<template> <DocSectionText v-bind="$attrs"> <p>When lazy loading is enabled via the <i>virtualScrollerOptions</i>, data is fetched on demand during scrolling instead of preload.</p> <p>In sample below, an in-memory list and timeout is used to mimic fetching from a remote datasource. The <i>virtualCars</i> is an empty array that is populated on scroll.</p> </DocSectionText> <DeferredDemo @load="loadDemoData"> <div class="card"> <DataTable :value="virtualCars" scrollable scrollHeight="400px" :virtualScrollerOptions="{ lazy: true, onLazyLoad: loadCarsLazy, itemSize: 46, delay: 200, showLoader: true, loading: lazyLoading, numToleratedItems: 10 }" tableStyle="min-width: 50rem" > <Column field="id" header="Id" style="width: 20%"> <template #loading> <div class="flex align-items-center" :style="{ height: '17px', 'flex-grow': '1', overflow: 'hidden' }"> <Skeleton width="60%" height="1rem" /> </div> </template> </Column> <Column field="vin" header="Vin" style="width: 20%"> <template #loading> <div class="flex align-items-center" :style="{ height: '17px', 'flex-grow': '1', overflow: 'hidden' }"> <Skeleton width="40%" height="1rem" /> </div> </template> </Column> <Column field="year" header="Year" style="width: 20%"> <template #loading> <div class="flex align-items-center" :style="{ height: '17px', 'flex-grow': '1', overflow: 'hidden' }"> <Skeleton width="30%" height="1rem" /> </div> </template> </Column> <Column field="brand" header="Brand" style="width: 20%"> <template #loading> <div class="flex align-items-center" :style="{ height: '17px', 'flex-grow': '1', overflow: 'hidden' }"> <Skeleton width="40%" height="1rem" /> </div> </template> </Column> <Column field="color" header="Color" style="width: 20%"> <template #loading> <div class="flex align-items-center" :style="{ height: '17px', 'flex-grow': '1', overflow: 'hidden' }"> <Skeleton width="60%" height="1rem" /> </div> </template> </Column> </DataTable> </div> </DeferredDemo> <DocSectionCode :code="code" :service="['CarService']" /> </template> <script> import { CarService } from '@/service/CarService'; export default { data() { return { cars: null, virtualCars: Array.from({ length: 100000 }), lazyLoading: false, loadLazyTimeout: null, code: { basic: ` <DataTable :value="virtualCars" scrollable scrollHeight="400px" tableStyle="min-width: 50rem" :virtualScrollerOptions="{ lazy: true, onLazyLoad: loadCarsLazy, itemSize: 46, delay: 200, showLoader: true, loading: lazyLoading, numToleratedItems: 10 }"> <Column field="id" header="Id" style="width: 20%"> <template #loading> <div class="flex align-items-center" :style="{ height: '17px', 'flex-grow': '1', overflow: 'hidden' }"> <Skeleton width="60%" height="1rem" /> </div> </template> </Column> <Column field="vin" header="Vin" style="width: 20%"> <template #loading> <div class="flex align-items-center" :style="{ height: '17px', 'flex-grow': '1', overflow: 'hidden' }"> <Skeleton width="40%" height="1rem" /> </div> </template> </Column> <Column field="year" header="Year" style="width: 20%"> <template #loading> <div class="flex align-items-center" :style="{ height: '17px', 'flex-grow': '1', overflow: 'hidden' }"> <Skeleton width="30%" height="1rem" /> </div> </template> </Column> <Column field="brand" header="Brand" style="width: 20%"> <template #loading> <div class="flex align-items-center" :style="{ height: '17px', 'flex-grow': '1', overflow: 'hidden' }"> <Skeleton width="40%" height="1rem" /> </div> </template> </Column> <Column field="color" header="Color" style="width: 20%"> <template #loading> <div class="flex align-items-center" :style="{ height: '17px', 'flex-grow': '1', overflow: 'hidden' }"> <Skeleton width="60%" height="1rem" /> </div> </template> </Column> </DataTable> `, options: ` <template> <div class="card"> <DataTable :value="virtualCars" scrollable scrollHeight="400px" tableStyle="min-width: 50rem" :virtualScrollerOptions="{ lazy: true, onLazyLoad: loadCarsLazy, itemSize: 46, delay: 200, showLoader: true, loading: lazyLoading, numToleratedItems: 10 }"> <Column field="id" header="Id" style="width: 20%"> <template #loading> <div class="flex align-items-center" :style="{ height: '17px', 'flex-grow': '1', overflow: 'hidden' }"> <Skeleton width="60%" height="1rem" /> </div> </template> </Column> <Column field="vin" header="Vin" style="width: 20%"> <template #loading> <div class="flex align-items-center" :style="{ height: '17px', 'flex-grow': '1', overflow: 'hidden' }"> <Skeleton width="40%" height="1rem" /> </div> </template> </Column> <Column field="year" header="Year" style="width: 20%"> <template #loading> <div class="flex align-items-center" :style="{ height: '17px', 'flex-grow': '1', overflow: 'hidden' }"> <Skeleton width="30%" height="1rem" /> </div> </template> </Column> <Column