
* @designToken dialog.color
color?: string;
* Border radius of root
* @designToken dialog.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Shadow of root
* @designToken dialog.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the header section
header?: {
* Padding of header
* @designToken dialog.header.padding
padding?: string;
* Gap of header
* @designToken
gap?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the title section
title?: {
* Font size of title
* @designToken dialog.title.font.size
fontSize?: string;
* Font weight of title
* @designToken dialog.title.font.weight
fontWeight?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the content section
content?: {
* Padding of content
* @designToken dialog.content.padding
padding?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the footer section
footer?: {
* Padding of footer
* @designToken dialog.footer.padding
padding?: string;
* Gap of footer
* @designToken
gap?: string;
export * from '@primeuix/themes/types/dialog';

View File

@ -1,98 +1 @@
* Divider Design Tokens
* [Live Demo](
* @module themes/divider
import { ColorSchemeDesignToken } from '..';
export interface DividerDesignTokens extends ColorSchemeDesignToken<DividerDesignTokens> {
* Used to pass tokens of the root section
root?: {
* Border color of root
* @designToken divider.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the content section
content?: {
* Background of content
* @designToken divider.content.background
background?: string;
* Color of content
* @designToken divider.content.color
color?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the horizontal section
horizontal?: {
* Margin of horizontal
* @designToken divider.horizontal.margin
margin?: string;
* Padding of horizontal
* @designToken divider.horizontal.padding
padding?: string;
* Content of horizontal
content?: {
* Content padding of horizontal
* @designToken divider.horizontal.content.padding
padding?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the vertical section
vertical?: {
* Margin of vertical
* @designToken divider.vertical.margin
margin?: string;
* Padding of vertical
* @designToken divider.vertical.padding
padding?: string;
* Content of vertical
content?: {
* Content padding of vertical
* @designToken divider.vertical.content.padding
padding?: string;
export * from '@primeuix/themes/types/divider';

View File

@ -1,101 +1 @@
* Dock Design Tokens
* [Live Demo](
* @module themes/dock
import { ColorSchemeDesignToken } from '..';
export interface DockDesignTokens extends ColorSchemeDesignToken<DockDesignTokens> {
* Used to pass tokens of the root section
root?: {
* Background of root
* @designToken dock.background
background?: string;
* Border color of root
* @designToken dock.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Padding of root
* @designToken dock.padding
padding?: string;
* Border radius of root
* @designToken dock.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the item section
item?: {
* Border radius of item
* @designToken dock.item.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Padding of item
* @designToken dock.item.padding
padding?: string;
* Size of item
* @designToken dock.item.size
size?: string;
* Focus ring of item
focusRing?: {
* Focus ring width of item
* @designToken dock.item.focus.ring.width
width?: string;
* Focus ring style of item
* @designToken
style?: string;
* Focus ring color of item
* @designToken dock.item.focus.ring.color
color?: string;
* Focus ring offset of item
* @designToken dock.item.focus.ring.offset
offset?: string;
* Focus ring shadow of item
* @designToken dock.item.focus.ring.shadow
shadow?: string;
export * from '@primeuix/themes/types/dock';

View File

@ -1,93 +1 @@
* Drawer Design Tokens
* [Live Demo](
* @module themes/drawer
import { ColorSchemeDesignToken } from '..';
export interface DrawerDesignTokens extends ColorSchemeDesignToken<DrawerDesignTokens> {
* Used to pass tokens of the root section
root?: {
* Background of root
* @designToken drawer.background
background?: string;
* Border color of root
* @designToken drawer.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Color of root
* @designToken drawer.color
color?: string;
* Shadow of root
* @designToken drawer.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the header section
header?: {
* Padding of header
* @designToken drawer.header.padding
padding?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the title section
title?: {
* Font size of title
* @designToken drawer.title.font.size
fontSize?: string;
* Font weight of title
* @designToken drawer.title.font.weight
fontWeight?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the content section
content?: {
* Padding of content
* @designToken drawer.content.padding
padding?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the footer section
footer?: {
* Padding of footer
* @designToken drawer.footer.padding
padding?: string;
export * from '@primeuix/themes/types/drawer';

View File

@ -1,165 +1 @@
* Editor Design Tokens
* [Live Demo](
* @module themes/editor
import { ColorSchemeDesignToken } from '..';
export interface EditorDesignTokens extends ColorSchemeDesignToken<EditorDesignTokens> {
* Used to pass tokens of the toolbar section
toolbar?: {
* Background of toolbar
* @designToken editor.toolbar.background
background?: string;
* Border color of toolbar
* @designToken editor.toolbar.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Border radius of toolbar
* @designToken editor.toolbar.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the toolbar item section
toolbarItem?: {
* Color of toolbar item
* @designToken editor.toolbar.item.color
color?: string;
* Hover color of toolbar item
* @designToken editor.toolbar.item.hover.color
hoverColor?: string;
* Active color of toolbar item
* @designToken
activeColor?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the overlay section
overlay?: {
* Background of overlay
* @designToken editor.overlay.background
background?: string;
* Border color of overlay
* @designToken editor.overlay.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Border radius of overlay
* @designToken editor.overlay.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Color of overlay
* @designToken editor.overlay.color
color?: string;
* Shadow of overlay
* @designToken editor.overlay.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Padding of overlay
* @designToken editor.overlay.padding
padding?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the overlay option section
overlayOption?: {
* Focus background of overlay option
* @designToken editor.overlay.option.focus.background
focusBackground?: string;
* Color of overlay option
* @designToken editor.overlay.option.color
color?: string;
* Focus color of overlay option
* @designToken editor.overlay.option.focus.color
focusColor?: string;
* Padding of overlay option
* @designToken editor.overlay.option.padding
padding?: string;
* Border radius of overlay option
* @designToken editor.overlay.option.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the content section
content?: {
* Background of content
* @designToken editor.content.background
background?: string;
* Border color of content
* @designToken editor.content.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Color of content
* @designToken editor.content.color
color?: string;
* Border radius of content
* @designToken editor.content.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
export * from '@primeuix/themes/types/editor';

View File

@ -1,183 +1 @@
* Fieldset Design Tokens
* [Live Demo](
* @module themes/fieldset
import { ColorSchemeDesignToken } from '..';
export interface FieldsetDesignTokens extends ColorSchemeDesignToken<FieldsetDesignTokens> {
* Used to pass tokens of the root section
root?: {
* Background of root
* @designToken fieldset.background
background?: string;
* Border color of root
* @designToken fieldset.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Border radius of root
* @designToken fieldset.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Color of root
* @designToken fieldset.color
color?: string;
* Padding of root
* @designToken fieldset.padding
padding?: string;
* Transition duration of root
* @designToken fieldset.transition.duration
transitionDuration?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the legend section
legend?: {
* Background of legend
* @designToken fieldset.legend.background
background?: string;
* Hover background of legend
* @designToken fieldset.legend.hover.background
hoverBackground?: string;
* Color of legend
* @designToken fieldset.legend.color
color?: string;
* Hover color of legend
* @designToken fieldset.legend.hover.color
hoverColor?: string;
* Border radius of legend
* @designToken fieldset.legend.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Border width of legend
* @designToken fieldset.legend.border.width
borderWidth?: string;
* Border color of legend
* @designToken fieldset.legend.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Padding of legend
* @designToken fieldset.legend.padding
padding?: string;
* Gap of legend
* @designToken
gap?: string;
* Font weight of legend
* @designToken fieldset.legend.font.weight
fontWeight?: string;
* Focus ring of legend
focusRing?: {
* Focus ring width of legend
* @designToken fieldset.legend.focus.ring.width
width?: string;
* Focus ring style of legend
* @designToken
style?: string;
* Focus ring color of legend
* @designToken fieldset.legend.focus.ring.color
color?: string;
* Focus ring offset of legend
* @designToken fieldset.legend.focus.ring.offset
offset?: string;
* Focus ring shadow of legend
* @designToken fieldset.legend.focus.ring.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the toggle icon section
toggleIcon?: {
* Color of toggle icon
* @designToken fieldset.toggle.icon.color
color?: string;
* Hover color of toggle icon
* @designToken fieldset.toggle.icon.hover.color
hoverColor?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the content section
content?: {
* Padding of content
* @designToken fieldset.content.padding
padding?: string;
export * from '@primeuix/themes/types/fieldset';

View File

@ -1,186 +1 @@
* FileUpload Design Tokens
* [Live Demo](
* @module themes/fileupload
import { ColorSchemeDesignToken } from '..';
export interface FileUploadDesignTokens extends ColorSchemeDesignToken<FileUploadDesignTokens> {
* Used to pass tokens of the root section
root?: {
* Background of root
* @designToken fileupload.background
background?: string;
* Border color of root
* @designToken fileupload.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Color of root
* @designToken fileupload.color
color?: string;
* Border radius of root
* @designToken fileupload.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Transition duration of root
* @designToken fileupload.transition.duration
transitionDuration?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the header section
header?: {
* Background of header
* @designToken fileupload.header.background
background?: string;
* Color of header
* @designToken fileupload.header.color
color?: string;
* Padding of header
* @designToken fileupload.header.padding
padding?: string;
* Border color of header
* @designToken fileupload.header.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Border width of header
* @designToken fileupload.header.border.width
borderWidth?: string;
* Border radius of header
* @designToken fileupload.header.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Gap of header
* @designToken
gap?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the content section
content?: {
* Highlight border color of content
* @designToken fileupload.content.highlight.border.color
highlightBorderColor?: string;
* Padding of content
* @designToken fileupload.content.padding
padding?: string;
* Gap of content
* @designToken
gap?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the file section
file?: {
* Padding of file
* @designToken fileupload.file.padding
padding?: string;
* Gap of file
* @designToken
gap?: string;
* Border color of file
* @designToken fileupload.file.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Info of file
info?: {
* Info gap of file
* @designToken
gap?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the file list section
fileList?: {
* Gap of file list
* @designToken
gap?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the progressbar section
progressbar?: {
* Height of progressbar
* @designToken fileupload.progressbar.height
height?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the basic section
basic?: {
* Gap of basic
* @designToken
gap?: string;
export * from '@primeuix/themes/types/fileupload';

View File

@ -1,161 +1 @@
* FloatLabel Design Tokens
* [Live Demo](
* @module themes/floatlabel
import { ColorSchemeDesignToken } from '..';
export interface FloatLabelDesignTokens extends ColorSchemeDesignToken<FloatLabelDesignTokens> {
* Used to pass tokens of the root section
root?: {
* Color of root
* @designToken floatlabel.color
color?: string;
* Focus color of root
* @designToken floatlabel.focus.color
focusColor?: string;
* Active color of root
* @designToken
activeColor?: string;
* Invalid color of root
* @designToken floatlabel.invalid.color
invalidColor?: string;
* Transition duration of root
* @designToken floatlabel.transition.duration
transitionDuration?: string;
* Position x of root
* @designToken floatlabel.position.x
positionX?: string;
* Position y of root
* @designToken floatlabel.position.y
positionY?: string;
* Font weight of root
* @designToken floatlabel.font.weight
fontWeight?: string;
* Active of root
active?: {
* Active font size of root
* @designToken
fontSize?: string;
* Active font weight of root
* @designToken
fontWeight?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the over section
over?: {
* Active of over
active?: {
* Active top of over
* @designToken
top?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the in section
in?: {
* Input of in
input?: {
* Input padding top of in
* @designToken
paddingTop?: string;
* Input padding bottom of in
* @designToken
paddingBottom?: string;
* Active of in
active?: {
* Active top of in
* @designToken
top?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the on section
on?: {
* Border radius of on
* @designToken floatlabel.on.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Active of on
active?: {
* Active background of on
* @designToken
background?: string;
* Active padding of on
* @designToken
padding?: string;
export * from '@primeuix/themes/types/floatlabel';

View File

@ -1,499 +1 @@
* Galleria Design Tokens
* [Live Demo](
* @module themes/galleria
import { ColorSchemeDesignToken } from '..';
export interface GalleriaDesignTokens extends ColorSchemeDesignToken<GalleriaDesignTokens> {
* Used to pass tokens of the root section
root?: {
* Border width of root
* @designToken galleria.border.width
borderWidth?: string;
* Border color of root
* @designToken galleria.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Border radius of root
* @designToken galleria.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Transition duration of root
* @designToken galleria.transition.duration
transitionDuration?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the nav button section
navButton?: {
* Background of nav button
* @designToken galleria.nav.button.background
background?: string;
* Hover background of nav button
* @designToken galleria.nav.button.hover.background
hoverBackground?: string;
* Color of nav button
* @designToken galleria.nav.button.color
color?: string;
* Hover color of nav button
* @designToken galleria.nav.button.hover.color
hoverColor?: string;
* Size of nav button
* @designToken galleria.nav.button.size
size?: string;
* Gutter of nav button
* @designToken galleria.nav.button.gutter
gutter?: string;
* Prev of nav button
prev?: {
* Prev border radius of nav button
* @designToken galleria.nav.button.prev.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Next of nav button
next?: {
* Next border radius of nav button
* @designToken
borderRadius?: string;
* Focus ring of nav button
focusRing?: {
* Focus ring width of nav button
* @designToken galleria.nav.button.focus.ring.width
width?: string;
* Focus ring style of nav button
* @designToken
style?: string;
* Focus ring color of nav button
* @designToken galleria.nav.button.focus.ring.color
color?: string;
* Focus ring offset of nav button
* @designToken galleria.nav.button.focus.ring.offset
offset?: string;
* Focus ring shadow of nav button
* @designToken galleria.nav.button.focus.ring.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the nav icon section
navIcon?: {
* Size of nav icon
* @designToken galleria.nav.icon.size
size?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the thumbnails content section
thumbnailsContent?: {
* Background of thumbnails content
* @designToken galleria.thumbnails.content.background
background?: string;
* Padding of thumbnails content
* @designToken galleria.thumbnails.content.padding
padding?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the thumbnail nav button section
thumbnailNavButton?: {
* Size of thumbnail nav button
* @designToken galleria.thumbnail.nav.button.size
size?: string;
* Border radius of thumbnail nav button
* @designToken galleria.thumbnail.nav.button.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Gutter of thumbnail nav button
* @designToken galleria.thumbnail.nav.button.gutter
gutter?: string;
* Focus ring of thumbnail nav button
focusRing?: {
* Focus ring width of thumbnail nav button
* @designToken galleria.thumbnail.nav.button.focus.ring.width
width?: string;
* Focus ring style of thumbnail nav button
* @designToken
style?: string;
* Focus ring color of thumbnail nav button
* @designToken galleria.thumbnail.nav.button.focus.ring.color
color?: string;
* Focus ring offset of thumbnail nav button
* @designToken galleria.thumbnail.nav.button.focus.ring.offset
offset?: string;
* Focus ring shadow of thumbnail nav button
* @designToken galleria.thumbnail.nav.button.focus.ring.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Hover background of thumbnail nav button
* @designToken galleria.thumbnail.nav.button.hover.background
hoverBackground?: string;
* Color of thumbnail nav button
* @designToken galleria.thumbnail.nav.button.color
color?: string;
* Hover color of thumbnail nav button
* @designToken galleria.thumbnail.nav.button.hover.color
hoverColor?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the thumbnail nav button icon section
thumbnailNavButtonIcon?: {
* Size of thumbnail nav button icon
* @designToken galleria.thumbnail.nav.button.icon.size
size?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the caption section
caption?: {
* Background of caption
* @designToken galleria.caption.background
background?: string;
* Color of caption
* @designToken galleria.caption.color
color?: string;
* Padding of caption
* @designToken galleria.caption.padding
padding?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the indicator list section
indicatorList?: {
* Gap of indicator list
* @designToken
gap?: string;
* Padding of indicator list
* @designToken galleria.indicator.list.padding
padding?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the indicator button section
indicatorButton?: {
* Width of indicator button
* @designToken galleria.indicator.button.width
width?: string;
* Height of indicator button
* @designToken galleria.indicator.button.height
height?: string;
* Active background of indicator button
* @designToken
activeBackground?: string;
* Border radius of indicator button
* @designToken galleria.indicator.button.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Focus ring of indicator button
focusRing?: {
* Focus ring width of indicator button
* @designToken galleria.indicator.button.focus.ring.width
width?: string;
* Focus ring style of indicator button
* @designToken
style?: string;
* Focus ring color of indicator button
* @designToken galleria.indicator.button.focus.ring.color
color?: string;
* Focus ring offset of indicator button
* @designToken galleria.indicator.button.focus.ring.offset
offset?: string;
* Focus ring shadow of indicator button
* @designToken galleria.indicator.button.focus.ring.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Background of indicator button
* @designToken galleria.indicator.button.background
background?: string;
* Hover background of indicator button
* @designToken galleria.indicator.button.hover.background
hoverBackground?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the inset indicator list section
insetIndicatorList?: {
* Background of inset indicator list
* @designToken galleria.inset.indicator.list.background
background?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the inset indicator button section
insetIndicatorButton?: {
* Background of inset indicator button
* @designToken galleria.inset.indicator.button.background
background?: string;
* Hover background of inset indicator button
* @designToken galleria.inset.indicator.button.hover.background
hoverBackground?: string;
* Active background of inset indicator button
* @designToken
activeBackground?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the close button section
closeButton?: {
* Size of close button
* @designToken galleria.close.button.size
size?: string;
* Gutter of close button
* @designToken galleria.close.button.gutter
gutter?: string;
* Background of close button
* @designToken galleria.close.button.background
background?: string;
* Hover background of close button
* @designToken galleria.close.button.hover.background
hoverBackground?: string;
* Color of close button
* @designToken galleria.close.button.color
color?: string;
* Hover color of close button
* @designToken galleria.close.button.hover.color
hoverColor?: string;
* Border radius of close button
* @designToken galleria.close.button.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Focus ring of close button
focusRing?: {
* Focus ring width of close button
* @designToken galleria.close.button.focus.ring.width
width?: string;
* Focus ring style of close button
* @designToken
style?: string;
* Focus ring color of close button
* @designToken galleria.close.button.focus.ring.color
color?: string;
* Focus ring offset of close button
* @designToken galleria.close.button.focus.ring.offset
offset?: string;
* Focus ring shadow of close button
* @designToken galleria.close.button.focus.ring.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the close button icon section
closeButtonIcon?: {
* Size of close button icon
* @designToken galleria.close.button.icon.size
size?: string;
export * from '@primeuix/themes/types/galleria';

