 * Checkbox is an extension to standard checkbox element with theming.
 * [Live Demo](https://www.primevue.org/checkbox/)
 * @module checkbox
import { VNode } from 'vue';
import { ComponentHooks } from '../basecomponent';
import { PassThroughOptions } from '../passthrough';
import { ClassComponent, GlobalComponentConstructor, PassThrough } from '../ts-helpers';

export declare type CheckboxPassThroughOptionType = CheckboxPassThroughAttributes | ((options: CheckboxPassThroughMethodOptions) => CheckboxPassThroughAttributes | string) | string | null | undefined;

 * Custom passthrough(pt) option method.
export interface CheckboxPassThroughMethodOptions {
     * Defines instance.
    instance: any;
     * Defines valid properties.
    props: CheckboxProps;
     * Defines current inline state.
    state: CheckboxState;
     * Defines current options.
    context: CheckboxContext;
     * Defines valid attributes.
    attrs: any;
     * Defines parent options.
    parent: any;
     * Defines passthrough(pt) options in global config.
    global: object | undefined;

 * Custom passthrough(pt) options.
 * @see {@link CheckboxProps.pt}
export interface CheckboxPassThroughOptions {
     * Used to pass attributes to the root's DOM element.
    root?: CheckboxPassThroughOptionType;
     * Used to pass attributes to the input's DOM element.
    input?: CheckboxPassThroughOptionType;
     * Used to pass attributes to the box's DOM element.
    box?: CheckboxPassThroughOptionType;
     * Used to pass attributes to the icon's DOM element.
    icon?: CheckboxPassThroughOptionType;
     * Used to manage all lifecycle hooks.
     * @see {@link BaseComponent.ComponentHooks}
    hooks?: ComponentHooks;

 * Custom passthrough attributes for each DOM elements
export interface CheckboxPassThroughAttributes {
    [key: string]: any;

 * Defines current inline state in Checkbox component.
export interface CheckboxState {
    [key: string]: any;

 * Defines valid properties in Checkbox component.
export interface CheckboxProps {
     * Value of the checkbox.
    value?: any;
     * Value binding of the checkbox.
    modelValue?: any;
     * Name of the input element.
    name?: string | undefined;
     * Allows to select a boolean value instead of multiple values.
     * @default false
    binary?: boolean;
     * When present, it specifies that the element should be disabled.
     * @default false
    disabled?: boolean | undefined;
     * When present, it specifies that an input field is read-only.
     * @default false
    readonly?: boolean | undefined;
     * When present, it specifies that the element is required.
     * @default false
    required?: boolean | undefined;
     * Index of the element in tabbing order.
    tabindex?: number | undefined;
     * Value in checked state.
     * @default true
    trueValue?: any;
     * Value in unchecked state.
     * @default false
    falseValue?: any;
     * Identifier of the underlying input element.
    inputId?: string | undefined;
     * Style class of the input field.
    inputClass?: object | undefined;
     * Inline style of the input field.
    inputStyle?: string | object | undefined;
     * Establishes relationships between the component and label(s) where its value should be one or more element IDs.
    ariaLabelledby?: string | undefined;
     * Establishes a string value that labels the component.
    ariaLabel?: string | undefined;
     * Used to pass attributes to DOM elements inside the component.
     * @type {CheckboxPassThroughOptions}
    pt?: PassThrough<CheckboxPassThroughOptions>;
     * Used to configure passthrough(pt) options of the component.
     * @type {PassThroughOptions}
    ptOptions?: PassThroughOptions;
     * When enabled, it removes component related styles in the core.
     * @defaultValue false
    unstyled?: boolean;

 * Defines current options in Checkbox component.
export interface CheckboxContext {
     * Current checked state of the item as a boolean.
     * @defaultValue false
    checked: boolean;
     * Current disabled state of the item as a boolean.
     * @defaultValue false
    disabled: boolean;

 * Defines valid slots in Checkbox component.
export interface CheckboxSlots {
     * Custom icon template.
     * @param {Object} scope - icon slot's params.
    icon(scope: {
         * State of the checkbox.
        checked: boolean;
         * Style class of the icon.
        class: string;
    }): VNode[];

 * Defines valid emits in Checkbox component.
export interface CheckboxEmits {
     * Emitted when the value changes.
     * @param {*} value - New value.
    'update:modelValue'(value: any): void;
     * Callback to invoke on value change.
     * @param {Event} event - Browser event.
    change(event: Event): void;
     * Callback to invoke when the component receives focus.
     * @param {Event} event - Browser event.
    focus(event: Event): void;
     * Callback to invoke when the component loses focus.
     * @param {Event} event - Browser event.
    blur(event: Event): void;

 * **PrimeVue - Checkbox**
 * _Accordion groups a collection of contents in tabs._
 * [Live Demo](https://www.primevue.org/checkbox/)
 * --- ---
 * ![PrimeVue](https://primefaces.org/cdn/primevue/images/logo-100.png)
 * @group Component
declare class Checkbox extends ClassComponent<CheckboxProps, CheckboxSlots, CheckboxEmits> {}

declare module '@vue/runtime-core' {
    interface GlobalComponents {
        Checkbox: GlobalComponentConstructor<Checkbox>;

export default Checkbox;