<template> <DocSectionText v-bind="$attrs"> <p> Menubar offers item customization with the <i>item</i> template that receives the menuitem instance from the model as a parameter. Additional slots named <i>start</i> and <i>end</i> are provided to embed content before or after the menu. </p> </DocSectionText> <div class="card"> <Menubar :model="items"> <template #start> <svg width="35" height="40" viewBox="0 0 35 40" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" class="h-8"> <path d="M25.87 18.05L23.16 17.45L25.27 20.46V29.78L32.49 23.76V13.53L29.18 14.73L25.87 18.04V18.05ZM25.27 35.49L29.18 31.58V27.67L25.27 30.98V35.49ZM20.16 17.14H20.03H20.17H20.16ZM30.1 5.19L34.89 4.81L33.08 12.33L24.1 15.67L30.08 5.2L30.1 5.19ZM5.72 14.74L2.41 13.54V23.77L9.63 29.79V20.47L11.74 17.46L9.03 18.06L5.72 14.75V14.74ZM9.63 30.98L5.72 27.67V31.58L9.63 35.49V30.98ZM4.8 5.2L10.78 15.67L1.81 12.33L0 4.81L4.79 5.19L4.8 5.2ZM24.37 21.05V34.59L22.56 37.29L20.46 39.4H14.44L12.34 37.29L10.53 34.59V21.05L12.42 18.23L17.45 26.8L22.48 18.23L24.37 21.05ZM22.85 0L22.57 0.69L17.45 13.08L12.33 0.69L12.05 0H22.85Z" fill="var(--p-primary-color)" /> <path d="M30.69 4.21L24.37 4.81L22.57 0.69L22.86 0H26.48L30.69 4.21ZM23.75 5.67L22.66 3.08L18.05 14.24V17.14H19.7H20.03H20.16H20.2L24.1 15.7L30.11 5.19L23.75 5.67ZM4.21002 4.21L10.53 4.81L12.33 0.69L12.05 0H8.43002L4.22002 4.21H4.21002ZM21.9 17.4L20.6 18.2H14.3L13 17.4L12.4 18.2L12.42 18.23L17.45 26.8L22.48 18.23L22.5 18.2L21.9 17.4ZM4.79002 5.19L10.8 15.7L14.7 17.14H14.74H15.2H16.85V14.24L12.24 3.09L11.15 5.68L4.79002 5.2V5.19Z" fill="var(--p-text-color)" /> </svg> </template> <template #item="{ item, props, hasSubmenu, root }"> <a v-ripple class="flex items-center" v-bind="props.action"> <span>{{ item.label }}</span> <Badge v-if="item.badge" :class="{ 'ml-auto': !root, 'ml-2': root }" :value="item.badge" /> <span v-if="item.shortcut" class="ml-auto border border-surface rounded bg-emphasis text-muted-color text-xs p-1">{{ item.shortcut }}</span> <i v-if="hasSubmenu" :class="['pi pi-angle-down ml-auto', { 'pi-angle-down': root, 'pi-angle-right': !root }]"></i> </a> </template> <template #end> <div class="flex items-center gap-2"> <InputText placeholder="Search" type="text" class="w-36" /> <Avatar image="https://primefaces.org/cdn/primevue/images/avatar/amyelsner.png" shape="circle" /> </div> </template> </Menubar> </div> <DocSectionCode :code="code" /> </template> <script> export default { data() { return { items: [ { label: 'Home', icon: 'pi pi-home' }, { label: 'Projects', icon: 'pi pi-search', badge: 3, items: [ { label: 'Core', icon: 'pi pi-bolt', shortcut: '⌘+S' }, { label: 'Blocks', icon: 'pi pi-server', shortcut: '⌘+B' }, { separator: true }, { label: 'UI Kit', icon: 'pi pi-pencil', shortcut: '⌘+U' } ] } ], code: { basic: ` <Menubar :model="items"> <template #start> <svg width="35" height="40" viewBox="0 0 35 40" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" class="h-8"> <path