new 2.x branch
@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
> 1%
last 2 versions
not ie <= 8
not ie <= 8
@ -10,4 +10,4 @@ trim_trailing_whitespace = true
max_line_length = off
trim_trailing_whitespace = false
trim_trailing_whitespace = false
@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
module.exports = {
root: true,
env: {
node: true,
jest: true
'extends': [
parserOptions: {
parser: 'babel-eslint'
rules: {
'no-console': process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? 'warn' : 'off',
'no-debugger': process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? 'warn' : 'off'
root: true,
env: {
node: true
'extends': [
rules: {
'no-console': process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? 'error' : 'off',
'no-debugger': process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? 'error' : 'off',
'no-trailing-spaces': 'error'
parserOptions: {
parser: 'babel-eslint'
@ -39,4 +39,3 @@ public/themes/viva-light/
@ -13,4 +13,4 @@ npm-shrinkwrap.json
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2018-2021 PrimeTek
Copyright (c) 2018-2020 PrimeTek
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
@ -1,264 +1,9 @@
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[![PrimeVue Hero](](
[![PrimeVue Hero](](
# PrimeVue
### Website
PrimeVue is a rich set of open source UI Components for Vue. See [PrimeVue homepage]( for live showcase and documentation.
## Download
PrimeVue is available at npm, if you have an existing application run the following command to download it to your project.
npm install primevue@^3 --save
npm install primeicons --save
yarn add primevue
yarn add primeicons
Next step is setting up PrimeVue configuration.
import {createApp} from 'vue';
import App from './App.vue';
import PrimeVue from 'primevue/config';
const app = createApp(App);
## Import
### Module
import {createApp} from 'vue';
import App from './App.vue';
import PrimeVue from 'primevue/config';
import Dialog from 'primevue/dialog';
const app = createApp(App);
app.component('Dialog', Dialog);
Finally you'll be able to utilize the component in your application. See the Styles section to apply styling.
### CDN
<script src="^3/core/core.min.js"></script>/script>
<script src="^3/multiselect/multiselect.min.js"></script>
## Single File Components
SFC files are available in the npm distribution and if you'd like to use SFCs directly, add ***/sfc*** as a suffix when referencing an import path. This will instruct your bundler to process the *.vue files in your local build instead of using the compiled output. One use case for this approach is optimizing for SSR by removing whitespaces.
import Dialog from 'primevue/dialog/sfc';
## Script Tag
Other alternative is utilizing the components directly within the browser with the ***iife*** build. Note that PrimeVue does not provide a ***umd*** build.
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>PrimeVue Demo</title>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
<script src=""></script>
<script src="^3/core/core.min.js"></script>
<script src="^3/slider/slider.min.js"></script>
<div id="app">
<p-slider v-model="val"></p-slider>
const {createApp, ref} = Vue;
const App = {
setup() {
const val = ref(null);
return {
components: {
'p-slider': primevue.slider
## Styles
The css dependencies are as follows, note that you may change the theme with another one of your choice.
primevue/resources/themes/saga-blue/theme.css //theme
primevue/resources/primevue.min.css //core css
primeicons/primeicons.css //icons
If you are using a bundler such as webpack with a css loader you may also import them to your main application component.
import 'primevue/resources/themes/lara-light-indigo/theme.css';
import 'primevue/resources/primevue.min.css';
import 'primeicons/primeicons.css';
## Nuxt Integration
Nuxt 3 is currently in beta and an official module is planned after the final release. At the moment, PrimeVue can easily be used with Nuxt 3 using a custom plugin.
Open the nuxt configuration file and add the css dependencies.
import { defineNuxtConfig } from 'nuxt3';
export default defineNuxtConfig({
css: [
Create a file like **primevue.js** under the plugins directory for the configuration.
import { defineNuxtPlugin } from "#app";
import PrimeVue from "primevue/config";
import Button from "primevue/button";
export default defineNuxtPlugin((nuxtApp) => {
nuxtApp.vueApp.use(PrimeVue, {ripple: true});
nuxtApp.vueApp.component('Button', Button);
//other components that you need
## Configuration
### Dependencies
PrimeVue components are not wrappers and implemented natively with the Vue APIs. There are some exceptions having 3rd party dependencies such as Quill for Editor.
In addition, components require PrimeIcons library for icons.
dependencies: {
"vue": "^3.0.0",
"primeicons": "^5.0.0"
## Prop Cases
Component prop names are described as camel case throughout the documentation however camel-case is also fully supported. Events on the other hand should always be camel-case.
<Dialog :showHeader="false"></Dialog>
<!-- can be written as -->
<Dialog :show-header="false"></Dialog>
## Ripple
Ripple is an optional animation for the supported components such as buttons. It is disabled by default and needs to be enabled at your app's entry file (e.g. main.js) during the PrimeVue setup.
import {createApp} from 'vue';
import PrimeVue from 'primevue/config';
const app = createApp(App);
app.use(PrimeVue, {ripple: true});
## Outlined vs Filled Input Styles
Input fields come in two styles, default is ***outlined*** with borders around the field whereas ***filled*** alternative adds a background color to the field. Applying *p-input-filled* to an ancestor of an input enables the filled style. If you prefer to use filled inputs in the entire application, use a global container such as the document body or the application element to apply the style class. Note that in case you add it to the application element, components that are teleported to the document body such as Dialog will not be able to display filled inputs as they are not a descendant of the application root element in the DOM tree, to resolve this case set inputStyle to 'filled' at PrimeVue configuration as well.
import {createApp} from 'vue';
import PrimeVue from 'primevue/config';
const app = createApp(App);
app.use(PrimeVue, {inputStyle: 'filled'});
## ZIndex Layering
ZIndexes are managed automatically to make sure layering of overlay components work seamlessly when combining multiple components. Still there may be cases where you'd like to configure the configure default values such as a custom layout where header section is fixed. In a case like this, dropdown needs to be displayed below the application header but a modal dialog should be displayed above. PrimeVue configuration offers the ***zIndex*** property to customize the default values for components categories. Default values are described below and can be customized when setting up PrimeVue.
import {createApp} from 'vue';
import PrimeVue from 'primevue/config';
const app = createApp(App);
app.use(PrimeVue, {
zIndex: {
modal: 1100, //dialog, sidebar
overlay: 1000, //dropdown, overlaypanel
menu: 1000, //overlay menus
tooltip: 1100 //tooltip
## Locale
PrimeVue provides a Locale API to support i18n and l7n, visit the [Locale]( documentation for more information.
## Quickstart with Vue CLI
An [example application]( based on Vue CLI is available at github.
## Quickstart with Vite
A [starter application]( is also provided for Vite users.
## Quickstart with Nuxt
A [sample application]( is created for Nuxt 3 users.
## Quickstart with TypeScript
Typescript is fully supported as type definition files are provided in the npm package of PrimeVue. A sample [typescript-primevue]( application with Vue CLI is available as at github.
Visit the [PrimeVue Website]( for general information, demos and documentation.
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ const pkg = require(path.resolve(rootDir, "package.json"));
const libraryName = "PrimeVue";
const libraryVersion = pkg.version;
const showcaseURL = "";
const showcaseURL = "";
const fileModules = {},
veturTags = {},
@ -11,12 +11,6 @@ const AccordionProps = [
default: "null",
description: "Index of the active tab or an array of indexes in multiple mode."
name: "lazy",
type: "boolean",
default: "false",
description: "When enabled, hidden tabs are not rendered at all. Defaults to false that hides tabs with css."
name: "expandIcon",
type: "string",
@ -5,6 +5,12 @@ const AccordionTabProps = [
default: "null",
description: "Orientation of tab headers."
name: "active",
type: "boolean",
default: "null",
description: "Visibility of the content."
name: "disabled",
type: "boolean",
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
const AutoCompleteProps = [
name: "modelValue",
name: "value",
type: "any",
default: "null",
description: "Value of the component."
@ -17,30 +17,6 @@ const AutoCompleteProps = [
default: "null",
description: "Property name or getter function of a suggested object to resolve and display."
name: "optionLabel",
type: "string | function",
default: "null",
description: "Property name or getter function to use as the label of an option."
name: "optionDisabled",
type: "boolean",
default: "null",
description: "Property name or getter function to use as the disabled flag of an option, defaults to false when not defined."
name: "optionGroupLabel",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Property name or getter function to use as the label of an option group."
name: "optionGroupChildren",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Property name or getter function that refers to the children options of option group."
name: "scrollHeight",
type: "string",
@ -59,36 +35,12 @@ const AutoCompleteProps = [
default: "blank",
description: 'Specifies the behavior dropdown button. Default "blank" mode sends an empty string and "current" mode sends the input value.'
name: "autoHighlight",
type: "boolean",
default: false,
description: "Highlights automatically the first item of the dropdown to be selected."
name: "multiple",
type: "boolean",
default: "false",
description: "Specifies if multiple values can be selected."
name: "placeholder",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Default text to display when no option is selected."
name: "disabled",
type: "boolean",
default: "false",
description: "When present, it specifies that the component should be disabled."
name: "dataKey",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "A property to uniquely identify an option."
name: "minLength",
type: "number",
@ -104,8 +56,8 @@ const AutoCompleteProps = [
name: "appendTo",
type: "string",
default: "body",
description: 'A valid query selector or an HTMLElement to specify where the overlay gets attached. Special keywords are "body" for document body and "self" for the element itself.'
default: "null",
description: 'Id of the element or "body" for document where the overlay should be appended to.'
name: "forceSelection",
@ -113,42 +65,6 @@ const AutoCompleteProps = [
default: "false",
description: "When present, autocomplete clears the manual input if it does not match of the suggestions to force only accepting values from the suggestions."
name: "completeOnFocus",
type: "boolean",
default: "false",
description: "Whether to run a query when input receives focus."
name: "inputId",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Identifier of the underlying input element."
name: "inputStyle",
type: "object",
default: "null",
description: "Inline style of the input field."
name: "inputClass",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Style class of the input field."
name: "inputProps",
type: "object",
default: "null",
description: "Uses to pass all properties of the HTMLInputElement/HTMLSpanElement to the focusable input element inside the component."
name: "panelStyle",
type: "object",
default: "null",
description: "Inline style of the overlay panel."
name: "panelClass",
type: "string",
@ -156,115 +72,27 @@ const AutoCompleteProps = [
description: "Style class of the overlay panel."
name: "panelProps",
type: "object",
default: "null",
description: "Uses to pass all properties of the HTMLDivElement to the overlay panel inside the component."
name: "loadingIcon",
type: "string",
default: "pi pi-spinner",
description: "Icon to display in loading state."
name: "virtualScrollerOptions",
type: "object",
default: "null",
description: "Whether to use the virtualScroller feature. The properties of VirtualScroller component can be used like an object in it."
name: "autoOptionFocus",
name: "autoHighlight",
type: "boolean",
default: "true",
description: "Whether to focus on the first visible or selected element when the overlay panel is shown."
name: "searchLocale",
type: "string",
default: "undefined",
description: "Locale to use in searching. The default locale is the host environment's current locale."
name: "searchMessage",
type: "string",
default: "{0} results are available",
description: "Text to be displayed in hidden accessible field when filtering returns any results. Defaults to value from PrimeVue locale configuration."
name: "selectionMessage",
type: "string",
default: "{0} items selected",
description: "Text to be displayed in hidden accessible field when options are selected. Defaults to value from PrimeVue locale configuration."
name: "emptySelectionMessage",
type: "string",
default: "No selected item",
description: "Text to be displayed in hidden accessible field when any option is not selected. Defaults to value from PrimeVue locale configuration."
name: "emptySearchMessage",
type: "string",
default: "No results found",
description: "Text to display when filtering does not return any results. Defaults to value from PrimeVue locale configuration."