View File

@ -1,25 +1 @@
* IconField Design Tokens
* [Live Demo](
* @module themes/iconfield
import { ColorSchemeDesignToken } from '..';
export interface IconFieldDesignTokens extends ColorSchemeDesignToken<IconFieldDesignTokens> {
* Used to pass tokens of the icon section
icon?: {
* Color of icon
* @designToken iconfield.icon.color
color?: string;
export * from '@primeuix/themes/types/iconfield';

View File

@ -1,84 +1 @@
* IftaLabel Design Tokens
* [Live Demo](
* @module themes/iftalabel
import { ColorSchemeDesignToken } from '..';
export interface IftaLabelDesignTokens extends ColorSchemeDesignToken<IftaLabelDesignTokens> {
* Used to pass tokens of the root section
root?: {
* Color of root
* @designToken iftalabel.color
color?: string;
* Focus color of root
* @designToken iftalabel.focus.color
focusColor?: string;
* Invalid color of root
* @designToken iftalabel.invalid.color
invalidColor?: string;
* Transition duration of root
* @designToken iftalabel.transition.duration
transitionDuration?: string;
* Position x of root
* @designToken iftalabel.position.x
positionX?: string;
* Top of root
* @designToken
top?: string;
* Font size of root
* @designToken iftalabel.font.size
fontSize?: string;
* Font weight of root
* @designToken iftalabel.font.weight
fontWeight?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the input section
input?: {
* Padding top of input
* @designToken
paddingTop?: string;
* Padding bottom of input
* @designToken iftalabel.input.padding.bottom
paddingBottom?: string;
export * from '@primeuix/themes/types/iftalabel';

View File

@ -1,210 +1 @@
* Image Design Tokens
* [Live Demo](
* @module themes/image
import { ColorSchemeDesignToken } from '..';
export interface ImageDesignTokens extends ColorSchemeDesignToken<ImageDesignTokens> {
* Used to pass tokens of the root section
root?: {
* Transition duration of root
* @designToken image.transition.duration
transitionDuration?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the preview section
preview?: {
* Icon of preview
icon?: {
* Icon size of preview
* @designToken image.preview.icon.size
size?: string;
* Mask of preview
mask?: {
* Mask background of preview
* @designToken image.preview.mask.background
background?: string;
* Mask color of preview
* @designToken image.preview.mask.color
color?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the toolbar section
toolbar?: {
* Position of toolbar
position?: {
* Position left of toolbar
* @designToken image.toolbar.position.left
left?: string;
* Position right of toolbar
* @designToken image.toolbar.position.right
right?: string;
* Position top of toolbar
* @designToken
top?: string;
* Position bottom of toolbar
* @designToken image.toolbar.position.bottom
bottom?: string;
* Blur of toolbar
* @designToken image.toolbar.blur
blur?: string;
* Background of toolbar
* @designToken image.toolbar.background
background?: string;
* Border color of toolbar
* @designToken image.toolbar.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Border width of toolbar
* @designToken image.toolbar.border.width
borderWidth?: string;
* Border radius of toolbar
* @designToken image.toolbar.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Padding of toolbar
* @designToken image.toolbar.padding
padding?: string;
* Gap of toolbar
* @designToken
gap?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the action section
action?: {
* Hover background of action
* @designToken image.action.hover.background
hoverBackground?: string;
* Color of action
* @designToken image.action.color
color?: string;
* Hover color of action
* @designToken image.action.hover.color
hoverColor?: string;
* Size of action
* @designToken image.action.size
size?: string;
* Icon size of action
* @designToken image.action.icon.size
iconSize?: string;
* Border radius of action
* @designToken image.action.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Focus ring of action
focusRing?: {
* Focus ring width of action
* @designToken image.action.focus.ring.width
width?: string;
* Focus ring style of action
* @designToken
style?: string;
* Focus ring color of action
* @designToken image.action.focus.ring.color
color?: string;
* Focus ring offset of action
* @designToken image.action.focus.ring.offset
offset?: string;
* Focus ring shadow of action
* @designToken image.action.focus.ring.shadow
shadow?: string;
export * from '@primeuix/themes/types/image';

View File

@ -1,108 +1 @@
* ImageCompare Design Tokens
* [Live Demo](
* @module themes/imagecompare
import { ColorSchemeDesignToken } from '..';
export interface ImageCompareDesignTokens extends ColorSchemeDesignToken<ImageCompareDesignTokens> {
* Used to pass tokens of the handle section
handle?: {
* Size of handle
* @designToken imagecompare.handle.size
size?: string;
* Hover size of handle
* @designToken imagecompare.handle.hover.size
hoverSize?: string;
* Background of handle
* @designToken imagecompare.handle.background
background?: string;
* Hover background of handle
* @designToken imagecompare.handle.hover.background
hoverBackground?: string;
* Border color of handle
* @designToken imagecompare.handle.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Hover border color of handle
* @designToken imagecompare.handle.hover.border.color
hoverBorderColor?: string;
* Border width of handle
* @designToken imagecompare.handle.border.width
borderWidth?: string;
* Border radius of handle
* @designToken imagecompare.handle.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Transition duration of handle
* @designToken imagecompare.handle.transition.duration
transitionDuration?: string;
* Focus ring of handle
focusRing?: {
* Focus ring width of handle
* @designToken imagecompare.handle.focus.ring.width
width?: string;
* Focus ring style of handle
* @designToken
style?: string;
* Focus ring color of handle
* @designToken imagecompare.handle.focus.ring.color
color?: string;
* Focus ring offset of handle
* @designToken imagecompare.handle.focus.ring.offset
offset?: string;
* Focus ring shadow of handle
* @designToken imagecompare.handle.focus.ring.shadow
shadow?: string;
export * from '@primeuix/themes/types/imagecompare';

View File

@ -1,89 +1 @@
* [Live Demo](
* @module themes
export interface ColorSchemeDesignToken<T> {
colorScheme?: {
light?: Omit<T, 'colorScheme'>;
dark?: Omit<T, 'colorScheme'>;
export interface PaletteDesignToken {
50?: string;
100?: string;
200?: string;
300?: string;
400?: string;
500?: string;
600?: string;
700?: string;
800?: string;
900?: string;
950?: string;
export interface PrimitiveDesignTokens {
borderRadius?: {
none?: string;
xs?: string;
sm?: string;
md?: string;
lg?: string;
xl?: string;
emerald?: PaletteDesignToken;
green?: PaletteDesignToken;
lime?: PaletteDesignToken;
red?: PaletteDesignToken;
orange?: PaletteDesignToken;
amber?: PaletteDesignToken;
yellow?: PaletteDesignToken;
teal?: PaletteDesignToken;
cyan?: PaletteDesignToken;
sky?: PaletteDesignToken;
blue?: PaletteDesignToken;
indigo?: PaletteDesignToken;
violet?: PaletteDesignToken;
purple?: PaletteDesignToken;
fuchsia?: PaletteDesignToken;
pink?: PaletteDesignToken;
rose?: PaletteDesignToken;
slate?: PaletteDesignToken;
gray?: PaletteDesignToken;
zinc?: PaletteDesignToken;
neutral?: PaletteDesignToken;
stone?: PaletteDesignToken;
[key: string]: any;
export interface SemanticDesignTokens {
transitionDuration?: string;
focusRing?: {
width?: string;
style?: string;
color?: string;
offset?: string;
shadow?: string;
iconSize?: string;
anchorGutter?: string;
primary?: PaletteDesignToken;
formField: {
paddingX?: string;
paddingY?: string;
borderRadius?: string;
focusRing?: {
width?: string;
style?: string;
color?: string;
offset?: string;
shadow?: string;
// @todo
[key: string]: any;
export * from '@primeuix/themes/types';

View File

@ -1,233 +1 @@
* InlineMessage Design Tokens
* [Live Demo](
* @module themes/inlinemessage
import { ColorSchemeDesignToken } from '..';
export interface InlineMessageDesignTokens extends ColorSchemeDesignToken<InlineMessageDesignTokens> {
* Used to pass tokens of the root section
root?: {
* Padding of root
* @designToken inlinemessage.padding
padding?: string;
* Border radius of root
* @designToken inlinemessage.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Gap of root
* @designToken
gap?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the text section
text?: {
* Font weight of text
* @designToken inlinemessage.text.font.weight
fontWeight?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the icon section
icon?: {
* Size of icon
* @designToken inlinemessage.icon.size
size?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the info section
info?: {
* Background of info
* @designToken
background?: string;
* Border color of info
* @designToken
borderColor?: string;
* Color of info
* @designToken
color?: string;
* Shadow of info
* @designToken
shadow?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the success section
success?: {
* Background of success
* @designToken inlinemessage.success.background
background?: string;
* Border color of success
* @designToken inlinemessage.success.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Color of success
* @designToken inlinemessage.success.color
color?: string;
* Shadow of success
* @designToken inlinemessage.success.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the warn section
warn?: {
* Background of warn
* @designToken inlinemessage.warn.background
background?: string;
* Border color of warn
* @designToken inlinemessage.warn.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Color of warn
* @designToken inlinemessage.warn.color
color?: string;
* Shadow of warn
* @designToken inlinemessage.warn.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the error section
error?: {
* Background of error
* @designToken inlinemessage.error.background
background?: string;
* Border color of error
* @designToken inlinemessage.error.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Color of error
* @designToken inlinemessage.error.color
color?: string;
* Shadow of error
* @designToken inlinemessage.error.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the secondary section
secondary?: {
* Background of secondary
* @designToken inlinemessage.secondary.background
background?: string;
* Border color of secondary
* @designToken inlinemessage.secondary.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Color of secondary
* @designToken inlinemessage.secondary.color
color?: string;
* Shadow of secondary
* @designToken inlinemessage.secondary.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the contrast section
contrast?: {
* Background of contrast
* @designToken inlinemessage.contrast.background
background?: string;
* Border color of contrast
* @designToken inlinemessage.contrast.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Color of contrast
* @designToken inlinemessage.contrast.color
color?: string;
* Shadow of contrast
* @designToken inlinemessage.contrast.shadow
shadow?: string;
export * from '@primeuix/themes/types/inlinemessage';

View File

@ -1,89 +1 @@
* Inplace Design Tokens
* [Live Demo](
* @module themes/inplace
import { ColorSchemeDesignToken } from '..';
export interface InplaceDesignTokens extends ColorSchemeDesignToken<InplaceDesignTokens> {
* Used to pass tokens of the root section
root?: {
* Padding of root
* @designToken inplace.padding
padding?: string;
* Border radius of root
* @designToken inplace.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Focus ring of root
focusRing?: {
* Focus ring width of root
* @designToken inplace.focus.ring.width
width?: string;
* Focus ring style of root
* @designToken
style?: string;
* Focus ring color of root
* @designToken inplace.focus.ring.color
color?: string;
* Focus ring offset of root
* @designToken inplace.focus.ring.offset
offset?: string;
* Focus ring shadow of root
* @designToken inplace.focus.ring.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Transition duration of root
* @designToken inplace.transition.duration
transitionDuration?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the display section
display?: {
* Hover background of display
* @designToken inplace.display.hover.background
hoverBackground?: string;
* Hover color of display
* @designToken inplace.display.hover.color
hoverColor?: string;
export * from '@primeuix/themes/types/inplace';

View File

@ -1,173 +1 @@
* InputChips Design Tokens
* [Live Demo](
* @module themes/inputchips
import { ColorSchemeDesignToken } from '..';
export interface InputChipsDesignTokens extends ColorSchemeDesignToken<InputChipsDesignTokens> {
* Used to pass tokens of the root section
root?: {
* Background of root
* @designToken inputchips.background
background?: string;
* Disabled background of root
* @designToken inputchips.disabled.background
disabledBackground?: string;
* Filled background of root
* @designToken inputchips.filled.background
filledBackground?: string;
* Filled focus background of root
* @designToken inputchips.filled.focus.background
filledFocusBackground?: string;
* Border color of root
* @designToken inputchips.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Hover border color of root
* @designToken inputchips.hover.border.color
hoverBorderColor?: string;
* Focus border color of root
* @designToken inputchips.focus.border.color
focusBorderColor?: string;
* Invalid border color of root
* @designToken inputchips.invalid.border.color
invalidBorderColor?: string;
* Color of root
* @designToken inputchips.color
color?: string;
* Disabled color of root
* @designToken inputchips.disabled.color
disabledColor?: string;
* Placeholder color of root
* @designToken inputchips.placeholder.color
placeholderColor?: string;
* Shadow of root
* @designToken inputchips.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Padding x of root
* @designToken inputchips.padding.x
paddingX?: string;
* Padding y of root
* @designToken inputchips.padding.y
paddingY?: string;
* Border radius of root
* @designToken inputchips.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Focus ring of root
focusRing?: {
* Focus ring width of root
* @designToken inputchips.focus.ring.width
width?: string;
* Focus ring style of root
* @designToken
style?: string;
* Focus ring color of root
* @designToken inputchips.focus.ring.color
color?: string;
* Focus ring offset of root
* @designToken inputchips.focus.ring.offset
offset?: string;
* Focus ring shadow of root
* @designToken inputchips.focus.ring.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Transition duration of root
* @designToken inputchips.transition.duration
transitionDuration?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the chip section
chip?: {
* Border radius of chip
* @designToken inputchips.chip.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Focus background of chip
* @designToken inputchips.chip.focus.background
focusBackground?: string;
* Color of chip
* @designToken inputchips.chip.color
color?: string;
export * from '@primeuix/themes/types/inputchips';

View File

@ -1,55 +1 @@
* InputGroup Design Tokens
* [Live Demo](
* @module themes/inputgroup
import { ColorSchemeDesignToken } from '..';
export interface InputGroupDesignTokens extends ColorSchemeDesignToken<InputGroupDesignTokens> {
* Used to pass tokens of the addon section
addon?: {
* Background of addon
* @designToken inputgroup.addon.background
background?: string;
* Border color of addon
* @designToken inputgroup.addon.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Color of addon
* @designToken inputgroup.addon.color
color?: string;
* Border radius of addon
* @designToken inputgroup.addon.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Padding of addon
* @designToken inputgroup.addon.padding
padding?: string;
* Min width of addon
* @designToken inputgroup.addon.min.width
minWidth?: string;
export * from '@primeuix/themes/types/inputgroup';

View File

@ -1,102 +1 @@
* InputNumber Design Tokens
* [Live Demo](
* @module themes/inputnumber
import { ColorSchemeDesignToken } from '..';
export interface InputNumberDesignTokens extends ColorSchemeDesignToken<InputNumberDesignTokens> {
* Used to pass tokens of the root section
root?: {
* Transition duration of root
* @designToken inputnumber.transition.duration
transitionDuration?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the button section
button?: {
* Width of button
* @designToken inputnumber.button.width
width?: string;
* Border radius of button
* @designToken inputnumber.button.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Vertical padding of button
* @designToken inputnumber.button.vertical.padding
verticalPadding?: string;
* Background of button
* @designToken inputnumber.button.background
background?: string;
* Hover background of button
* @designToken inputnumber.button.hover.background
hoverBackground?: string;
* Active background of button
* @designToken
activeBackground?: string;
* Border color of button
* @designToken inputnumber.button.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Hover border color of button
* @designToken inputnumber.button.hover.border.color
hoverBorderColor?: string;
* Active border color of button
* @designToken
activeBorderColor?: string;
* Color of button
* @designToken inputnumber.button.color
color?: string;
* Hover color of button
* @designToken inputnumber.button.hover.color
hoverColor?: string;
* Active color of button
* @designToken
activeColor?: string;
export * from '@primeuix/themes/types/inputnumber';

View File

@ -1,208 +1 @@
* InputText Design Tokens
* [Live Demo](
* @module themes/inputtext
import { ColorSchemeDesignToken } from '..';
export interface InputTextDesignTokens extends ColorSchemeDesignToken<InputTextDesignTokens> {
* Used to pass tokens of the root section
root?: {
* Background of root
* @designToken inputtext.background
background?: string;
* Disabled background of root
* @designToken inputtext.disabled.background
disabledBackground?: string;
* Filled background of root
* @designToken inputtext.filled.background
filledBackground?: string;
* Filled hover background of root
* @designToken inputtext.filled.hover.background
filledHoverBackground?: string;
* Filled focus background of root
* @designToken inputtext.filled.focus.background
filledFocusBackground?: string;
* Border color of root
* @designToken inputtext.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Hover border color of root
* @designToken inputtext.hover.border.color
hoverBorderColor?: string;
* Focus border color of root
* @designToken inputtext.focus.border.color
focusBorderColor?: string;
* Invalid border color of root
* @designToken inputtext.invalid.border.color
invalidBorderColor?: string;
* Color of root
* @designToken inputtext.color
color?: string;
* Disabled color of root
* @designToken inputtext.disabled.color
disabledColor?: string;
* Placeholder color of root
* @designToken inputtext.placeholder.color
placeholderColor?: string;
* Invalid placeholder color of root
* @designToken inputtext.invalid.placeholder.color
invalidPlaceholderColor?: string;
* Shadow of root
* @designToken inputtext.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Padding x of root
* @designToken inputtext.padding.x
paddingX?: string;
* Padding y of root
* @designToken inputtext.padding.y
paddingY?: string;
* Border radius of root
* @designToken inputtext.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Focus ring of root
focusRing?: {
* Focus ring width of root
* @designToken inputtext.focus.ring.width
width?: string;
* Focus ring style of root
* @designToken
style?: string;
* Focus ring color of root
* @designToken inputtext.focus.ring.color
color?: string;
* Focus ring offset of root
* @designToken inputtext.focus.ring.offset
offset?: string;
* Focus ring shadow of root
* @designToken inputtext.focus.ring.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Transition duration of root
* @designToken inputtext.transition.duration
transitionDuration?: string;
* Sm of root
sm?: {
* Sm font size of root
* @designToken
fontSize?: string;
* Sm padding x of root
* @designToken
paddingX?: string;
* Sm padding y of root
* @designToken
paddingY?: string;
* Lg of root
lg?: {
* Lg font size of root
* @designToken inputtext.lg.font.size
fontSize?: string;
* Lg padding x of root
* @designToken inputtext.lg.padding.x
paddingX?: string;
* Lg padding y of root
* @designToken inputtext.lg.padding.y
paddingY?: string;
export * from '@primeuix/themes/types/inputtext';

