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            PrimeVue is a complete UI suite for Vue.js consisting of a rich set of UI components, icons, blocks, and application templates. The project's primary goal is to boost developer productivity by offering reusable solutions that are easy to
            tune and customize as an in-house library.
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            The project has been created by <a href="https://www.primetek.com.tr">PrimeTek</a> a world-renowned vendor of popular UI Component suites, including <a href="https://primefaces.org">PrimeFaces</a>,
            <a href="https://primeng.org">PrimeNG</a>, and <a href="https://primereact.org">PrimeReact.</a> All the members in <NuxtLink to="/team">our team</NuxtLink> are full time employees of PrimeTek who share the same passion and vision for open
            source to create awesome UI libraries. Depending on a 3rd party library may introduce risks if the library maintainers decide not to work on the project, however, this is not the case with PrimeVue as the track record of PrimeTek shows.
            For example, PrimeFaces has been maintained actively since 2008.