The plugin extends the default configuration with a new set of utilities whose values are derived from the PrimeVue theme in use. All variants and breakpoints are supported e.g. dark:sm:hover:bg-primary.
Class | Property |
primary-[50-950] | Primary color palette. |
surface-[0-950] | Surface color palette. |
primary | Default primary color. |
primary-contrast | Default primary contrast color. |
primary-emphasis | Default primary emphasis color. |
border-surface | Default primary emphasis color. |
bg-emphasis | Emphasis background e.g. hovered element. |
bg-highlight | Highlight background. |
bg-highlight-emphasis | Highlight background with emphasis. |
rounded-border | Border radius. |
text-color | Text color with emphasis. |
text-color-emphasis | Default primary emphasis color. |
text-muted-color | Secondary text color. |
text-muted-color-emphasis | Secondary text color with emphasis. |