View File

@ -1,93 +1 @@
* Knob Design Tokens
* [Live Demo](
* @module themes/knob
import { ColorSchemeDesignToken } from '..';
export interface KnobDesignTokens extends ColorSchemeDesignToken<KnobDesignTokens> {
* Used to pass tokens of the root section
root?: {
* Transition duration of root
* @designToken knob.transition.duration
transitionDuration?: string;
* Focus ring of root
focusRing?: {
* Focus ring width of root
* @designToken knob.focus.ring.width
width?: string;
* Focus ring style of root
* @designToken
style?: string;
* Focus ring color of root
* @designToken knob.focus.ring.color
color?: string;
* Focus ring offset of root
* @designToken knob.focus.ring.offset
offset?: string;
* Focus ring shadow of root
* @designToken knob.focus.ring.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the value section
value?: {
* Background of value
* @designToken knob.value.background
background?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the range section
range?: {
* Background of range
* @designToken knob.range.background
background?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the text section
text?: {
* Color of text
* @designToken knob.text.color
color?: string;
export * from '@primeuix/themes/types/knob';

View File

@ -1,229 +1 @@
* Listbox Design Tokens
* [Live Demo](
* @module themes/listbox
import { ColorSchemeDesignToken } from '..';
export interface ListboxDesignTokens extends ColorSchemeDesignToken<ListboxDesignTokens> {
* Used to pass tokens of the root section
root?: {
* Background of root
* @designToken listbox.background
background?: string;
* Disabled background of root
* @designToken listbox.disabled.background
disabledBackground?: string;
* Border color of root
* @designToken listbox.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Invalid border color of root
* @designToken listbox.invalid.border.color
invalidBorderColor?: string;
* Color of root
* @designToken listbox.color
color?: string;
* Disabled color of root
* @designToken listbox.disabled.color
disabledColor?: string;
* Shadow of root
* @designToken listbox.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Border radius of root
* @designToken listbox.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Transition duration of root
* @designToken listbox.transition.duration
transitionDuration?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the list section
list?: {
* Padding of list
* @designToken listbox.list.padding
padding?: string;
* Gap of list
* @designToken
gap?: string;
* Header of list
header?: {
* Header padding of list
* @designToken listbox.list.header.padding
padding?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the option section
option?: {
* Focus background of option
* @designToken listbox.option.focus.background
focusBackground?: string;
* Selected background of option
* @designToken listbox.option.selected.background
selectedBackground?: string;
* Selected focus background of option
* @designToken listbox.option.selected.focus.background
selectedFocusBackground?: string;
* Color of option
* @designToken listbox.option.color
color?: string;
* Focus color of option
* @designToken listbox.option.focus.color
focusColor?: string;
* Selected color of option
* @designToken listbox.option.selected.color
selectedColor?: string;
* Selected focus color of option
* @designToken listbox.option.selected.focus.color
selectedFocusColor?: string;
* Padding of option
* @designToken listbox.option.padding
padding?: string;
* Border radius of option
* @designToken listbox.option.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Striped background of option
* @designToken listbox.option.striped.background
stripedBackground?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the option group section
optionGroup?: {
* Background of option group
* @designToken
background?: string;
* Color of option group
* @designToken
color?: string;
* Font weight of option group
* @designToken
fontWeight?: string;
* Padding of option group
* @designToken
padding?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the checkmark section
checkmark?: {
* Color of checkmark
* @designToken listbox.checkmark.color
color?: string;
* Gutter start of checkmark
* @designToken listbox.checkmark.gutter.start
gutterStart?: string;
* Gutter end of checkmark
* @designToken listbox.checkmark.gutter.end
gutterEnd?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the empty message section
emptyMessage?: {
* Padding of empty message
* @designToken listbox.empty.message.padding
padding?: string;
export * from '@primeuix/themes/types/listbox';

View File

@ -1,385 +1 @@
* MegaMenu Design Tokens
* [Live Demo](
* @module themes/megamenu
import { ColorSchemeDesignToken } from '..';
export interface MegaMenuDesignTokens extends ColorSchemeDesignToken<MegaMenuDesignTokens> {
* Used to pass tokens of the root section
root?: {
* Background of root
* @designToken megamenu.background
background?: string;
* Border color of root
* @designToken megamenu.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Border radius of root
* @designToken megamenu.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Color of root
* @designToken megamenu.color
color?: string;
* Gap of root
* @designToken
gap?: string;
* Vertical orientation of root
verticalOrientation?: {
* Vertical orientation padding of root
* @designToken megamenu.vertical.orientation.padding
padding?: string;
* Vertical orientation gap of root
* @designToken
gap?: string;
* Horizontal orientation of root
horizontalOrientation?: {
* Horizontal orientation padding of root
* @designToken megamenu.horizontal.orientation.padding
padding?: string;
* Horizontal orientation gap of root
* @designToken
gap?: string;
* Transition duration of root
* @designToken megamenu.transition.duration
transitionDuration?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the base item section
baseItem?: {
* Border radius of base item
* @designToken megamenu.base.item.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Padding of base item
* @designToken megamenu.base.item.padding
padding?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the item section
item?: {
* Focus background of item
* @designToken megamenu.item.focus.background
focusBackground?: string;
* Active background of item
* @designToken
activeBackground?: string;
* Color of item
* @designToken megamenu.item.color
color?: string;
* Focus color of item
* @designToken megamenu.item.focus.color
focusColor?: string;
* Active color of item
* @designToken
activeColor?: string;
* Padding of item
* @designToken megamenu.item.padding
padding?: string;
* Border radius of item
* @designToken megamenu.item.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Gap of item
* @designToken
gap?: string;
* Icon of item
icon?: {
* Icon color of item
* @designToken megamenu.item.icon.color
color?: string;
* Icon focus color of item
* @designToken megamenu.item.icon.focus.color
focusColor?: string;
* Icon active color of item
* @designToken
activeColor?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the overlay section
overlay?: {
* Padding of overlay
* @designToken megamenu.overlay.padding
padding?: string;
* Background of overlay
* @designToken megamenu.overlay.background
background?: string;
* Border color of overlay
* @designToken megamenu.overlay.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Border radius of overlay
* @designToken megamenu.overlay.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Color of overlay
* @designToken megamenu.overlay.color
color?: string;
* Shadow of overlay
* @designToken megamenu.overlay.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Gap of overlay
* @designToken
gap?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the submenu section
submenu?: {
* Padding of submenu
* @designToken megamenu.submenu.padding
padding?: string;
* Gap of submenu
* @designToken
gap?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the submenu label section
submenuLabel?: {
* Padding of submenu label
* @designToken megamenu.submenu.label.padding
padding?: string;
* Font weight of submenu label
* @designToken megamenu.submenu.label.font.weight
fontWeight?: string;
* Background of submenu label
* @designToken megamenu.submenu.label.background
background?: string;
* Color of submenu label
* @designToken megamenu.submenu.label.color
color?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the submenu icon section
submenuIcon?: {
* Size of submenu icon
* @designToken megamenu.submenu.icon.size
size?: string;
* Color of submenu icon
* @designToken megamenu.submenu.icon.color
color?: string;
* Focus color of submenu icon
* @designToken megamenu.submenu.icon.focus.color
focusColor?: string;
* Active color of submenu icon
* @designToken
activeColor?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the separator section
separator?: {
* Border color of separator
* @designToken megamenu.separator.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the mobile button section
mobileButton?: {
* Border radius of mobile button
* @designToken
borderRadius?: string;
* Size of mobile button
* @designToken
size?: string;
* Color of mobile button
* @designToken
color?: string;
* Hover color of mobile button
* @designToken
hoverColor?: string;
* Hover background of mobile button
* @designToken
hoverBackground?: string;
* Focus ring of mobile button
focusRing?: {
* Focus ring width of mobile button
* @designToken
width?: string;
* Focus ring style of mobile button
* @designToken
style?: string;
* Focus ring color of mobile button
* @designToken
color?: string;
* Focus ring offset of mobile button
* @designToken
offset?: string;
* Focus ring shadow of mobile button
* @designToken
shadow?: string;
export * from '@primeuix/themes/types/megamenu';

View File

@ -1,170 +1 @@
* Menu Design Tokens
* [Live Demo](
* @module themes/menu
import { ColorSchemeDesignToken } from '..';
export interface MenuDesignTokens extends ColorSchemeDesignToken<MenuDesignTokens> {
* Used to pass tokens of the root section
root?: {
* Background of root
* @designToken menu.background
background?: string;
* Border color of root
* @designToken menu.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Color of root
* @designToken menu.color
color?: string;
* Border radius of root
* @designToken menu.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Shadow of root
* @designToken menu.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Transition duration of root
* @designToken menu.transition.duration
transitionDuration?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the list section
list?: {
* Padding of list
* @designToken menu.list.padding
padding?: string;
* Gap of list
* @designToken
gap?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the item section
item?: {
* Focus background of item
* @designToken menu.item.focus.background
focusBackground?: string;
* Color of item
* @designToken menu.item.color
color?: string;
* Focus color of item
* @designToken menu.item.focus.color
focusColor?: string;
* Padding of item
* @designToken menu.item.padding
padding?: string;
* Border radius of item
* @designToken menu.item.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Gap of item
* @designToken
gap?: string;
* Icon of item
icon?: {
* Icon color of item
* @designToken menu.item.icon.color
color?: string;
* Icon focus color of item
* @designToken menu.item.icon.focus.color
focusColor?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the submenu label section
submenuLabel?: {
* Padding of submenu label
* @designToken menu.submenu.label.padding
padding?: string;
* Font weight of submenu label
* @designToken menu.submenu.label.font.weight
fontWeight?: string;
* Background of submenu label
* @designToken menu.submenu.label.background
background?: string;
* Color of submenu label
* @designToken menu.submenu.label.color
color?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the separator section
separator?: {
* Border color of separator
* @designToken menu.separator.border.color
borderColor?: string;
export * from '@primeuix/themes/types/menu';

View File

@ -1,311 +1 @@
* Menubar Design Tokens
* [Live Demo](
* @module themes/menubar
import { ColorSchemeDesignToken } from '..';
export interface MenubarDesignTokens extends ColorSchemeDesignToken<MenubarDesignTokens> {
* Used to pass tokens of the root section
root?: {
* Background of root
* @designToken menubar.background
background?: string;
* Border color of root
* @designToken menubar.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Border radius of root
* @designToken menubar.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Color of root
* @designToken menubar.color
color?: string;
* Gap of root
* @designToken
gap?: string;
* Padding of root
* @designToken menubar.padding
padding?: string;
* Transition duration of root
* @designToken menubar.transition.duration
transitionDuration?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the base item section
baseItem?: {
* Border radius of base item
* @designToken menubar.base.item.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Padding of base item
* @designToken menubar.base.item.padding
padding?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the item section
item?: {
* Focus background of item
* @designToken menubar.item.focus.background
focusBackground?: string;
* Active background of item
* @designToken
activeBackground?: string;
* Color of item
* @designToken menubar.item.color
color?: string;
* Focus color of item
* @designToken menubar.item.focus.color
focusColor?: string;
* Active color of item
* @designToken
activeColor?: string;
* Padding of item
* @designToken menubar.item.padding
padding?: string;
* Border radius of item
* @designToken menubar.item.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Gap of item
* @designToken
gap?: string;
* Icon of item
icon?: {
* Icon color of item
* @designToken menubar.item.icon.color
color?: string;
* Icon focus color of item
* @designToken menubar.item.icon.focus.color
focusColor?: string;
* Icon active color of item
* @designToken
activeColor?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the submenu section
submenu?: {
* Padding of submenu
* @designToken menubar.submenu.padding
padding?: string;
* Gap of submenu
* @designToken
gap?: string;
* Background of submenu
* @designToken menubar.submenu.background
background?: string;
* Border color of submenu
* @designToken menubar.submenu.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Border radius of submenu
* @designToken menubar.submenu.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Shadow of submenu
* @designToken menubar.submenu.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Mobile indent of submenu
* @designToken
mobileIndent?: string;
* Icon of submenu
icon?: {
* Icon size of submenu
* @designToken menubar.submenu.icon.size
size?: string;
* Icon color of submenu
* @designToken menubar.submenu.icon.color
color?: string;
* Icon focus color of submenu
* @designToken menubar.submenu.icon.focus.color
focusColor?: string;
* Icon active color of submenu
* @designToken
activeColor?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the separator section
separator?: {
* Border color of separator
* @designToken menubar.separator.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the mobile button section
mobileButton?: {
* Border radius of mobile button
* @designToken
borderRadius?: string;
* Size of mobile button
* @designToken
size?: string;
* Color of mobile button
* @designToken
color?: string;
* Hover color of mobile button
* @designToken
hoverColor?: string;
* Hover background of mobile button
* @designToken
hoverBackground?: string;
* Focus ring of mobile button
focusRing?: {
* Focus ring width of mobile button
* @designToken
width?: string;
* Focus ring style of mobile button
* @designToken
style?: string;
* Focus ring color of mobile button
* @designToken
color?: string;
* Focus ring offset of mobile button
* @designToken
offset?: string;
* Focus ring shadow of mobile button
* @designToken
shadow?: string;
export * from '@primeuix/themes/types/menubar';

View File

@ -1,769 +1 @@
* Message Design Tokens
* [Live Demo](
* @module themes/message
import { ColorSchemeDesignToken } from '..';
export interface MessageDesignTokens extends ColorSchemeDesignToken<MessageDesignTokens> {
* Used to pass tokens of the root section
root?: {
* Border radius of root
* @designToken message.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Border width of root
* @designToken message.border.width
borderWidth?: string;
* Transition duration of root
* @designToken message.transition.duration
transitionDuration?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the content section
content?: {
* Padding of content
* @designToken message.content.padding
padding?: string;
* Gap of content
* @designToken
gap?: string;
* Sm of content
sm?: {
* Sm padding of content
* @designToken
padding?: string;
* Lg of content
lg?: {
* Lg padding of content
* @designToken message.content.lg.padding
padding?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the text section
text?: {
* Font size of text
* @designToken message.text.font.size
fontSize?: string;
* Font weight of text
* @designToken message.text.font.weight
fontWeight?: string;
* Sm of text
sm?: {
* Sm font size of text
* @designToken
fontSize?: string;
* Lg of text
lg?: {
* Lg font size of text
* @designToken message.text.lg.font.size
fontSize?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the icon section
icon?: {
* Size of icon
* @designToken message.icon.size
size?: string;
* Sm of icon
sm?: {
* Sm size of icon
* @designToken
size?: string;
* Lg of icon
lg?: {
* Lg size of icon
* @designToken message.icon.lg.size
size?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the close button section
closeButton?: {
* Width of close button
* @designToken message.close.button.width
width?: string;
* Height of close button
* @designToken message.close.button.height
height?: string;
* Border radius of close button
* @designToken message.close.button.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Focus ring of close button
focusRing?: {
* Focus ring width of close button
* @designToken message.close.button.focus.ring.width
width?: string;
* Focus ring style of close button
* @designToken
style?: string;
* Focus ring offset of close button
* @designToken message.close.button.focus.ring.offset
offset?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the close icon section
closeIcon?: {
* Size of close icon
* @designToken message.close.icon.size
size?: string;
* Sm of close icon
sm?: {
* Sm size of close icon
* @designToken
size?: string;
* Lg of close icon
lg?: {
* Lg size of close icon
* @designToken message.close.icon.lg.size
size?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the outlined section
outlined?: {
* Root of outlined
root?: {
* Root border width of outlined
* @designToken message.outlined.border.width
borderWidth?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the simple section
simple?: {
* Content of simple
content?: {
* Content padding of simple
* @designToken message.simple.content.padding
padding?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the info section
info?: {
* Background of info
* @designToken
background?: string;
* Border color of info
* @designToken
borderColor?: string;
* Color of info
* @designToken
color?: string;
* Shadow of info
* @designToken
shadow?: string;
* Close button of info
closeButton?: {
* Close button hover background of info
* @designToken
hoverBackground?: string;
* Close button focus ring of info
focusRing?: {
* Close button focus ring color of info
* @designToken
color?: string;
* Close button focus ring shadow of info
* @designToken
shadow?: string;
* Outlined of info
outlined?: {
* Outlined color of info
* @designToken
color?: string;
* Outlined border color of info
* @designToken
borderColor?: string;
* Simple of info
simple?: {
* Simple color of info
* @designToken
color?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the success section
success?: {
* Background of success
* @designToken message.success.background
background?: string;
* Border color of success
* @designToken message.success.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Color of success
* @designToken message.success.color
color?: string;
* Shadow of success
* @designToken message.success.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Close button of success
closeButton?: {
* Close button hover background of success
* @designToken message.success.close.button.hover.background
hoverBackground?: string;
* Close button focus ring of success
focusRing?: {
* Close button focus ring color of success
* @designToken message.success.close.button.focus.ring.color
color?: string;
* Close button focus ring shadow of success
* @designToken message.success.close.button.focus.ring.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Outlined of success
outlined?: {
* Outlined color of success
* @designToken message.success.outlined.color
color?: string;
* Outlined border color of success
* @designToken message.success.outlined.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Simple of success
simple?: {
* Simple color of success
* @designToken message.success.simple.color
color?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the warn section
warn?: {
* Background of warn
* @designToken message.warn.background
background?: string;
* Border color of warn
* @designToken message.warn.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Color of warn
* @designToken message.warn.color
color?: string;
* Shadow of warn
* @designToken message.warn.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Close button of warn
closeButton?: {
* Close button hover background of warn
* @designToken message.warn.close.button.hover.background
hoverBackground?: string;
* Close button focus ring of warn
focusRing?: {
* Close button focus ring color of warn
* @designToken message.warn.close.button.focus.ring.color
color?: string;
* Close button focus ring shadow of warn
* @designToken message.warn.close.button.focus.ring.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Outlined of warn
outlined?: {
* Outlined color of warn
* @designToken message.warn.outlined.color
color?: string;
* Outlined border color of warn
* @designToken message.warn.outlined.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Simple of warn
simple?: {
* Simple color of warn
* @designToken message.warn.simple.color
color?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the error section
error?: {
* Background of error
* @designToken message.error.background
background?: string;
* Border color of error
* @designToken message.error.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Color of error
* @designToken message.error.color
color?: string;
* Shadow of error
* @designToken message.error.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Close button of error
closeButton?: {
* Close button hover background of error
* @designToken message.error.close.button.hover.background
hoverBackground?: string;
* Close button focus ring of error
focusRing?: {
* Close button focus ring color of error
* @designToken message.error.close.button.focus.ring.color
color?: string;
* Close button focus ring shadow of error
* @designToken message.error.close.button.focus.ring.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Outlined of error
outlined?: {
* Outlined color of error
* @designToken message.error.outlined.color
color?: string;
* Outlined border color of error
* @designToken message.error.outlined.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Simple of error
simple?: {
* Simple color of error
* @designToken message.error.simple.color
color?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the secondary section
secondary?: {
* Background of secondary
* @designToken message.secondary.background
background?: string;
* Border color of secondary
* @designToken message.secondary.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Color of secondary
* @designToken message.secondary.color
color?: string;
* Shadow of secondary
* @designToken message.secondary.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Close button of secondary
closeButton?: {
* Close button hover background of secondary
* @designToken message.secondary.close.button.hover.background
hoverBackground?: string;
* Close button focus ring of secondary
focusRing?: {
* Close button focus ring color of secondary
* @designToken message.secondary.close.button.focus.ring.color
color?: string;
* Close button focus ring shadow of secondary
* @designToken message.secondary.close.button.focus.ring.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Outlined of secondary
outlined?: {
* Outlined color of secondary
* @designToken message.secondary.outlined.color
color?: string;
* Outlined border color of secondary
* @designToken message.secondary.outlined.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Simple of secondary
simple?: {
* Simple color of secondary
* @designToken message.secondary.simple.color
color?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the contrast section
contrast?: {
* Background of contrast
* @designToken message.contrast.background
background?: string;
* Border color of contrast
* @designToken message.contrast.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Color of contrast
* @designToken message.contrast.color
color?: string;
* Shadow of contrast
* @designToken message.contrast.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Close button of contrast
closeButton?: {
* Close button hover background of contrast
* @designToken message.contrast.close.button.hover.background
hoverBackground?: string;
* Close button focus ring of contrast
focusRing?: {
* Close button focus ring color of contrast
* @designToken message.contrast.close.button.focus.ring.color
color?: string;
* Close button focus ring shadow of contrast
* @designToken message.contrast.close.button.focus.ring.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Outlined of contrast
outlined?: {
* Outlined color of contrast
* @designToken message.contrast.outlined.color
color?: string;
* Outlined border color of contrast
* @designToken message.contrast.outlined.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Simple of contrast
simple?: {
* Simple color of contrast
* @designToken message.contrast.simple.color
color?: string;
export * from '@primeuix/themes/types/message';

