import { Plugin } from 'vue'; import { AccordionPassThroughOptions } from '../accordion'; import { AccordionContentPassThroughOptions } from '../accordioncontent'; import { AccordionHeaderPassThroughOptions } from '../accordionheader'; import { AccordionPanelPassThroughOptions } from '../accordionpanel'; import { AccordionTabPassThroughOptions } from '../accordiontab'; import { AnimateOnScrollDirectivePassThroughOptions } from '../animateonscroll'; import { AutoCompletePassThroughOptions } from '../autocomplete'; import { AvatarPassThroughOptions } from '../avatar'; import { AvatarGroupPassThroughOptions } from '../avatargroup'; import { BadgePassThroughOptions } from '../badge'; import { BadgeDirectivePassThroughOptions } from '../badgedirective'; import { BlockUIPassThroughOptions } from '../blockui'; import { BreadcrumbPassThroughOptions } from '../breadcrumb'; import { ButtonPassThroughOptions } from '../button'; import { CalendarPassThroughOptions } from '../calendar'; import { CardPassThroughOptions } from '../card'; import { CarouselPassThroughOptions } from '../carousel'; import { CascadeSelectPassThroughOptions } from '../cascadeselect'; import { ChartPassThroughOptions } from '../chart'; import { CheckboxPassThroughOptions } from '../checkbox'; import { ChipPassThroughOptions } from '../chip'; import { ChipsPassThroughOptions } from '../chips'; import { ColorPickerPassThroughOptions } from '../colorpicker'; import { ColumnPassThroughOptions } from '../column'; import { ColumnGroupPassThroughOptions } from '../columngroup'; import { ConfirmDialogPassThroughOptions } from '../confirmdialog'; import { ConfirmPopupPassThroughOptions } from '../confirmpopup'; import { ContextMenuPassThroughOptions } from '../contextmenu'; import { DataTablePassThroughOptions } from '../datatable'; import { DataViewPassThroughOptions } from '../dataview'; import { DatePickerPassThroughOptions } from '../datepicker'; import { DeferredContentPassThroughOptions } from '../deferredcontent'; import { DialogPassThroughOptions } from '../dialog'; import { DividerPassThroughOptions } from '../divider'; import { DockPassThroughOptions } from '../dock'; import { DrawerPassThroughOptions } from '../drawer'; import { DropdownPassThroughOptions } from '../dropdown'; import { EditorPassThroughOptions } from '../editor'; import { FieldsetPassThroughOptions } from '../fieldset'; import { FileUploadPassThroughOptions } from '../fileupload'; import { FocusTrapDirectivePassThroughOptions } from '../focustrap'; import { GalleriaPassThroughOptions } from '../galleria'; import { ImagePassThroughOptions } from '../image'; import { InlineMessagePassThroughOptions } from '../inlinemessage'; import { InplacePassThroughOptions } from '../inplace'; import { InputChipsPassThroughOptions } from '../inputchips'; import { InputMaskPassThroughOptions } from '../inputmask'; import { InputNumberPassThroughOptions } from '../inputnumber'; import { InputSwitchPassThroughOptions } from '../inputswitch'; import { InputTextPassThroughOptions } from '../inputtext'; import { KnobPassThroughOptions } from '../knob'; import { ListboxPassThroughOptions } from '../listbox'; import { MegaMenuPassThroughOptions } from '../megamenu'; import { MenuPassThroughOptions } from '../menu'; import { MenubarPassThroughOptions } from '../menubar'; import { MessagePassThroughOptions } from '../message'; import { MultiSelectPassThroughOptions } from '../multiselect'; import { OrderListPassThroughOptions } from '../orderlist'; import { OrganizationChartPassThroughOptions } from '../organizationchart'; import { OverlayPanelPassThroughOptions } from '../overlaypanel'; import { PaginatorPassThroughOptions } from '../paginator'; import { PanelPassThroughOptions } from '../panel'; import { PanelMenuPassThroughOptions } from '../panelmenu'; import { PassThroughOptions } from '../passthrough'; import { PasswordPassThroughOptions } from '../password'; import { PickListPassThroughOptions } from '../picklist'; import { PopoverPassThroughOptions } from '../popover'; import { ProgressBarPassThroughOptions } from '../progressbar'; import { ProgressSpinnerPassThroughOptions } from '../progressspinner'; import { RadioButtonPassThroughOptions } from '../radiobutton'; import { RatingPassThroughOptions } from '../rating'; import { RippleDirectivePassThroughOptions } from '../ripple'; import { RowPassThroughOptions } from '../row'; import { ScrollPanelPassThroughOptions } from '../scrollpanel'; import { ScrollTopPassThroughOptions } from '../scrolltop'; import { SelectPassThroughOptions } from '../select'; import { SelectButtonPassThroughOptions } from '../selectbutton'; import { SidebarPassThroughOptions } from '../sidebar'; import { SkeletonPassThroughOptions } from '../skeleton'; import { SliderPassThroughOptions } from '../slider'; import { SpeedDialPassThroughOptions } from '../speeddial'; import { SplitButtonPassThroughOptions } from '../splitbutton'; import { SplitterPassThroughOptions } from '../splitter'; import { SplitterPanelPassThroughOptions } from '../splitterpanel'; import { StepsPassThroughOptions } from '../steps'; import { StyleClassDirectivePassThroughOptions } from '../styleclass'; import { TabPassThroughOptions } from '../tab'; import { TabListPassThroughOptions } from '../tablist'; import { TabMenuPassThroughOptions } from '../tabmenu'; import { TabPanelPassThroughOptions } from '../tabpanel'; import { TabPanelsPassThroughOptions } from '../tabpanels'; import { TabsPassThroughOptions } from '../tabs'; import { TabViewPassThroughOptions } from '../tabview'; import { TagPassThroughOptions } from '../tag'; import { TerminalPassThroughOptions } from '../terminal'; import { TextareaPassThroughOptions } from '../textarea'; import { TieredMenuPassThroughOptions } from '../tieredmenu'; import { TimelinePassThroughOptions } from '../timeline'; import { ToastPassThroughOptions } from '../toast'; import { ToggleButtonPassThroughOptions } from '../togglebutton'; import { ToggleSwitchPassThroughOptions } from '../toggleswitch'; import { ToolbarPassThroughOptions } from '../toolbar'; import { TooltipDirectivePassThroughOptions } from '../tooltip'; import { TreePassThroughOptions } from '../tree'; import { TreeSelectPassThroughOptions } from '../treeselect'; import { TreeTablePassThroughOptions } from '../treetable'; import { DefaultPassThrough, PassThrough } from '../ts-helpers'; import { VirtualScrollerPassThroughOptions } from '../virtualscroller'; export interface PrimeVueConfiguration { ripple?: boolean; inputStyle?: 'filled' | 'outlined' | undefined; locale?: PrimeVueLocaleOptions; filterMatchModeOptions?: any; zIndex?: PrimeVueZIndexOptions; theme?: any; unstyled?: boolean; pt?: PassThrough; ptOptions?: PassThroughOptions; csp?: PrimeVueCSPOptions; } export declare const defaultOptions: PrimeVueConfiguration; export interface PrimeVueZIndexOptions { modal?: number; overlay?: number; menu?: number; tooltip?: number; } export interface PrimeVueCSPOptions { nonce?: string; } export interface PrimeVuePTOptions { accordion?: DefaultPassThrough; accordionpanel?: DefaultPassThrough; accordionheader?: DefaultPassThrough; accordioncontent?: DefaultPassThrough; /** * @deprecated since v4. Use the new structure of Accordion instead. */ accordiontab?: DefaultPassThrough; autocomplete?: DefaultPassThrough; avatar?: DefaultPassThrough; avatargroup?: DefaultPassThrough; badge?: DefaultPassThrough; blockui?: DefaultPassThrough; breadcrumb?: DefaultPassThrough; button?: DefaultPassThrough; calendar?: DefaultPassThrough; card?: DefaultPassThrough; carousel?: DefaultPassThrough; cascadeselect?: DefaultPassThrough; chart?: DefaultPassThrough; checkbox?: DefaultPassThrough; chip?: DefaultPassThrough; chips?: DefaultPassThrough; colorpicker?: DefaultPassThrough; column?: DefaultPassThrough; columngroup?: DefaultPassThrough; confirmdialog?: DefaultPassThrough; confirmpopup?: DefaultPassThrough; contextmenu?: DefaultPassThrough; datatable?: DefaultPassThrough; dataview?: DefaultPassThrough; datepicker?: DefaultPassThrough; deferredcontent?: DefaultPassThrough; divider?: DefaultPassThrough; dialog?: DefaultPassThrough; dock?: DefaultPassThrough; drawer?: DefaultPassThrough; dropdown?: DefaultPassThrough; dynamicdialog?: DefaultPassThrough; editor?: DefaultPassThrough; fieldset?: DefaultPassThrough; fileupload?: DefaultPassThrough; galleria?: DefaultPassThrough; image?: DefaultPassThrough; inlinemessage?: DefaultPassThrough; inplace?: DefaultPassThrough; inputchips?: DefaultPassThrough; inputmask?: DefaultPassThrough; inputnumber?: DefaultPassThrough; inputswitch?: DefaultPassThrough; inputtext?: DefaultPassThrough; knob?: DefaultPassThrough; listbox?: DefaultPassThrough; megamenu?: DefaultPassThrough; menu?: DefaultPassThrough; menubar?: DefaultPassThrough; message?: DefaultPassThrough; multiselect?: DefaultPassThrough; orderlist?: DefaultPassThrough; organizationchart?: DefaultPassThrough; overlaypanel?: DefaultPassThrough; paginator?: DefaultPassThrough; panel?: DefaultPassThrough; panelmenu?: DefaultPassThrough; password?: DefaultPassThrough; picklist?: DefaultPassThrough; popover?: DefaultPassThrough; progressbar?: DefaultPassThrough; progressspinner?: DefaultPassThrough; radiobutton?: DefaultPassThrough; rating?: DefaultPassThrough; row?: DefaultPassThrough; scrollpanel?: DefaultPassThrough; scrolltop?: DefaultPassThrough; sidebar?: DefaultPassThrough; skeleton?: DefaultPassThrough; slider?: DefaultPassThrough; speeddial?: DefaultPassThrough; selectbutton?: DefaultPassThrough; select?: DefaultPassThrough; splitbutton?: DefaultPassThrough; splitter?: DefaultPassThrough; splitterpanel?: DefaultPassThrough; steps?: DefaultPassThrough; tabmenu?: DefaultPassThrough; tabs?: DefaultPassThrough; tablist?: DefaultPassThrough; tab?: DefaultPassThrough; tabpanels?: DefaultPassThrough; tabpanel?: DefaultPassThrough; /** * @deprecated since v4. Use tabs instead. */ tabview?: DefaultPassThrough; tag?: DefaultPassThrough; terminal?: DefaultPassThrough; textarea?: DefaultPassThrough; tieredmenu?: DefaultPassThrough; timeline?: DefaultPassThrough; toast?: DefaultPassThrough; togglebutton?: DefaultPassThrough; toggleswitch?: DefaultPassThrough; toolbar?: DefaultPassThrough; tree?: DefaultPassThrough; treeselect?: DefaultPassThrough; treetable?: DefaultPassThrough; virtualscroller?: DefaultPassThrough; directives?: { badge?: BadgeDirectivePassThroughOptions; tooltip?: TooltipDirectivePassThroughOptions; styleclass?: StyleClassDirectivePassThroughOptions; focustrap?: FocusTrapDirectivePassThroughOptions; ripple?: RippleDirectivePassThroughOptions; animate?: AnimateOnScrollDirectivePassThroughOptions; }; global?: { css?: ((options: any) => string | undefined) | string | undefined; }; } export interface PrimeVueLocaleAriaOptions { trueLabel?: string; falseLabel?: string; nullLabel?: string; star?: string; stars?: string; selectAll?: string; unselectAll?: string; close?: string; previous?: string; next?: string; navigation?: string; scrollTop?: string; moveUp?: string; moveTop?: string; moveDown?: string; moveBottom?: string; moveToTarget?: string; moveToSource?: string; moveAllToTarget?: string; moveAllToSource?: string; pageLabel?: string; firstPageLabel?: string; lastPageLabel?: string; nextPageLabel?: string; prevPageLabel?: string; rowsPerPageLabel?: string; jumpToPageDropdownLabel?: string; jumpToPageInputLabel?: string; selectRow?: string; unselectRow?: string; expandRow?: string; collapseRow?: string; showFilterMenu?: string; hideFilterMenu?: string; filterOperator?: string; filterConstraint?: string; editRow?: string; saveEdit?: string; cancelEdit?: string; listView?: string; gridView?: string; slide?: string; slideNumber?: string; zoomImage?: string; zoomIn?: string; zoomOut?: string; rotateRight?: string; rotateLeft?: string; } export interface PrimeVueLocaleOptions { startsWith?: string; contains?: string; notContains?: string; endsWith?: string; equals?: string; notEquals?: string; noFilter?: string; lt?: string; lte?: string; gt?: string; gte?: string; dateIs?: string; dateIsNot?: string; dateBefore?: string; dateAfter?: string; clear?: string; apply?: string; matchAll?: string; matchAny?: string; addRule?: string; removeRule?: string; accept?: string; reject?: string; choose?: string; upload?: string; cancel?: string; completed?: string; pending?: string; fileSizeTypes: string[]; dayNames: string[]; dayNamesShort: string[]; dayNamesMin: string[]; monthNames: string[]; monthNamesShort: string[]; chooseYear?: string; chooseMonth?: string; chooseDate?: string; prevDecade?: string; nextDecade?: string; prevYear?: string; nextYear?: string; prevMonth?: string; nextMonth?: string; prevHour?: string; nextHour?: string; prevMinute?: string; nextMinute?: string; prevSecond?: string; nextSecond?: string; am?: string; pm?: string; today?: string; weekHeader?: string; firstDayOfWeek?: number; showMonthAfterYear?: boolean; dateFormat?: string; weak?: string; medium?: string; strong?: string; passwordPrompt?: string; emptyFilterMessage?: string; searchMessage?: string; selectionMessage?: string; emptySelectionMessage?: string; emptySearchMessage?: string; emptyMessage?: string; aria?: PrimeVueLocaleAriaOptions; } export declare function usePrimeVue(): { config: PrimeVueConfiguration; }; declare const plugin: Plugin; export default plugin; declare module 'vue/types/vue' { interface Vue { $primevue: { config: PrimeVueConfiguration; }; } } declare module '@vue/runtime-core' { interface ComponentCustomProperties { $primevue: { config: PrimeVueConfiguration; }; } }