name: "tabindex",
type: "number",
default: "0",
description: "Index of the element in tabbing order."
name: "aria-label",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Defines a string value that labels an interactive element."
name: "aria-labelledby",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Identifier of the underlying input element."
default: "false",
description: "Highlights automatically the first item of the dropdown to be selected."
const AutoCompleteEvents = [
name: "change",
description: "Callback to invoke on value change.",
name: "complete",
description: "Callback to invoke to search for suggestions.",
arguments: [
name: "event.originalEvent",
name: "originalEvent",
type: "object",
description: "Browser event"
description: "Original event"
name: "event.value",
name: "query",
type: "string",
description: "Selected option value"
name: "focus",
description: "Callback to invoke when component receives focus.",
arguments: [
name: "event",
type: "object",
description: "Browser event"
name: "blur",
description: "Callback to invoke when component loses focus.",
arguments: [
name: "event",
type: "object",
description: "Browser event"
description: "Value to search with"
@ -319,73 +147,13 @@ const AutoCompleteEvents = [
name: "clear",
description: "Callback to invoke when input is cleared by the user."
name: "complete",
description: "Callback to invoke to search for suggestions.",
arguments: [
name: "originalEvent",
type: "object",
description: "Original event"
name: "query",
type: "string",
description: "Value to search with"
name: "before-show",
description: "Callback to invoke before the overlay is shown."
name: "before-hide",
description: "Callback to invoke before the overlay is hidden."
name: "show",
description: "Callback to invoke when the overlay is shown."
name: "hide",
description: "Callback to invoke when the overlay is hidden."
const AutoCompleteSlots = [
name: "chip",
description: "Custom content for the chip display."
name: "header",
description: "Custom content for the component header."
name: "footer",
description: "Custom content for the component footer."
name: "item",
description: "Custom content for the item."
name: "option",
description: "Custom content for the item."
name: "optiongroup",
description: "Custom content for the optiongroup item."
name: "content",
description: "Custom content for the virtual scroller"
name: "loader",
description: "Custom content for the virtual scroller loader items"
@ -28,13 +28,6 @@ const AvatarProps = [
type: "string",
default: "square",
description: 'Shape of the element, valid options are "square" and "circle".'
const AvatarEvents = [
name: "error",
description: "Triggered when an error occurs while loading an image file."
@ -42,7 +35,6 @@ module.exports = {
avatar: {
name: "Avatar",
description: "Avatar represents people using icons, labels and images.",
props: AvatarProps,
events: AvatarEvents
props: AvatarProps
@ -19,18 +19,10 @@ const BreadcrumbProps = [
const BreadcrumbSlots = [
name: "item",
description: "Template of a menuitem."
module.exports = {
breadcrumb: {
name: "Breadcrumb",
description: "Breadcrumb provides contextual information about page hierarchy.",
props: BreadcrumbProps,
slots: BreadcrumbSlots
props: BreadcrumbProps
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
const CalendarProps = [
name: "modelValue",
name: "value",
type: "any",
default: "null",
description: "Value of the component."
@ -53,6 +53,12 @@ const CalendarProps = [
default: "1",
description: "Number of months to display."
name: "responsiveOptions",
type: "array",
default: "null",
description: "An array of options for responsive design."
name: "view",
type: "string",
@ -95,6 +101,7 @@ const CalendarProps = [
default: "null",
description: "The minimum selectable date."
name: "maxDate",
type: "Date",
@ -197,12 +204,6 @@ const CalendarProps = [
default: "false",
description: "Whether to hide the overlay on date selection when showTime is enabled."
name: "hideOnRangeSelection",
type: "boolean",
default: "false",
description: "Whether to hide the overlay on date selection is completed when selectionMode is range."
name: "timeSeparator",
type: "string",
@ -224,44 +225,8 @@ const CalendarProps = [
name: "appendTo",
type: "string",
default: "body",
description: 'A valid query selector or an HTMLElement to specify where the overlay gets attached. Special keywords are "body" for document body and "self" for the element itself.'
name: "disabled",
type: "boolean",
default: "false",
description: "When present, it specifies that the element should be disabled."
name: "readonly",
type: "boolean",
default: "false",
description: "When present, it specifies that an input field is read-only."
name: "placeholder",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Placeholder text for the input."
name: "id",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Identifier of the element."
name: "inputId",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Identifier of the underlying input element."
name: "inputClass",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Style class of the input field."
description: 'Id of the element or "body" for document where the overlay should be appended to.'
name: "inputStyle",
@ -270,43 +235,26 @@ const CalendarProps = [
description: "Inline style of the input field."
name: "inputProps",
type: "object",
default: "null",
description: "Uses to pass all properties of the HTMLInputElement to the focusable input element inside the component."
name: "panelClass",
name: "inputClass",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Style class of the overlay panel."
description: "Style class of the input field."
name: "panelStyle",
name: "class",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Inline style of the overlay panel."
description: "Style class of the component."
name: "panelProps",
type: "object",
name: "style",
type: "any",
default: "null",
description: "Uses to pass all properties of the HTMLDivElement to the overlay panel inside the component."
description: "Inline style of the component."
const CalendarEvents = [
name: "input",
description: "Callback to invoke when input field is being typed.",
arguments: [
name: "event",
type: "object",
description: "New date"
name: "date-select",
description: "Callback to invoke when a date is selected.",
@ -379,44 +327,6 @@ const CalendarEvents = [
description: "New year"
name: "focus",
description: "Callback to invoke on focus of input field.",
arguments: [
name: "event",
type: "object",
description: "Focus event"
name: "blur",
description: "Callback to invoke on blur of input field.",
arguments: [
name: "event.originalEvent",
type: "object",
description: "Browser event"
name: "event.value",
type: "string",
description: "Input value"
name: "keydown",
description: "Callback to invoke when a key is pressed.",
arguments: [
name: "event",
type: "object",
description: "Keydown event"
@ -432,10 +342,6 @@ const CalendarSlots = [
name: "date",
description: "Custom content for the calendar cell."
name: "decade",
description: "Custom content for the calendar decade."
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
const CascadeSelectProps = [
name: "modelValue",
name: "value",
type: "any",
default: "null",
description: "Value of the component."
@ -23,12 +23,6 @@ const CascadeSelectProps = [
default: "null",
description: "Property name or getter function to use as the value of an option, defaults to the option itself when not defined."
name: "optionDisabled",
type: "boolean",
default: "null",
description: "Property name or getter function to use as the disabled flag of an option, defaults to false when not defined."
name: "optionGroupLabel",
type: "string | function",
@ -37,7 +31,7 @@ const CascadeSelectProps = [
name: "optionGroupChildren",
type: "array | function",
type: "string | function",
default: "null",
description: "Property name or getter function to retrieve the items of a group."
@ -60,112 +54,28 @@ const CascadeSelectProps = [
description: "A property to uniquely identify an option."
name: "inputStyle",
type: "object",
name: "tabindex",
type: "number",
default: "null",
description: "Inline style of the input field."
description: "Index of the element in tabbing order."
name: "inputClass",
name: "inputId",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Style class of the input field."
description: "Identifier of the underlying input element."
name: "inputProps",
type: "object",
default: "null",
description: "Uses to pass all properties of the HTMLInputElement/HTMLSpanElement to the focusable input element inside the component."
name: "panelStyle",
type: "object",
default: "null",
description: "Inline style of the overlay panel."
name: "panelClass",
name: "ariaLabelledBy",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Style class of the overlay panel."
name: "panelProps",
type: "object",
default: "null",
description: "Uses to pass all properties of the HTMLDivElement to the overlay panel inside the component."
description: "Establishes relationships between the component and label(s) where its value should be one or more element IDs."
name: "appendTo",
type: "string",
default: "body",
description: 'A valid query selector or an HTMLElement to specify where the overlay gets attached. Special keywords are "body" for document body and "self" for the element itself.'
name: "loading",
type: "boolean",
default: "false",
description: "Whether the multiselect is in loading state."
name: "loadingIcon",
type: "string",
default: "pi pi-spinner pi-spin",
description: "Icon to display in loading state."
name: "autoOptionFocus",
type: "boolean",
default: "true",
description: "Whether to focus on the first visible or selected element when the overlay panel is shown."
name: "searchLocale",
type: "string",
default: "undefined",
description: "Locale to use in searching. The default locale is the host environment's current locale."
name: "searchMessage",
type: "string",
default: "{0} results are available",
description: "Text to be displayed in hidden accessible field when filtering returns any results. Defaults to value from PrimeVue locale configuration."
name: "selectionMessage",
type: "string",
default: "{0} items selected",
description: "Text to be displayed in hidden accessible field when options are selected. Defaults to value from PrimeVue locale configuration."
name: "emptySelectionMessage",
type: "string",
default: "No selected item",
description: "Text to be displayed in hidden accessible field when any option is not selected. Defaults to value from PrimeVue locale configuration."
name: "emptySearchMessage",
type: "string",
default: "No results found",
description: "Text to display when filtering does not return any results. Defaults to value from PrimeVue locale configuration."
name: "tabindex",
type: "number",
default: "0",
description: "Index of the element in tabbing order."
name: "aria-label",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Defines a string value that labels an interactive element."
name: "aria-labelledby",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Identifier of the underlying input element."
description: 'Id of the element or "body" for document where the overlay should be appended to.'
@ -186,39 +96,6 @@ const CascadeSelectEvents = [
name: "focus",
description: "Callback to invoke when component receives focus.",
arguments: [
name: "event",
type: "object",
description: "Browser event"
name: "blur",
description: "Callback to invoke when component loses focus.",
arguments: [
name: "event",
type: "object",
description: "Browser event"
name: "click",
description: "Callback to invoke on click.",
arguments: [
name: "event",
type: "object",
description: "Browser event"
name: "group-change",
description: "Callback to invoke when a group changes.",
@ -264,7 +141,7 @@ const CascadeSelectSlots = [
name: "indicator",
description: "Custom content for the dropdown indicator"
description: "Custom content for the cascade select indicator"
@ -26,13 +26,13 @@ const ChartProps = [
name: "width",
type: "number",
default: "300",
default: "null",
description: "Width of the chart in non-responsive mode."
name: "height",
type: "number",
default: "150",
default: "null",
description: "Height of the chart in non-responsive mode."
@ -5,104 +5,81 @@ const CheckboxProps = [
default: "null",
description: "Value of the checkbox."
name: "modelValue",
type: "any",
default: "null",
description: "Value binding of the checkbox."
name: "binary",
type: "boolean",
default: "false",
description: "Allows to select a boolean value instead of multiple values."
name: "disabled",
type: "boolean",
default: "false",
description: "When present, it specifies that the element should be disabled."
name: "readonly",
type: "boolean",
default: "false",
description: "When present, it specifies that an input field is read-only."
name: "required",
type: "boolean",
default: "false",
description: "When present, it specifies that the element is required."
name: "tabindex",
type: "number",
default: "null",
description: "Index of the element in tabbing order."
name: "trueValue",
type: "any",
default: "null",
default: "true",
description: "Value in checked state."
name: "falseValue",
type: "any",
default: "null",
default: "true",
description: "Value in unchecked state."
name: "inputId",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Identifier of the underlying input element."
name: "inputClass",
type: "any",
default: "null",
description: "Style class of the input field."
name: "inputStyle",
type: "any",
default: "null",
description: "Inline style of the input field."
name: "inputProps",
type: "object",
default: "null",
description: "Uses to pass all properties of the HTMLInputElement to the focusable input element inside the component."
name: "aria-labelledby",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Establishes relationships between the component and label(s) where its value should be one or more element IDs."
name: "aria-label",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Used to define a string that labels the element."
const CheckboxEvents = [
name: "click",
description: "Callback to invoke on value click.",
name: "change",
description: "Callback to invoke on value change.",
arguments: [
name: "event",
type: "object",
description: "Browser event"
name: "input",
description: "Callback to invoke on value change."
description: "Callback to invoke on click.",
arguments: [
name: "event",
type: "object",
description: "Value of checkbox"
name: "click",
description: "Callback to invoke click.",
arguments: [
name: "event",
type: "object",
description: "Browser event"
name: "focus",
description: "Callback to invoke on focus.",
arguments: [
name: "event",
type: "object",
description: "Browser event"
name: "blur",
description: "Callback to invoke on blur.",
arguments: [
name: "event",
type: "object",
description: "Browser event"
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
const ChipsProps = [
name: "modelValue",
name: "value",
type: "array",
default: "null",
description: "Value of the component."