View File

@ -1,98 +1 @@
* MeterGroup Design Tokens
* [Live Demo](
* @module themes/metergroup
import { ColorSchemeDesignToken } from '..';
export interface MeterGroupDesignTokens extends ColorSchemeDesignToken<MeterGroupDesignTokens> {
* Used to pass tokens of the root section
root?: {
* Border radius of root
* @designToken metergroup.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Gap of root
* @designToken
gap?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the meters section
meters?: {
* Background of meters
* @designToken metergroup.meters.background
background?: string;
* Size of meters
* @designToken metergroup.meters.size
size?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the label section
label?: {
* Gap of label
* @designToken
gap?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the label marker section
labelMarker?: {
* Size of label marker
* @designToken metergroup.label.marker.size
size?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the label icon section
labelIcon?: {
* Size of label icon
* @designToken metergroup.label.icon.size
size?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the label list section
labelList?: {
* Vertical gap of label list
* @designToken
verticalGap?: string;
* Horizontal gap of label list
* @designToken
horizontalGap?: string;
export * from '@primeuix/themes/types/metergroup';

View File

@ -1,415 +1 @@
* MultiSelect Design Tokens
* [Live Demo](
* @module themes/multiselect
import { ColorSchemeDesignToken } from '..';
export interface MultiSelectDesignTokens extends ColorSchemeDesignToken<MultiSelectDesignTokens> {
* Used to pass tokens of the root section
root?: {
* Background of root
* @designToken multiselect.background
background?: string;
* Disabled background of root
* @designToken multiselect.disabled.background
disabledBackground?: string;
* Filled background of root
* @designToken multiselect.filled.background
filledBackground?: string;
* Filled hover background of root
* @designToken multiselect.filled.hover.background
filledHoverBackground?: string;
* Filled focus background of root
* @designToken multiselect.filled.focus.background
filledFocusBackground?: string;
* Border color of root
* @designToken multiselect.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Hover border color of root
* @designToken multiselect.hover.border.color
hoverBorderColor?: string;
* Focus border color of root
* @designToken multiselect.focus.border.color
focusBorderColor?: string;
* Invalid border color of root
* @designToken multiselect.invalid.border.color
invalidBorderColor?: string;
* Color of root
* @designToken multiselect.color
color?: string;
* Disabled color of root
* @designToken multiselect.disabled.color
disabledColor?: string;
* Placeholder color of root
* @designToken multiselect.placeholder.color
placeholderColor?: string;
* Invalid placeholder color of root
* @designToken multiselect.invalid.placeholder.color
invalidPlaceholderColor?: string;
* Shadow of root
* @designToken multiselect.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Padding x of root
* @designToken multiselect.padding.x
paddingX?: string;
* Padding y of root
* @designToken multiselect.padding.y
paddingY?: string;
* Border radius of root
* @designToken multiselect.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Focus ring of root
focusRing?: {
* Focus ring width of root
* @designToken multiselect.focus.ring.width
width?: string;
* Focus ring style of root
* @designToken
style?: string;
* Focus ring color of root
* @designToken multiselect.focus.ring.color
color?: string;
* Focus ring offset of root
* @designToken multiselect.focus.ring.offset
offset?: string;
* Focus ring shadow of root
* @designToken multiselect.focus.ring.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Transition duration of root
* @designToken multiselect.transition.duration
transitionDuration?: string;
* Sm of root
sm?: {
* Sm font size of root
* @designToken
fontSize?: string;
* Sm padding x of root
* @designToken
paddingX?: string;
* Sm padding y of root
* @designToken
paddingY?: string;
* Lg of root
lg?: {
* Lg font size of root
* @designToken multiselect.lg.font.size
fontSize?: string;
* Lg padding x of root
* @designToken multiselect.lg.padding.x
paddingX?: string;
* Lg padding y of root
* @designToken multiselect.lg.padding.y
paddingY?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the dropdown section
dropdown?: {
* Width of dropdown
* @designToken multiselect.dropdown.width
width?: string;
* Color of dropdown
* @designToken multiselect.dropdown.color
color?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the overlay section
overlay?: {
* Background of overlay
* @designToken multiselect.overlay.background
background?: string;
* Border color of overlay
* @designToken multiselect.overlay.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Border radius of overlay
* @designToken multiselect.overlay.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Color of overlay
* @designToken multiselect.overlay.color
color?: string;
* Shadow of overlay
* @designToken multiselect.overlay.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the list section
list?: {
* Padding of list
* @designToken multiselect.list.padding
padding?: string;
* Gap of list
* @designToken
gap?: string;
* Header of list
header?: {
* Header padding of list
* @designToken multiselect.list.header.padding
padding?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the option section
option?: {
* Focus background of option
* @designToken multiselect.option.focus.background
focusBackground?: string;
* Selected background of option
* @designToken multiselect.option.selected.background
selectedBackground?: string;
* Selected focus background of option
* @designToken multiselect.option.selected.focus.background
selectedFocusBackground?: string;
* Color of option
* @designToken multiselect.option.color
color?: string;
* Focus color of option
* @designToken multiselect.option.focus.color
focusColor?: string;
* Selected color of option
* @designToken multiselect.option.selected.color
selectedColor?: string;
* Selected focus color of option
* @designToken multiselect.option.selected.focus.color
selectedFocusColor?: string;
* Padding of option
* @designToken multiselect.option.padding
padding?: string;
* Border radius of option
* @designToken multiselect.option.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Gap of option
* @designToken
gap?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the option group section
optionGroup?: {
* Background of option group
* @designToken
background?: string;
* Color of option group
* @designToken
color?: string;
* Font weight of option group
* @designToken
fontWeight?: string;
* Padding of option group
* @designToken
padding?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the clear icon section
clearIcon?: {
* Color of clear icon
* @designToken multiselect.clear.icon.color
color?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the chip section
chip?: {
* Border radius of chip
* @designToken multiselect.chip.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the empty message section
emptyMessage?: {
* Padding of empty message
* @designToken multiselect.empty.message.padding
padding?: string;
export * from '@primeuix/themes/types/multiselect';

View File

@ -1,36 +1 @@
* OrderList Design Tokens
* [Live Demo](
* @module themes/orderlist
import { ColorSchemeDesignToken } from '..';
export interface OrderListDesignTokens extends ColorSchemeDesignToken<OrderListDesignTokens> {
* Used to pass tokens of the root section
root?: {
* Gap of root
* @designToken
gap?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the controls section
controls?: {
* Gap of controls
* @designToken
gap?: string;
export * from '@primeuix/themes/types/orderlist';

View File

@ -1,201 +1 @@
* OrganizationChart Design Tokens
* [Live Demo](
* @module themes/organizationchart
import { ColorSchemeDesignToken } from '..';
export interface OrganizationChartDesignTokens extends ColorSchemeDesignToken<OrganizationChartDesignTokens> {
* Used to pass tokens of the root section
root?: {
* Gutter of root
* @designToken organizationchart.gutter
gutter?: string;
* Transition duration of root
* @designToken organizationchart.transition.duration
transitionDuration?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the node section
node?: {
* Background of node
* @designToken organizationchart.node.background
background?: string;
* Hover background of node
* @designToken organizationchart.node.hover.background
hoverBackground?: string;
* Selected background of node
* @designToken organizationchart.node.selected.background
selectedBackground?: string;
* Border color of node
* @designToken organizationchart.node.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Color of node
* @designToken organizationchart.node.color
color?: string;
* Selected color of node
* @designToken organizationchart.node.selected.color
selectedColor?: string;
* Hover color of node
* @designToken organizationchart.node.hover.color
hoverColor?: string;
* Padding of node
* @designToken organizationchart.node.padding
padding?: string;
* Toggleable padding of node
* @designToken organizationchart.node.toggleable.padding
toggleablePadding?: string;
* Border radius of node
* @designToken organizationchart.node.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the node toggle button section
nodeToggleButton?: {
* Background of node toggle button
* @designToken organizationchart.node.toggle.button.background
background?: string;
* Hover background of node toggle button
* @designToken organizationchart.node.toggle.button.hover.background
hoverBackground?: string;
* Border color of node toggle button
* @designToken organizationchart.node.toggle.button.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Color of node toggle button
* @designToken organizationchart.node.toggle.button.color
color?: string;
* Hover color of node toggle button
* @designToken organizationchart.node.toggle.button.hover.color
hoverColor?: string;
* Size of node toggle button
* @designToken organizationchart.node.toggle.button.size
size?: string;
* Border radius of node toggle button
* @designToken organizationchart.node.toggle.button.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Focus ring of node toggle button
focusRing?: {
* Focus ring width of node toggle button
* @designToken organizationchart.node.toggle.button.focus.ring.width
width?: string;
* Focus ring style of node toggle button
* @designToken
style?: string;
* Focus ring color of node toggle button
* @designToken organizationchart.node.toggle.button.focus.ring.color
color?: string;
* Focus ring offset of node toggle button
* @designToken organizationchart.node.toggle.button.focus.ring.offset
offset?: string;
* Focus ring shadow of node toggle button
* @designToken organizationchart.node.toggle.button.focus.ring.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the connector section
connector?: {
* Color of connector
* @designToken organizationchart.connector.color
color?: string;
* Border radius of connector
* @designToken organizationchart.connector.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Height of connector
* @designToken organizationchart.connector.height
height?: string;
export * from '@primeuix/themes/types/organizationchart';

View File

@ -1,36 +1 @@
* OverlayBadge Design Tokens
* [Live Demo](
* @module themes/overlaybadge
import { ColorSchemeDesignToken } from '..';
export interface OverlayBadgeDesignTokens extends ColorSchemeDesignToken<OverlayBadgeDesignTokens> {
* Used to pass tokens of the root section
root?: {
* Outline of root
outline?: {
* Outline width of root
* @designToken overlaybadge.outline.width
width?: string;
* Outline color of root
* @designToken overlaybadge.outline.color
color?: string;
export * from '@primeuix/themes/types/overlaybadge';

View File

@ -1,171 +1 @@
* Paginator Design Tokens
* [Live Demo](
* @module themes/paginator
import { ColorSchemeDesignToken } from '..';
export interface PaginatorDesignTokens extends ColorSchemeDesignToken<PaginatorDesignTokens> {
* Used to pass tokens of the root section
root?: {
* Padding of root
* @designToken paginator.padding
padding?: string;
* Gap of root
* @designToken
gap?: string;
* Border radius of root
* @designToken paginator.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Background of root
* @designToken paginator.background
background?: string;
* Color of root
* @designToken paginator.color
color?: string;
* Transition duration of root
* @designToken paginator.transition.duration
transitionDuration?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the nav button section
navButton?: {
* Background of nav button
* @designToken paginator.nav.button.background
background?: string;
* Hover background of nav button
* @designToken paginator.nav.button.hover.background
hoverBackground?: string;
* Selected background of nav button
* @designToken paginator.nav.button.selected.background
selectedBackground?: string;
* Color of nav button
* @designToken paginator.nav.button.color
color?: string;
* Hover color of nav button
* @designToken paginator.nav.button.hover.color
hoverColor?: string;
* Selected color of nav button
* @designToken paginator.nav.button.selected.color
selectedColor?: string;
* Width of nav button
* @designToken paginator.nav.button.width
width?: string;
* Height of nav button
* @designToken paginator.nav.button.height
height?: string;
* Border radius of nav button
* @designToken paginator.nav.button.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Focus ring of nav button
focusRing?: {
* Focus ring width of nav button
* @designToken paginator.nav.button.focus.ring.width
width?: string;
* Focus ring style of nav button
* @designToken
style?: string;
* Focus ring color of nav button
* @designToken paginator.nav.button.focus.ring.color
color?: string;
* Focus ring offset of nav button
* @designToken paginator.nav.button.focus.ring.offset
offset?: string;
* Focus ring shadow of nav button
* @designToken paginator.nav.button.focus.ring.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the current page report section
currentPageReport?: {
* Color of current page report
* @designToken
color?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the jump to page input section
jumpToPageInput?: {
* Max width of jump to page input
* @designToken
maxWidth?: string;
export * from '@primeuix/themes/types/paginator';

View File

@ -1,128 +1 @@
* Panel Design Tokens
* [Live Demo](
* @module themes/panel
import { ColorSchemeDesignToken } from '..';
export interface PanelDesignTokens extends ColorSchemeDesignToken<PanelDesignTokens> {
* Used to pass tokens of the root section
root?: {
* Background of root
* @designToken panel.background
background?: string;
* Border color of root
* @designToken panel.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Color of root
* @designToken panel.color
color?: string;
* Border radius of root
* @designToken panel.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the header section
header?: {
* Background of header
* @designToken panel.header.background
background?: string;
* Color of header
* @designToken panel.header.color
color?: string;
* Padding of header
* @designToken panel.header.padding
padding?: string;
* Border color of header
* @designToken panel.header.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Border width of header
* @designToken panel.header.border.width
borderWidth?: string;
* Border radius of header
* @designToken panel.header.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the toggleable header section
toggleableHeader?: {
* Padding of toggleable header
* @designToken panel.toggleable.header.padding
padding?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the title section
title?: {
* Font weight of title
* @designToken panel.title.font.weight
fontWeight?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the content section
content?: {
* Padding of content
* @designToken panel.content.padding
padding?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the footer section
footer?: {
* Padding of footer
* @designToken panel.footer.padding
padding?: string;
export * from '@primeuix/themes/types/panel';

View File

@ -1,192 +1 @@
* PanelMenu Design Tokens
* [Live Demo](
* @module themes/panelmenu
import { ColorSchemeDesignToken } from '..';
export interface PanelMenuDesignTokens extends ColorSchemeDesignToken<PanelMenuDesignTokens> {
* Used to pass tokens of the root section
root?: {
* Gap of root
* @designToken
gap?: string;
* Transition duration of root
* @designToken panelmenu.transition.duration
transitionDuration?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the panel section
panel?: {
* Background of panel
* @designToken panelmenu.panel.background
background?: string;
* Border color of panel
* @designToken panelmenu.panel.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Border width of panel
* @designToken panelmenu.panel.border.width
borderWidth?: string;
* Color of panel
* @designToken panelmenu.panel.color
color?: string;
* Padding of panel
* @designToken panelmenu.panel.padding
padding?: string;
* Border radius of panel
* @designToken panelmenu.panel.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* First of panel
first?: {
* First border width of panel
* @designToken panelmenu.panel.first.border.width
borderWidth?: string;
* First top border radius of panel
* @designToken
topBorderRadius?: string;
* Last of panel
last?: {
* Last border width of panel
* @designToken panelmenu.panel.last.border.width
borderWidth?: string;
* Last bottom border radius of panel
* @designToken panelmenu.panel.last.bottom.border.radius
bottomBorderRadius?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the item section
item?: {
* Focus background of item
* @designToken panelmenu.item.focus.background
focusBackground?: string;
* Color of item
* @designToken panelmenu.item.color
color?: string;
* Focus color of item
* @designToken panelmenu.item.focus.color
focusColor?: string;
* Gap of item
* @designToken
gap?: string;
* Padding of item
* @designToken panelmenu.item.padding
padding?: string;
* Border radius of item
* @designToken panelmenu.item.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Icon of item
icon?: {
* Icon color of item
* @designToken panelmenu.item.icon.color
color?: string;
* Icon focus color of item
* @designToken panelmenu.item.icon.focus.color
focusColor?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the submenu section
submenu?: {
* Indent of submenu
* @designToken panelmenu.submenu.indent
indent?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the submenu icon section
submenuIcon?: {
* Color of submenu icon
* @designToken panelmenu.submenu.icon.color
color?: string;
* Focus color of submenu icon
* @designToken panelmenu.submenu.icon.focus.color
focusColor?: string;
export * from '@primeuix/themes/types/panelmenu';

