Created Calendar.d.ts

mertsincan 2019-05-28 13:19:50 +03:00
parent 25145dd5d8
commit cbe9370a12
1 changed files with 71 additions and 0 deletions

src/components/calendar/Calendar.d.ts vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
import Vue, { VNode } from 'vue';
export interface LocaleSettings {
firstDayOfWeek?: number;
dayNames: string[];
dayNamesShort: string[];
dayNamesMin: string[];
monthNames: string[];
monthNamesShort: string[];
today: string;
clear: string;
dateFormat: string;
weekHeader?: string;
export declare class Calendar extends Vue {
value?: Date | Date[];
selectionMode?: string;
dateFormat?: string;
inline?: boolean;
showOtherMonths?: boolean;
selectOtherMonths?: boolean;
showIcon?: boolean;
icon?: string;
numberOfMonths?: number;
view?: string;
touchUI?: boolean;
monthNavigator?: boolean;
yearNavigator?: boolean;
yearRange?: string;
panelClass?: string;
panelStyle?: string;
minDate?: Date;
maxDate?: Date;
disabledDates?: Date[];
disabledDays?: number[];
maxDateCount?: number;
showOnFocus?: boolean;
autoZIndex?: boolean;
baseZIndex?: number;
showButtonBar?: boolean;
shortYearCutoff?: string;
showTime?: boolean;
timeOnly?: boolean;
hourFormat?: string;
stepHour?: number;
stepMinute?: number;
stepSecond?: number;
showSeconds?: boolean;
hideOnDateTimeSelect?: boolean;
timeSeparator?: string;
showWeek?: boolean;
manualInput?: boolean;
locale?: LocaleSettings;
$emit(eventName: 'show'): this;
$emit(eventName: 'hide'): this;
$emit(eventName: 'month-change', e: { month: number, year: number }): this;
$emit(eventName: 'year-change', e: { month: number, year: number }): this;
$emit(eventName: 'select', value: Date): this;
$emit(eventName: 'input', value: Date): this;
$emit(eventName: 'today-click', value: Date): this;
$emit(eventName: 'clear-click', event: Event): this;
$emit(eventName: 'focus', event: Event): this;
$emit(eventName: 'blur', event: Event): this;
$emit(eventName: 'keydown', event: Event): this;
$slots: {
header: VNode[];
date: VNode[];
footer: VNode[];