const ContextMenuProps = [ { name: "model", type: "array", default: "null", description: "An array of menuitems." }, { name: "appendTo", type: "string", default: "null", description: 'Id of the element or "body" for document where the overlay should be appended to.' }, { name: "baseZIndex", type: "number", default: "0", description: "Base zIndex value to use in layering." }, { name: "autoZIndex", type: "boolean", default: "true", description: "Whether to automatically manage layering." }, { name: "global", type: "boolean", default: "false", description: "Attaches the menu to document instead of a particular item." }, { name: "exact", type: "boolean", default: "true", description: "Whether to apply 'router-link-active-exact' class if route exactly matches the item path." } ]; module.exports = { contextmenu: { name: "ContextMenu", description: "ContextMenu displays an overlay menu on right click of its target.", props: ContextMenuProps } };