const AutoCompleteProps = [ { name: "modelValue", type: "any", default: "null", description: "Value of the component." }, { name: "suggestions", type: "array", default: "null", description: "An array of suggestions to display." }, { name: "field", type: "any", default: "null", description: "Property name or getter function of a suggested object to resolve and display." }, { name: "optionGroupLabel", type: "string", default: "null", description: "Property name or getter function to use as the label of an option group." }, { name: "optionGroupChildren", type: "string", default: "null", description: "Property name or getter function that refers to the children options of option group." }, { name: "scrollHeight", type: "string", default: "200px", description: "Maximum height of the suggestions panel." }, { name: "dropdown", type: "boolean", default: "false", description: "Displays a button next to the input field when enabled." }, { name: "dropdownMode", type: "string", default: "blank", description: 'Specifies the behavior dropdown button. Default "blank" mode sends an empty string and "current" mode sends the input value.' }, { name: "multiple", type: "boolean", default: "false", description: "Specifies if multiple values can be selected." }, { name: "minLength", type: "number", default: "1", description: "Minimum number of characters to initiate a search." }, { name: "completeOnFocus", type: "boolean", default: false, description: "Whether to run a query when input receives focus." }, { name: "delay", type: "number", default: "300", description: "Delay between keystrokes to wait before sending a query." }, { name: "appendTo", type: "string", default: "body", description: 'A valid query selector or an HTMLElement to specify where the overlay gets attached. Special keywords are "body" for document body and "self" for the element itself.' }, { name: "inputStyle", type: "any", default: "null", description: "Inline style of the input field." }, { name: "inputClass", type: "string", default: "null", description: "Style class of the input field." }, { name: "forceSelection", type: "boolean", default: "false", description: "When present, autocomplete clears the manual input if it does not match of the suggestions to force only accepting values from the suggestions." }, { name: "panelClass", type: "string", default: "null", description: "Style class of the overlay panel." } ]; const AutoCompleteEvents = [ { name: "complete", description: "Callback to invoke to search for suggestions.", arguments: [ { name: "originalEvent", type: "object", description: "Original event" }, { name: "query", type: "string", description: "Value to search with" } ] }, { name: "item-select", description: "Callback to invoke when a suggestion is selected.", arguments: [ { name: "originalEvent", type: "object", description: "Original event" }, { name: "value", type: "object", description: "Selected item" } ] }, { name: "item-unselect", description: "Callback to invoke when a selected value is removed.", arguments: [ { name: "originalEvent", type: "object", description: "Original event" }, { name: "value", type: "object", description: "Unselected item" } ] }, { name: "dropdown-click", description: "Callback to invoke to when dropdown button is clicked.", arguments: [ { name: "originalEvent", type: "object", description: "Original event" }, { name: "query", type: "string", description: "Current value of the input field" } ] }, { name: "clear", description: "Callback to invoke when input is cleared by the user." } ]; const AutoCompleteSlots = [ { name: "item", description: "Custom content for the item." }, { name: "optiongroup", description: "Custom content for the optiongroup item." }, { name: "header", description: "Custom content for the component header." }, { name: "footer", description: "Custom content for the component footer." }, { name: "chip", description: "Custom content for the chip display." } ]; module.exports = { autocomplete: { name: "AutoComplete", description: "AutoComplete is an input component that provides real-time suggestions when being typed.", props: AutoCompleteProps, events: AutoCompleteEvents, slots: AutoCompleteSlots } };