/** * * Displays an image with preview and tranformation options. For multiple image, see Galleria. * * [Live Demo](https://www.primevue.org/image/) * * @module imagestyle * */ import type { BaseStyle } from '@primevue/core/base/style'; export enum ImageClasses { /** * Class name of the root element */ root = 'p-image', /** * Class name of the preview mask element */ previewMask = 'p-image-preview-mask', /** * Class name of the preview icon element */ previewIcon = 'p-image-preview-icon', /** * Class name of the mask element */ mask = 'p-image-mask', /** * Class name of the toolbar element */ toolbar = 'p-image-toolbar', /** * Class name of the rotate right button element */ rotateRightButton = 'p-image-rotate-right-button', /** * Class name of the rotate left button element */ rotateLeftButton = 'p-image-rotate-left-button', /** * Class name of the zoom out button element */ zoomOutButton = 'p-image-zoom-out-button', /** * Class name of the zoom in button element */ zoomInButton = 'p-image-zoom-in-button', /** * Class name of the close button element */ closeButton = 'p-image-close-button', /** * Class name of the original element */ original = 'p-image-original' } export interface ImageStyle extends BaseStyle {}