<template> <DocComponent title="Vue ScrollTop Component" header="ScrollTop" description="ScrollTop gets displayed after a certain scroll position and used to navigates to the top of the page quickly." :componentDocs="docs" :apiDocs="['ScrollTop']" :ptTabComponent="ptComponent" :themingDocs="themingDoc" /> </template> <script> import AccessibilityDoc from '@/doc/scrolltop/AccessibilityDoc'; import BasicDoc from '@/doc/scrolltop/BasicDoc'; import ElementDoc from '@/doc/scrolltop/ElementDoc'; import ImportDoc from '@/doc/scrolltop/ImportDoc'; import PTComponent from '@/doc/scrolltop/pt/index.vue'; import ThemingDoc from '@/doc/scrolltop/theming/index.vue'; export default { data() { return { docs: [ { id: 'import', label: 'Import', component: ImportDoc }, { id: 'basic', label: 'Basic', component: BasicDoc }, { id: 'element', label: 'Element', component: ElementDoc }, { id: 'accessibility', label: 'Accessibility', component: AccessibilityDoc } ], ptComponent: PTComponent, themingDoc: ThemingDoc }; } }; </script>