import { VNode } from 'vue'; import { ClassComponent, GlobalComponentConstructor } from '../ts-helpers'; type SelectButtonOptionLabelType = string | ((data: any) => string) | undefined; type SelectButtonOptionValueType = string | ((data: any) => any) | undefined; type SelectButtonOptionDisabledType = string | ((data: any) => boolean) | undefined; export interface SelectButtonChangeEvent { /** * Browser event. */ originalEvent: Event; /** * Single value or an array of values that are selected. */ value: any; } export interface SelectButtonProps { /** * Value of the component. */ modelValue?: any; /** * An array of selectitems to display as the available options. */ options?: any[] | undefined; /** * Property name or getter function to use as the label of an option. */ optionLabel?: SelectButtonOptionLabelType; /** * Property name or getter function to use as the value of an option, defaults to the option itself when not defined. */ optionValue?: SelectButtonOptionValueType; /** * Property name or getter function to use as the disabled flag of an option, defaults to false when not defined. */ optionDisabled?: SelectButtonOptionDisabledType; /** * When specified, allows selecting multiple values. */ multiple?: boolean | undefined; /** * When present, it specifies that the element should be disabled. */ disabled?: boolean | undefined; /** * A property to uniquely identify an option. */ dataKey?: string | undefined; /** * Whether selection can be cleared. */ unselectable?: boolean | undefined; /** * Identifier of the underlying element. */ 'aria-labelledby'?: string | undefined; } export interface SelectButtonSlots { /** * Custom content for each option. * @param {Object} scope - option slot's params. */ option: (scope: { /** * Option instance */ option: any; /** * Index of the option */ index: number; }) => VNode[]; } export declare type SelectButtonEmits = { /** * Emitted when the value changes. * @param {*} value - New value. */ 'update:modelValue': (value: any) => void; /** * Callback to invoke on value change. * @param {SelectButtonChangeEvent} event - Custom change event. */ change: (event: SelectButtonChangeEvent) => void; /** * Callback to invoke on focus. * @param {SelectButtonChangeEvent} event - Browser event. */ focus: (event: Event) => void; /** * Callback to invoke on blur. * @param {Event} event - Browser event. */ blur: (event: Event) => void; }; declare class SelectButton extends ClassComponent<SelectButtonProps, SelectButtonSlots, SelectButtonEmits> {} declare module '@vue/runtime-core' { interface GlobalComponents { SelectButton: GlobalComponentConstructor<SelectButton>; } } /** * * SelectButton is a form component to choose a value from a list of options using button elements. * * Demos: * * - [SelectButton]( * */ export default SelectButton;