<template> <DocSectionText v-bind="$attrs"> <p> Row expansion is controlled with <i>expandedRows</i> property. The column that has the expander element requires <i>expander</i> property to be enabled. Optional <i>rowExpand</i> and <i>rowCollapse</i> events are available as callbacks. </p> <p> Expanded rows can either be an array of row data or when <i>dataKey</i> is present, an object whose keys are strings referring to the identifier of the row data and values are booleans to represent the expansion state e.g. <i>{'1004': true}</i>. The <i>dataKey</i> alternative is more performant for large amounts of data. </p> </DocSectionText> <div class="card"> <DataTable v-model:expandedRows="expandedRows" :value="products" dataKey="id" @rowExpand="onRowExpand" @rowCollapse="onRowCollapse" tableStyle="min-width: 60rem"> <template #header> <div class="flex flex-wrap justify-content-end gap-2"> <Button text icon="pi pi-plus" label="Expand All" @click="expandAll" /> <Button text icon="pi pi-minus" label="Collapse All" @click="collapseAll" /> </div> </template> <Column expander style="width: 5rem" /> <Column field="name" header="Name"></Column> <Column header="Image"> <template #body="slotProps"> <img :src="`https://primefaces.org/cdn/primevue/images/product/${slotProps.data.image}`" :alt="slotProps.data.image" class="shadow-4" width="64" /> </template> </Column> <Column field="price" header="Price"> <template #body="slotProps"> {{ formatCurrency(slotProps.data.price) }} </template> </Column> <Column field="category" header="Category"></Column> <Column field="rating" header="Reviews"> <template #body="slotProps"> <Rating :modelValue="slotProps.data.rating" readonly :cancel="false" /> </template> </Column> <Column header="Status"> <template #body="slotProps"> <Tag :value="slotProps.data.inventoryStatus" :severity="getSeverity(slotProps.data)" /> </template> </Column> <template #expansion="slotProps"> <div class="p-3"> <h5>Orders for {{ slotProps.data.name }}</h5> <DataTable :value="slotProps.data.orders"> <Column field="id" header="Id" sortable></Column> <Column field="customer" header="Customer" sortable></Column> <Column field="date" header="Date" sortable></Column> <Column field="amount" header="Amount" sortable> <template #body="slotProps"> {{ formatCurrency(slotProps.data.amount) }} </template> </Column> <Column field="status" header="Status" sortable> <template #body="slotProps"> <Tag :value="slotProps.data.status.toLowerCase()" :severity="getOrderSeverity(slotProps.data)" /> </template> </Column> <Column headerStyle="width:4rem"> <template #body> <Button icon="pi pi-search" /> </template> </Column> </DataTable> </div> </template> </DataTable> </div> <DocSectionCode :code="code" :service="['ProductService']" /> </template> <script> import { ProductService } from '@/service/ProductService'; export default { data() { return { products: null, expandedRows: [], code: { basic: ` <DataTable v-model:expandedRows="expandedRows" :value="products" dataKey="id" @rowExpand="onRowExpand" @rowCollapse="onRowCollapse" tableStyle="min-width: 60rem"> <template #header> <div class="flex flex-wrap justify-content-end gap-2"> <Button text icon="pi pi-plus" label="Expand All" @click="expandAll" /> <Button text icon="pi pi-minus" label="Collapse All" @click="collapseAll" /> </div> </template> <Column expander style="width: 5rem" /> <Column field="name" header="Name"></Column> <Column header="Image"> <template #body="slotProps"> <img :src="\`https://primefaces.org/cdn/primevue/images/product/\${slotProps.data.image}\`" :alt="slotProps.data.image" class="shadow-4" width="64" /> </template> </Column> <Column field="price" header="Price"> <template #body="slotProps"> {{ formatCurrency(slotProps.data.price) }} </template> </Column> <Column field="category" header="Category"></Column> <Column field="rating" header="Reviews"> <template #body="slotProps"> <Rating :modelValue="slotProps.data.rating" readonly :cancel="false" /> </template> </Column> <Column header="Status"> <template #body="slotProps"> <Tag :value="slotProps.data.inventoryStatus" :severity="getSeverity(slotProps.data)" /> </template> </Column> <template #expansion="slotProps"> <div class="p-3"> <h5>Orders for {{ slotProps.data.name }}</h5> <DataTable :value="slotProps.data.orders"> <Column field="id" header="Id" sortable></Column> <Column