diff --git a/src/views/fileupload/FileUploadDoc.vue b/src/views/fileupload/FileUploadDoc.vue index 99074bb14..be93c710b 100644 --- a/src/views/fileupload/FileUploadDoc.vue +++ b/src/views/fileupload/FileUploadDoc.vue @@ -60,98 +60,98 @@ import FileUpload from 'primevue/fileupload';
Name | -Type | -Default | -Description | -
Name | +Type | +Default | +Description | +
name | -string | -null | -Name of the request parameter to identify the files at backend. | -
url | -string | -null | -Remote url to upload the files. | -
mode | -string | -advanced | -Defines the UI of the component, possible values are "advanced" and "basic". | -
multiple | -boolean | -false | -Used to select multiple files at once from file dialog. | -
accept | -string | -false | -Pattern to restrict the allowed file types such as "image/*". | -
disabled | -boolean | -false | -Disables the upload functionality. | -
auto | -boolean | -false | -When enabled, upload begins automatically after selection is completed. | -
maxFileSize | -number | -null | -Maximum file size allowed in bytes. | -
invalidFileSizeMessage | -string | -"{0}: Invalid file size, file size should be smaller than {1}." | -Summary message of the invalid fize size. | -
withCredentials | -boolean | -false | -Cross-site Access-Control requests should be made using credentials such as cookies, authorization headers or TLS client certificates. | -
previewWidth | -number | -50 | -Width of the image thumbnail in pixels. | -
chooseLabel | -string | -Choose | -Label of the choose button. | -
uploadLabel | -string | -Upload | -Label of the upload button. | -
cancelLabel | -string | -Cancel | -Label of the cancel button. | -
name | +string | +null | +Name of the request parameter to identify the files at backend. | +
url | +string | +null | +Remote url to upload the files. | +
mode | +string | +advanced | +Defines the UI of the component, possible values are "advanced" and "basic". | +
multiple | +boolean | +false | +Used to select multiple files at once from file dialog. | +
accept | +string | +false | +Pattern to restrict the allowed file types such as "image/*". | +
disabled | +boolean | +false | +Disables the upload functionality. | +
auto | +boolean | +false | +When enabled, upload begins automatically after selection is completed. | +
maxFileSize | +number | +null | +Maximum file size allowed in bytes. | +
invalidFileSizeMessage | +string | +"{0}: Invalid file size, file size should be smaller than {1}." | +Summary message of the invalid fize size. | +
withCredentials | +boolean | +false | +Cross-site Access-Control requests should be made using credentials such as cookies, authorization headers or TLS client certificates. | +
previewWidth | +number | +50 | +Width of the image thumbnail in pixels. | +
chooseLabel | +string | +Choose | +Label of the choose button. | +
uploadLabel | +string | +Upload | +Label of the upload button. | +
cancelLabel | +string | +Cancel | +Label of the cancel button. | +