fix: Improve BaseDirective structure

Fixes #7096
Mert Sincan 2025-01-14 14:43:14 +00:00
parent c5c2e969c6
commit cae2ad57ed
2 changed files with 46 additions and 40 deletions

View File

@ -68,19 +68,19 @@ const BaseDirective = {
_useDefaultPT: (instance = {}, defaultPT = {}, callback, key, params) => {
return BaseDirective._usePT(instance, defaultPT, callback, key, params);
_loadStyles: (el, binding, vnode) => {
_loadStyles: (instance = {}, binding, vnode) => {
const config = BaseDirective._getConfig(binding, vnode);
const useStyleOptions = { nonce: config?.csp?.nonce };
BaseDirective._loadCoreStyles(el.$instance, useStyleOptions);
BaseDirective._loadThemeStyles(el.$instance, useStyleOptions);
BaseDirective._loadScopedThemeStyles(el.$instance, useStyleOptions);
BaseDirective._loadCoreStyles(instance, useStyleOptions);
BaseDirective._loadThemeStyles(instance, useStyleOptions);
BaseDirective._loadScopedThemeStyles(instance, useStyleOptions);
el.$instance.$loadStyles = () => BaseDirective._loadThemeStyles(el.$instance, useStyleOptions);
instance.$loadStyles = () => BaseDirective._loadThemeStyles(instance, useStyleOptions);
_loadCoreStyles(instance = {}, useStyleOptions) {
if (!Base.isStyleNameLoaded(instance.$style?.name) && instance.$style?.name) {
@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ const BaseDirective = {
ThemeService.on('theme:change', callback);
_removeThemeListeners(instance) {
_removeThemeListeners(instance = {}) {'theme:change', instance.$loadStyles);
_hook: (directiveName, hookName, el, binding, vnode, prevVnode) => {
@ -177,14 +177,14 @@ const BaseDirective = {
$attrSelector: el.$pd?.[name]?.attrSelector,
/* computed instance variables */
defaultPT: () => BaseDirective._getPT(config?.pt, undefined, (value) => value?.directives?.[name]),
isUnstyled: () => (el.$instance?.$binding?.value?.unstyled !== undefined ? el.$instance?.$binding?.value?.unstyled : config?.unstyled),
theme: () => el.$instance?.$primevueConfig?.theme,
preset: () => el.$instance?.$binding?.value?.dt,
isUnstyled: () => (el._$instances[name]?.$binding?.value?.unstyled !== undefined ? el._$instances[name]?.$binding?.value?.unstyled : config?.unstyled),
theme: () => el._$instances[name]?.$primevueConfig?.theme,
preset: () => el._$instances[name]?.$binding?.value?.dt,
/* instance's methods */
ptm: (key = '', params = {}) => BaseDirective._getPTValue(el.$instance, el.$instance?.$binding?.value?.pt, key, { ...params }),
ptmo: (obj = {}, key = '', params = {}) => BaseDirective._getPTValue(el.$instance, obj, key, params, false),
cx: (key = '', params = {}) => (!el.$instance?.isUnstyled() ? BaseDirective._getOptionValue(el.$instance?.$style?.classes, key, { ...params }) : undefined),
sx: (key = '', when = true, params = {}) => (when ? BaseDirective._getOptionValue(el.$instance?.$style?.inlineStyles, key, { ...params }) : undefined),
ptm: (key = '', params = {}) => BaseDirective._getPTValue(el._$instances[name], el._$instances[name]?.$binding?.value?.pt, key, { ...params }),
ptmo: (obj = {}, key = '', params = {}) => BaseDirective._getPTValue(el._$instances[name], obj, key, params, false),
cx: (key = '', params = {}) => (!el._$instances[name]?.isUnstyled() ? BaseDirective._getOptionValue(el._$instances[name]?.$style?.classes, key, { ...params }) : undefined),
sx: (key = '', when = true, params = {}) => (when ? BaseDirective._getOptionValue(el._$instances[name]?.$style?.inlineStyles, key, { ...params }) : undefined),
@ -194,28 +194,30 @@ const BaseDirective = {
BaseDirective._hook(name, hook, el, binding, vnode, prevVnode); // handle hooks during directive uses (global and self-definition)