View File

@ -1,123 +1 @@
* Password Design Tokens
* [Live Demo](
* @module themes/password
import { ColorSchemeDesignToken } from '..';
export interface PasswordDesignTokens extends ColorSchemeDesignToken<PasswordDesignTokens> {
* Used to pass tokens of the meter section
meter?: {
* Background of meter
* @designToken password.meter.background
background?: string;
* Border radius of meter
* @designToken password.meter.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Height of meter
* @designToken password.meter.height
height?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the icon section
icon?: {
* Color of icon
* @designToken password.icon.color
color?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the overlay section
overlay?: {
* Background of overlay
* @designToken password.overlay.background
background?: string;
* Border color of overlay
* @designToken password.overlay.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Border radius of overlay
* @designToken password.overlay.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Color of overlay
* @designToken password.overlay.color
color?: string;
* Padding of overlay
* @designToken password.overlay.padding
padding?: string;
* Shadow of overlay
* @designToken password.overlay.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the content section
content?: {
* Gap of content
* @designToken
gap?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the strength section
strength?: {
* Weak background of strength
* @designToken password.strength.weak.background
weakBackground?: string;
* Medium background of strength
* @designToken password.strength.medium.background
mediumBackground?: string;
* Strong background of strength
* @designToken password.strength.strong.background
strongBackground?: string;
export * from '@primeuix/themes/types/password';

View File

@ -1,36 +1 @@
* PickList Design Tokens
* [Live Demo](
* @module themes/picklist
import { ColorSchemeDesignToken } from '..';
export interface PickListDesignTokens extends ColorSchemeDesignToken<PickListDesignTokens> {
* Used to pass tokens of the root section
root?: {
* Gap of root
* @designToken
gap?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the controls section
controls?: {
* Gap of controls
* @designToken
gap?: string;
export * from '@primeuix/themes/types/picklist';

View File

@ -1,72 +1 @@
* Popover Design Tokens
* [Live Demo](
* @module themes/popover
import { ColorSchemeDesignToken } from '..';
export interface PopoverDesignTokens extends ColorSchemeDesignToken<PopoverDesignTokens> {
* Used to pass tokens of the root section
root?: {
* Background of root
* @designToken popover.background
background?: string;
* Border color of root
* @designToken popover.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Color of root
* @designToken popover.color
color?: string;
* Border radius of root
* @designToken popover.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Shadow of root
* @designToken popover.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Gutter of root
* @designToken popover.gutter
gutter?: string;
* Arrow offset of root
* @designToken popover.arrow.offset
arrowOffset?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the content section
content?: {
* Padding of content
* @designToken popover.content.padding
padding?: string;
export * from '@primeuix/themes/types/popover';

View File

@ -1,71 +1 @@
* ProgressBar Design Tokens
* [Live Demo](
* @module themes/progressbar
import { ColorSchemeDesignToken } from '..';
export interface ProgressBarDesignTokens extends ColorSchemeDesignToken<ProgressBarDesignTokens> {
* Used to pass tokens of the root section
root?: {
* Background of root
* @designToken progressbar.background
background?: string;
* Border radius of root
* @designToken progressbar.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Height of root
* @designToken progressbar.height
height?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the value section
value?: {
* Background of value
* @designToken progressbar.value.background
background?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the label section
label?: {
* Color of label
* @designToken progressbar.label.color
color?: string;
* Font size of label
* @designToken progressbar.label.font.size
fontSize?: string;
* Font weight of label
* @designToken progressbar.label.font.weight
fontWeight?: string;
export * from '@primeuix/themes/types/progressbar';

View File

@ -1,43 +1 @@
* ProgressSpinner Design Tokens
* [Live Demo](
* @module themes/progressspinner
import { ColorSchemeDesignToken } from '..';
export interface ProgressSpinnerDesignTokens extends ColorSchemeDesignToken<ProgressSpinnerDesignTokens> {
* Used to pass tokens of the root section
root?: {
* Color one of root
* @designToken
colorOne?: string;
* Color two of root
* @designToken progressspinner.color.two
colorTwo?: string;
* Color three of root
* @designToken progressspinner.color.three
colorThree?: string;
* Color four of root
* @designToken progressspinner.color.four
colorFour?: string;
export * from '@primeuix/themes/types/progressspinner';

View File

@ -1,241 +1 @@
* RadioButton Design Tokens
* [Live Demo](
* @module themes/radiobutton
import { ColorSchemeDesignToken } from '..';
export interface RadioButtonDesignTokens extends ColorSchemeDesignToken<RadioButtonDesignTokens> {
* Used to pass tokens of the root section
root?: {
* Width of root
* @designToken radiobutton.width
width?: string;
* Height of root
* @designToken radiobutton.height
height?: string;
* Background of root
* @designToken radiobutton.background
background?: string;
* Checked background of root
* @designToken radiobutton.checked.background
checkedBackground?: string;
* Checked hover background of root
* @designToken radiobutton.checked.hover.background
checkedHoverBackground?: string;
* Disabled background of root
* @designToken radiobutton.disabled.background
disabledBackground?: string;
* Filled background of root
* @designToken radiobutton.filled.background
filledBackground?: string;
* Border color of root
* @designToken radiobutton.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Hover border color of root
* @designToken radiobutton.hover.border.color
hoverBorderColor?: string;
* Focus border color of root
* @designToken radiobutton.focus.border.color
focusBorderColor?: string;
* Checked border color of root
* @designToken radiobutton.checked.border.color
checkedBorderColor?: string;
* Checked hover border color of root
* @designToken radiobutton.checked.hover.border.color
checkedHoverBorderColor?: string;
* Checked focus border color of root
* @designToken radiobutton.checked.focus.border.color
checkedFocusBorderColor?: string;
* Checked disabled border color of root
* @designToken radiobutton.checked.disabled.border.color
checkedDisabledBorderColor?: string;
* Invalid border color of root
* @designToken radiobutton.invalid.border.color
invalidBorderColor?: string;
* Shadow of root
* @designToken radiobutton.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Focus ring of root
focusRing?: {
* Focus ring width of root
* @designToken radiobutton.focus.ring.width
width?: string;
* Focus ring style of root
* @designToken
style?: string;
* Focus ring color of root
* @designToken radiobutton.focus.ring.color
color?: string;
* Focus ring offset of root
* @designToken radiobutton.focus.ring.offset
offset?: string;
* Focus ring shadow of root
* @designToken radiobutton.focus.ring.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Transition duration of root
* @designToken radiobutton.transition.duration
transitionDuration?: string;
* Sm of root
sm?: {
* Sm width of root
* @designToken
width?: string;
* Sm height of root
* @designToken
height?: string;
* Lg of root
lg?: {
* Lg width of root
* @designToken radiobutton.lg.width
width?: string;
* Lg height of root
* @designToken radiobutton.lg.height
height?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the icon section
icon?: {
* Size of icon
* @designToken radiobutton.icon.size
size?: string;
* Checked color of icon
* @designToken radiobutton.icon.checked.color
checkedColor?: string;
* Checked hover color of icon
* @designToken radiobutton.icon.checked.hover.color
checkedHoverColor?: string;
* Disabled color of icon
* @designToken radiobutton.icon.disabled.color
disabledColor?: string;
* Sm of icon
sm?: {
* Sm size of icon
* @designToken
size?: string;
* Lg of icon
lg?: {
* Lg size of icon
* @designToken radiobutton.icon.lg.size
size?: string;
export * from '@primeuix/themes/types/radiobutton';

View File

@ -1,95 +1 @@
* Rating Design Tokens
* [Live Demo](
* @module themes/rating
import { ColorSchemeDesignToken } from '..';
export interface RatingDesignTokens extends ColorSchemeDesignToken<RatingDesignTokens> {
* Used to pass tokens of the root section
root?: {
* Gap of root
* @designToken
gap?: string;
* Transition duration of root
* @designToken rating.transition.duration
transitionDuration?: string;
* Focus ring of root
focusRing?: {
* Focus ring width of root
* @designToken rating.focus.ring.width
width?: string;
* Focus ring style of root
* @designToken
style?: string;
* Focus ring color of root
* @designToken rating.focus.ring.color
color?: string;
* Focus ring offset of root
* @designToken rating.focus.ring.offset
offset?: string;
* Focus ring shadow of root
* @designToken rating.focus.ring.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the icon section
icon?: {
* Size of icon
* @designToken rating.icon.size
size?: string;
* Color of icon
* @designToken rating.icon.color
color?: string;
* Hover color of icon
* @designToken rating.icon.hover.color
hoverColor?: string;
* Active color of icon
* @designToken
activeColor?: string;
export * from '@primeuix/themes/types/rating';

View File

@ -1,25 +1 @@
* Ripple Design Tokens
* [Live Demo](
* @module themes/ripple
import { ColorSchemeDesignToken } from '..';
export interface RippleDesignTokens extends ColorSchemeDesignToken<RippleDesignTokens> {
* Used to pass tokens of the root section
root?: {
* Background of root
* @designToken ripple.background
background?: string;
export * from '@primeuix/themes/types/ripple';

View File

@ -1,83 +1 @@
* ScrollPanel Design Tokens
* [Live Demo](
* @module themes/scrollpanel
import { ColorSchemeDesignToken } from '..';
export interface ScrollPanelDesignTokens extends ColorSchemeDesignToken<ScrollPanelDesignTokens> {
* Used to pass tokens of the root section
root?: {
* Transition duration of root
* @designToken scrollpanel.transition.duration
transitionDuration?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the bar section
bar?: {
* Size of bar
* @designToken
size?: string;
* Border radius of bar
* @designToken
borderRadius?: string;
* Focus ring of bar
focusRing?: {
* Focus ring width of bar
* @designToken
width?: string;
* Focus ring style of bar
* @designToken
style?: string;
* Focus ring color of bar
* @designToken
color?: string;
* Focus ring offset of bar
* @designToken
offset?: string;
* Focus ring shadow of bar
* @designToken
shadow?: string;
* Background of bar
* @designToken
background?: string;
export * from '@primeuix/themes/types/scrollpanel';

View File

@ -1,421 +1 @@
* Select Design Tokens
* [Live Demo](
* @module themes/select
import { ColorSchemeDesignToken } from '..';
export interface SelectDesignTokens extends ColorSchemeDesignToken<SelectDesignTokens> {
* Used to pass tokens of the root section
root?: {
* Background of root
* @designToken select.background
background?: string;
* Disabled background of root
* @designToken select.disabled.background
disabledBackground?: string;
* Filled background of root
* @designToken select.filled.background
filledBackground?: string;
* Filled hover background of root
* @designToken select.filled.hover.background
filledHoverBackground?: string;
* Filled focus background of root
* @designToken select.filled.focus.background
filledFocusBackground?: string;
* Border color of root
* @designToken select.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Hover border color of root
* @designToken select.hover.border.color
hoverBorderColor?: string;
* Focus border color of root
* @designToken select.focus.border.color
focusBorderColor?: string;
* Invalid border color of root
* @designToken select.invalid.border.color
invalidBorderColor?: string;
* Color of root
* @designToken select.color
color?: string;
* Disabled color of root
* @designToken select.disabled.color
disabledColor?: string;
* Placeholder color of root
* @designToken select.placeholder.color
placeholderColor?: string;
* Invalid placeholder color of root
* @designToken select.invalid.placeholder.color
invalidPlaceholderColor?: string;
* Shadow of root
* @designToken select.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Padding x of root
* @designToken select.padding.x
paddingX?: string;
* Padding y of root
* @designToken select.padding.y
paddingY?: string;
* Border radius of root
* @designToken select.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Focus ring of root
focusRing?: {
* Focus ring width of root
* @designToken select.focus.ring.width
width?: string;
* Focus ring style of root
* @designToken
style?: string;
* Focus ring color of root
* @designToken select.focus.ring.color
color?: string;
* Focus ring offset of root
* @designToken select.focus.ring.offset
offset?: string;
* Focus ring shadow of root
* @designToken select.focus.ring.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Transition duration of root
* @designToken select.transition.duration
transitionDuration?: string;
* Sm of root
sm?: {
* Sm font size of root
* @designToken
fontSize?: string;
* Sm padding x of root
* @designToken
paddingX?: string;
* Sm padding y of root
* @designToken
paddingY?: string;
* Lg of root
lg?: {
* Lg font size of root
* @designToken select.lg.font.size
fontSize?: string;
* Lg padding x of root
* @designToken select.lg.padding.x
paddingX?: string;
* Lg padding y of root
* @designToken select.lg.padding.y
paddingY?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the dropdown section
dropdown?: {
* Width of dropdown
* @designToken select.dropdown.width
width?: string;
* Color of dropdown
* @designToken select.dropdown.color
color?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the overlay section
overlay?: {
* Background of overlay
* @designToken select.overlay.background
background?: string;
* Border color of overlay
* @designToken select.overlay.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Border radius of overlay
* @designToken select.overlay.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Color of overlay
* @designToken select.overlay.color
color?: string;
* Shadow of overlay
* @designToken select.overlay.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the list section
list?: {
* Padding of list
* @designToken select.list.padding
padding?: string;
* Gap of list
* @designToken
gap?: string;
* Header of list
header?: {
* Header padding of list
* @designToken select.list.header.padding
padding?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the option section
option?: {
* Focus background of option
* @designToken select.option.focus.background
focusBackground?: string;
* Selected background of option
* @designToken select.option.selected.background
selectedBackground?: string;
* Selected focus background of option
* @designToken select.option.selected.focus.background
selectedFocusBackground?: string;
* Color of option
* @designToken select.option.color
color?: string;
* Focus color of option
* @designToken select.option.focus.color
focusColor?: string;
* Selected color of option
* @designToken select.option.selected.color
selectedColor?: string;
* Selected focus color of option
* @designToken select.option.selected.focus.color
selectedFocusColor?: string;
* Padding of option
* @designToken select.option.padding
padding?: string;
* Border radius of option
* @designToken select.option.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the option group section
optionGroup?: {
* Background of option group
* @designToken
background?: string;
* Color of option group
* @designToken
color?: string;
* Font weight of option group
* @designToken
fontWeight?: string;
* Padding of option group
* @designToken
padding?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the clear icon section
clearIcon?: {
* Color of clear icon
* @designToken select.clear.icon.color
color?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the checkmark section
checkmark?: {
* Color of checkmark
* @designToken select.checkmark.color
color?: string;
* Gutter start of checkmark
* @designToken select.checkmark.gutter.start
gutterStart?: string;
* Gutter end of checkmark
* @designToken select.checkmark.gutter.end
gutterEnd?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the empty message section
emptyMessage?: {
* Padding of empty message
* @designToken select.empty.message.padding
padding?: string;
export * from '@primeuix/themes/types/select';

View File

@ -1,31 +1 @@
* SelectButton Design Tokens
* [Live Demo](
* @module themes/selectbutton
import { ColorSchemeDesignToken } from '..';
export interface SelectButtonDesignTokens extends ColorSchemeDesignToken<SelectButtonDesignTokens> {
* Used to pass tokens of the root section
root?: {
* Border radius of root
* @designToken selectbutton.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Invalid border color of root
* @designToken selectbutton.invalid.border.color
invalidBorderColor?: string;
export * from '@primeuix/themes/types/selectbutton';

View File

@ -1,37 +1 @@
* Skeleton Design Tokens
* [Live Demo](
* @module themes/skeleton
import { ColorSchemeDesignToken } from '..';
export interface SkeletonDesignTokens extends ColorSchemeDesignToken<SkeletonDesignTokens> {
* Used to pass tokens of the root section
root?: {
* Border radius of root
* @designToken skeleton.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Background of root
* @designToken skeleton.background
background?: string;
* Animation background of root
* @designToken skeleton.animation.background
animationBackground?: string;
export * from '@primeuix/themes/types/skeleton';

View File

@ -1,170 +1 @@
* Slider Design Tokens
* [Live Demo](
* @module themes/slider
import { ColorSchemeDesignToken } from '..';
export interface SliderDesignTokens extends ColorSchemeDesignToken<SliderDesignTokens> {
* Used to pass tokens of the root section
root?: {
* Transition duration of root
* @designToken slider.transition.duration
transitionDuration?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the track section
track?: {
* Background of track
* @designToken slider.track.background
background?: string;
* Border radius of track
* @designToken slider.track.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Size of track
* @designToken slider.track.size
size?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the range section
range?: {
* Background of range
* @designToken slider.range.background
background?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the handle section
handle?: {
* Width of handle
* @designToken slider.handle.width
width?: string;
* Height of handle
* @designToken slider.handle.height
height?: string;
* Border radius of handle
* @designToken slider.handle.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Background of handle
* @designToken slider.handle.background
background?: string;
* Hover background of handle
* @designToken slider.handle.hover.background
hoverBackground?: string;
* Content of handle
content?: {
* Content border radius of handle
* @designToken slider.handle.content.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Content hover background of handle
* @designToken slider.handle.content.hover.background
hoverBackground?: string;
* Content width of handle
* @designToken slider.handle.content.width
width?: string;
* Content height of handle
* @designToken slider.handle.content.height
height?: string;
* Content shadow of handle
* @designToken slider.handle.content.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Focus ring of handle
focusRing?: {
* Focus ring width of handle
* @designToken slider.handle.focus.ring.width
width?: string;
* Focus ring style of handle
* @designToken
style?: string;
* Focus ring color of handle
* @designToken slider.handle.focus.ring.color
color?: string;
* Focus ring offset of handle
* @designToken slider.handle.focus.ring.offset
offset?: string;
* Focus ring shadow of handle
* @designToken slider.handle.focus.ring.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Content background of handle
* @designToken slider.handle.content.background
contentBackground?: string;
export * from '@primeuix/themes/types/slider';

