+ In styled mode, PrimeVue uses the system as the default darkModeSelector in theme configuration. If you have a dark mode switch in your application, ensure that darkModeSelector is aligned with the Tailwind dark + variant for seamless integration. Note that, this particular configuration isn't required if you're utilizing the default system color scheme. +
+Suppose that, the darkModeSelector is set as my-app-dark in PrimeVue.
+Add a custom variant for dark with a custom selector.
+Use the plugins option in your Tailwind config file to configure the plugin.
+The plugin extends the default configuration with a new set of utilities. All variants and breakpoints are supported e.g. dark:sm:hover:bg-primary.
+The plugin extends the default configuration with a new set of utilities whose values are derived from the PrimeVue theme in use. All variants and breakpoints are supported e.g. dark:sm:hover:bg-primary.