field="customer" header="Customer" sortable></Column> <Column field="date" header="Date" sortable></Column> <Column field="amount" header="Amount" sortable> <template #body="slotProps"> {{ formatCurrency(slotProps.data.amount) }} </template> </Column> <Column field="status" header="Status" sortable> <template #body="slotProps"> <Tag :value="slotProps.data.status.toLowerCase()" :severity="getOrderSeverity(slotProps.data)" /> </template> </Column> <Column headerStyle="width:4rem"> <template #body> <Button icon="pi pi-search" /> </template> </Column> </DataTable> </div> </template> </DataTable>`, options: ` <template> <div class="card"> <DataTable v-model:expandedRows="expandedRows" :value="products" dataKey="id" @rowExpand="onRowExpand" @rowCollapse="onRowCollapse" tableStyle="min-width: 60rem"> <template #header> <div class="flex flex-wrap justify-content-end gap-2"> <Button text icon="pi pi-plus" label="Expand All" @click="expandAll" /> <Button text icon="pi pi-minus" label="Collapse All" @click="collapseAll" /> </div> </template> <Column expander style="width: 5rem" /> <Column field="name" header="Name"></Column> <Column header="Image"> <template #body="slotProps"> <img :src="\`https://primefaces.org/cdn/primevue/images/product/\${slotProps.data.image}\`" :alt="slotProps.data.image" class="shadow-4" width="64" /> </template> </Column> <Column field="price" header="Price"> <template #body="slotProps"> {{ formatCurrency(slotProps.data.price) }} </template> </Column> <Column field="category" header="Category"></Column> <Column field="rating" header="Reviews"> <template #body="slotProps"> <Rating :modelValue="slotProps.data.rating" readonly :cancel="false" /> </template> </Column> <Column header="Status"> <template #body="slotProps"> <Tag :value="slotProps.data.inventoryStatus" :severity="getSeverity(slotProps.data)" /> </template> </Column> <template #expansion="slotProps"> <div class="p-3"> <h5>Orders for {{ slotProps.data.name }}</h5> <DataTable :value="slotProps.data.orders" > <Column field="id" header="Id" sortable></Column> <Column field="customer" header="Customer" sortable></Column> <Column field="date" header="Date" sortable></Column> <Column field="amount" header="Amount" sortable> <template #body="slotProps"> {{ formatCurrency(slotProps.data.amount) }} </template> </Column> <Column field="status" header="Status" sortable> <template #body="slotProps"> <Tag :value="slotProps.data.status.toLowerCase()" :severity="getOrderSeverity(slotProps.data)" /> </template> </Column> <Column headerStyle="width:4rem"> <template #body> <Button icon="pi pi-search" /> </template> </Column> </DataTable> </div> </template> </DataTable> <Toast /> </div> </template> <script> import { ProductService } from '@/service/ProductService'; export default { data() { return { products: null, expandedRows: [] }; }, mounted() { ProductService.getProductsWithOrdersSmall().then((data) => (this.products = data)); }, methods: { onRowExpand(event) { this.$toast.add({ severity: 'info', summary: 'Product Expanded', detail: event.data.name, life: 3000 }); }, onRowCollapse(event) { this.$toast.add({ severity: 'success', summary: 'Product Collapsed', detail: event.data.name, life: 3000 }); }, expandAll() { this.expandedRows = this.products.filter((p) => p.id); }, collapseAll() { this.expandedRows = null; }, formatCurrency(value) { return value.toLocaleString('en-US', { style: 'currency', currency: 'USD' }); }, getSeverity(product) { switch (product.inventoryStatus) { case 'INSTOCK': return 'success'; case 'LOWSTOCK': return 'warning'; case 'OUTOFSTOCK': return 'danger'; default: return null; } }, getOrderSeverity(order) { switch (order.status) { case 'DELIVERED': return 'success'; case 'CANCELLED': return 'danger'; case 'PENDING': return 'warning'; case 'RETURNED': return 'info'; default: return null; } } } }; <\/script>`, composition: ` <template> <div class="card"> <DataTable v-model:expandedRows="expandedRows" :value="products" dataKey="id" @rowExpand="onRowExpand" @rowCollapse="onRowCollapse" tableStyle="min-width: 60rem"> <template #header> <div class="flex flex-wrap justify-content-end gap-2"> <Button text icon="pi pi-plus" label="Expand All" @click="expandAll" /> <Button text icon="pi pi-minus" label="Collapse All" @click="collapseAll" /> </div> </template> <Column expander style="width: 