View File

@ -1,31 +1 @@
* SpeedDial Design Tokens
* [Live Demo](
* @module themes/speeddial
import { ColorSchemeDesignToken } from '..';
export interface SpeedDialDesignTokens extends ColorSchemeDesignToken<SpeedDialDesignTokens> {
* Used to pass tokens of the root section
root?: {
* Gap of root
* @designToken
gap?: string;
* Transition duration of root
* @designToken speeddial.transition.duration
transitionDuration?: string;
export * from '@primeuix/themes/types/speeddial';

View File

@ -1,37 +1 @@
* SplitButton Design Tokens
* [Live Demo](
* @module themes/splitbutton
import { ColorSchemeDesignToken } from '..';
export interface SplitButtonDesignTokens extends ColorSchemeDesignToken<SplitButtonDesignTokens> {
* Used to pass tokens of the root section
root?: {
* Border radius of root
* @designToken splitbutton.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Rounded border radius of root
* @designToken splitbutton.rounded.border.radius
roundedBorderRadius?: string;
* Raised shadow of root
* @designToken splitbutton.raised.shadow
raisedShadow?: string;
export * from '@primeuix/themes/types/splitbutton';

View File

@ -1,112 +1 @@
* Splitter Design Tokens
* [Live Demo](
* @module themes/splitter
import { ColorSchemeDesignToken } from '..';
export interface SplitterDesignTokens extends ColorSchemeDesignToken<SplitterDesignTokens> {
* Used to pass tokens of the root section
root?: {
* Background of root
* @designToken splitter.background
background?: string;
* Border color of root
* @designToken splitter.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Color of root
* @designToken splitter.color
color?: string;
* Transition duration of root
* @designToken splitter.transition.duration
transitionDuration?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the gutter section
gutter?: {
* Background of gutter
* @designToken splitter.gutter.background
background?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the handle section
handle?: {
* Size of handle
* @designToken splitter.handle.size
size?: string;
* Background of handle
* @designToken splitter.handle.background
background?: string;
* Border radius of handle
* @designToken splitter.handle.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Focus ring of handle
focusRing?: {
* Focus ring width of handle
* @designToken splitter.handle.focus.ring.width
width?: string;
* Focus ring style of handle
* @designToken
style?: string;
* Focus ring color of handle
* @designToken splitter.handle.focus.ring.color
color?: string;
* Focus ring offset of handle
* @designToken splitter.handle.focus.ring.offset
offset?: string;
* Focus ring shadow of handle
* @designToken splitter.handle.focus.ring.shadow
shadow?: string;
export * from '@primeuix/themes/types/splitter';

View File

@ -1,263 +1 @@
* Stepper Design Tokens
* [Live Demo](
* @module themes/stepper
import { ColorSchemeDesignToken } from '..';
export interface StepperDesignTokens extends ColorSchemeDesignToken<StepperDesignTokens> {
* Used to pass tokens of the root section
root?: {
* Transition duration of root
* @designToken stepper.transition.duration
transitionDuration?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the separator section
separator?: {
* Background of separator
* @designToken stepper.separator.background
background?: string;
* Active background of separator
* @designToken
activeBackground?: string;
* Margin of separator
* @designToken stepper.separator.margin
margin?: string;
* Size of separator
* @designToken stepper.separator.size
size?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the step section
step?: {
* Padding of step
* @designToken stepper.step.padding
padding?: string;
* Gap of step
* @designToken
gap?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the step header section
stepHeader?: {
* Padding of step header
* @designToken stepper.step.header.padding
padding?: string;
* Border radius of step header
* @designToken stepper.step.header.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Focus ring of step header
focusRing?: {
* Focus ring width of step header
* @designToken stepper.step.header.focus.ring.width
width?: string;
* Focus ring style of step header
* @designToken
style?: string;
* Focus ring color of step header
* @designToken stepper.step.header.focus.ring.color
color?: string;
* Focus ring offset of step header
* @designToken stepper.step.header.focus.ring.offset
offset?: string;
* Focus ring shadow of step header
* @designToken stepper.step.header.focus.ring.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Gap of step header
* @designToken
gap?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the step title section
stepTitle?: {
* Color of step title
* @designToken stepper.step.title.color
color?: string;
* Active color of step title
* @designToken
activeColor?: string;
* Font weight of step title
* @designToken stepper.step.title.font.weight
fontWeight?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the step number section
stepNumber?: {
* Background of step number
* @designToken stepper.step.number.background
background?: string;
* Active background of step number
* @designToken
activeBackground?: string;
* Border color of step number
* @designToken stepper.step.number.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Active border color of step number
* @designToken
activeBorderColor?: string;
* Color of step number
* @designToken stepper.step.number.color
color?: string;
* Active color of step number
* @designToken
activeColor?: string;
* Size of step number
* @designToken stepper.step.number.size
size?: string;
* Font size of step number
* @designToken stepper.step.number.font.size
fontSize?: string;
* Font weight of step number
* @designToken stepper.step.number.font.weight
fontWeight?: string;
* Border radius of step number
* @designToken stepper.step.number.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Shadow of step number
* @designToken stepper.step.number.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the steppanels section
steppanels?: {
* Padding of steppanels
* @designToken stepper.steppanels.padding
padding?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the steppanel section
steppanel?: {
* Background of steppanel
* @designToken stepper.steppanel.background
background?: string;
* Color of steppanel
* @designToken stepper.steppanel.color
color?: string;
* Padding of steppanel
* @designToken stepper.steppanel.padding
padding?: string;
* Indent of steppanel
* @designToken stepper.steppanel.indent
indent?: string;
export * from '@primeuix/themes/types/stepper';

View File

@ -1,182 +1 @@
* Steps Design Tokens
* [Live Demo](
* @module themes/steps
import { ColorSchemeDesignToken } from '..';
export interface StepsDesignTokens extends ColorSchemeDesignToken<StepsDesignTokens> {
* Used to pass tokens of the root section
root?: {
* Transition duration of root
* @designToken steps.transition.duration
transitionDuration?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the separator section
separator?: {
* Background of separator
* @designToken steps.separator.background
background?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the item link section
itemLink?: {
* Border radius of item link
* @designToken
borderRadius?: string;
* Focus ring of item link
focusRing?: {
* Focus ring width of item link
* @designToken
width?: string;
* Focus ring style of item link
* @designToken
style?: string;
* Focus ring color of item link
* @designToken
color?: string;
* Focus ring offset of item link
* @designToken
offset?: string;
* Focus ring shadow of item link
* @designToken
shadow?: string;
* Gap of item link
* @designToken
gap?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the item label section
itemLabel?: {
* Color of item label
* @designToken steps.item.label.color
color?: string;
* Active color of item label
* @designToken
activeColor?: string;
* Font weight of item label
* @designToken steps.item.label.font.weight
fontWeight?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the item number section
itemNumber?: {
* Background of item number
* @designToken steps.item.number.background
background?: string;
* Active background of item number
* @designToken
activeBackground?: string;
* Border color of item number
* @designToken steps.item.number.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Active border color of item number
* @designToken
activeBorderColor?: string;
* Color of item number
* @designToken steps.item.number.color
color?: string;
* Active color of item number
* @designToken
activeColor?: string;
* Size of item number
* @designToken steps.item.number.size
size?: string;
* Font size of item number
* @designToken steps.item.number.font.size
fontSize?: string;
* Font weight of item number
* @designToken steps.item.number.font.weight
fontWeight?: string;
* Border radius of item number
* @designToken steps.item.number.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Shadow of item number
* @designToken steps.item.number.shadow
shadow?: string;
export * from '@primeuix/themes/types/steps';

View File

@ -1,218 +1 @@
* Tabmenu Design Tokens
* [Live Demo](
* @module themes/tabmenu
import { ColorSchemeDesignToken } from '..';
export interface TabmenuDesignTokens extends ColorSchemeDesignToken<TabmenuDesignTokens> {
* Used to pass tokens of the root section
root?: {
* Transition duration of root
* @designToken tabmenu.transition.duration
transitionDuration?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the tablist section
tablist?: {
* Border width of tablist
* @designToken tabmenu.tablist.border.width
borderWidth?: string;
* Background of tablist
* @designToken tabmenu.tablist.background
background?: string;
* Border color of tablist
* @designToken tabmenu.tablist.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the item section
item?: {
* Background of item
* @designToken tabmenu.item.background
background?: string;
* Hover background of item
* @designToken tabmenu.item.hover.background
hoverBackground?: string;
* Active background of item
* @designToken
activeBackground?: string;
* Border width of item
* @designToken tabmenu.item.border.width
borderWidth?: string;
* Border color of item
* @designToken tabmenu.item.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Hover border color of item
* @designToken tabmenu.item.hover.border.color
hoverBorderColor?: string;
* Active border color of item
* @designToken
activeBorderColor?: string;
* Color of item
* @designToken tabmenu.item.color
color?: string;
* Hover color of item
* @designToken tabmenu.item.hover.color
hoverColor?: string;
* Active color of item
* @designToken
activeColor?: string;
* Padding of item
* @designToken tabmenu.item.padding
padding?: string;
* Font weight of item
* @designToken tabmenu.item.font.weight
fontWeight?: string;
* Margin of item
* @designToken tabmenu.item.margin
margin?: string;
* Gap of item
* @designToken
gap?: string;
* Focus ring of item
focusRing?: {
* Focus ring width of item
* @designToken tabmenu.item.focus.ring.width
width?: string;
* Focus ring style of item
* @designToken
style?: string;
* Focus ring color of item
* @designToken tabmenu.item.focus.ring.color
color?: string;
* Focus ring offset of item
* @designToken tabmenu.item.focus.ring.offset
offset?: string;
* Focus ring shadow of item
* @designToken tabmenu.item.focus.ring.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the item icon section
itemIcon?: {
* Color of item icon
* @designToken tabmenu.item.icon.color
color?: string;
* Hover color of item icon
* @designToken tabmenu.item.icon.hover.color
hoverColor?: string;
* Active color of item icon
* @designToken
activeColor?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the active bar section
activeBar?: {
* Height of active bar
* @designToken
height?: string;
* Bottom of active bar
* @designToken
bottom?: string;
* Background of active bar
* @designToken
background?: string;
export * from '@primeuix/themes/types/tabmenu';

View File

@ -1,323 +1 @@
* Tabs Design Tokens
* [Live Demo](
* @module themes/tabs
import { ColorSchemeDesignToken } from '..';
export interface TabsDesignTokens extends ColorSchemeDesignToken<TabsDesignTokens> {
* Used to pass tokens of the root section
root?: {
* Transition duration of root
* @designToken tabs.transition.duration
transitionDuration?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the tablist section
tablist?: {
* Border width of tablist
* @designToken tabs.tablist.border.width
borderWidth?: string;
* Background of tablist
* @designToken tabs.tablist.background
background?: string;
* Border color of tablist
* @designToken tabs.tablist.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the tab section
tab?: {
* Background of tab
* @designToken
background?: string;
* Hover background of tab
* @designToken
hoverBackground?: string;
* Active background of tab
* @designToken
activeBackground?: string;
* Border width of tab
* @designToken
borderWidth?: string;
* Border color of tab
* @designToken
borderColor?: string;
* Hover border color of tab
* @designToken
hoverBorderColor?: string;
* Active border color of tab
* @designToken
activeBorderColor?: string;
* Color of tab
* @designToken
color?: string;
* Hover color of tab
* @designToken
hoverColor?: string;
* Active color of tab
* @designToken
activeColor?: string;
* Padding of tab
* @designToken
padding?: string;
* Font weight of tab
* @designToken
fontWeight?: string;
* Margin of tab
* @designToken
margin?: string;
* Gap of tab
* @designToken
gap?: string;
* Focus ring of tab
focusRing?: {
* Focus ring width of tab
* @designToken
width?: string;
* Focus ring style of tab
* @designToken
style?: string;
* Focus ring color of tab
* @designToken
color?: string;
* Focus ring offset of tab
* @designToken
offset?: string;
* Focus ring shadow of tab
* @designToken
shadow?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the tabpanel section
tabpanel?: {
* Background of tabpanel
* @designToken tabs.tabpanel.background
background?: string;
* Color of tabpanel
* @designToken tabs.tabpanel.color
color?: string;
* Padding of tabpanel
* @designToken tabs.tabpanel.padding
padding?: string;
* Focus ring of tabpanel
focusRing?: {
* Focus ring width of tabpanel
* @designToken tabs.tabpanel.focus.ring.width
width?: string;
* Focus ring style of tabpanel
* @designToken
style?: string;
* Focus ring color of tabpanel
* @designToken tabs.tabpanel.focus.ring.color
color?: string;
* Focus ring offset of tabpanel
* @designToken tabs.tabpanel.focus.ring.offset
offset?: string;
* Focus ring shadow of tabpanel
* @designToken tabs.tabpanel.focus.ring.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the nav button section
navButton?: {
* Background of nav button
* @designToken tabs.nav.button.background
background?: string;
* Color of nav button
* @designToken tabs.nav.button.color
color?: string;
* Hover color of nav button
* @designToken tabs.nav.button.hover.color
hoverColor?: string;
* Width of nav button
* @designToken tabs.nav.button.width
width?: string;
* Focus ring of nav button
focusRing?: {
* Focus ring width of nav button
* @designToken tabs.nav.button.focus.ring.width
width?: string;
* Focus ring style of nav button
* @designToken
style?: string;
* Focus ring color of nav button
* @designToken tabs.nav.button.focus.ring.color
color?: string;
* Focus ring offset of nav button
* @designToken tabs.nav.button.focus.ring.offset
offset?: string;
* Focus ring shadow of nav button
* @designToken tabs.nav.button.focus.ring.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Shadow of nav button
* @designToken tabs.nav.button.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the active bar section
activeBar?: {
* Height of active bar
* @designToken
height?: string;
* Bottom of active bar
* @designToken
bottom?: string;
* Background of active bar
* @designToken
background?: string;
export * from '@primeuix/themes/types/tabs';

View File

@ -1,123 +1 @@
* TabView Design Tokens
* [Live Demo](
* @module themes/tabview
import { ColorSchemeDesignToken } from '..';
export interface TabViewDesignTokens extends ColorSchemeDesignToken<TabViewDesignTokens> {
* Used to pass tokens of the root section
root?: {
* Transition duration of root
* @designToken tabview.transition.duration
transitionDuration?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the tab list section
tabList?: {
* Background of tab list
* @designToken
background?: string;
* Border color of tab list
* @designToken
borderColor?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the tab section
tab?: {
* Border color of tab
* @designToken
borderColor?: string;
* Active border color of tab
* @designToken
activeBorderColor?: string;
* Color of tab
* @designToken
color?: string;
* Hover color of tab
* @designToken
hoverColor?: string;
* Active color of tab
* @designToken
activeColor?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the tab panel section
tabPanel?: {
* Background of tab panel
* @designToken
background?: string;
* Color of tab panel
* @designToken
color?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the nav button section
navButton?: {
* Background of nav button
* @designToken tabview.nav.button.background
background?: string;
* Color of nav button
* @designToken tabview.nav.button.color
color?: string;
* Hover color of nav button
* @designToken tabview.nav.button.hover.color
hoverColor?: string;
* Shadow of nav button
* @designToken tabview.nav.button.shadow
shadow?: string;
export * from '@primeuix/themes/types/tabview';

View File

@ -1,185 +1 @@
* Tag Design Tokens
* [Live Demo](
* @module themes/tag
import { ColorSchemeDesignToken } from '..';
export interface TagDesignTokens extends ColorSchemeDesignToken<TagDesignTokens> {
* Used to pass tokens of the root section
root?: {
* Font size of root
* @designToken tag.font.size
fontSize?: string;
* Font weight of root
* @designToken tag.font.weight
fontWeight?: string;
* Padding of root
* @designToken tag.padding
padding?: string;
* Gap of root
* @designToken
gap?: string;
* Border radius of root
* @designToken tag.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Rounded border radius of root
* @designToken tag.rounded.border.radius
roundedBorderRadius?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the icon section
icon?: {
* Size of icon
* @designToken tag.icon.size
size?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the primary section
primary?: {
* Background of primary
* @designToken tag.primary.background
background?: string;
* Color of primary
* @designToken tag.primary.color
color?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the secondary section
secondary?: {
* Background of secondary
* @designToken tag.secondary.background
background?: string;
* Color of secondary
* @designToken tag.secondary.color
color?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the success section
success?: {
* Background of success
* @designToken tag.success.background
background?: string;
* Color of success
* @designToken tag.success.color
color?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the info section
info?: {
* Background of info
* @designToken
background?: string;
* Color of info
* @designToken
color?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the warn section
warn?: {
* Background of warn
* @designToken tag.warn.background
background?: string;
* Color of warn
* @designToken tag.warn.color
color?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the danger section
danger?: {
* Background of danger
* @designToken tag.danger.background
background?: string;
* Color of danger
* @designToken tag.danger.color
color?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the contrast section
contrast?: {
* Background of contrast
* @designToken tag.contrast.background
background?: string;
* Color of contrast
* @designToken tag.contrast.color
color?: string;
export * from '@primeuix/themes/types/tag';

View File

@ -1,77 +1 @@
* Terminal Design Tokens
* [Live Demo](
* @module themes/terminal
import { ColorSchemeDesignToken } from '..';
export interface TerminalDesignTokens extends ColorSchemeDesignToken<TerminalDesignTokens> {
* Used to pass tokens of the root section
root?: {
* Background of root
* @designToken terminal.background
background?: string;
* Border color of root
* @designToken terminal.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Color of root
* @designToken terminal.color
color?: string;
* Height of root
* @designToken terminal.height
height?: string;
* Padding of root
* @designToken terminal.padding
padding?: string;
* Border radius of root
* @designToken terminal.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the prompt section
prompt?: {
* Gap of prompt
* @designToken
gap?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the command response section
commandResponse?: {
* Margin of command response
* @designToken terminal.command.response.margin
margin?: string;
export * from '@primeuix/themes/types/terminal';

