const ColumnProps = [ { name: "columnKey", type: "any", default: "null", description: "Identifier of a column if field property is not defined." }, { name: "field", type: "string", default: "null", description: "Property represented by the column." }, { name: "sortField", type: "string", default: "null", description: "Property name to use in sorting, defaults to field." }, { name: "filterField", type: "string", default: "null", description: "Property name to use in filtering, defaults to field." }, { name: "sortable", type: "any", default: "false", description: "Defines if a column is sortable." }, { name: "header", type: "any", default: "null", description: "Header content of the column." }, { name: "footer", type: "any", default: "null", description: "Footer content of the column." }, { name: "style", type: "object", default: "null", description: "Inline style of header, body and footer cells." }, { name: "class", type: "string", default: "null", description: "Style class of header, body and footer cells." }, { name: "headerStyle", type: "object", default: "null", description: "Inline style of the column header." }, { name: "headerClass", type: "string", default: "null", description: "Style class of the column header." }, { name: "bodyStyle", type: "object", default: "null", description: "Inline style of the column body." }, { name: "bodyClass", type: "string", default: "null", description: "Style class of the column body." }, { name: "footerStyle", type: "object", default: "null", description: "Inline style of the column footer." }, { name: "footerClass", type: "string", default: "null", description: "Style class of the footer body." }, { name: "showFilterMenu", type: "boolean", default: "true", description: "Whether to display the filter overlay." }, { name: "showFilterOperator", type: "boolean", default: "true", description: "When enabled, match all and match any operator selector is displayed." }, { name: "showClearButton", type: "boolean", default: "true", description: "Displays a button to clear the column filtering." }, { name: "showApplyButton", type: "boolean", default: "true", description: "Displays a button to apply the column filtering." }, { name: "showFilterMatchModes", type: "boolean", default: "true", description: "Whether to show the match modes selector." }, { name: "showAddButton", type: "boolean", default: "true", description: "When enabled, a button is displayed to add more rules." }, { name: "filterMatchModeOptions", type: "array", default: "null", description: "An array of label-value pairs to override the global match mode options." }, { name: "maxConstraints", type: "number", default: "2", description: "Maximum number of constraints for a column filter." }, { name: "excludeGlobalFilter", type: "boolean", default: "false", description: "Whether to exclude from global filtering or not." }, { name: "filterHeaderStyle", type: "object", default: "null", description: "Inline style of the column filter header in row filter display." }, { name: "filterHeaderClass", type: "string", default: "null", description: "Style class of the column filter header in row filter display." }, { name: "filterMenuStyle", type: "object", default: "null", description: "Inline style of the column filter overlay." }, { name: "filterMenuClass", type: "string", default: "null", description: "Style class of the column filter overlay." }, { name: "selectionMode", type: "string", default: "null", description: 'Defines column based selection mode, options are "single" and "multiple".' }, { name: "expander", type: "boolean", default: "false", description: "Displays an icon to toggle row expansion." }, { name: "colspan", type: "number", default: "null", description: "Number of columns to span for grouping." }, { name: "rowspan", type: "number", default: "null", description: "Number of rows to span for grouping." }, { name: "rowReorder", type: "boolean", default: "false", description: "Whether this column displays an icon to reorder the rows." }, { name: "rowReorderIcon", type: "string", default: "pi pi-bars", description: "Icon of the drag handle to reorder rows." }, { name: "reorderableColumn", type: "boolean", default: "true", description: "Defines if the column itself can be reordered with dragging." }, { name: "rowEditor", type: "boolean", default: "false", description: "When enabled, column displays row editor controls." }, { name: "frozen", type: "boolean", default: "false", description: "Whether the column is fixed in horizontal scrolling." }, { name: "alignFrozen", type: "string", default: "left", description: "Position of a frozen column, valid values are left and right." }, { name: "exportable", type: "boolean", default: "true", description: "Whether the column is included in data export." }, { name: "hidden", type: "boolean", default: "false", description: "Whether the column is rendered." } ]; const ColumnSlots = [ { name: "header", description: "Custom content for the component's header" }, { name: "body", description: "Custom content for the component's body" }, { name: "footer", description: "Custom content for the component's footer" }, { name: "editor", description: "Custom content for the editing cell" }, { name: "filter", description: "Custom content for the filtering items" }, { name: "filterheader", description: "Custom content for the filter menu's header" }, { name: "filterfooter", description: "Custom content for the filter menu's footer" }, { name: "filterclear", description: "Custom content for the filter menu's clear section" }, { name: "filterapply", description: "Custom content for the filter menu's apply section" } ]; module.exports = { column: { name: "Column", description: "DataTable requires a value as an array of objects and columns defined with Column component.", "doc-url": "datatable", props: ColumnProps, slots: ColumnSlots } };