el.$pd ||= {};
el.$pd[name] = { ...el.$pd?.[name], name, instance: el.$instance };
el.$pd[name] = { ...el.$pd?.[name], name, instance: el._$instances[name] };
const handleWatchers = (el) => {
const watchers = el.$instance?.watch;
const instance = el._$instances[name];
const watchers = instance?.watch;
const handleWatchConfig = ({ newValue, oldValue }) => watchers?.['config']?.call(el.$instance, newValue, oldValue);
const handleWatchConfigRipple = ({ newValue, oldValue }) => watchers?.['config.ripple']?.call(el.$instance, newValue, oldValue);
const handleWatchConfig = ({ newValue, oldValue }) => watchers?.['config']?.call(instance, newValue, oldValue);
el.$instance.$watchersCallback = { config: handleWatchConfig, 'config.ripple': handleWatchConfigRipple };
const handleWatchConfigRipple = ({ newValue, oldValue }) => watchers?.['config.ripple']?.call(instance, newValue, oldValue);
instance.$watchersCallback = { config: handleWatchConfig, 'config.ripple': handleWatchConfigRipple };
// for 'config'
watchers?.['config']?.call(el.$instance, el.$instance?.$primevueConfig);
watchers?.['config']?.call(instance, instance?.$primevueConfig);
PrimeVueService.on('config:change', handleWatchConfig);
// for 'config.ripple'
watchers?.['config.ripple']?.call(el.$instance, el.$instance?.$primevueConfig?.ripple);
watchers?.['config.ripple']?.call(instance, instance?.$primevueConfig?.ripple);
PrimeVueService.on('config:ripple:change', handleWatchConfigRipple);
const stopWatchers = (el) => {
const watchers = el.$instance.$watchersCallback;
const watchers = el._$instances[name].$watchersCallback;
if (watchers) {'config:change', watchers.config);
@ -230,28 +232,28 @@ const BaseDirective = {
handleHook('created', el, binding, vnode, prevVnode);
beforeMount: (el, binding, vnode, prevVnode) => {
BaseDirective._loadStyles(el, binding, vnode);
BaseDirective._loadStyles(el.$pd[name]?.instance, binding, vnode);
handleHook('beforeMount', el, binding, vnode, prevVnode);
mounted: (el, binding, vnode, prevVnode) => {
BaseDirective._loadStyles(el, binding, vnode);
BaseDirective._loadStyles(el.$pd[name]?.instance, binding, vnode);
handleHook('mounted', el, binding, vnode, prevVnode);
beforeUpdate: (el, binding, vnode, prevVnode) => {
handleHook('beforeUpdate', el, binding, vnode, prevVnode);
updated: (el, binding, vnode, prevVnode) => {
BaseDirective._loadStyles(el, binding, vnode);
BaseDirective._loadStyles(el.$pd[name]?.instance, binding, vnode);
handleHook('updated', el, binding, vnode, prevVnode);
beforeUnmount: (el, binding, vnode, prevVnode) => {
handleHook('beforeUnmount', el, binding, vnode, prevVnode);
unmounted: (el, binding, vnode, prevVnode) => {
handleHook('unmounted', el, binding, vnode, prevVnode);

View File

@ -29,20 +29,24 @@ const Ripple = BaseRipple.extend('ripple', {
el.removeEventListener('mousedown', this.onMouseDown.bind(this));
createRipple(el) {
const ink = createElement('span', {
role: 'presentation',
'aria-hidden': true,
'data-p-ink': true,
'data-p-ink-active': false,
class: !this.isUnstyled() &&'root'),
onAnimationEnd: this.onAnimationEnd.bind(this),
[this.$attrSelector]: '',
'p-bind': this.ptm('root')
let ink = this.getInk(el);
if (!ink) {
ink = createElement('span', {
role: 'presentation',
'aria-hidden': true,
'data-p-ink': true,
'data-p-ink-active': false,
class: !this.isUnstyled() &&'root'),
onAnimationEnd: this.onAnimationEnd.bind(this),
[this.$attrSelector]: '',
'p-bind': this.ptm('root')
this.$el = ink;
this.$el = ink;
remove(el) {
let ink = this.getInk(el);