View File

@ -1,202 +1 @@
* Textarea Design Tokens
* [Live Demo](
* @module themes/textarea
import { ColorSchemeDesignToken } from '..';
export interface TextareaDesignTokens extends ColorSchemeDesignToken<TextareaDesignTokens> {
* Used to pass tokens of the root section
root?: {
* Background of root
* @designToken textarea.background
background?: string;
* Disabled background of root
* @designToken textarea.disabled.background
disabledBackground?: string;
* Filled background of root
* @designToken textarea.filled.background
filledBackground?: string;
* Filled focus background of root
* @designToken textarea.filled.focus.background
filledFocusBackground?: string;
* Border color of root
* @designToken textarea.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Hover border color of root
* @designToken textarea.hover.border.color
hoverBorderColor?: string;
* Focus border color of root
* @designToken textarea.focus.border.color
focusBorderColor?: string;
* Invalid border color of root
* @designToken textarea.invalid.border.color
invalidBorderColor?: string;
* Color of root
* @designToken textarea.color
color?: string;
* Disabled color of root
* @designToken textarea.disabled.color
disabledColor?: string;
* Placeholder color of root
* @designToken textarea.placeholder.color
placeholderColor?: string;
* Invalid placeholder color of root
* @designToken textarea.invalid.placeholder.color
invalidPlaceholderColor?: string;
* Shadow of root
* @designToken textarea.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Padding x of root
* @designToken textarea.padding.x
paddingX?: string;
* Padding y of root
* @designToken textarea.padding.y
paddingY?: string;
* Border radius of root
* @designToken textarea.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Focus ring of root
focusRing?: {
* Focus ring width of root
* @designToken textarea.focus.ring.width
width?: string;
* Focus ring style of root
* @designToken
style?: string;
* Focus ring color of root
* @designToken textarea.focus.ring.color
color?: string;
* Focus ring offset of root
* @designToken textarea.focus.ring.offset
offset?: string;
* Focus ring shadow of root
* @designToken textarea.focus.ring.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Transition duration of root
* @designToken textarea.transition.duration
transitionDuration?: string;
* Sm of root
sm?: {
* Sm font size of root
* @designToken
fontSize?: string;
* Sm padding x of root
* @designToken
paddingX?: string;
* Sm padding y of root
* @designToken
paddingY?: string;
* Lg of root
lg?: {
* Lg font size of root
* @designToken textarea.lg.font.size
fontSize?: string;
* Lg padding x of root
* @designToken textarea.lg.padding.x
paddingX?: string;
* Lg padding y of root
* @designToken textarea.lg.padding.y
paddingY?: string;
export * from '@primeuix/themes/types/textarea';

View File

@ -1,199 +1 @@
* TieredMenu Design Tokens
* [Live Demo](
* @module themes/tieredmenu
import { ColorSchemeDesignToken } from '..';
export interface TieredMenuDesignTokens extends ColorSchemeDesignToken<TieredMenuDesignTokens> {
* Used to pass tokens of the root section
root?: {
* Background of root
* @designToken tieredmenu.background
background?: string;
* Border color of root
* @designToken tieredmenu.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Color of root
* @designToken tieredmenu.color
color?: string;
* Border radius of root
* @designToken tieredmenu.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Shadow of root
* @designToken tieredmenu.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Transition duration of root
* @designToken tieredmenu.transition.duration
transitionDuration?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the list section
list?: {
* Padding of list
* @designToken tieredmenu.list.padding
padding?: string;
* Gap of list
* @designToken
gap?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the item section
item?: {
* Focus background of item
* @designToken tieredmenu.item.focus.background
focusBackground?: string;
* Active background of item
* @designToken
activeBackground?: string;
* Color of item
* @designToken tieredmenu.item.color
color?: string;
* Focus color of item
* @designToken tieredmenu.item.focus.color
focusColor?: string;
* Active color of item
* @designToken
activeColor?: string;
* Padding of item
* @designToken tieredmenu.item.padding
padding?: string;
* Border radius of item
* @designToken tieredmenu.item.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Gap of item
* @designToken
gap?: string;
* Icon of item
icon?: {
* Icon color of item
* @designToken tieredmenu.item.icon.color
color?: string;
* Icon focus color of item
* @designToken tieredmenu.item.icon.focus.color
focusColor?: string;
* Icon active color of item
* @designToken
activeColor?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the submenu section
submenu?: {
* Mobile indent of submenu
* @designToken
mobileIndent?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the submenu icon section
submenuIcon?: {
* Size of submenu icon
* @designToken tieredmenu.submenu.icon.size
size?: string;
* Color of submenu icon
* @designToken tieredmenu.submenu.icon.color
color?: string;
* Focus color of submenu icon
* @designToken tieredmenu.submenu.icon.focus.color
focusColor?: string;
* Active color of submenu icon
* @designToken
activeColor?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the separator section
separator?: {
* Border color of separator
* @designToken tieredmenu.separator.border.color
borderColor?: string;
export * from '@primeuix/themes/types/tieredmenu';

View File

@ -1,138 +1 @@
* Timeline Design Tokens
* [Live Demo](
* @module themes/timeline
import { ColorSchemeDesignToken } from '..';
export interface TimelineDesignTokens extends ColorSchemeDesignToken<TimelineDesignTokens> {
* Used to pass tokens of the event section
event?: {
* Min height of event
* @designToken timeline.event.min.height
minHeight?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the horizontal section
horizontal?: {
* Event content of horizontal
eventContent?: {
* Event content padding of horizontal
* @designToken timeline.horizontal.event.content.padding
padding?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the vertical section
vertical?: {
* Event content of vertical
eventContent?: {
* Event content padding of vertical
* @designToken timeline.vertical.event.content.padding
padding?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the event marker section
eventMarker?: {
* Size of event marker
* @designToken timeline.event.marker.size
size?: string;
* Border radius of event marker
* @designToken timeline.event.marker.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Border width of event marker
* @designToken timeline.event.marker.border.width
borderWidth?: string;
* Background of event marker
* @designToken timeline.event.marker.background
background?: string;
* Border color of event marker
* @designToken timeline.event.marker.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Content of event marker
content?: {
* Content border radius of event marker
* @designToken timeline.event.marker.content.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Content size of event marker
* @designToken timeline.event.marker.content.size
size?: string;
* Content background of event marker
* @designToken timeline.event.marker.content.background
background?: string;
* Content inset shadow of event marker
* @designToken timeline.event.marker.content.inset.shadow
insetShadow?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the event connector section
eventConnector?: {
* Color of event connector
* @designToken timeline.event.connector.color
color?: string;
* Size of event connector
* @designToken timeline.event.connector.size
size?: string;
export * from '@primeuix/themes/types/timeline';

View File

@ -1,586 +1 @@
* Toast Design Tokens
* [Live Demo](
* @module themes/toast
import { ColorSchemeDesignToken } from '..';
export interface ToastDesignTokens extends ColorSchemeDesignToken<ToastDesignTokens> {
* Used to pass tokens of the root section
root?: {
* Width of root
* @designToken toast.width
width?: string;
* Border radius of root
* @designToken toast.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Border width of root
* @designToken toast.border.width
borderWidth?: string;
* Transition duration of root
* @designToken toast.transition.duration
transitionDuration?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the icon section
icon?: {
* Size of icon
* @designToken toast.icon.size
size?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the content section
content?: {
* Padding of content
* @designToken toast.content.padding
padding?: string;
* Gap of content
* @designToken
gap?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the text section
text?: {
* Gap of text
* @designToken
gap?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the summary section
summary?: {
* Font weight of summary
* @designToken toast.summary.font.weight
fontWeight?: string;
* Font size of summary
* @designToken toast.summary.font.size
fontSize?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the detail section
detail?: {
* Font weight of detail
* @designToken toast.detail.font.weight
fontWeight?: string;
* Font size of detail
* @designToken toast.detail.font.size
fontSize?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the close button section
closeButton?: {
* Width of close button
* @designToken toast.close.button.width
width?: string;
* Height of close button
* @designToken toast.close.button.height
height?: string;
* Border radius of close button
* @designToken toast.close.button.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Focus ring of close button
focusRing?: {
* Focus ring width of close button
* @designToken toast.close.button.focus.ring.width
width?: string;
* Focus ring style of close button
* @designToken
style?: string;
* Focus ring offset of close button
* @designToken toast.close.button.focus.ring.offset
offset?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the close icon section
closeIcon?: {
* Size of close icon
* @designToken toast.close.icon.size
size?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the blur section
blur?: {
* 0 of blur
* @designToken toast.blur.0
0?: string;
* 1 of blur
* @designToken toast.blur.1
1?: string;
* 2 of blur
* @designToken toast.blur.2
2?: string;
* 3 of blur
* @designToken toast.blur.3
3?: string;
* 4 of blur
* @designToken toast.blur.4
4?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the info section
info?: {
* Background of info
* @designToken
background?: string;
* Border color of info
* @designToken
borderColor?: string;
* Color of info
* @designToken
color?: string;
* Detail color of info
* @designToken
detailColor?: string;
* Shadow of info
* @designToken
shadow?: string;
* Close button of info
closeButton?: {
* Close button hover background of info
* @designToken
hoverBackground?: string;
* Close button focus ring of info
focusRing?: {
* Close button focus ring color of info
* @designToken
color?: string;
* Close button focus ring shadow of info
* @designToken
shadow?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the success section
success?: {
* Background of success
* @designToken toast.success.background
background?: string;
* Border color of success
* @designToken toast.success.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Color of success
* @designToken toast.success.color
color?: string;
* Detail color of success
* @designToken toast.success.detail.color
detailColor?: string;
* Shadow of success
* @designToken toast.success.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Close button of success
closeButton?: {
* Close button hover background of success
* @designToken toast.success.close.button.hover.background
hoverBackground?: string;
* Close button focus ring of success
focusRing?: {
* Close button focus ring color of success
* @designToken toast.success.close.button.focus.ring.color
color?: string;
* Close button focus ring shadow of success
* @designToken toast.success.close.button.focus.ring.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the warn section
warn?: {
* Background of warn
* @designToken toast.warn.background
background?: string;
* Border color of warn
* @designToken toast.warn.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Color of warn
* @designToken toast.warn.color
color?: string;
* Detail color of warn
* @designToken toast.warn.detail.color
detailColor?: string;
* Shadow of warn
* @designToken toast.warn.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Close button of warn
closeButton?: {
* Close button hover background of warn
* @designToken toast.warn.close.button.hover.background
hoverBackground?: string;
* Close button focus ring of warn
focusRing?: {
* Close button focus ring color of warn
* @designToken toast.warn.close.button.focus.ring.color
color?: string;
* Close button focus ring shadow of warn
* @designToken toast.warn.close.button.focus.ring.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the error section
error?: {
* Background of error
* @designToken toast.error.background
background?: string;
* Border color of error
* @designToken toast.error.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Color of error
* @designToken toast.error.color
color?: string;
* Detail color of error
* @designToken toast.error.detail.color
detailColor?: string;
* Shadow of error
* @designToken toast.error.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Close button of error
closeButton?: {
* Close button hover background of error
* @designToken toast.error.close.button.hover.background
hoverBackground?: string;
* Close button focus ring of error
focusRing?: {
* Close button focus ring color of error
* @designToken toast.error.close.button.focus.ring.color
color?: string;
* Close button focus ring shadow of error
* @designToken toast.error.close.button.focus.ring.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the secondary section
secondary?: {
* Background of secondary
* @designToken toast.secondary.background
background?: string;
* Border color of secondary
* @designToken toast.secondary.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Color of secondary
* @designToken toast.secondary.color
color?: string;
* Detail color of secondary
* @designToken toast.secondary.detail.color
detailColor?: string;
* Shadow of secondary
* @designToken toast.secondary.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Close button of secondary
closeButton?: {
* Close button hover background of secondary
* @designToken toast.secondary.close.button.hover.background
hoverBackground?: string;
* Close button focus ring of secondary
focusRing?: {
* Close button focus ring color of secondary
* @designToken toast.secondary.close.button.focus.ring.color
color?: string;
* Close button focus ring shadow of secondary
* @designToken toast.secondary.close.button.focus.ring.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the contrast section
contrast?: {
* Background of contrast
* @designToken toast.contrast.background
background?: string;
* Border color of contrast
* @designToken toast.contrast.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Color of contrast
* @designToken toast.contrast.color
color?: string;
* Detail color of contrast
* @designToken toast.contrast.detail.color
detailColor?: string;
* Shadow of contrast
* @designToken toast.contrast.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Close button of contrast
closeButton?: {
* Close button hover background of contrast
* @designToken toast.contrast.close.button.hover.background
hoverBackground?: string;
* Close button focus ring of contrast
focusRing?: {
* Close button focus ring color of contrast
* @designToken toast.contrast.close.button.focus.ring.color
color?: string;
* Close button focus ring shadow of contrast
* @designToken toast.contrast.close.button.focus.ring.shadow
shadow?: string;
export * from '@primeuix/themes/types/toast';

View File

@ -1,270 +1 @@
* ToggleButton Design Tokens
* [Live Demo](
* @module themes/togglebutton
import { ColorSchemeDesignToken } from '..';
export interface ToggleButtonDesignTokens extends ColorSchemeDesignToken<ToggleButtonDesignTokens> {
* Used to pass tokens of the root section
root?: {
* Padding of root
* @designToken togglebutton.padding
padding?: string;
* Border radius of root
* @designToken togglebutton.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Gap of root
* @designToken
gap?: string;
* Font weight of root
* @designToken togglebutton.font.weight
fontWeight?: string;
* Disabled background of root
* @designToken togglebutton.disabled.background
disabledBackground?: string;
* Disabled border color of root
* @designToken togglebutton.disabled.border.color
disabledBorderColor?: string;
* Disabled color of root
* @designToken togglebutton.disabled.color
disabledColor?: string;
* Invalid border color of root
* @designToken togglebutton.invalid.border.color
invalidBorderColor?: string;
* Focus ring of root
focusRing?: {
* Focus ring width of root
* @designToken togglebutton.focus.ring.width
width?: string;
* Focus ring style of root
* @designToken
style?: string;
* Focus ring color of root
* @designToken togglebutton.focus.ring.color
color?: string;
* Focus ring offset of root
* @designToken togglebutton.focus.ring.offset
offset?: string;
* Focus ring shadow of root
* @designToken togglebutton.focus.ring.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Transition duration of root
* @designToken togglebutton.transition.duration
transitionDuration?: string;
* Sm of root
sm?: {
* Sm font size of root
* @designToken
fontSize?: string;
* Sm padding of root
* @designToken
padding?: string;
* Lg of root
lg?: {
* Lg font size of root
* @designToken togglebutton.lg.font.size
fontSize?: string;
* Lg padding of root
* @designToken togglebutton.lg.padding
padding?: string;
* Background of root
* @designToken togglebutton.background
background?: string;
* Checked background of root
* @designToken togglebutton.checked.background
checkedBackground?: string;
* Hover background of root
* @designToken togglebutton.hover.background
hoverBackground?: string;
* Border color of root
* @designToken togglebutton.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Color of root
* @designToken togglebutton.color
color?: string;
* Hover color of root
* @designToken togglebutton.hover.color
hoverColor?: string;
* Checked color of root
* @designToken togglebutton.checked.color
checkedColor?: string;
* Checked border color of root
* @designToken togglebutton.checked.border.color
checkedBorderColor?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the icon section
icon?: {
* Disabled color of icon
* @designToken togglebutton.icon.disabled.color
disabledColor?: string;
* Color of icon
* @designToken togglebutton.icon.color
color?: string;
* Hover color of icon
* @designToken togglebutton.icon.hover.color
hoverColor?: string;
* Checked color of icon
* @designToken togglebutton.icon.checked.color
checkedColor?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the content section
content?: {
* Padding of content
* @designToken togglebutton.content.padding
padding?: string;
* Border radius of content
* @designToken togglebutton.content.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Checked shadow of content
* @designToken togglebutton.content.checked.shadow
checkedShadow?: string;
* Sm of content
sm?: {
* Sm padding of content
* @designToken
padding?: string;
* Lg of content
lg?: {
* Lg padding of content
* @designToken togglebutton.content.lg.padding
padding?: string;
* Checked background of content
* @designToken togglebutton.content.checked.background
checkedBackground?: string;
export * from '@primeuix/themes/types/togglebutton';

