/** * * AnimateOnScroll manages PrimeFlex CSS classes declaratively to during enter/leave animations on scroll or on page load. * * [Live Demo](https://primevue.org/animateonscroll) * * @module animateonscroll */ import { DirectiveBinding, ObjectDirective } from 'vue'; import { DirectiveHooks } from '../basedirective/BaseDirective'; /** * Defines options of AnimateOnScroll. */ export interface AnimateOnScrollOptions { /** * Style class to add when item goes into viewport, use white space as a delimeter to define multiple classes. */ enterClass?: string | undefined; /** * Style class to add when item leaves the viewport, use white space as a delimeter to define multiple classes. */ leaveClass?: string | undefined; /** * Specifies the `root` option of the IntersectionObserver API */ root?: Element | Document | null; /** * Specifies the `rootMargin` option of the IntersectionObserver API */ rootMargin?: string; /** * Specifies the `threshold` option of the IntersectionObserver API */ threshold?: ReadonlyArray<number>; } /** * Custom passthrough(pt) directive options. */ export interface AnimateOnScrollDirectivePassThroughOptions { /** * Used to manage all lifecycle hooks * @see {@link BaseDirective.DirectiveHooks} */ hooks?: DirectiveHooks; } /** * Defines modifiers of AnimateOnScroll. */ export interface AnimateOnScrollDirectiveModifiers { /** * Whether the scroll event listener should be removed after initial run. * @defaultValue true */ once?: boolean | undefined; } /** * Binding of AnimateOnScroll directive. */ export interface AnimateOnScrollDirectiveBinding extends Omit<DirectiveBinding, 'modifiers' | 'value'> { /** * Value of the AnimateOnScroll. */ value?: AnimateOnScrollOptions | undefined; /** * Modifiers of the AnimateOnScroll. * @type {AnimateOnScrollDirectiveModifiers} */ modifiers?: AnimateOnScrollDirectiveModifiers | undefined; } /** * **PrimeVue - AnimateOnScroll** * * _AnimateOnScroll manages PrimeFlex CSS classes declaratively to during enter/leave animations on scroll or on page load._ * * [Live Demo](https://www.primevue.org/animateonscroll/) * --- --- *  * */ declare const AnimateOnScroll: ObjectDirective; export default AnimateOnScroll;