 * Tooltip directive provides advisory information for a component.
 * [Live Demo](https://primevue.org/tooltip)
 * @module tooltip
import { DirectiveBinding, ObjectDirective } from 'vue';
import { DirectiveHooks } from '../basedirective';

export declare type TooltipDirectivePassThroughOptionType = TooltipDirectivePassThroughAttributes | ((options: TooltipPassThroughMethodOptions) => TooltipDirectivePassThroughAttributes) | null | undefined;

 * Custom passthrough(pt) option method.
export interface TooltipPassThroughMethodOptions {
    context: TooltipContext;

 * Defines options of Tooltip.
export interface TooltipOptions {
     * Text of the tooltip.
    value?: string | undefined;
     * When present, it specifies that the component should be disabled.
     * @defaultValue false
    disabled?: boolean | undefined;
     * When present, it adds a custom id to the tooltip.
    id?: string | undefined;
     * When present, it adds a custom class to the tooltip.
    class?: string | undefined;
     * By default the tooltip contents are not rendered as text. Set to true to support html tags in the content.
     * @defaultValue false
    escape?: boolean | undefined;
     * Automatically adjusts the element position when there is not enough space on the selected position.
     * @defaultValue true
    fitContent?: boolean | undefined;
     * When present, it adds a custom delay to the tooltip's display.
     * @defaultValue 0
    showDelay?: number | undefined;
     * When present, it adds a custom delay to the tooltip's hiding.
     * @defaultValue 0
    hideDelay?: number | undefined;
     * Uses to pass attributes to DOM elements inside the component.
     * @type {TooltipDirectivePassThroughOptions}
    pt?: TooltipDirectivePassThroughOptions;
     * When enabled, it removes component related styles in the core.
     * @defaultValue false
    unstyled?: boolean;

 * Custom passthrough(pt) options.
 * @see {@link TooltipOptions.pt}
export interface TooltipDirectivePassThroughOptions {
     * Uses to pass attributes to the root's DOM element.
    root?: TooltipDirectivePassThroughOptionType;
     * Uses to pass attributes to the text's DOM element.
    text?: TooltipDirectivePassThroughOptionType;
     * Uses to pass attributes to the arrow's DOM element.
    arrow?: TooltipDirectivePassThroughOptionType;
     * Uses to manage all lifecycle hooks
     * @see {@link BaseDirective.DirectiveHooks}
    hooks?: DirectiveHooks;

 * Custom passthrough attributes for each DOM elements
export interface TooltipDirectivePassThroughAttributes {
    [key: string]: any;

 * Defines current options in Tooltip directive.
export interface TooltipContext {
     * Current top position state as a boolean.
    top: boolean;
     * Current right position state as a boolean.
    right: boolean;
     * Current bottom position state as a boolean.
    bottom: boolean;
     * Current left position state as a boolean.
    left: boolean;

 * Defines modifiers of Tooltip.
export interface TooltipDirectiveModifiers {
     * Right position for Tooltip.
     *  @defaultValue true
    right?: boolean | undefined;
     * Left position for Tooltip.
     *  @defaultValue false
    left?: boolean | undefined;
     * Top position for Tooltip.
     *  @defaultValue false
    top?: boolean | undefined;
     * Bottom position for Tooltip.
     *  @defaultValue false
    bottom?: boolean | undefined;
     * Focus event for Tooltip.
     *  @defaultValue true
    focus?: boolean | undefined;

 * Binding of Tooltip directive.
export interface TooltipDirectiveBinding extends Omit<DirectiveBinding, 'modifiers' | 'value'> {
     * Value of the tooltip.
    value?: string | TooltipOptions | undefined;
     * Modifiers of the tooltip.
     * @type {TooltipDirectiveModifiers}
    modifiers?: TooltipDirectiveModifiers | undefined;

 * **PrimeVue - Tooltip**
 * _Tooltip directive provides advisory information for a component._
 * [Live Demo](https://www.primevue.org/tooltip/)
 * --- ---
 * ![PrimeVue](https://primefaces.org/cdn/primevue/images/logo-100.png)
declare const Tooltip: ObjectDirective;

export default Tooltip;