const PanelProps = [
        name: 'header',
        type: 'string',
        default: 'null',
        description: 'Header text of the panel.'
        name: 'toggleable',
        type: 'boolean',
        default: 'null',
        description: 'Defines if content of panel can be expanded and collapsed.'
        name: 'collapsed',
        type: 'boolean',
        default: 'null',
        description: 'Defines the initial state of panel content.'
        name: 'toggleButtonProps',
        type: 'string',
        default: 'null',
        description: 'Used to pass the custom value to read for the anchor inside the component.'
        name: 'pt',
        type: 'any',
        default: 'null',
        description: 'Used to pass attributes to DOM elements inside the component.'
        name: 'unstyled',
        type: 'boolean',
        default: 'false',
        description: 'When enabled, it removes component related styles in the core.'

const PanelEvents = [
        name: 'toggle',
        description: 'Callback to invoke when a tab toggle.',
        arguments: [
                name: 'event.originalEvent',
                type: 'object',
                description: 'Browser event'
                name: 'event.value',
                type: 'boolean',
                description: 'collapsed state as a boolean'

const PanelSlots = [
        name: 'header',
        description: "Custom content for the component's header."
        name: 'icons',
        description: "Custom content for the header's icon."
        name: 'toggleicon',
        description: "Custom content for the component's toggler icon."
        name: 'footer',
        description: "Custom content for the component's footer."

module.exports = {
    panel: {
        name: 'Panel',
        description: 'Panel is a container with the optional content toggle feature.',
        props: PanelProps,
        events: PanelEvents,
        slots: PanelSlots