@ -30,40 +30,10 @@ const ChipsProps = [
description: "Whether to allow duplicate values or not."
name: "disabled",
type: "boolean",
default: "false",
description: "When present, it specifies that the element should be disabled."
name: "placeholder",
name: "ariaLabelledBy",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Placeholder text for the input."
name: "inputId",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Identifier of the focus input to match a label defined for the chips."
name: "inputClass",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Style class of the input field."
name: "inputStyle",
type: "any",
default: "null",
description: "Inline style of the input field."
name: "inputProps",
type: "object",
default: "null",
description: "Uses to pass all properties of the HTMLInputElement to the focusable input element inside the component."
description: "Establishes relationships between the component and label(s) where its value should be one or more element IDs."
@ -99,6 +69,39 @@ const ChipsEvents = [
description: "Removed item value"
name: "input",
description: "Callback to invoke on value change.",
arguments: [
name: "event",
type: "object",
description: "New value"
name: "focus",
description: "Callback to invoke on focus.",
arguments: [
name: "event",
type: "object",
description: "Browser event"
name: "blur",
description: "Callback to invoke on blur.",
arguments: [
name: "event",
type: "object",
description: "Browser event"
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
const ColorPickerProps = [
name: "modelValue",
name: "value",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Value of the component."
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ const ColorPickerProps = [
description: "When present, it specifies that the component should be disabled."
name: "tabindex",
name: "tabIndex",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Index of the element in tabbing order."
@ -48,55 +48,24 @@ const ColorPickerProps = [
description: "Whether to automatically manage layering."
name: "panelClass",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Style class of the overlay panel."
name: "appendTo",
type: "string",
default: "body",
description: 'A valid query selector or an HTMLElement to specify where the overlay gets attached. Special keywords are "body" for document body and "self" for the element itself.'
name: "aria-labelledby",
name: "ariaLabelledBy",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Establishes relationships between the component and label(s) where its value should be one or more element IDs."
name: "aria-label",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Used to define a string that labels the element."
const ColorPickerEvents = [
name: "change",
description: "Callback to invoke when a color is selected.",
name: "input",
description: "Callback to invoke on value change.",
arguments: [
name: "event.originalEvent",
name: "event",
type: "object",
description: "Original event"
name: "event.value",
type: "any",
description: "Selected color"
description: "New value"
name: "show",
description: "Callback to invoke when popup is shown."
name: "hide",
description: "Callback to invoke when popup is hidden."
@ -41,18 +41,6 @@ const ColumnProps = [
default: "null",
description: "Footer content of the column."
name: "style",
type: "object",
default: "null",
description: "Inline style of header, body and footer cells."
name: "class",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Style class of header, body and footer cells."
name: "headerStyle",
type: "object",
@ -89,60 +77,6 @@ const ColumnProps = [
default: "null",
description: "Style class of the footer body."
name: "showFilterMenu",
type: "boolean",
default: "true",
description: "Whether to display the filter overlay."
name: "showFilterOperator",
type: "boolean",
default: "true",
description: "When enabled, match all and match any operator selector is displayed."
name: "showClearButton",
type: "boolean",
default: "true",
description: "Displays a button to clear the column filtering."
name: "showApplyButton",
type: "boolean",
default: "true",
description: "Displays a button to apply the column filtering."
name: "showFilterMatchModes",
type: "boolean",
default: "true",
description: "Whether to show the match modes selector."
name: "showAddButton",
type: "boolean",
default: "true",
description: "When enabled, a button is displayed to add more rules."
name: "filterMatchModeOptions",
type: "array",
default: "null",
description: "An array of label-value pairs to override the global match mode options."
name: "maxConstraints",
type: "number",
default: "2",
description: "Maximum number of constraints for a column filter."
name: "excludeGlobalFilter",
type: "boolean",
default: "false",
description: "Whether to exclude from global filtering or not."
name: "filterHeaderStyle",
type: "object",
@ -156,16 +90,22 @@ const ColumnProps = [
description: "Style class of the column filter header in row filter display."
name: "filterMenuStyle",
type: "object",
default: "null",
description: "Inline style of the column filter overlay."
name: "filterMatchMode",
type: "string",
default: "startsWith",
description: 'Defines filterMatchMode; "startsWith", "contains", "endsWidth", "equals", "notEquals", "in", "lt", "lte", "gt", "gte" and "custom".'
name: "filterMenuClass",
type: "string",
name: "filterFunction",
type: "function",
default: "null",
description: "Style class of the column filter overlay."
description: 'A function that takes a value and a filter to compare against by returning either true or false. filterMatchMode must be set to "custom" for this function to be triggered.'
name: "excludeGlobalFilter",
type: "boolean",
default: "false",
description: "Whether to exclude from global filtering or not."
name: "selectionMode",
@ -238,20 +178,7 @@ const ColumnProps = [
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Custom export header of the column to be exported as CSV."
name: "exportFooter",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Custom export footer of the column to be exported as CSV."
name: "hidden",
type: "boolean",
default: "false",
description: "Whether the column is rendered."
const ColumnSlots = [
@ -270,26 +197,6 @@ const ColumnSlots = [
name: "editor",
description: "Custom content for the editing cell"
name: "filter",
description: "Custom content for the filtering items"
name: "filterheader",
description: "Custom content for the filter menu's header"
name: "filterfooter",
description: "Custom content for the filter menu's footer"
name: "filterclear",
description: "Custom content for the filter menu's clear section"
name: "filterapply",
description: "Custom content for the filter menu's apply section"
@ -4,12 +4,6 @@ const ConfirmDialogProps = [
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Optional key to match the key of the confirmation, useful to target a specific confirm dialog instance."
name: "breakpoints",
type: "object",
default: "null",
description: "Object literal to define widths per screen size."
@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ const ContextMenuProps = [
name: "appendTo",
type: "string",
default: "body",
description: "A valid query selector or an HTMLElement to specify where the overlay gets attached."
default: "null",
description: 'Id of the element or "body" for document where the overlay should be appended to.'
name: "baseZIndex",
@ -37,18 +37,10 @@ const ContextMenuProps = [
const ContextMenuSlots = [
name: "item",
description: "Template of a menuitem."
module.exports = {
contextmenu: {
name: "ContextMenu",
description: "ContextMenu displays an overlay menu on right click of its target.",
props: ContextMenuProps,
slots: ContextMenuSlots
props: ContextMenuProps
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ const DataTableProps = [
name: "dataKey",
type: "string|function",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Name of the field that uniquely identifies the a record in the data."
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ const DataTableProps = [
name: "paginatorTemplate",
type: "string",
default: "FirstPageLink PrevPageLink PageLinks NextPageLink LastPageLink CurrentPageReport RowsPerPageDropdown",
description: "emplate of the paginator."
description: "Template of the paginator."
name: "pageLinkSize",
@ -131,12 +131,6 @@ const DataTableProps = [
default: "null",
description: "Filters object with key-value pairs to define the filters."
name: "filterDisplay",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: 'Layout of the filter elements, valid values are "row" and "menu".'
name: "filterLocale",
type: "string",
@ -185,12 +179,6 @@ const DataTableProps = [
default: "false",
description: "When enabled, background of the rows change on hover."
name: "selectAll",
type: "boolean",
default: "null",
description: "Whether all data is selected."
name: "csvSeparator",
type: "string",
@ -203,12 +191,6 @@ const DataTableProps = [
default: "download",
description: "Name of the exported file."
name: "exportFunction",
type: "function",
default: "null",
description: "Custom function to export data."
name: "autoLayout",
type: "boolean",
@ -309,7 +291,7 @@ const DataTableProps = [
name: "rowStyle",
type: "object",
default: "null",
description: "A function that takes the row data as a parameter and returns the inline style for the corresponding row."
description: "Inline style of the row."
name: "scrollable",
@ -317,23 +299,11 @@ const DataTableProps = [
default: "false",
description: "When specified, enables horizontal and/or vertical scrolling."
name: "scrollDirection",
type: "string",
default: "vertical",
description: 'Orientation of the scrolling, options are "vertical", "horizontal" and "both".'
name: "scrollHeight",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: 'Height of the scroll viewport in fixed units or the "flex" keyword for a dynamic size.'
name: "virtualScrollerOptions",
type: "object",
default: "null",
description: 'Whether to use the virtualScroller feature. The properties of VirtualScroller component can be used like an object in it. Note: Currently only vertical orientation mode is supported.'
description: 'Height of the scroll viewport in fixed pixels or the "flex" keyword for a dynamic size.'
name: "frozenValue",
@ -342,40 +312,28 @@ const DataTableProps = [
description: "Items of the frozen part in scrollable DataTable."
name: "responsiveLayout",
type: "string",
default: "stack",
description: 'Defines the responsive mode, valid options are "stack" and "scroll".'
name: "breakpoint",
type: "string",
default: "960px",
description: "The breakpoint to define the maximum width boundary when using stack responsive layout."
name: "showGridlines",
type: "boolean",
default: "false",
description: "Whether to show grid lines between cells."
name: "stripedRows",
type: "boolean",
default: "false",
description: "Whether to displays rows with alternating colors."
name: "tableStyle",
type: "object",
default: "null",
description: "Inline style of the table element."
name: "tableClass",
name: "frozenWidth",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Style class of the table element."
description: "Width of the frozen part in scrollable DataTable."
name: "virtualScroll",
type: "boolean",
default: "false",
description: "Whether the data should be loaded on demand during scroll."
name: "virtualScrollDelay",
type: "number",
default: "150",
description: "Delay in virtual scroll before doing a call to lazy load."
name: "virtualRowHeight",
type: "number",
default: "28",
description: "Height of a row to use in calculations of virtual scrolling."
