import { CanvasHTMLAttributes } from 'vue'; import { ClassComponent, GlobalComponentConstructor } from '../ts-helpers'; export interface ChartSelectEvent { /** * Browser event. */ originalEvent: Event; /** * Selected element. */ element: HTMLElement | any; /** * Selected dataset. */ dataset: any; } export interface ChartProps { /** * Type of the chart. */ type?: string | undefined; /** * Data to display. */ data?: object | undefined; /** * Options to customize the chart. */ options?: object | undefined; /** * Used to custom plugins of the chart. */ plugins?: any; /** * Width of the chart in non-responsive mode. * Default value is 300. */ width?: number | undefined; /** * Height of the chart in non-responsive mode. * Default value is 150. */ height?: number | undefined; /** * Uses to pass all properties of the CanvasHTMLAttributes to canvas element inside the component. */ canvasProps?: CanvasHTMLAttributes | undefined; } export interface ChartSlots {} export declare type ChartEmits = { /** * Callback to invoke when a tab gets expanded. * @param {ChartSelectEvent} event - Custom select event. */ select: (event: ChartSelectEvent) => void; /** * Callback to invoke when chart is loaded. * @param {*} chart - Chart instance. */ loaded: (chart: any) => void; }; declare class Chart extends ClassComponent<ChartProps, ChartSlots, ChartEmits> { /** * Redraws the graph. * * @memberof Chart */ refresh: () => void; /** * Destroys the graph first and then creates it again. * * @memberof Chart */ reinit: () => void; /** * Returns an HTML string of a legend for that chart. The legend is generated from the legendCallback in the options. * * @memberof Chart */ generateLegend: () => string | any; /** * Returns Chart instance. * * @memberof Chart */ getChart: () => any; } declare module '@vue/runtime-core' { interface GlobalComponents { Chart: GlobalComponentConstructor<Chart>; } } /** * * Chart components are based on Charts.js, an open source HTML5 based charting library. * * Helper API; * * - [Chart.js]( * * Demos: * * - [Chart]( * */ export default Chart;