    <DocSectionText id="style" label="Style" v-bind="$attrs">
        <p>Following is the list of structural style classes, for theming classes visit <PrimeVueNuxtLink to="/theming"> theming</PrimeVueNuxtLink> page.</p>
    <div class="doc-tablewrapper">
        <table class="doc-table">
                    <td>Container element.</td>
                    <td>Container element when table is scrollable.</td>
                    <td>Header section.</td>
                    <td>Footer section.</td>
                    <td>Wrapper of table element.</td>
                    <td>Table element.</td>
                    <td>Table thead element.</td>
                    <td>Table tbody element.</td>
                    <td>Table tfoot element.</td>
                    <td>Title of a column.</td>
                    <td>Sortable column header.</td>
                    <td>Frozen column header.</td>
                    <td>Header of a rowgroup.</td>
                    <td>Footer of a rowgroup.</td>
                    <td>Expanded row content.</td>
                    <td>Toggle element for row expansion.</td>
                    <td>Cell containing the empty message.</td>
                    <td>Pencil button of row editor.</td>
                    <td>Save button of row editor.</td>
                    <td>Cancel button of row editor.</td>