const ToastProps = [ { name: "group", type: "string", default: "null", description: "Unique identifier of a message group." }, { name: "position", type: "string", default: "top-right", description: 'Position of the toast in viewport. Other valid values are "top-left", "top-center", "bottom-left", "botton-center", "bottom-right" and "center".' }, { name: "autoZIndex", type: "boolean", default: "true", description: "Whether to automatically manage layering." }, { name: "baseZIndex", type: "number", default: "0", description: "Base zIndex value to use in layering." }, { name: "breakpoints", type: "object", default: "null", description: "Object literal to define styles per screen size." } ]; const ToastSlots = [ { name: "message", description: "Custom content for the component." } ]; module.exports = { toast: { name: "Toast", description: "Toast is used to display messages in an overlay.", props: ToastProps, slots: ToastSlots } };