@ -534,19 +492,29 @@ const DataTableEvents = [
name: "value-change",
description: "Invoked after filtering, sorting, pagination and cell editing to pass the rendered value.",
name: "row-click",
description: "Callback to invoke when a row is clicked.",
arguments: [
name: "value",
type: "array",
description: "Value displayed by the table."
name: "event.originalEvent",
type: "object",
description: "Browser event."
name: "",
type: "object",
description: "Selected row data."
name: "event.index",
type: "number",
description: "Row index"
name: "row-click",
description: "Callback to invoke when a row is clicked.",
name: "row-dblclick",
description: "Callback to invoke when a row is double clicked.",
arguments: [
name: "event.originalEvent",
@ -640,22 +608,6 @@ const DataTableEvents = [
name: "select-all-change",
description: "Callback to invoke when all data is selected.",
arguments: [
name: "event.originalEvent",
type: "object",
description: "Browser event."
name: "event.checked",
type: "object",
description: "Whether all data is selected."
name: "column-resize-end",
description: "Callback to invoke when a column is resized.",
@ -823,21 +775,6 @@ const DataTableEvents = [
type: "object",
description: "Row data to edit."
name: "event.newData",
type: "object",
description: "New row data after editing."
name: "event.value",
type: "object",
description: "Field value of row data to edit."
name: "event.newValue",
type: "object",
description: "Field value of new row data after editing"
name: "event.field",
type: "string",
@ -896,11 +833,6 @@ const DataTableEvents = [
type: "object",
description: "Row data to edit."
name: "event.newData",
type: "object",
description: "New row data after editing."
name: "event.field",
type: "string",
@ -915,7 +847,7 @@ const DataTableEvents = [
name: "row-edit-save",
description: "Callback to invoke when row edit is saved.",
description: "Callback to invoke when cell edit is saved.",
arguments: [
name: "event.originalEvent",
@ -927,11 +859,6 @@ const DataTableEvents = [
type: "object",
description: "Row data to edit."
name: "event.newData",
type: "object",
description: "New row data after editing."
name: "event.field",
type: "string",
@ -946,7 +873,7 @@ const DataTableEvents = [
name: "row-edit-cancel",
description: "Callback to invoke when row edit is cancelled.",
description: "Callback to invoke when cell edit is cancelled.",
arguments: [
name: "event.originalEvent",
@ -958,11 +885,6 @@ const DataTableEvents = [
type: "object",
description: "Row data to edit."
name: "event.newData",
type: "object",
description: "New row data after editing."
name: "event.field",
type: "string",
@ -975,6 +897,22 @@ const DataTableEvents = [
name: "virtual-scroll",
description: "Callback to invoke during virtual scrolling.",
arguments: [
name: "event.first",
type: "number",
description: "Index of the first row."
name: "event.rows",
type: "number",
description: "Rows per page."
name: "state-save",
description: "Invoked when a stateful table saves the state.",
@ -88,12 +88,6 @@ const DataViewProps = [
type: "boolean",
default: "false",
description: "Defines if data is loaded and interacted with in lazy manner."
name: "dataKey",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Name of the data that uniquely identifies the a record in the data."
@ -41,6 +41,12 @@ const DialogProps = [
default: "center",
description: 'Position of the dialog, options are "center", "top", "bottom", "left", "right", "topleft", "topright", "bottomleft" or "bottomright".'
name: "containerStyle",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Inline style of the component."
name: "contentStyle",
type: "object",
@ -95,82 +101,29 @@ const DialogProps = [
default: "false",
description: "Whether the dialog can be displayed full screen."
name: "breakpoints",
type: "object",
default: "null",
description: "Object literal to define widths per screen size."
name: "draggable",
type: "boolean",
default: "true",
description: "Whether the dialog can be relocated by dragging."
name: "minX",
type: "number",
default: "0",
description: "Minimum value for the left coordinate of dialog in dragging."
name: "minY",
type: "number",
default: "0",
description: "Minimum value for the top coordinate of dialog in dragging."
name: "keepInViewport",
type: "boolean",
default: "true",
description: "Keeps dialog in the viewport when dragging."
name: "appendTo",
type: "string",
default: "body",
description: 'A valid query selector or an HTMLElement to specify where the dialog gets attached. Special keywords are "body" for document body and "self" for the element itself.'
default: "null",
description: "Id of the element or 'body' for document where the overlay should be appended to."
const DialogEvents = [
name: "hide",
description: "Callback to invoke when dialog is hidden."
name: "after-hide",
description: "Callback to invoke after dialog is hidden."
description: "Callback to invoke when dialog is hidden.",
arguments: [
name: "event",
type: "object",
description: "Event Object"
name: "show",
description: "Callback to invoke when dialog is showed."
name: "maximize",
description: "Fired when a dialog gets maximized.",
arguments: [
name: "event",
type: "object",
description: "Event Object"
name: "unmaximize",
description: "Fired when a dialog gets unmaximized.",
arguments: [
name: "event",
type: "object",
description: "Event Object"
name: "dragend",
description: "Fired when a dialog drag completes.",
description: "Callback to invoke when dialog is showed.",
arguments: [
name: "event",
@ -12,28 +12,28 @@ const DockProps = [
description: "Position of element. Valid values are 'bottom', 'top', 'left' and 'right'."
name: "class",
name: "className",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Style class of the element."
name: "style",
name: "styles",
type: "object",
default: "null",
description: "Inline style of the element."
name: "exact",
type: "boolean",
default: "true",
description: "Whether to apply 'router-link-active-exact' class if route exactly matches the item path."
name: "tooltipOptions",
type: "object",
default: "null",
description: "Whether to display the tooltip on items. The modifiers of tooltip can be used like an object in it. Valid keys are 'event' and 'position'."
name: "exact",
type: "boolean",
default: "true",
description: "Whether to apply 'router-link-active-exact' class if route exactly matches the item path."
@ -41,10 +41,6 @@ const DockSlots = [
name: "item",
description: "Custom content for the item."
name: "icon",
description: "Custom content for the icon."
@ -55,4 +51,4 @@ module.exports = {
props: DockProps,
slots: DockSlots
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
const DropdownProps = [
name: "modelValue",
name: "value",
type: "any",
default: "null",
description: "Value of the component."
@ -25,27 +25,15 @@ const DropdownProps = [
name: "optionDisabled",
type: "boolean",
type: "string | function",
default: "null",
description: "Property name or getter function to use as the disabled flag of an option, defaults to false when not defined."
name: "optionGroupLabel",
type: "string | function",
default: "null",
description: "Property name or getter function to use as the label of an option group."
name: "optionGroupChildren",
type: "string | function",
default: "null",
description: "Property name or getter function that refers to the children options of option group."
name: "scrollHeight",
type: "string",
default: "200px",
description: "Height of the viewport, a scrollbar is defined if height of list exceeds this value."
description: "Height of the viewport in pixels, a scrollbar is defined if height of list exceeds this value."
name: "filter",
@ -65,18 +53,6 @@ const DropdownProps = [
default: "undefined",
description: "Locale to use in filtering. The default locale is the host environment's current locale."
name: "filterMatchMode",
type: "string",
default: "contains",
description: 'Defines the filtering algorithm to use when searching the options. Valid values are "contains" (default), "startsWith" and "endsWith"'
name: "filterFields",
type: "array",
default: "null",
description: "Fields used when filtering the options, defaults to optionLabel."
name: "editable",
type: "boolean",
@ -107,6 +83,12 @@ const DropdownProps = [
default: "false",
description: "When enabled, a clear icon is displayed to clear the value."
name: "tabindex",
type: "number",
default: "null",
description: "Index of the element in tabbing order."
name: "inputId",
type: "string",
@ -114,100 +96,10 @@ const DropdownProps = [
description: "Identifier of the underlying input element."
name: "inputStyle",
type: "object",
default: "null",
description: "Inline style of the input field."
name: "inputClass",
name: "ariaLabelledBy",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Style class of the input field."
name: "inputProps",
type: "object",
default: "null",
description: "Uses to pass all properties of the HTMLInputElement/HTMLSpanElement to the focusable input element inside the component."
name: "panelStyle",
type: "object",
default: "null",
description: "Inline style of the overlay panel."
name: "panelClass",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Style class of the overlay panel."
name: "panelProps",
type: "object",
default: "null",
description: "Uses to pass all properties of the HTMLDivElement to the overlay panel inside the component."
name: "filterInputProps",
type: "object",
default: "null",
description: "Uses to pass all properties of the HTMLInputElement to the filter input inside the component."
name: "clearIconProps",
type: "object",
default: "null",
description: "Uses to pass all properties of the HTMLElement to the clear icon inside the component."
name: "appendTo",
type: "string",
default: "body",
description: "A valid query selector or an HTMLElement to specify where the overlay gets attached. Special keywords are 'body' for document body and 'self' for the element itself."
name: "loading",
type: "boolean",
default: "false",
description: "Whether the multiselect is in loading state."
name: "loadingIcon",
type: "string",
default: "pi pi-spinner pi-spin",
description: "Icon to display in loading state."
name: "virtualScrollerOptions",
type: "object",
default: "null",
description: "Whether to use the virtualScroller feature. The properties of VirtualScroller component can be used like an object in it."
name: "autoOptionFocus",
type: "boolean",
default: "true",
description: "Whether to focus on the first visible or selected element when the overlay panel is shown."
name: "filterMessage",
type: "string",
default: "{0} results are available",
description: "Text to be displayed in hidden accessible field when filtering returns any results. Defaults to value from PrimeVue locale configuration."
name: "selectionMessage",
type: "string",
default: "{0} items selected",
description: "Text to be displayed in hidden accessible field when options are selected. Defaults to value from PrimeVue locale configuration."
name: "emptySelectionMessage",
type: "string",
default: "No selected item",
description: "Text to be displayed in hidden accessible field when any option is not selected. Defaults to value from PrimeVue locale configuration."
description: 'A valid query selector or an HTMLElement to specify where the overlay gets attached. Special keywords are "body" for document body and "self" for the element itself.'
name: "emptyFilterMessage",
@ -216,28 +108,10 @@ const DropdownProps = [
description: "Text to display when filtering does not return any results. Defaults to value from PrimeVue locale configuration."
name: "emptyMessage",
type: "string",
default: "No results found",
description: "Text to display when there are no options available. Defaults to value from PrimeVue locale configuration."
name: "tabindex",
type: "number",
default: "0",
description: "Index of the element in tabbing order."
name: "aria-label",
name: "appendTo",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Defines a string value that labels an interactive element."
name: "aria-labelledby",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Identifier of the underlying input element."
description: 'Id of the element or "body" for document where the overlay should be appended to.'
@ -259,19 +133,8 @@ const DropdownEvents = [
name: "focus",
description: "Callback to invoke when component receives focus.",
arguments: [
name: "event",
type: "object",
description: "Browser event"
name: "blur",
description: "Callback to invoke when component loses focus.",
name: "input",
description: "Callback to invoke on value change.",
arguments: [
name: "event",
@ -315,6 +178,10 @@ const DropdownEvents = [
const DropdownSlots = [
name: "option",
description: "Custom content for the item's option"
name: "value",
description: "Custom content for the item's value"
@ -322,38 +189,6 @@ const DropdownSlots = [
name: "indicator",
description: "Custom content for the dropdown indicator"
name: "header",
description: "Custom content for the component's header"
name: "footer",
description: "Custom content for the component's footer"
name: "option",
description: "Custom content for the item's option"
name: "optiongroup",
description: "Custom content for the item's optiongroup"
name: "emptyfilter",
description: "Custom content when there is no filtered data to display"
name: "empty",
description: "Custom content when there is no data to display"
name: "content",
description: "Custom content for the virtual scroller"
name: "loader",
description: "Custom content for the virtual scroller loader items"
@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
const DynamicDialogProps = [];
const DynamicDialogEvents = [];
const DynamicDialogSlots = [];
module.exports = {
dynamicdialog: {
name: "DynamicDialog",
description: "Dialogs can be created dynamically with any component as the content using a DialogService.",
props: DynamicDialogProps,
events: DynamicDialogEvents,
slots: DynamicDialogSlots
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
const EditorProps = [
name: "modelValue",
name: "value",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Value of the content."
@ -64,38 +64,13 @@ const EditorEvents = [
name: "selection-change",
description: "Callback to invoke when selection of the text changes.",
name: "input",
description: "Callback to invoke when text of editor changes.",
arguments: [
name: "event.range",
name: "event",
type: "object",
description: "Representation of the selection boundaries."
name: "event.oldRange",
type: "string",
description: 'Representation of the previous selection boundaries.'
name: "event.source",
type: "string",
description: 'Source of change. Will be either "user" or "api".'
name: "event.htmlValue",
type: "string",
description: "Current value as html."
name: "event.textValue",
type: "string",
description: "Current value as text."
name: "event.instance",
type: "object",
description: "Text editor instance."