field="brand" header="Brand" style="width: 20%"> <template #loading> <div class="flex align-items-center" :style="{ height: '17px', 'flex-grow': '1', overflow: 'hidden' }"> <Skeleton width="40%" height="1rem" /> </div> </template> </Column> <Column field="color" header="Color" style="width: 20%"> <template #loading> <div class="flex align-items-center" :style="{ height: '17px', 'flex-grow': '1', overflow: 'hidden' }"> <Skeleton width="60%" height="1rem" /> </div> </template> </Column> </DataTable> </div> </template> <script> import { CarService } from '@/service/CarService'; export default { data() { return { cars: null, virtualCars: Array.from({ length: 100000 }), lazyLoading: false, loadLazyTimeout: null }; }, mounted() { this.cars = Array.from({ length: 100000 }).map((_, i) => CarService.generateCar(i + 1)); }, methods: { loadCarsLazy(event) { !this.lazyLoading && (this.lazyLoading = true); if (this.loadLazyTimeout) { clearTimeout(this.loadLazyTimeout); } //simulate remote connection with a timeout this.loadLazyTimeout = setTimeout(() => { let _virtualCars = [...this.virtualCars]; let { first, last } = event; //load data of required page const loadedCars = this.cars.slice(first, last); //populate page of virtual cars Array.prototype.splice.apply(_virtualCars, [...[first, last - first], ...loadedCars]); this.virtualCars = _virtualCars; this.lazyLoading = false; }, Math.random() * 1000 + 250); } } }; <\/script> `, composition: ` <template> <div class="card"> <DataTable :value="virtualCars" scrollable scrollHeight="400px" tableStyle="min-width: 50rem" :virtualScrollerOptions="{ lazy: true, onLazyLoad: loadCarsLazy, itemSize: 46, delay: 200, showLoader: true, loading: lazyLoading, numToleratedItems: 10 }"> <Column field="id" header="Id" style="width: 20%"> <template #loading> <div class="flex align-items-center" :style="{ height: '17px', 'flex-grow': '1', overflow: 'hidden' }"> <Skeleton width="60%" height="1rem" /> </div> </template> </Column> <Column field="vin" header="Vin" style="width: 20%"> <template #loading> <div class="flex align-items-center" :style="{ height: '17px', 'flex-grow': '1', overflow: 'hidden' }"> <Skeleton width="40%" height="1rem" /> </div> </template> </Column> <Column field="year" header="Year" style="width: 20%"> <template #loading> <div class="flex align-items-center" :style="{ height: '17px', 'flex-grow': '1', overflow: 'hidden' }"> <Skeleton width="30%" height="1rem" /> </div> </template> </Column> <Column field="brand" header="Brand" style="width: 20%"> <template #loading> <div class="flex align-items-center" :style="{ height: '17px', 'flex-grow': '1', overflow: 'hidden' }"> <Skeleton width="40%" height="1rem" /> </div> </template> </Column> <Column field="color" header="Color" style="width: 20%"> <template #loading> <div class="flex align-items-center" :style="{ height: '17px', 'flex-grow': '1', overflow: 'hidden' }"> <Skeleton width="60%" height="1rem" /> </div> </template> </Column> </DataTable> </div> </template> <script setup> import { ref, onMounted } from 'vue'; import { CarService } from '@/service/CarService'; onMounted(() => { cars.value = Array.from({ length: 100000 }).map((_, i) => CarService.generateCar(i + 1)); }); const cars = ref(); const virtualCars = ref(Array.from({ length: 100000 })); const lazyLoading = ref(false); const loadLazyTimeout = ref(); const loadCarsLazy = (event) => { !lazyLoading.value && (lazyLoading.value = true); if (loadLazyTimeout.value) { clearTimeout(loadLazyTimeout.value); } //simulate remote connection with a timeout loadLazyTimeout.value = setTimeout(() => { let _virtualCars = [...virtualCars.value]; let { first, last } = event; //load data of required page const loadedCars = cars.value.slice(first, last); //populate page of virtual cars Array.prototype.splice.apply(_virtualCars, [...[first, last - first], ...loadedCars]); virtualCars.value = _virtualCars; lazyLoading.value = false; }, Math.random() * 1000 + 250); }; <\/script> `, data: ` { id: 1 vin: tvACo, brand: Norma, color: Black, year: 2002 }` } }; }, methods: { loadDemoData() { this.cars = Array.from({ length: 100000 }).map((_, i) => CarService.generateCar(i + 1)); }, loadCarsLazy(event) { !this.lazyLoading && (this.lazyLoading = true); if (this.loadLazyTimeout) { clearTimeout(this.loadLazyTimeout); } //simulate remote connection with a timeout this.loadLazyTimeout = setTimeout(() => { let _virtualCars = [...this.virtualCars]; let { first, last } = event; //load data of required page const loadedCars = this.cars.slice(first, last); //populate page of virtual cars Array.prototype.splice.apply(_virtualCars, [...[first, last - first], ...loadedCars]); this.virtualCars = _virtualCars; this.lazyLoading = false; }, Math.random() * 1000 + 250); } } }; </script>