d="..." fill="var(--p-primary-color)" /> <path d="..." fill="var(--p-text-color)" /> </svg> </template> <template #item="{ item, props, hasSubmenu, root }"> <a v-ripple class="flex items-center" v-bind="props.action"> <span>{{ item.label }}</span> <Badge v-if="item.badge" :class="{ 'ml-auto': !root, 'ml-2': root }" :value="item.badge" /> <span v-if="item.shortcut" class="ml-auto border border-surface rounded bg-emphasis text-muted-color text-xs p-1">{{ item.shortcut }}</span> <i v-if="hasSubmenu" :class="['pi pi-angle-down ml-auto', { 'pi-angle-down': root, 'pi-angle-right': !root }]"></i> </a> </template> <template #end> <div class="flex items-center gap-2"> <InputText placeholder="Search" type="text" class="w-32 sm:w-auto" /> <Avatar image="/images/avatar/amyelsner.png" shape="circle" /> </div> </template> </Menubar> `, options: ` <template> <div class="card"> <Menubar :model="items"> <template #start> <svg width="35" height="40" viewBox="0 0 35 40" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" class="h-8"> <path d="M25.87 18.05L23.16 17.45L25.27 20.46V29.78L32.49 23.76V13.53L29.18 14.73L25.87 18.04V18.05ZM25.27 35.49L29.18 31.58V27.67L25.27 30.98V35.49ZM20.16 17.14H20.03H20.17H20.16ZM30.1 5.19L34.89 4.81L33.08 12.33L24.1 15.67L30.08 5.2L30.1 5.19ZM5.72 14.74L2.41 13.54V23.77L9.63 29.79V20.47L11.74 17.46L9.03 18.06L5.72 14.75V14.74ZM9.63 30.98L5.72 27.67V31.58L9.63 35.49V30.98ZM4.8 5.2L10.78 15.67L1.81 12.33L0 4.81L4.79 5.19L4.8 5.2ZM24.37 21.05V34.59L22.56 37.29L20.46 39.4H14.44L12.34 37.29L10.53 34.59V21.05L12.42 18.23L17.45 26.8L22.48 18.23L24.37 21.05ZM22.85 0L22.57 0.69L17.45 13.08L12.33 0.69L12.05 0H22.85Z" fill="var(--p-primary-color)" /> <path d="M30.69 4.21L24.37 4.81L22.57 0.69L22.86 0H26.48L30.69 4.21ZM23.75 5.67L22.66 3.08L18.05 14.24V17.14H19.7H20.03H20.16H20.2L24.1 15.7L30.11 5.19L23.75 5.67ZM4.21002 4.21L10.53 4.81L12.33 0.69L12.05 0H8.43002L4.22002 4.21H4.21002ZM21.9 17.4L20.6 18.2H14.3L13 17.4L12.4 18.2L12.42 18.23L17.45 26.8L22.48 18.23L22.5 18.2L21.9 17.4ZM4.79002 5.19L10.8 15.7L14.7 17.14H14.74H15.2H16.85V14.24L12.24 3.09L11.15 5.68L4.79002 5.2V5.19Z" fill="var(--p-text-color)" /> </svg> </template> <template #item="{ item, props, hasSubmenu, root }"> <a v-ripple class="flex items-center" v-bind="props.action"> <span>{{ item.label }}</span> <Badge v-if="item.badge" :class="{ 'ml-auto': !root, 'ml-2': root }" :value="item.badge" /> <span v-if="item.shortcut" class="ml-auto border border-surface rounded bg-emphasis text-muted-color text-xs p-1">{{ item.shortcut }}</span> <i v-if="hasSubmenu" :class="['pi pi-angle-down ml-auto', { 'pi-angle-down': root, 'pi-angle-right': !root }]"></i> </a> </template> <template #end> <div class="flex items-center gap-2"> <InputText placeholder="Search" type="text" class="w-32 sm:w-auto" /> <Avatar image="https://primefaces.org/cdn/primevue/images/avatar/amyelsner.png" shape="circle" /> </div> </template> </Menubar> </div> </template> <script> export