@ -53,6 +53,11 @@ const FileUploadProps = [
default: '"{0}: Invalid file size, file size should be smaller than {1}."',
description: "Message of the invalid fize size."
name: "invalidFileTypeMessage",
type: "string",
default: '"{0}: Invalid file type, allowed file types: "{1}."'
name: "invalidFileLimitMessage",
type: "string",
@ -114,31 +119,13 @@ const FileUploadProps = [
description: "Whether to cancel the upload button."
name: "chooseIcon",
type: "string",
default: "pi pi-plus",
description: "Icon of the choose button."
name: "uploadIcon",
type: "string",
default: "pi pi-upload",
description: "Icon of the upload button."
name: "cancelIcon",
type: "string",
default: "pi pi-times",
description: "Icon of the cancel button."
name: "style",
name: "buttonStyle",
type: "any",
default: "null",
description: "Inline style of the component."
name: "class",
name: "buttonClass",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Style class of the component."
@ -256,22 +243,6 @@ const FileUploadEvents = [
description: "List of selected files."
name: "remove",
description: "Callback to invoke when a singe file is removed from the list.",
arguments: [
name: "event.file",
type: "object",
description: "Removed file."
name: "event.files",
type: "object",
description: "Remaining files to be uploaded."
@ -133,13 +133,13 @@ const GalleriaProps = [
name: "containerStyle",
type: "any",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Inline style of the component on fullscreen mode. Otherwise, the 'style' property can be used."
name: "containerClass",
type: "any",
name: "galleriaClass",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Style class of the component on fullscreen mode. Otherwise, the 'class' property can be used."
@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
const ImageProps = [
name: "preview",
type: "boolean",
default: "false",
description: "Controls the preview functionality."
const ImageEvents = [
name: "show",
description: "Triggered when the preview overlay is shown."
name: "hide",
description: "Triggered when the preview overlay is hidden."
name: "error",
description: "Triggered when an error occurs while loading an image file."
const ImageSlots = [
name: "indicator",
description: "Custom content for the preview indicator"
module.exports = {
image: {
name: "Image",
description: "Displays an image with preview and tranformation options.",
props: ImageProps,
events: ImageEvents,
slots: ImageSlots
@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
const ImagePreviewProps = [
name: "preview",
type: "boolean",
default: "false",
description: "Controls the preview functionality."
name: "imageStyle",
type: "any",
default: "null",
description: "Inline style of the image element."
name: "imageClass",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Style class of the image element."
name: "className",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Style class of the element."
name: "styles",
type: "any",
default: "null",
description: "Inline style of the element."
const ImagePreviewEvents = [
name: "show",
description: "Triggered when the preview overlay is shown."
name: "hide",
description: "Triggered when the preview overlay is hidden."
const ImagePreviewSlots = [
name: "indicator",
description: "Custom content for the preview indicator"
module.exports = {
imagepreview: {
name: "ImagePreview",
description: "Displays an image with preview and tranformation options.",
props: ImagePreviewProps,
events: ImagePreviewEvents,
slots: ImagePreviewSlots
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ const InlineMessageProps = [
name: "severity",
type: "string",
default: "error",
default: "info",
description: 'Severity level of the message. Valid severities are "success", "info", "warn" and "error".'
@ -10,12 +10,6 @@ const InplaceProps = [
type: "boolean",
default: "false",
description: "Displays a button to switch back to display mode."
name: "diabled",
type: "boolean",
default: "false",
description: "When present, it specifies that the element should be disabled."
@ -1,10 +1,4 @@
const InputMaskProps = [
name: "modelValue",
type: "any",
default: "null",
description: "Value of the component."
name: "mask",
type: "string",
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
const InputNumberProps = [
name: "modelValue",
name: "value",
type: "number",
default: "null",
description: "Value of the component."
@ -125,30 +125,6 @@ const InputNumberProps = [
default: "1",
description: "Step factor to increment/decrement the value."
name: "allowEmpty",
type: "boolean",
default: "true",
description: "Determines whether the input field is empty."
name: "readonly",
type: "boolean",
default: "false",
description: "When present, it specifies that an input field is read-only."
name: "placeholder",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Placeholder text for the input."
name: "inputId",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Identifier of the underlying input element."
name: "inputStyle",
type: "any",
@ -160,24 +136,6 @@ const InputNumberProps = [
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Style class of the input field."
name: "inputProps",
type: "object",
default: "null",
description: "Uses to pass all properties of the HTMLInputElement to the focusable input element inside the component."
name: "incrementButtonProps",
type: "object",
default: "null",
description: "Uses to pass all properties of the HTMLButtonElement to increment button inside the component."
name: "decrementButtonProps",
type: "object",
default: "null",
description: "Uses to pass all properties of the HTMLButtonElement to decrement button inside the component."
@ -197,33 +155,6 @@ const InputNumberEvents = [
description: "New value"
name: "focus",
description: "Callback to invoke on focus of input field.",
arguments: [
name: "event",
type: "object",
description: "Focus event"
name: "blur",
description: "Callback to invoke on blur of input field.",
arguments: [
name: "event.originalEvent",
type: "object",
description: "Browser event"
name: "event.value",
type: "string",
description: "Input value"
@ -1,60 +1,103 @@
const InputSwitchProps = [
name: "modelValue",
name: "value",
type: "boolean",
default: "null",
description: "Specifies whether a inputswitch should be checked or not."
name: "inputId",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Identifier of the input element."
name: "name",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Name of the input element."
name: "disabled",
type: "boolean",
default: "false",
description: "When present, it specifies that the component should be disabled."
name: "ariaLabelledBy",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Establishes relationships between the component and label(s) where its value should be one or more element IDs."
name: "trueValue",
type: "any",
default: "null",
default: "true",
description: "Value in checked state."
name: "falseValue",
type: "any",
default: "null",
default: "true",
description: "Value in unchecked state."
name: "inputId",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Identifier of the underlying input element."
name: "inputStyle",
type: "any",
default: "null",
description: "Inline style of the input field."
name: "inputClass",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Style class of the input field."
name: "inputProps",
type: "object",
default: "null",
description: "Uses to pass all properties of the HTMLInputElement to the focusable input element inside the component."
const InputSwitchEvents = [
name: "click",
description: "Callback to invoke on click."
name: "change",
description: "Callback to invoke on value change."
description: "Callback to invoke on value change.",
arguments: [
name: "event",
type: "object",
description: "Browser event"
name: "input",
description: "Callback to invoke on value change."
description: "Checked state as a boolean.",
arguments: [
name: "event",
type: "object",
description: "New value"
name: "click",
description: "Callback to invoke click.",
arguments: [
name: "event",
type: "object",
description: "Browser event"
name: "focus",
description: "Callback to invoke on focus.",
arguments: [
name: "event",
type: "object",
description: "Browser event"
name: "blur",
description: "Callback to invoke on blur.",
arguments: [
name: "event",
type: "object",
description: "Browser event"
@ -1,16 +1,6 @@
const InputTextProps = [
name: "modelValue",
type: "any",
default: "null",
description: "Value of the component."
module.exports = {
inputtext: {
name: "InputText",
description: "InputText renders a text field to enter data.",
props: InputTextProps
description: "InputText renders a text field to enter data."
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
const KnobProps = [
name: "modelValue",
name: "value",
type: "number",
default: "null",
description: "Value of the component."
@ -76,24 +76,6 @@ const KnobProps = [
type: "string",
default: "{value}",
description: "Template string of the value."
name: "tabindex",
type: "number",
default: "null",
description: "Index of the element in tabbing order."
name: "aria-labelledby",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Establishes relationships between the component and label(s) where its value should be one or more element IDs."
name: "aria-label",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Used to define a string that labels the element."
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
const ListboxProps = [
name: "modelValue",
name: "value",
type: "any",
default: "null",
description: "Value of the component."
@ -25,22 +25,10 @@ const ListboxProps = [
name: "optionDisabled",
type: "boolean | function",
type: "string | function",
default: "null",
description: "Property name or getter function to use as the disabled flag of an option, defaults to false when not defined."
name: "optionGroupLabel",
type: "string | function",
default: "null",
description: "Property name or getter function to use as the label of an option group."
name: "optionGroupChildren",
type: "string | function",
default: "null",
description: "Property name or getter function that refers to the children options of option group."
name: "listStyle",
type: "string",
@ -89,83 +77,11 @@ const ListboxProps = [
default: "undefined",
description: "Locale to use in filtering. The default locale is the host environment's current locale."
name: "filterMatchMode",
type: "string",
default: "contains",
description: 'Defines the filtering algorithm to use when searching the options. Valid values are "contains" (default), "startsWith" and "endsWith"'
name: "filterFields",
type: "array",
default: "null",
description: "Fields used when filtering the options, defaults to optionLabel."
name: "filterInputProps",
type: "object",
default: "null",
description: "Uses to pass all properties of the HTMLInputElement to the filter input inside the component."
name: "virtualScrollerOptions",
type: "object",
default: "null",
description: "Whether to use the virtualScroller feature. The properties of VirtualScroller component can be used like an object in it."
name: "autoOptionFocus",
type: "boolean",
default: "true",
description: "Whether to focus on the first visible or selected element."
name: "filterMessage",
type: "string",
default: "{0} results are available",
description: "Text to be displayed in hidden accessible field when filtering returns any results. Defaults to value from PrimeVue locale configuration."
name: "selectionMessage",
type: "string",
default: "{0} items selected",
description: "Text to be displayed in hidden accessible field when options are selected. Defaults to value from PrimeVue locale configuration."
name: "emptySelectionMessage",
type: "string",
default: "No selected item",
description: "Text to be displayed in hidden accessible field when any option is not selected. Defaults to value from PrimeVue locale configuration."
name: "emptyFilterMessage",
type: "string",
default: "No results found",
description: "Text to display when filtering does not return any results. Defaults to value from PrimeVue locale configuration."
name: "emptyMessage",
type: "string",
default: "No results found",
description: "Text to display when there are no options available. Defaults to value from PrimeVue locale configuration."
name: "tabindex",
type: "number",
default: "0",
description: "Index of the element in tabbing order."
name: "aria-label",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Defines a string value that labels an interactive element."
name: "aria-labelledby",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Identifier of the underlying input element."
@ -186,28 +102,6 @@ const ListboxEvents = [
name: "focus",
description: "Callback to invoke when component receives focus.",
arguments: [
name: "event",
type: "object",
description: "Browser event"
name: "blur",
description: "Callback to invoke when component loses focus.",
arguments: [
name: "event",
type: "object",
description: "Browser event"
name: "filter",
description: "Callback to invoke on filter input.",
@ -223,6 +117,17 @@ const ListboxEvents = [
description: "Filter value"
name: "input",
description: "Callback to invoke on value change.",
arguments: [
name: "value",
type: "any",
description: "New value"
@ -230,34 +135,6 @@ const ListboxSlots = [
name: "option",
description: "Custom content for the item's option"
name: "optiongroup",
description: "Custom content for the item's optiongroup"
name: "header",
description: "Custom content for the component's header"
name: "footer",
description: "Custom content for the component's footer"
name: "emptyfilter",
description: "Custom content when there is no filtered data to display"
name: "empty",
description: "Custom content when there is no data to display"
name: "content",
description: "Custom content for the virtual scroller"
name: "loader",
description: "Custom content for the virtual scroller loader items"
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
const MegaMenuProps = [
name: "modelValue",
name: "value",
type: "array",
default: "null",
description: "An array of menuitems."
@ -27,10 +27,6 @@ const MegaMenuSlots = [
name: "end",
description: "Custom content after the content"
name: "item",
description: "Template of a menuitem."