View File

@ -1,233 +1 @@
* ToggleSwitch Design Tokens
* [Live Demo](
* @module themes/toggleswitch
import { ColorSchemeDesignToken } from '..';
export interface ToggleSwitchDesignTokens extends ColorSchemeDesignToken<ToggleSwitchDesignTokens> {
* Used to pass tokens of the root section
root?: {
* Width of root
* @designToken toggleswitch.width
width?: string;
* Height of root
* @designToken toggleswitch.height
height?: string;
* Border radius of root
* @designToken toggleswitch.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Gap of root
* @designToken
gap?: string;
* Shadow of root
* @designToken toggleswitch.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Focus ring of root
focusRing?: {
* Focus ring width of root
* @designToken toggleswitch.focus.ring.width
width?: string;
* Focus ring style of root
* @designToken
style?: string;
* Focus ring color of root
* @designToken toggleswitch.focus.ring.color
color?: string;
* Focus ring offset of root
* @designToken toggleswitch.focus.ring.offset
offset?: string;
* Focus ring shadow of root
* @designToken toggleswitch.focus.ring.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Border width of root
* @designToken toggleswitch.border.width
borderWidth?: string;
* Border color of root
* @designToken toggleswitch.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Hover border color of root
* @designToken toggleswitch.hover.border.color
hoverBorderColor?: string;
* Checked border color of root
* @designToken toggleswitch.checked.border.color
checkedBorderColor?: string;
* Checked hover border color of root
* @designToken toggleswitch.checked.hover.border.color
checkedHoverBorderColor?: string;
* Invalid border color of root
* @designToken toggleswitch.invalid.border.color
invalidBorderColor?: string;
* Transition duration of root
* @designToken toggleswitch.transition.duration
transitionDuration?: string;
* Slide duration of root
* @designToken toggleswitch.slide.duration
slideDuration?: string;
* Background of root
* @designToken toggleswitch.background
background?: string;
* Disabled background of root
* @designToken toggleswitch.disabled.background
disabledBackground?: string;
* Hover background of root
* @designToken toggleswitch.hover.background
hoverBackground?: string;
* Checked background of root
* @designToken toggleswitch.checked.background
checkedBackground?: string;
* Checked hover background of root
* @designToken toggleswitch.checked.hover.background
checkedHoverBackground?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the handle section
handle?: {
* Border radius of handle
* @designToken toggleswitch.handle.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Size of handle
* @designToken toggleswitch.handle.size
size?: string;
* Background of handle
* @designToken toggleswitch.handle.background
background?: string;
* Disabled background of handle
* @designToken toggleswitch.handle.disabled.background
disabledBackground?: string;
* Hover background of handle
* @designToken toggleswitch.handle.hover.background
hoverBackground?: string;
* Checked background of handle
* @designToken toggleswitch.handle.checked.background
checkedBackground?: string;
* Checked hover background of handle
* @designToken toggleswitch.handle.checked.hover.background
checkedHoverBackground?: string;
* Color of handle
* @designToken toggleswitch.handle.color
color?: string;
* Hover color of handle
* @designToken toggleswitch.handle.hover.color
hoverColor?: string;
* Checked color of handle
* @designToken toggleswitch.handle.checked.color
checkedColor?: string;
* Checked hover color of handle
* @designToken toggleswitch.handle.checked.hover.color
checkedHoverColor?: string;
export * from '@primeuix/themes/types/toggleswitch';

View File

@ -1,55 +1 @@
* Toolbar Design Tokens
* [Live Demo](
* @module themes/toolbar
import { ColorSchemeDesignToken } from '..';
export interface ToolbarDesignTokens extends ColorSchemeDesignToken<ToolbarDesignTokens> {
* Used to pass tokens of the root section
root?: {
* Background of root
* @designToken toolbar.background
background?: string;
* Border color of root
* @designToken toolbar.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Border radius of root
* @designToken toolbar.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Color of root
* @designToken toolbar.color
color?: string;
* Gap of root
* @designToken
gap?: string;
* Padding of root
* @designToken toolbar.padding
padding?: string;
export * from '@primeuix/themes/types/toolbar';

View File

@ -1,61 +1 @@
* Tooltip Design Tokens
* [Live Demo](
* @module themes/tooltip
import { ColorSchemeDesignToken } from '..';
export interface TooltipDesignTokens extends ColorSchemeDesignToken<TooltipDesignTokens> {
* Used to pass tokens of the root section
root?: {
* Max width of root
* @designToken tooltip.max.width
maxWidth?: string;
* Gutter of root
* @designToken tooltip.gutter
gutter?: string;
* Shadow of root
* @designToken tooltip.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Padding of root
* @designToken tooltip.padding
padding?: string;
* Border radius of root
* @designToken tooltip.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Background of root
* @designToken tooltip.background
background?: string;
* Color of root
* @designToken tooltip.color
color?: string;
export * from '@primeuix/themes/types/tooltip';

View File

@ -1,270 +1 @@
* Tree Design Tokens
* [Live Demo](
* @module themes/tree
import { ColorSchemeDesignToken } from '..';
export interface TreeDesignTokens extends ColorSchemeDesignToken<TreeDesignTokens> {
* Used to pass tokens of the root section
root?: {
* Background of root
* @designToken tree.background
background?: string;
* Color of root
* @designToken tree.color
color?: string;
* Padding of root
* @designToken tree.padding
padding?: string;
* Gap of root
* @designToken
gap?: string;
* Indent of root
* @designToken tree.indent
indent?: string;
* Transition duration of root
* @designToken tree.transition.duration
transitionDuration?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the node section
node?: {
* Padding of node
* @designToken tree.node.padding
padding?: string;
* Border radius of node
* @designToken tree.node.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Hover background of node
* @designToken tree.node.hover.background
hoverBackground?: string;
* Selected background of node
* @designToken tree.node.selected.background
selectedBackground?: string;
* Color of node
* @designToken tree.node.color
color?: string;
* Hover color of node
* @designToken tree.node.hover.color
hoverColor?: string;
* Selected color of node
* @designToken tree.node.selected.color
selectedColor?: string;
* Focus ring of node
focusRing?: {
* Focus ring width of node
* @designToken tree.node.focus.ring.width
width?: string;
* Focus ring style of node
* @designToken
style?: string;
* Focus ring color of node
* @designToken tree.node.focus.ring.color
color?: string;
* Focus ring offset of node
* @designToken tree.node.focus.ring.offset
offset?: string;
* Focus ring shadow of node
* @designToken tree.node.focus.ring.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Gap of node
* @designToken
gap?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the node icon section
nodeIcon?: {
* Color of node icon
* @designToken tree.node.icon.color
color?: string;
* Hover color of node icon
* @designToken tree.node.icon.hover.color
hoverColor?: string;
* Selected color of node icon
* @designToken tree.node.icon.selected.color
selectedColor?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the node toggle button section
nodeToggleButton?: {
* Border radius of node toggle button
* @designToken tree.node.toggle.button.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Size of node toggle button
* @designToken tree.node.toggle.button.size
size?: string;
* Hover background of node toggle button
* @designToken tree.node.toggle.button.hover.background
hoverBackground?: string;
* Selected hover background of node toggle button
* @designToken tree.node.toggle.button.selected.hover.background
selectedHoverBackground?: string;
* Color of node toggle button
* @designToken tree.node.toggle.button.color
color?: string;
* Hover color of node toggle button
* @designToken tree.node.toggle.button.hover.color
hoverColor?: string;
* Selected hover color of node toggle button
* @designToken tree.node.toggle.button.selected.hover.color
selectedHoverColor?: string;
* Focus ring of node toggle button
focusRing?: {
* Focus ring width of node toggle button
* @designToken tree.node.toggle.button.focus.ring.width
width?: string;
* Focus ring style of node toggle button
* @designToken
style?: string;
* Focus ring color of node toggle button
* @designToken tree.node.toggle.button.focus.ring.color
color?: string;
* Focus ring offset of node toggle button
* @designToken tree.node.toggle.button.focus.ring.offset
offset?: string;
* Focus ring shadow of node toggle button
* @designToken tree.node.toggle.button.focus.ring.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the loading icon section
loadingIcon?: {
* Size of loading icon
* @designToken tree.loading.icon.size
size?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the filter section
filter?: {
* Margin of filter
* @designToken tree.filter.margin
margin?: string;
export * from '@primeuix/themes/types/tree';

View File

@ -1,304 +1 @@
* TreeSelect Design Tokens
* [Live Demo](
* @module themes/treeselect
import { ColorSchemeDesignToken } from '..';
export interface TreeSelectDesignTokens extends ColorSchemeDesignToken<TreeSelectDesignTokens> {
* Used to pass tokens of the root section
root?: {
* Background of root
* @designToken treeselect.background
background?: string;
* Disabled background of root
* @designToken treeselect.disabled.background
disabledBackground?: string;
* Filled background of root
* @designToken treeselect.filled.background
filledBackground?: string;
* Filled hover background of root
* @designToken treeselect.filled.hover.background
filledHoverBackground?: string;
* Filled focus background of root
* @designToken treeselect.filled.focus.background
filledFocusBackground?: string;
* Border color of root
* @designToken treeselect.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Hover border color of root
* @designToken treeselect.hover.border.color
hoverBorderColor?: string;
* Focus border color of root
* @designToken treeselect.focus.border.color
focusBorderColor?: string;
* Invalid border color of root
* @designToken treeselect.invalid.border.color
invalidBorderColor?: string;
* Color of root
* @designToken treeselect.color
color?: string;
* Disabled color of root
* @designToken treeselect.disabled.color
disabledColor?: string;
* Placeholder color of root
* @designToken treeselect.placeholder.color
placeholderColor?: string;
* Invalid placeholder color of root
* @designToken treeselect.invalid.placeholder.color
invalidPlaceholderColor?: string;
* Shadow of root
* @designToken treeselect.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Padding x of root
* @designToken treeselect.padding.x
paddingX?: string;
* Padding y of root
* @designToken treeselect.padding.y
paddingY?: string;
* Border radius of root
* @designToken treeselect.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Focus ring of root
focusRing?: {
* Focus ring width of root
* @designToken treeselect.focus.ring.width
width?: string;
* Focus ring style of root
* @designToken
style?: string;
* Focus ring color of root
* @designToken treeselect.focus.ring.color
color?: string;
* Focus ring offset of root
* @designToken treeselect.focus.ring.offset
offset?: string;
* Focus ring shadow of root
* @designToken treeselect.focus.ring.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Transition duration of root
* @designToken treeselect.transition.duration
transitionDuration?: string;
* Sm of root
sm?: {
* Sm font size of root
* @designToken
fontSize?: string;
* Sm padding x of root
* @designToken
paddingX?: string;
* Sm padding y of root
* @designToken
paddingY?: string;
* Lg of root
lg?: {
* Lg font size of root
* @designToken treeselect.lg.font.size
fontSize?: string;
* Lg padding x of root
* @designToken treeselect.lg.padding.x
paddingX?: string;
* Lg padding y of root
* @designToken treeselect.lg.padding.y
paddingY?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the dropdown section
dropdown?: {
* Width of dropdown
* @designToken treeselect.dropdown.width
width?: string;
* Color of dropdown
* @designToken treeselect.dropdown.color
color?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the overlay section
overlay?: {
* Background of overlay
* @designToken treeselect.overlay.background
background?: string;
* Border color of overlay
* @designToken treeselect.overlay.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Border radius of overlay
* @designToken treeselect.overlay.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Color of overlay
* @designToken treeselect.overlay.color
color?: string;
* Shadow of overlay
* @designToken treeselect.overlay.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the tree section
tree?: {
* Padding of tree
* @designToken treeselect.tree.padding
padding?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the clear icon section
clearIcon?: {
* Color of clear icon
* @designToken treeselect.clear.icon.color
color?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the empty message section
emptyMessage?: {
* Padding of empty message
* @designToken treeselect.empty.message.padding
padding?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the chip section
chip?: {
* Border radius of chip
* @designToken treeselect.chip.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
export * from '@primeuix/themes/types/treeselect';

View File

@ -1,529 +1 @@
* TreeTable Design Tokens
* [Live Demo](
* @module themes/treetable
import { ColorSchemeDesignToken } from '..';
export interface TreeTableDesignTokens extends ColorSchemeDesignToken<TreeTableDesignTokens> {
* Used to pass tokens of the root section
root?: {
* Transition duration of root
* @designToken treetable.transition.duration
transitionDuration?: string;
* Border color of root
* @designToken treetable.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the header section
header?: {
* Background of header
* @designToken treetable.header.background
background?: string;
* Border color of header
* @designToken treetable.header.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Color of header
* @designToken treetable.header.color
color?: string;
* Border width of header
* @designToken treetable.header.border.width
borderWidth?: string;
* Padding of header
* @designToken treetable.header.padding
padding?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the header cell section
headerCell?: {
* Background of header cell
* @designToken treetable.header.cell.background
background?: string;
* Hover background of header cell
* @designToken treetable.header.cell.hover.background
hoverBackground?: string;
* Selected background of header cell
* @designToken treetable.header.cell.selected.background
selectedBackground?: string;
* Border color of header cell
* @designToken treetable.header.cell.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Color of header cell
* @designToken treetable.header.cell.color
color?: string;
* Hover color of header cell
* @designToken treetable.header.cell.hover.color
hoverColor?: string;
* Selected color of header cell
* @designToken treetable.header.cell.selected.color
selectedColor?: string;
* Gap of header cell
* @designToken
gap?: string;
* Padding of header cell
* @designToken treetable.header.cell.padding
padding?: string;
* Focus ring of header cell
focusRing?: {
* Focus ring width of header cell
* @designToken treetable.header.cell.focus.ring.width
width?: string;
* Focus ring style of header cell
* @designToken
style?: string;
* Focus ring color of header cell
* @designToken treetable.header.cell.focus.ring.color
color?: string;
* Focus ring offset of header cell
* @designToken treetable.header.cell.focus.ring.offset
offset?: string;
* Focus ring shadow of header cell
* @designToken treetable.header.cell.focus.ring.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the column title section
columnTitle?: {
* Font weight of column title
* @designToken treetable.column.title.font.weight
fontWeight?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the row section
row?: {
* Background of row
* @designToken treetable.row.background
background?: string;
* Hover background of row
* @designToken treetable.row.hover.background
hoverBackground?: string;
* Selected background of row
* @designToken treetable.row.selected.background
selectedBackground?: string;
* Color of row
* @designToken treetable.row.color
color?: string;
* Hover color of row
* @designToken treetable.row.hover.color
hoverColor?: string;
* Selected color of row
* @designToken treetable.row.selected.color
selectedColor?: string;
* Focus ring of row
focusRing?: {
* Focus ring width of row
* @designToken treetable.row.focus.ring.width
width?: string;
* Focus ring style of row
* @designToken
style?: string;
* Focus ring color of row
* @designToken treetable.row.focus.ring.color
color?: string;
* Focus ring offset of row
* @designToken treetable.row.focus.ring.offset
offset?: string;
* Focus ring shadow of row
* @designToken treetable.row.focus.ring.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the body cell section
bodyCell?: {
* Border color of body cell
* @designToken treetable.body.cell.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Padding of body cell
* @designToken treetable.body.cell.padding
padding?: string;
* Gap of body cell
* @designToken
gap?: string;
* Selected border color of body cell
* @designToken treetable.body.cell.selected.border.color
selectedBorderColor?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the footer cell section
footerCell?: {
* Background of footer cell
* @designToken treetable.footer.cell.background
background?: string;
* Border color of footer cell
* @designToken treetable.footer.cell.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Color of footer cell
* @designToken treetable.footer.cell.color
color?: string;
* Padding of footer cell
* @designToken treetable.footer.cell.padding
padding?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the column footer section
columnFooter?: {
* Font weight of column footer
* @designToken treetable.column.footer.font.weight
fontWeight?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the footer section
footer?: {
* Background of footer
* @designToken treetable.footer.background
background?: string;
* Border color of footer
* @designToken treetable.footer.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Color of footer
* @designToken treetable.footer.color
color?: string;
* Border width of footer
* @designToken treetable.footer.border.width
borderWidth?: string;
* Padding of footer
* @designToken treetable.footer.padding
padding?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the column resizer section
columnResizer?: {
* Width of column resizer
* @designToken treetable.column.resizer.width
width?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the resize indicator section
resizeIndicator?: {
* Width of resize indicator
* @designToken treetable.resize.indicator.width
width?: string;
* Color of resize indicator
* @designToken treetable.resize.indicator.color
color?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the sort icon section
sortIcon?: {
* Color of sort icon
* @designToken treetable.sort.icon.color
color?: string;
* Hover color of sort icon
* @designToken treetable.sort.icon.hover.color
hoverColor?: string;
* Size of sort icon
* @designToken treetable.sort.icon.size
size?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the loading icon section
loadingIcon?: {
* Size of loading icon
* @designToken treetable.loading.icon.size
size?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the node toggle button section
nodeToggleButton?: {
* Hover background of node toggle button
* @designToken treetable.node.toggle.button.hover.background
hoverBackground?: string;
* Selected hover background of node toggle button
* @designToken treetable.node.toggle.button.selected.hover.background
selectedHoverBackground?: string;
* Color of node toggle button
* @designToken treetable.node.toggle.button.color
color?: string;
* Hover color of node toggle button
* @designToken treetable.node.toggle.button.hover.color
hoverColor?: string;
* Selected hover color of node toggle button
* @designToken treetable.node.toggle.button.selected.hover.color
selectedHoverColor?: string;
* Size of node toggle button
* @designToken treetable.node.toggle.button.size
size?: string;
* Border radius of node toggle button
* @designToken treetable.node.toggle.button.border.radius
borderRadius?: string;
* Focus ring of node toggle button
focusRing?: {
* Focus ring width of node toggle button
* @designToken treetable.node.toggle.button.focus.ring.width
width?: string;
* Focus ring style of node toggle button
* @designToken
style?: string;
* Focus ring color of node toggle button
* @designToken treetable.node.toggle.button.focus.ring.color
color?: string;
* Focus ring offset of node toggle button
* @designToken treetable.node.toggle.button.focus.ring.offset
offset?: string;
* Focus ring shadow of node toggle button
* @designToken treetable.node.toggle.button.focus.ring.shadow
shadow?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the paginator top section
paginatorTop?: {
* Border color of paginator top
* @designToken
borderColor?: string;
* Border width of paginator top
* @designToken
borderWidth?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the paginator bottom section
paginatorBottom?: {
* Border color of paginator bottom
* @designToken treetable.paginator.bottom.border.color
borderColor?: string;
* Border width of paginator bottom
* @designToken treetable.paginator.bottom.border.width
borderWidth?: string;
export * from '@primeuix/themes/types/treetable';

View File

@ -1,42 +1 @@
* VirtualScroller Design Tokens
* [Live Demo](
* @module themes/virtualscroller
import { ColorSchemeDesignToken } from '..';
export interface VirtualScrollerDesignTokens extends ColorSchemeDesignToken<VirtualScrollerDesignTokens> {
* Used to pass tokens of the mask section
loaderMask?: {
* Background of loader mask
* @designToken virtualscroller.loader.mask.background
background?: string;
* Color of loader mask
* @designToken virtualscroller.loader.mask.color
color?: string;
* Used to pass tokens of the loader icon section
loaderIcon?: {
* Size of the loader icon
* @designToken virtualscroller.loader.icon.size
size?: string;
export * from '@primeuix/themes/types/virtualscroller';