default { data() { return { items: [ { label: 'Home', icon: 'pi pi-home' }, { label: 'Projects', icon: 'pi pi-search', badge: 3, items: [ { label: 'Core', icon: 'pi pi-bolt', shortcut: '⌘+S' }, { label: 'Blocks', icon: 'pi pi-server', shortcut: '⌘+B' }, { separator: true }, { label: 'UI Kit', icon: 'pi pi-pencil', shortcut: '⌘+U' } ] } ] }; } }; <\/script> `, composition: ` <template> <div class="card"> <Menubar :model="items"> <template #start> <svg width="35" height="40" viewBox="0 0 35 40" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" class="h-8"> <path d="M25.87 18.05L23.16 17.45L25.27 20.46V29.78L32.49 23.76V13.53L29.18 14.73L25.87 18.04V18.05ZM25.27 35.49L29.18 31.58V27.67L25.27 30.98V35.49ZM20.16 17.14H20.03H20.17H20.16ZM30.1 5.19L34.89 4.81L33.08 12.33L24.1 15.67L30.08 5.2L30.1 5.19ZM5.72 14.74L2.41 13.54V23.77L9.63 29.79V20.47L11.74 17.46L9.03 18.06L5.72 14.75V14.74ZM9.63 30.98L5.72 27.67V31.58L9.63 35.49V30.98ZM4.8 5.2L10.78 15.67L1.81 12.33L0 4.81L4.79 5.19L4.8 5.2ZM24.37 21.05V34.59L22.56 37.29L20.46 39.4H14.44L12.34 37.29L10.53 34.59V21.05L12.42 18.23L17.45 26.8L22.48 18.23L24.37 21.05ZM22.85 0L22.57 0.69L17.45 13.08L12.33 0.69L12.05 0H22.85Z" fill="var(--p-primary-color)" /> <path d="M30.69 4.21L24.37 4.81L22.57 0.69L22.86 0H26.48L30.69 4.21ZM23.75 5.67L22.66 3.08L18.05 14.24V17.14H19.7H20.03H20.16H20.2L24.1 15.7L30.11 5.19L23.75 5.67ZM4.21002 4.21L10.53 4.81L12.33 0.69L12.05 0H8.43002L4.22002 4.21H4.21002ZM21.9 17.4L20.6 18.2H14.3L13 17.4L12.4 18.2L12.42 18.23L17.45 26.8L22.48 18.23L22.5 18.2L21.9 17.4ZM4.79002 5.19L10.8 15.7L14.7 17.14H14.74H15.2H16.85V14.24L12.24 3.09L11.15 5.68L4.79002 5.2V5.19Z" fill="var(--p-text-color)" /> </svg> </template> <template #item="{ item, props, hasSubmenu, root }"> <a v-ripple class="flex items-center" v-bind="props.action"> <span>{{ item.label }}</span> <Badge v-if="item.badge" :class="{ 'ml-auto': !root, 'ml-2': root }" :value="item.badge" /> <span v-if="item.shortcut" class="ml-auto border border-surface rounded bg-emphasis text-muted-color text-xs p-1">{{ item.shortcut }}</span> <i v-if="hasSubmenu" :class="['pi pi-angle-down ml-auto', { 'pi-angle-down': root, 'pi-angle-right': !root }]"></i> </a> </template> <template #end> <div class="flex items-center gap-2"> <InputText placeholder="Search" type="text" class="w-32 sm:w-auto" /> <Avatar image="https://primefaces.org/cdn/primevue/images/avatar/amyelsner.png" shape="circle" /> </div> </template> </Menubar> </div> </template> <script setup> import { ref } from "vue"; const items = ref([ { label: 'Home', icon: 'pi pi-home' }, { label: 'Projects', icon: 'pi pi-search', badge: 3, items: [ { label: 'Core', icon: 'pi pi-bolt', shortcut: '⌘+S' }, { label: 'Blocks', icon: 'pi pi-server', shortcut: '⌘+B' }, { separator: true }, { label: 'UI Kit', icon: 'pi pi-pencil', shortcut: '⌘+U' } ] } ]); <\/script> ` } }; } }; </script>