@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ const MenuProps = [
name: "appendTo",
type: "string",
default: "body",
description: "A valid query selector or an HTMLElement to specify where the overlay gets attached."
default: "null",
description: 'Id of the element or "body" for document where the overlay should be appended to.'
name: "baseZIndex",
@ -37,30 +37,10 @@ const MenuProps = [
const MenuEvents = [
name: "show",
description: "Callback to invoke when the overlay is shown."
name: "hide",
description: "Callback to invoke when the overlay is hidden."
const MenuSlots = [
name: "item",
description: "Template of a menuitem."
module.exports = {
menu: {
name: "Menu",
description: "Menu is a navigation / command component that supports dynamic and static positioning.",
props: MenuProps,
events: MenuEvents,
slots: MenuSlots
props: MenuProps
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
const MenubarProps = [
name: "modelValue",
name: "value",
type: "array",
default: "null",
description: "An array of menuitems."
@ -21,10 +21,6 @@ const MenubarSlots = [
name: "end",
description: "Custom content after the content"
name: "item",
description: "Template of a menuitem."
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
const MultiSelectProps = [
name: "modelValue",
name: "value",
type: "any",
default: "null",
description: "Value of the component."
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ const MultiSelectProps = [
name: "optionLabel",
type: "string",
type: "string | function",
default: "null",
description: "Property name or getter function to use as the label of an option."
@ -25,87 +25,15 @@ const MultiSelectProps = [
name: "optionDisabled",
type: "boolean | function",
type: "string | function",
default: "null",
description: "Property name or getter function to use as the disabled flag of an option, defaults to false when not defined."
name: "optionGroupLabel",
type: "string | function",
default: "null",
description: "Property name or getter function to use as the label of an option group."
name: "optionGroupChildren",
type: "string | function",
default: "null",
description: "Property name or getter function that refers to the children options of option group."
name: "scrollHeight",
type: "string",
default: "200px",
description: "Height of the viewport, a scrollbar is defined if height of list exceeds this value."
name: "placeholder",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Label to display when there are no selections."
name: "disabled",
type: "boolean",
default: "false",
description: "When present, it specifies that the component should be disabled."
name: "inputId",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Identifier of the underlying input element."
name: "inputProps",
type: "object",
default: "null",
description: "Uses to pass all properties of the HTMLInputElement to the focusable input element inside the component."
name: "panelStyle",
type: "object",
default: "null",
description: "Inline style of the overlay panel."
name: "panelClass",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Style class of the overlay panel."
name: "panelProps",
type: "object",
default: "null",
description: "Uses to pass all properties of the HTMLDivElement to the overlay panel."
name: "filterInputProps",
type: "object",
default: "null",
description: "Uses to pass all properties of the HTMLInputElement to the filter input inside the overlay panel."
name: "closeButtonProps",
type: "object",
default: "null",
description: "Uses to pass all properties of the HTMLButtonElement to the close button inside the overlay panel."
name: "dataKey",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "A property to uniquely identify an option."
description: "Height of the viewport in pixels, a scrollbar is defined if height of list exceeds this value."
name: "filter",
@ -126,22 +54,52 @@ const MultiSelectProps = [
description: "Locale to use in filtering. The default locale is the host environment's current locale."
name: "filterMatchMode",
name: "placeholder",
type: "string",
default: "contains",
description: 'Defines the filtering algorithm to use when searching the options. Valid values are "contains" (default), "startsWith" and "endsWith"'
default: "null",
description: "Label to display when there are no selections."
name: "filterFields",
type: "array",
name: "disabled",
type: "boolean",
default: "false",
description: "When present, it specifies that the component should be disabled."
name: "tabindex",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Fields used when filtering the options, defaults to optionLabel."
description: "Index of the element in tabbing order."
name: "inputId",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Identifier of the underlying input element."
name: "dataKey",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "A property to uniquely identify an option."
name: "ariaLabelledBy",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: 'A valid query selector or an HTMLElement to specify where the overlay gets attached. Special keywords are "body" for document body and "self" for the element itself.'
name: "emptyFilterMessage",
type: "string",
default: "No results found",
description: "Text to display when filtering does not return any results. Defaults to value from PrimeVue locale configuration."
name: "appendTo",
type: "string",
default: "body",
description: "A valid query selector or an HTMLElement to specify where the overlay gets attached. Special keywords are 'body' for document body and 'self' for the element itself."
default: "null",
description: 'Id of the element or "body" for document where the overlay should be appended to.'
name: "display",
@ -149,18 +107,6 @@ const MultiSelectProps = [
default: "comma",
description: 'Defines how the selected items are displayed, valid values are "comma" and "chip".'
name: "selectedItemsLabel",
type: "string",
default: "{0} items selected",
description: "Label to display after exceeding max selected labels."
name: "maxSelectedLabels",
type: "number",
default: "null",
description: "Decides how many selected item labels to show at most."
name: "selectionLimit",
type: "number",
@ -170,92 +116,8 @@ const MultiSelectProps = [
name: "showToggleAll",
type: "boolean",
default: "false",
description: "Whether to show the header checkbox to toggle the selection of all items at once."
name: "loading",
type: "boolean",
default: "false",
description: "Whether the multiselect is in loading state."
name: "loadingIcon",
type: "string",
default: "pi pi-spinner pi-spin",
description: "Icon to display in loading state."
name: "selectAll",
type: "boolean",
default: "false",
description: "Whether all data is selected."
name: "resetFilterOnHide",
type: "boolean",
default: "false",
description: "Clears the filter value when hiding the dropdown."
name: "virtualScrollerOptions",
type: "object",
default: "null",
description: "Whether to use the virtualScroller feature. The properties of VirtualScroller component can be used like an object in it."
name: "autoOptionFocus",
type: "boolean",
default: "true",
description: "Whether to focus on the first visible or selected element when the overlay panel is shown."
name: "filterMessage",
type: "string",
default: "{0} results are available",
description: "Text to be displayed in hidden accessible field when filtering returns any results. Defaults to value from PrimeVue locale configuration."
name: "selectionMessage",
type: "string",
default: "{0} items selected",
description: "Text to be displayed in hidden accessible field when options are selected. Defaults to value from PrimeVue locale configuration."
name: "emptySelectionMessage",
type: "string",
default: "No selected item",
description: "Text to be displayed in hidden accessible field when any option is not selected. Defaults to value from PrimeVue locale configuration."
name: "emptyFilterMessage",
type: "string",
default: "No results found",
description: "Text to display when filtering does not return any results. Defaults to value from PrimeVue locale configuration."
name: "emptyMessage",
type: "string",
default: "No results found",
description: "Text to display when there are no options available. Defaults to value from PrimeVue locale configuration."
name: "tabindex",
type: "number",
default: "0",
description: "Index of the element in tabbing order."
name: "aria-label",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Defines a string value that labels an interactive element."
name: "aria-labelledby",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Identifier of the underlying input element."
description: "Whether to show the header checkbox to toggle the selection of all items at once."
@ -276,28 +138,6 @@ const MultiSelectEvents = [
name: "focus",
description: "Callback to invoke when component receives focus.",
arguments: [
name: "event",
type: "object",
description: "Browser event"
name: "blur",
description: "Callback to invoke when component loses focus.",
arguments: [
name: "event",
type: "object",
description: "Browser event"
name: "before-show",
description: "Callback to invoke before the overlay is shown."
@ -331,67 +171,30 @@ const MultiSelectEvents = [
name: "selectall-change",
description: "Callback to invoke when all data is selected.",
name: "input",
description: "Callback to invoke on value change.",
arguments: [
name: "event.originalEvent",
type: "object",
description: "Browser event"
name: "event.checked",
type: "boolean",
description: "Whether all data is selected."
name: "value",
type: "any",
description: "New value"
const MultiSelectSlots = [
name: "value",
description: "Custom content for the item value"
name: "chip",
description: "Custom content for the chip display."
name: "indicator",
description: "Custom content for the dropdown indicator"
name: "header",
description: "Custom content for the component's header"
name: "footer",
description: "Custom content for the component's footer"
name: "option",
description: "Custom content for the item's option"
name: "optiongroup",
description: "Custom content for the item's optiongroup"
name: "value",
description: "Custom content for the item value"
name: "emptyfilter",
description: "Custom content when there is no filtered data to display"
name: "empty",
description: "Custom content when there is no data to display"
name: "content",
description: "Custom content for the virtual scroller"
name: "loader",
description: "Custom content for the virtual scroller loader items"
name: "indicator",
description: "Custom content for the multiselect indicator"
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
const OrderListProps = [
name: "modelValue",
name: "value",
type: "array",
default: "null",
description: "Value of the component."
@ -29,18 +29,6 @@ const OrderListProps = [
default: "null",
description: "Inline style of the the list element."
name: "responsive",
type: "boolean",
default: "true",
description: "Whether the list optimizes layout based on screen size."
name: "breakpoint",
type: "string",
default: "960px",
description: "The breakpoint to define the maximum width boundary when responsiveness is enabled."
name: "stripedRows",
type: "boolean",
@ -71,22 +59,6 @@ const OrderListEvents = [
'Direction of the change; "up", "down", "bottom", "top"'
name: "selection-change",
description: "Callback to invoke when selection changes.",
arguments: [
name: "event.originalEvent",
type: "object",
description: "Browser event"
name: "event.value",
type: "array",
description: "Ordered list"
@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ const OverlayPanelProps = [
name: "appendTo",
type: "string",
default: "body",
description: "A valid query selector or an HTMLElement to specify where the overlay gets attached."
default: "null",
description: 'Id of the element or "body" for document where the overlay should be appended to.'
name: "baseZIndex",
@ -34,31 +34,13 @@ const OverlayPanelProps = [
type: "string",
default: "close",
description: "Aria label of the close icon."
name: "breakpoints",
type: "object",
default: "null",
description: "Object literal to define widths per screen size."
const OverlayPanelEvents = [
name: "show",
description: "Callback to invoke before the overlay is shown."
name: "hide",
description: "Callback to invoke before the overlay is hidden."
module.exports = {
overlaypanel: {
name: "OverlayPanel",
description: "OverlayPanel is a container component positioned as connected to its target.",
props: OverlayPanelProps,
events: OverlayPanelEvents
props: OverlayPanelProps
@ -80,11 +80,11 @@ const PaginatorEvents = [
const PaginatorSlots = [
name: "left",
name: "start",
description: "Custom content for the component's left side"
name: "right",
name: "end",
description: "Custom content for the component's right side"
@ -5,12 +5,6 @@ const PanelMenuProps = [
default: "null",
description: "An array of menuitems."
name: "expandedKeys",
type: "object",
default: "null",
description: "A map of keys to represent the expansion state in controlled mode."
name: "exact",
type: "boolean",
@ -19,18 +13,10 @@ const PanelMenuProps = [
const PanelMenuSlots = [
name: "item",
description: "Template of a menuitem."
module.exports = {
panelmenu: {
name: "PanelMenu",
description: "PanelMenu is a hybrid of Accordion and Tree components",
props: PanelMenuProps,
slots: PanelMenuSlots
props: PanelMenuProps
@ -1,16 +1,10 @@
const PasswordProps = [
name: "modelValue",
name: "value",
type: "any",
default: "null",
description: "Value of the component."
name: "inputId",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Identifier of the underlying input element."
name: "promptLabel",
type: "string",
@ -62,8 +56,20 @@ const PasswordProps = [
name: "appendTo",
type: "string",
default: "body",
description: 'A valid query selector or an HTMLElement to specify where the overlay gets attached. Special keywords are "body" for document body and "self" for the element itself.'
default: "null",
description: 'Id of the element or "body" for document where the overlay should be appended to.'
name: "inputStyle",
type: "any",
default: "null",
description: "Inline style of the input field."
name: "inputClass",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Style class of the input field."
name: "hideIcon",
@ -76,60 +82,6 @@ const PasswordProps = [
type: "string",
default: "pi pi-eye",
description: "Icon to show displaying the password as plain text."
name: "placeholder",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Placeholder text for the input."
name: "inputId",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Identifier of the underlying input element."
name: "inputStyle",
type: "any",
default: "null",
description: "Inline style of the input field."
name: "inputClass",
type: "any",
default: "null",
description: "Style class of the input field."
name: "inputProps",
type: "object",
default: "null",
description: "Uses to pass all properties of the HTMLInputElement to the focusable input element inside the component."
name: "panelId",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Identifier of the underlying overlay panel element."
name: "panelClass",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Style class of the overlay panel."
name: "panelStyle",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Inline style of the overlay panel."
name: "panelProps",
type: "object",
default: "null",
description: "Uses to pass all properties of the HTMLDivElement to the overlay panel inside the component."