5rem" /> <Column field="name" header="Name"></Column> <Column header="Image"> <template #body="slotProps"> <img :src="\`https://primefaces.org/cdn/primevue/images/product/\${slotProps.data.image}\`" :alt="slotProps.data.image" class="shadow-4" width="64" /> </template> </Column> <Column field="price" header="Price"> <template #body="slotProps"> {{ formatCurrency(slotProps.data.price) }} </template> </Column> <Column field="category" header="Category"></Column> <Column field="rating" header="Reviews"> <template #body="slotProps"> <Rating :modelValue="slotProps.data.rating" readonly :cancel="false" /> </template> </Column> <Column header="Status"> <template #body="slotProps"> <Tag :value="slotProps.data.inventoryStatus" :severity="getSeverity(slotProps.data)" /> </template> </Column> <template #expansion="slotProps"> <div class="p-3"> <h5>Orders for {{ slotProps.data.name }}</h5> <DataTable :value="slotProps.data.orders"> <Column field="id" header="Id" sortable></Column> <Column field="customer" header="Customer" sortable></Column> <Column field="date" header="Date" sortable></Column> <Column field="amount" header="Amount" sortable> <template #body="slotProps"> {{ formatCurrency(slotProps.data.amount) }} </template> </Column> <Column field="status" header="Status" sortable> <template #body="slotProps"> <Tag :value="slotProps.data.status.toLowerCase()" :severity="getOrderSeverity(slotProps.data)" /> </template> </Column> <Column headerStyle="width:4rem"> <template #body> <Button icon="pi pi-search" /> </template> </Column> </DataTable> </div> </template> </DataTable> <Toast /> </div> </template> <script setup> import { ref, onMounted } from 'vue'; import { useToast } from 'primevue/usetoast'; import { ProductService } from '@/service/ProductService'; const products = ref(); const expandedRows = ref([]); const toast = useToast(); onMounted(() => { ProductService.getProductsWithOrdersSmall().then((data) => (products.value = data)); }); const onRowExpand = (event) => { toast.add({ severity: 'info', summary: 'Product Expanded', detail: event.data.name, life: 3000 }); }; const onRowCollapse = (event) => { toast.add({ severity: 'success', summary: 'Product Collapsed', detail: event.data.name, life: 3000 }); }; const expandAll = () => { expandedRows.value = products.value.filter((p) => p.id); }; const collapseAll = () => { expandedRows.value = null; }; const formatCurrency = (value) => { return value.toLocaleString('en-US', { style: 'currency', currency: 'USD' }); }; const getSeverity = (product) => { switch (product.inventoryStatus) { case 'INSTOCK': return 'success'; case 'LOWSTOCK': return 'warning'; case 'OUTOFSTOCK': return 'danger'; default: return null; } }; const getOrderSeverity = (order) => { switch (order.status) { case 'DELIVERED': return 'success'; case 'CANCELLED': return 'danger'; case 'PENDING': return 'warning'; case 'RETURNED': return 'info'; default: return null; } }; <\/script>`, data: ` { id: '1000', code: 'f230fh0g3', name: 'Bamboo Watch', description: 'Product Description', image: 'bamboo-watch.jpg', price: 65, category: 'Accessories', quantity: 24, inventoryStatus: 'INSTOCK', rating: 5, orders: [ { id: '1000-0', productCode: 'f230fh0g3', date: '2020-09-13', amount: 65, quantity: 1, customer: 'David James', status: 'PENDING' }, ... ] }, ... ` } }; }, mounted() { ProductService.getProductsWithOrdersSmall().then((data) => (this.products = data)); }, methods: { onRowExpand(event) { this.$toast.add({ severity: 'info', summary: 'Product Expanded', detail: event.data.name, life: 3000 }); }, onRowCollapse(event) { this.$toast.add({ severity: 'success', summary: 'Product Collapsed', detail: event.data.name, life: 3000 }); }, expandAll() { this.expandedRows = this.products.filter((p) => p.id); }, collapseAll() { this.expandedRows = null; }, formatCurrency(value) { return value.toLocaleString('en-US', { style: 'currency', currency: 'USD' }); }, getSeverity(product) { switch (product.inventoryStatus) { case 'INSTOCK': return 'success'; case 'LOWSTOCK': return 'warning'; case 'OUTOFSTOCK': return 'danger'; default: return null; } }, getOrderSeverity(order) { switch (order.status) { case 'DELIVERED': return 'success'; case 'CANCELLED': return 'danger'; case 'PENDING': return 'warning'; case 'RETURNED': return 'info'; default: return null; } } } }; </script>