/** * * Message groups a collection of contents in tabs. * * [Live Demo](https://www.primevue.org/message/) * * @module message * */ import { ButtonHTMLAttributes, TransitionProps, VNode } from 'vue'; import { ComponentHooks } from '../basecomponent'; import { PassThroughOptions } from '../passthrough'; import { ClassComponent, GlobalComponentConstructor, PassThrough } from '../ts-helpers'; export declare type MessagePassThroughOptionType<T = any> = MessagePassThroughAttributes | ((options: MessagePassThroughMethodOptions<T>) => MessagePassThroughAttributes | string) | string | null | undefined; export declare type MessagePassThroughTransitionType<T = any> = TransitionProps | ((options: MessagePassThroughMethodOptions<T>) => TransitionProps) | undefined; /** * Custom passthrough(pt) option method. */ export interface MessagePassThroughMethodOptions<T = any> { /** * Defines instance. */ instance: any; /** * Defines valid properties. */ props: MessageProps; /** * Defines current inline state. */ state: MessageState; /** * Defines parent instance. */ parent: T; /** * Defines passthrough(pt) options in global config. */ global: object | undefined; } /** * Custom passthrough(pt) options. * @see {@link MessageProps.pt} */ export interface MessagePassThroughOptions<T = any> { /** * Used to pass attributes to the root's DOM element. */ root?: MessagePassThroughOptionType<T>; /** * Used to pass attributes to the wrapper's DOM element. */ wrapper?: MessagePassThroughOptionType<T>; /** * Used to pass attributes to the icon's DOM element. */ icon?: MessagePassThroughOptionType<T>; /** * Used to pass attributes to the text's DOM element. */ text?: MessagePassThroughOptionType<T>; /** * Used to pass attributes to the button's DOM element. * @deprecated since v3.30.2. Use 'closeButton' option. */ button?: MessagePassThroughOptionType<T>; /** * Used to pass attributes to the button's DOM element. */ closeButton?: MessagePassThroughOptionType<T>; /** * Used to pass attributes to the button icon's DOM element. * @deprecated since v3.30.2. Use 'closeIcon' option. */ buttonIcon?: MessagePassThroughOptionType<T>; /** * Used to pass attributes to the button icon's DOM element. */ closeIcon?: MessagePassThroughOptionType<T>; /** * Used to manage all lifecycle hooks. * @see {@link BaseComponent.ComponentHooks} */ hooks?: ComponentHooks; /** * Used to control Vue Transition API. */ transition?: MessagePassThroughTransitionType<T>; } /** * Custom passthrough attributes for each DOM elements */ export interface MessagePassThroughAttributes { [key: string]: any; } /** * Defines current inline state in Message component. */ export interface MessageState { /** * Current visible state as a boolean. * @defaultValue false */ visible: boolean; } /** * Defines valid properties in Message component. */ export interface MessageProps { /** * Severity level of the message. * @defaultValue info */ severity?: 'success' | 'info' | 'warn' | 'error' | string | undefined; /** * Whether the message can be closed manually using the close icon. * @defaultValue true */ closable?: boolean | undefined; /** * When enabled, message is not removed automatically. * @defaultValue true */ sticky?: boolean | undefined; /** * Delay in milliseconds to close the message automatically. * @defaultValue 3000 */ life?: number | undefined; /** * Display a custom icon for the message. */ icon?: string | undefined; /** * Icon to display in the message close button. * @deprecated since v3.27.0. Use 'closeicon' slot. */ closeIcon?: string | undefined; /** * Used to pass all properties of the HTMLButtonElement to the close button. */ closeButtonProps?: ButtonHTMLAttributes | undefined; /** * Used to pass attributes to DOM elements inside the component. * @type {MessagePassThroughOptions} */ pt?: PassThrough<MessagePassThroughOptions>; /** * Used to configure passthrough(pt) options of the component. * @type {PassThroughOptions} */ ptOptions?: PassThroughOptions; /** * When enabled, it removes component related styles in the core. * @defaultValue false */ unstyled?: boolean; } /** * Defines valid slots in Message slots. */ export interface MessageSlots { /** * Default custom slot. */ default(): VNode[]; /** * Custom message icon template. * @param {Object} scope - messageicon slot's params. */ messageicon(scope: { /** * Style class of the item icon element. */ class: any; }): VNode[]; /** * Custom close icon template. * @param {Object} scope - closeicon slot's params. */ closeicon(scope: { /** * Style class of the item icon element. */ class: any; }): VNode[]; /** * Custom container slot. * @param {Object} scope - container slot's params. */ container(scope: { /** * Close message function. * @deprecated since v3.39.0. Use 'closeCallback' property instead. */ onClose: () => void; /** * Close message function. */ closeCallback: () => void; }): VNode[]; } /** * Defines valid emits in Message component. */ export interface MessageEmits { /** * Callback to invoke when a message is closed. * @param {Event} event - Browser event. */ close(event: Event): void; } /** * **PrimeVue - Message** * * _Messages is used to display inline messages with various severities._ * * [Live Demo](https://www.primevue.org/message/) * --- --- *  * * @group Component * */ declare class Message extends ClassComponent<MessageProps, MessageSlots, MessageEmits> {} declare module '@vue/runtime-core' { interface GlobalComponents { Message: GlobalComponentConstructor<Message>; } } export default Message;