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
const PickListProps = [
name: "modelValue",
name: "value",
type: "array",
default: "null",
description: "Value of the component as a multidimensional array."
@ -29,35 +29,11 @@ const PickListProps = [
default: "null",
description: "Inline style of the the list element."
name: "responsive",
type: "boolean",
default: "true",
description: "Whether the list optimizes layout based on screen size."
name: "breakpoint",
type: "string",
default: "960px",
description: "The breakpoint to define the maximum width boundary when responsiveness is enabled."
name: "stripedRows",
type: "boolean",
default: "false",
description: "Whether to displays rows with alternating colors."
name: "showSourceControls",
type: "boolean",
default: "true",
description: "Whether to show buttons of source list."
name: "showTargetControls",
type: "boolean",
default: "true",
description: "Whether to show buttons of target list."
@ -151,22 +127,6 @@ const PickListEvents = [
description: "Moved items"
name: "selection-change",
description: "Callback to invoke when one or more items are moved to the other list.",
arguments: [
name: "event.originalEvent",
type: "object",
description: "Browser event"
name: "event.value",
type: "array",
description: "Selected items"
@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
const PortalProps = [
name: "appendTo",
type: "string",
default: "body",
description: 'A valid query selector or an HTMLElement to specify where the dialog gets attached. Special keywords are "body" for document body and "self" for the element itself.'
name: "disabled",
type: "boolean",
default: "false",
description: "If disabled, the Portal feature is eliminated and the content is displayed directly."
const PortalEvents = [];
const PortalSlots = [];
module.exports = {
portal: {
name: "Portal",
description: "Portal moves its container to a specific location based on target elements. Basically it uses <Teleport> in the background.",
props: PortalProps,
events: PortalEvents,
slots: PortalSlots
@ -4,67 +4,13 @@ const RadioButtonProps = [
type: "any",
default: "null",
description: "Value of the checkbox."
name: "modelValue",
type: "any",
default: "null",
description: "Value binding of the checkbox."
name: "name",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Name of the input element."
name: "disabled",
type: "boolean",
default: "false",
description: "When present, it specifies that the element should be disabled."
name: "inputId",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Identifier of the underlying input element."
name: "inputClass",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Style class of the input field."
name: "inputStyle",
type: "any",
default: "null",
description: "Inline style of the input field."
name: "inputProps",
type: "object",
default: "null",
description: "Uses to pass all properties of the HTMLInputElement to the focusable input element inside the component."
name: "aria-labelledby",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Establishes relationships between the component and label(s) where its value should be one or more element IDs."
name: "aria-label",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Used to define a string that labels the element."
const RadioButtonEvents = [
name: "click",
description: "Callback to invoke on radio button click.",
name: "change",
description: "Callback to invoke on value change.",
arguments: [
name: "event",
@ -74,8 +20,41 @@ const RadioButtonEvents = [
name: "change",
description: "Callback to invoke on radio button value change.",
name: "input",
description: "Callback to invoke on value change.",
arguments: [
name: "event",
type: "object",
description: "Value of checkbox"
name: "click",
description: "Callback to invoke click.",
arguments: [
name: "event",
type: "object",
description: "Browser event"
name: "focus",
description: "Callback to invoke on focus.",
arguments: [
name: "event",
type: "object",
description: "Browser event"
name: "blur",
description: "Callback to invoke on blur.",
arguments: [
name: "event",
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
const RatingProps = [
name: "modelValue",
name: "value",
type: "number",
default: "null",
description: "Value of the rating."
@ -47,6 +47,17 @@ const RatingEvents = [
description: "Selected option value"
name: "input",
description: "Callback to invoke on value change.",
arguments: [
name: "value",
type: "number",
description: "New value"
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
const SelectButtonProps = [
name: "modelValue",
name: "value",
type: "any",
default: "null",
description: "Value of the component."
@ -13,19 +13,19 @@ const SelectButtonProps = [
name: "optionLabel",
type: "string",
type: "string | function",
default: "null",
description: "Property name or getter function to use as the label of an option."
name: "optionValue",
type: "string",
type: "string | function",
default: "null",
description: "Property name or getter function to use as the value of an option, defaults to the option itself when not defined."
name: "optionDisabled",
type: "boolean",
type: "string | function",
default: "null",
description: "Property name or getter function to use as the disabled flag of an option, defaults to false when not defined."
@ -48,32 +48,21 @@ const SelectButtonProps = [
description: "A property to uniquely identify an option."
name: "unselectable",
type: "boolean",
default: "true",
description: "Whether selection can be cleared."
name: "aria-labelledby",
name: "ariaLabelledBy",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Identifier of the underlying element."
description: "Establishes relationships between the component and label(s) where its value should be one or more element IDs."
const SelectButtonEvents = [
name: "change",
name: "input",
description: "Callback to invoke on value change.",
arguments: [
name: "event.originalEvent",
name: "event",
type: "object",
description: "Browser event"
name: "event.value",
type: "any",
description: "Single value or an array of values that are selected."
@ -60,19 +60,11 @@ const SidebarEvents = [
const SidebarSlots = [
name: "header",
description: "Custom content for the component header."
module.exports = {
sidebar: {
name: "Sidebar",
description: "Sidebar is a panel component displayed as an overlay at the edges of the screen.",
props: SidebarProps,
events: SidebarEvents,
slots: SidebarSlots
events: SidebarEvents
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
const SliderProps = [
name: "modelValue",
name: "value",
type: "number",
default: "0",
description: "Value of the component."
@ -42,22 +42,10 @@ const SliderProps = [
description: "When present, it specifies that the component should be disabled."
name: "tabindex",
type: "number",
default: "null",
description: "Index of the element in tabbing order."
name: "aria-labelledby",
name: "ariaLabelledBy",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Establishes relationships between the component and label(s) where its value should be one or more element IDs."
name: "aria-label",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Used to define a string that labels the element."
@ -88,6 +76,17 @@ const SliderEvents = [
description: "New value."
name: "input",
description: "Callback to invoke on value change.",
arguments: [
name: "value",
type: "number | any[]",
description: "New value"
@ -90,16 +90,16 @@ const SpeedDialProps = [
description: "Defined to rotate showIcon when hideIcon is not present."
name: "class",
type: "object",
name: "className",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Style class of the element."
name: "style",
name: "styles",
type: "any",
default: "null",
description: "Style class of the element."
description: "Inline style of the element."
name: "tooltipOptions",
@ -150,4 +150,4 @@ module.exports = {
events: SpeedDialEvents,
slots: SpeedDialSlots
@ -32,20 +32,8 @@ const SplitButtonProps = [
name: "appendTo",
type: "string",
default: "body",
description: "A valid query selector or an HTMLElement to specify where the overlay gets attached."
name: "class",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Style class of the component."
name: "style",
type: "any",
default: "null",
description: "Inline of the component."
description: 'Id of the element or "body" for document where the overlay should be appended to.'
@ -25,18 +25,10 @@ const StepsProps = [
const StepsSlots = [
name: "item",
description: "Template of a menuitem."
module.exports = {
steps: {
name: "steps",
description: "Steps components is an indicator for the steps in a wizard workflow.",
props: StepsProps,
slots: StepsSlots
props: StepsProps
@ -5,12 +5,6 @@ const TabMenuProps = [
default: "null",
description: "An array of menuitems."
name: "exact",
type: "boolean",
default: "true",
description: "Defines if active route highlight should match the exact route path."
name: "activeIndex",
type: "number",
@ -19,38 +13,10 @@ const TabMenuProps = [
const TabMenuEvents = [
name: "tab-change",
description: "Callback to invoke when an active tab is changed.",
arguments: [
name: "event.originalEvent",
type: "object",
description: "Original event"
name: "event.index",
type: "number",
description: "Index of the selected tab"
const TabMenuSlots = [
name: "item",
description: "Template of a menuitem."
module.exports = {
tabmenu: {
name: "TabMenu",
description: "TabMenu is a navigation component that displays items as tab headers.",
props: TabMenuProps,
events: TabMenuEvents,
slots: TabMenuSlots
props: TabMenuProps
@ -13,47 +13,11 @@ const TabPanelProps = [
const TabPanelEvents = [
name: "tab-change",
description: "Callback to invoke when an active tab is changed.",
arguments: [
name: "event.originalEvent",
type: "object",
description: "Original event"
name: "event.index",
type: "number",
description: "Index of the selected tab"
name: "tab-click",
description: "Callback to invoke when an active tab is clicked.",
arguments: [
name: "event.originalEvent",
type: "object",
description: "Original event"
name: "event.index",
type: "number",
description: "Index of the selected tab"
module.exports = {
tabpanel: {
name: "TabPanel",
description: "TabView element consists of one or more TabPanel elements.",
"doc-url": "tabview",
props: TabPanelProps,
events: TabPanelEvents
props: TabPanelProps
@ -5,12 +5,6 @@ const TabViewProps = [
default: "0",
description: "Index of the active tab."
name: "lazy",
type: "boolean",
default: "false",
description: "When enabled, hidden tabs are not rendered at all. Defaults to false that hides tabs with css."
name: "scrollable",
type: "boolean",
@ -19,10 +13,46 @@ const TabViewProps = [
const TabViewEvents = [
name: "tab-change",
description: "Callback to invoke when an active tab is changed.",
arguments: [
name: "event.originalEvent",
type: "object",
description: "Original event"
name: "event.index",
type: "number",
description: "Index of the selected tab"
name: "tab-click",
description: "Callback to invoke when an active tab is clicked.",
arguments: [
name: "event.originalEvent",
type: "object",
description: "Original event"
name: "event.index",
type: "number",
description: "Index of the selected tab"
module.exports = {
tabview: {
name: "TabView",
description: "TabView is a container component to group content with tabs.",
props: TabViewProps
props: TabViewProps,
events: TabViewEvents
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
const TextareaProps = [
name: "modelValue",
name: "value",
type: "any",
default: "null",
description: "Value of the component."
