<template> <DocSectionText v-bind="$attrs"> <p>When <i>range</i> property is present, slider provides two handles to define two values. In range mode, value should be an array instead of a single value.</p> </DocSectionText> <div class="card flex justify-content-center"> <Slider v-model="value" range class="w-14rem" /> </div> <DocSectionCode :code="code" /> </template> <script> export default { data() { return { value: [20, 80], code: { basic: ` <Slider v-model="value" range class="w-14rem" />`, options: ` <template> <div class="card flex justify-content-center"> <Slider v-model="value" range class="w-14rem" /> </div> </template> <script> export default { data() { return { value: [20, 80] } } }; <\/script>`, composition: ` <template> <div class="card flex justify-content-center"> <Slider v-model="value" range class="w-14rem" /> </div> </template> <script setup> import { ref } from 'vue'; const value = ref([20, 80]); <\/script>` } }; } }; </script>