@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ const TieredMenuProps = [
name: "appendTo",
type: "string",
default: "body",
description: "A valid query selector or an HTMLElement to specify where the overlay gets attached."
default: "null",
description: 'Id of the element or "body" for document where the overlay should be appended to.'
name: "baseZIndex",
@ -37,18 +37,10 @@ const TieredMenuProps = [
const TieredMenuSlots = [
name: "item",
description: "Template of a menuitem."
module.exports = {
tieredmenu: {
name: "TieredMenu",
description: "TieredMenu displays submenus in nested overlays.",
props: TieredMenuProps,
slots: TieredMenuSlots
props: TieredMenuProps
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ const TimelineProps = [
name: "align",
type: "string",
default: "left",
description: 'Position of the timeline bar relative to the content. Valid values are "left", "right" and "alternate" for vertical layout and "top", "bottom" for horizontal layout.'
description: 'Position of the timeline bar relative to the content. Valid values are "left", "right" for vertical layout and "top", "bottom" for horizontal layout.'
name: "layout",
@ -37,10 +37,6 @@ const TimelineSlots = [
name: "content",
description: "Custom content"
name: "connector",
description: "Connector element"
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ const ToastProps = [
name: "position",
type: "string",
default: "top-right",
description: 'Position of the toast in viewport. Other valid values are "top-left", "top-center", "bottom-left", "bottom-center", "bottom-right" and "center".'
description: 'Position of the toast in viewport. Other valid values are "top-left", "top-center", "bottom-left", "botton-center", "bottom-right" and "center".'
name: "autoZIndex",
@ -27,14 +27,14 @@ const ToastProps = [
name: "breakpoints",
type: "object",
default: "null",
description: "Object literal to define widths per screen size."
description: "Object literal to define styles per screen size."
const ToastSlots = [
name: "message",
description: "Custom content for the toast message"
description: "Custom content for the component."
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
const ToggleButtonProps = [
name: "modelValue",
name: "value",
type: "any",
default: "null",
description: "Value of the component."
@ -36,40 +36,10 @@ const ToggleButtonProps = [
description: 'Position of the icon, valid values are "left" and "right".'
name: "tabindex",
type: "number",
default: "null",
description: "Index of the element in tabbing order."
name: "disabled",
type: "boolean",
default: "false",
description: "When present, it specifies that the element should be disabled."
name: "inputId",
name: "ariaLabelledBy",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Identifier of the focus input to match a label defined for the chips."
name: "inputClass",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Style class of the input field."
name: "inputStyle",
type: "any",
default: "null",
description: "Inline style of the input field."
name: "inputProps",
type: "object",
default: "null",
description: "Uses to pass all properties of the HTMLInputElement to the focusable input element inside the component."
description: "Establishes relationships between the component and label(s) where its value should be one or more element IDs."
@ -85,9 +55,31 @@ const ToggleButtonEvents = [
name: "input",
description: "Callback to invoke on value change.",
arguments: [
name: "event",
type: "object",
description: "Value as the checked state."
name: "click",
description: "Callback to invoke click.",
arguments: [
name: "event",
type: "object",
description: "Browser event"
name: "focus",
description: "Callback to invoke when the component receives focus.",
description: "Callback to invoke on focus.",
arguments: [
name: "event",
@ -98,7 +90,7 @@ const ToggleButtonEvents = [
name: "blur",
description: "Callback to invoke when the component loses focus.",
description: "Callback to invoke on blur.",
arguments: [
name: "event",
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ const TreeProps = [
name: "expandedKeys",
type: "array",
default: "null",
description: "A map of keys to represent the expansion state in controlled mode."
description: "A map of keys to represent the state of the tree expansion state in controlled mode."
name: "selectionMode",
@ -70,12 +70,6 @@ const TreeProps = [
type: "string",
default: "undefined",
description: "Locale to use in filtering. The default locale is the host environment's current locale."
name: "scrollHeight",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: 'Height of the scroll viewport in fixed units or the "flex" keyword for a dynamic size.'
@ -1,211 +0,0 @@
const TreeSelectProps = [
name: "modelValue",
type: "any",
default: "null",
description: "Value of the component."
name: "options",
type: "array",
default: "null",
description: "An array of treenodes."
name: "scrollHeight",
type: "string",
default: "200px",
description: "Height of the viewport, a scrollbar is defined if height of list exceeds this value."
name: "placeholder",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Label to display when there are no selections."
name: "disabled",
type: "boolean",
default: "false",
description: "When present, it specifies that the component should be disabled."
name: "tabindex",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Index of the element in tabbing order."
name: "inputId",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Identifier of the underlying input element."
name: "inputStyle",
type: "any",
default: "null",
description: "Inline style of the input field."
name: "inputClass",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Style class of the input field."
name: "selectionMode",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: 'Defines the selection mode, valid values "single", "multiple", and "checkbox".'
name: "panelClass",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Style class of the overlay panel."
name: "appendTo",
type: "string",
default: "body",
description: 'A valid query selector or an HTMLElement to specify where the overlay gets attached. Special keywords are "body" for document body and "self" for the element itself.'
name: "emptyMessage",
type: "string",
default: "No results found",
description: "Text to display when there are no options available. Defaults to value from PrimeVue locale configuration."
name: "display",
type: "string",
default: "comma",
description: 'Defines how the selected items are displayed, valid values are "comma" and "chip".'
name: "metaKeySelection",
type: "boolean",
default: "true",
description: "Defines how multiple items can be selected, when true metaKey needs to be pressed to select or unselect an item and when set to false selection of each item can be toggled individually. On touch enabled devices, metaKeySelection is turned off automatically."
name: "aria-labelledby",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Establishes relationships between the component and label(s) where its value should be one or more element IDs."
name: "aria-label",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Used to define a string that labels the element."
const TreeSelectEvents = [
name: "change",
description: "Callback to invoke on value change.",
arguments: [
name: "event",
type: "object",
description: "Selected node keys"
name: "before-show",
description: "Callback to invoke before the overlay is shown."
name: "before-hide",
description: "Callback to invoke before the overlay is hidden."
name: "show",
description: "Callback to invoke when the overlay is shown."
name: "hide",
description: "Callback to invoke when the overlay is hidden."
name: "node-select",
description: "Callback to invoke when a node is selected.",
arguments: [
name: "node",
type: "object",
description: "Node instance"
name: "node-unselect",
description: "Callback to invoke when a node is unselected.",
arguments: [
name: "node",
type: "object",
description: "Node instance"
name: "node-expand",
description: "Callback to invoke when a node is expanded.",
arguments: [
name: "node",
type: "object",
description: "Node instance"
name: "node-collapse",
description: "Callback to invoke when a node is collapsed.",
arguments: [
name: "node",
type: "object",
description: "Node instance"
const TreeSelectSlots = [
name: "value",
description: "Custom content for the item's value"
name: "header",
description: "Custom content for the component's header"
name: "footer",
description: "Custom content for the component's footer"
name: "empty",
description: "Custom content when there is no data to display"
name: "indicator",
description: "Custom content for the dropdown indicator"
module.exports = {
treeselect: {
name: "TreeSelect",
description: "TreeSelect is a form component to choose from hierarchical data.",
props: TreeSelectProps,
events: TreeSelectEvents,
slots: TreeSelectSlots
@ -196,30 +196,6 @@ const TreeTableProps = [
type: "boolean",
default: "false",
description: "Whether to show grid lines between cells."
name: "scrollable",
type: "boolean",
default: "false",
description: "When specified, enables horizontal and/or vertical scrolling."
name: "scrollDirection",
type: "string",
default: "vertical",
description: 'Orientation of the scrolling, options are "vertical", "horizontal" and "both".'
name: "scrollHeight",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: 'Height of the scroll viewport in fixed units or the "flex" keyword for a dynamic size.'
name: "responsiveLayout",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: 'Defines the responsive mode, currently only option is scroll.'
@ -1,45 +1,73 @@
const TriStateCheckboxProps = [
name: "modelValue",
name: "value",
type: "boolean",
default: "null",
description: "Value of the component."
name: "disabled",
type: "boolean",
default: "false",
description: "When present, it specifies that the component should be disabled."
name: "tabindex",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Index of the element in tabbing order."
name: "inputId",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Identifier of the underlying input element."
name: "inputProps",
type: "object",
default: "null",
description: "Uses to pass all properties of the HTMLInputElement to the focusable input element inside the component."
name: "aria-labelledby",
name: "ariaLabelledBy",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Establishes relationships between the component and label(s) where its value should be one or more element IDs."
const TriStateCheckboxEvents = [
name: "change",
description: "Callback to invoke on value change.",
arguments: [
name: "event",
type: "object",
description: "Browser event"
name: "aria-label",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Used to define a string that labels the element."
name: "input",
description: "Callback to invoke click.",
arguments: [
name: "event",
type: "object",
description: "Value of checkbox"
name: "click",
description: "Callback to invoke click.",
arguments: [
name: "event",
type: "object",
description: "Browser event"
name: "focus",
description: "Callback to invoke on focus.",
arguments: [
name: "event",
type: "object",
description: "Browser event"
name: "blur",
description: "Callback to invoke on blur.",
arguments: [
name: "event",
type: "object",
description: "Browser event"
@ -47,6 +75,7 @@ module.exports = {
tristatecheckbox: {
name: "TriStateCheckbox",
description: 'TriStateCheckbox is used to select either "true", "false" or "null" as the value.',
props: TriStateCheckboxProps
props: TriStateCheckboxProps,
events: TriStateCheckboxEvents
@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
const VirtualScrollerProps = [
name: "id",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Unique identifier of the element."
name: "style",
type: "any",
default: "null",
description: "Inline style of the component."
name: "class",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Style class of the component."
name: "items",
type: "array",
default: "null",
description: "An array of objects to display."
name: "itemSize",
type: "number|array",
default: "null",
description: "The height/width of item according to orientation."
name: "scrollHeight",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Height of the scroll viewport."
name: "scrollWidth",
type: "string",
default: "null",
description: "Width of the scroll viewport."
name: "orientation",
type: "string",
default: "vertical",
description: "The orientation of scrollbar, valid values are 'vertical', 'horizontal' and 'both'."
name: "numToleratedItems",
type: "number",
default: "null",
description: "Determines how many additional elements to add to the DOM outside of the view. According to the scrolls made up and down, extra items are added in a certain algorithm in the form of multiples of this number. Default value is half the number of items shown in the view."
name: "delay",
type: "number",
default: "0",
description: "Delay in scroll before new data is loaded."
name: "lazy",
type: "boolean",
default: "false",
description: "Defines if data is loaded and interacted with in lazy manner."
name: "disabled",
type: "boolean",
default: "false",
description: "If disabled, the VirtualScroller feature is eliminated and the content is displayed directly."
name: "loaderDisabled",
type: "boolean",
default: "false",
description: "Used to implement a custom loader instead of using the loader feature in the VirtualScroller."
name: "loading",
type: "boolean",
default: "false",
description: "Whether the data is loaded."
name: "showSpacer",
type: "boolean",
default: "true",
description: "Used to implement a custom spacer instead of using the spacer feature in the VirtualScroller."
name: "showLoader",
type: "boolean",
default: "false",
description: "Whether to show loader."
name: "tabindex",
type: "number|string",
default: "0",
description: "Index of the element in tabbing order."
const VirtualScrollerEvents = [
name: "scroll",
description: "Callback to invoke when scroll position changes.",
arguments: [
name: "event",
type: "any",
description: "Browser event."
name: "scroll-index-change",
description: "Callback to invoke when scroll position and item's range in view changes.",
arguments: [
name: "event.first",
type: "number",
description: "First index of the new data range to be loaded."
name: "event.last",
type: "number",
description: "Last index of the new data range to be loaded."
name: "lazy-load",
description: "Callback to invoke in lazy mode to load new data.",
arguments: [
name: "event.first",
type: "number",
description: "First index of the new data range to be loaded."
name: "event.last",
type: "number",
description: "Last index of the new data range to be loaded."
const VirtualScrollerSlots = [
name: "item",
description: "Content for the item"
name: "content",
description: "Custom content for the component"
name: "loader",
description: "Custom content for the loader items"
module.exports = {
virtualscroller: {
name: "VirtualScroller",
description: "VirtualScroller is a performant approach to handle huge data efficiently.",
props: VirtualScrollerProps,
events: VirtualScrollerEvents,
slots: VirtualScrollerSlots
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
module.exports = {
presets: [
@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
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